# IMAP4 protocol pure Tcl implementation. # # COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE # # Copyright (C) 2004 Salvatore Sanfilippo . # Copyright (C) 2013 Nicola Hall # Copyright (C) 2013 Magnatune # # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons # to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above # copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of # the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this # permission notice appear in supporting documentation. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT # OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL # INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING # FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder # shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use # or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization # of the copyright holder. # TODO # - Idle mode # - Async mode # - Authentications # - Literals on file mode # - fix OR in search, and implement time-related searches # All the rest... see the RFC # History # 20100623: G. Reithofer, creating tcl package 0.1, adding some todos # option -inline for ::imap4::fetch, in order to return data as a Tcl list # isableto without arguments returns the capability list # implementation of LIST command # 20100709: Adding suppport for SSL connections, namespace variable # use_ssl must be set to 1 and package TLS must be loaded # 20100716: Bug in parsing special leading FLAGS characters in FETCH # command repaired, documentation cleanup. # 20121221: Added basic scope, expunge and logout function # 20130212: Added basic copy function # 20130212: Missing chan parameter added to all imaptotcl* procs -ger package require Tcl 8.5 package provide imap4 0.5.3 namespace eval imap4 { variable debugmode 0 ;# inside debug mode? usually not. variable folderinfo variable mboxinfo variable msginfo variable info # if set to 1 tls::socket must be loaded variable use_ssl 0 # Debug mode? Don't use it for production! It will print debugging # information to standard output and run a special IMAP debug mode shell # on protocol error. variable debug 0 # Version variable version "2013-02-12" # This is where we take state of all the IMAP connections. # The following arrays are indexed with the connection channel # to access the per-channel information. array set folderinfo {} ;# list of folders. array set mboxinfo {} ;# selected mailbox info. array set msginfo {} ;# messages info. array set info {} ;# general connection state info. # Return the next tag to use in IMAP requests. proc tag {chan} { variable info incr info($chan,curtag) } # Assert that the channel is one of the specified states # by the 'states' list. # otherwise raise an error. proc requirestate {chan states} { variable info if {[lsearch $states $info($chan,state)] == -1} { error "IMAP channel not in one of the following states: '$states' (current state is '$info($chan,state)')" } } # Open a new IMAP connection and initalize the handler. proc open {hostname {port 0}} { variable info variable debug variable use_ssl if {$debug} { puts "I: open $hostname $port (SSL=$use_ssl)" } if {$use_ssl} { if {[info procs ::tls::socket] eq ""} { error "Package TLS must be loaded for secure connections." } if {!$port} { set port 993 } set chan [::tls::socket $hostname $port] } else { if {!$port} { set port 143 } set chan [socket $hostname $port] } fconfigure $chan -encoding binary -translation binary # Intialize the connection state array initinfo $chan # Get the banner processline $chan # Save the banner set info($chan,banner) [lastline $chan] return $chan } # Initialize the info array for a new connection. proc initinfo {chan} { variable info set info($chan,curtag) 0 set info($chan,state) NOAUTH set info($chan,folders) {} set info($chan,capability) {} set info($chan,raise_on_NO) 1 set info($chan,raise_on_BAD) 1 set info($chan,idle) {} set info($chan,lastcode) {} set info($chan,lastline) {} set info($chan,lastrequest) {} } # Destroy an IMAP connection and free the used space. proc cleanup {chan} { variable info variable folderinfo variable mboxinfo variable msginfo ::close $chan array unset folderinfo $chan,* array unset mboxinfo $chan,* array unset msginfo $chan,* array unset info $chan,* return $chan } # STARTTLS # This is a new procc added to runs the STARTTLS command. Use # this when tasked with connecting to an unsecure port which must # be changed to a secure port prior to user login. This feature # is known as STARTTLS. proc starttls {chan} { #puts "Starting TLS" request $chan "STARTTLS" if {[getresponse $chan]} { #puts "error sending STARTTLS" return 1 } #puts "TLS import" set chan [::tls::import $chan -tls1 1] #puts "TLS handshake" set chan [::tls::handshake $chan] return 0 } # Returns the last error code received. proc lastcode {chan} { variable info return $info($chan,lastcode) } # Returns the last line received from the server. proc lastline {chan} { variable info return $info($chan,lastline) } # Process an IMAP response line. # This function trades semplicity in IMAP commands # implementation with monolitic handling of responses. # However note that the IMAP server can reply to a command # with many different untagged info, so to have the reply # processing centralized makes this simple to handle. # # Returns the line's tag. proc processline {chan} { variable info variable debug variable mboxinfo variable folderinfo set literals {} while {1} { # Read a line if {[gets $chan buf] == -1} { error "IMAP unexpected EOF from server." } append line $buf # Remove the trailing CR at the end of the line, if any. if {[string index $line end] eq "\r"} { set line [string range $line 0 end-1] } # Check if there is a literal to read, and read it if any. if {[regexp {{([0-9]+)}\s+$} $buf => length]} { # puts "Reading $length bytes of literal..." lappend literals [read $chan $length] } else { break } } set info($chan,lastline) $line if {$debug} { puts "S: $line" } # Extract the tag. set idx [string first { } $line] if {$idx <= 0} { protoerror $chan "IMAP: malformed response '$line'" } set tag [string range $line 0 [expr {$idx-1}]] set line [string range $line [expr {$idx+1}] end] # If it's just a command continuation response, return. if {$tag eq {+}} {return +} # Extract the error code, if it's a tagged line if {$tag ne "*"} { set idx [string first { } $line] if {$idx <= 0} { protoerror $chan "IMAP: malformed response '$line'" } set code [string range $line 0 [expr {$idx-1}]] set line [string trim [string range $line [expr {$idx+1}] end]] set info($chan,lastcode) $code } # Extract information from the line set dirty 0 switch -glob -- $line { {*\[READ-ONLY\]*} {set mboxinfo($chan,perm) READ-ONLY; incr dirty} {*\[READ-WRITE\]*} {set mboxinfo($chan,perm) READ-WRITE; incr dirty} {*\[TRYCREATE\]*} {set mboxinfo($chan,perm) TRYCREATE; incr dirty} {LIST *(*)*} { # regexp not secure enough ... delimiters must be PLAIN SPACES (see RFC) # set res [regexp {LIST (\(.*\))(!?\s)[ ](.*)$} $line => flags delim fname] # p1| p2| p3| # LIST (\Noselect) "/" ~/Mail/foo set p1 [string first "(" $line] set p2 [string first ")" $line [expr {$p1+1}]] set p3 [string first " " $line [expr {$p2+2}]] if {$p1<0||$p2<0||$p3<0} { protoerror $chan "IMAP: Not a valid RFC822 LIST format in '$line'" } set flags [string range $line [expr {$p1+1}] [expr {$p2-1}]] set delim [string range $line [expr {$p2+2}] [expr {$p3-1}]] set fname [string range $line [expr {$p3+1}] end] if {$fname eq ""} { set folderinfo($chan,delim) [string trim $delim "\""] } else { set fflag {} foreach f [split $flags] { lappend fflag $f } lappend folderinfo($chan,names) $fname lappend folderinfo($chan,flags) [list $fname $fflag] if {$delim ne "NIL"} { set folderinfo($chan,delim) [string trim $delim "\""] } } incr dirty } {FLAGS *(*)*} { regexp {.*\((.*)\).*} $line => flags set mboxinfo($chan,flags) $flags incr dirty } {*\[PERMANENTFLAGS *(*)*\]*} { regexp {.*\[PERMANENTFLAGS \((.*)\).*\].*} $line => flags set mboxinfo($chan,permflags) $flags incr dirty } } if {!$dirty && $tag eq {*}} { switch -regexp -nocase -- $line { {^[0-9]+\s+EXISTS} { regexp {^([0-9]+)\s+EXISTS} $line => mboxinfo($chan,exists) incr dirty } {^[0-9]+\s+RECENT} { regexp {^([0-9]+)\s+RECENT} $line => mboxinfo($chan,recent) incr dirty } {.*?\[UIDVALIDITY\s+[0-9]+?\]} { regexp {.*?\[UIDVALIDITY\s+([0-9]+?)\]} $line => \ mboxinfo($chan,uidval) incr dirty } {.*?\[UNSEEN\s+[0-9]+?\]} { regexp {.*?\[UNSEEN\s+([0-9]+?)\]} $line => \ mboxinfo($chan,unseen) incr dirty } {.*?\[UIDNEXT\s+[0-9]+?\]} { regexp {.*?\[UIDNEXT\s+([0-9]+?)\]} $line => \ mboxinfo($chan,uidnext) incr dirty } {^[0-9]+\s+FETCH} { processfetchline $chan $line $literals incr dirty } {^CAPABILITY\s+.*} { regexp {^CAPABILITY\s+(.*)\s*$} $line => capstring set info($chan,capability) [split [string toupper $capstring]] incr dirty } {^LIST\s*$} { regexp {^([0-9]+)\s+EXISTS} $line => mboxinfo($chan,exists) incr dirty } {^SEARCH\s*$} { # Search tag without list of messages. Nothing found # so we set an empty list. set mboxinfo($chan,found) {} } {^SEARCH\s+.*} { regexp {^SEARCH\s+(.*)\s*$} $line => foundlist set mboxinfo($chan,found) $foundlist incr dirty } default { if {$debug} { puts "*** WARNING: unprocessed server reply '$line'" } } } } if {[string length [set info($chan,idle)]] && $dirty} { # ... Notify. } # if debug and no dirty and untagged line... warning: unprocessed IMAP line return $tag } # Process untagged FETCH lines. proc processfetchline {chan line literals} { variable msginfo regexp -nocase {([0-9]+)\s+FETCH\s+(\(.*\))} $line => msgnum items foreach {name val} [imaptotcl $chan items literals] { set attribname [switch -glob -- [string toupper $name] { INTERNALDATE {format internaldate} BODYSTRUCTURE {format bodystructure} {BODY\[HEADER.FIELDS*\]} {format fields} {BODY.PEEK\[HEADER.FIELDS*\]} {format fields} {BODY\[*\]} {format body} {BODY.PEEK\[*\]} {format body} HEADER {format header} RFC822.HEADER {format header} RFC822.SIZE {format size} RFC822.TEXT {format text} ENVELOPE {format envelope} FLAGS {format flags} UID {format uid} default { protoerror $chan "IMAP: Unknown FETCH item '$name'. Upgrade the software" } }] switch -- $attribname { fields { set last_fieldname __garbage__ foreach f [split $val "\n\r"] { # Handle multi-line headers. Append to the last header # if this line starts with a tab character. if {[string is space [string index $f 0]]} { append msginfo($chan,$msgnum,$last_fieldname) " [string range $f 1 end]" continue } # Process the line searching for a new field. if {![string length $f]} continue if {[set fnameidx [string first ":" $f]] == -1} { protoerror $chan "IMAP: Not a valid RFC822 field '$f'" } set fieldname [string tolower [string range $f 0 $fnameidx]] set last_fieldname $fieldname set fieldval [string trim \ [string range $f [expr {$fnameidx+1}] end]] set msginfo($chan,$msgnum,$fieldname) $fieldval } } default { set msginfo($chan,$msgnum,$attribname) $val } } #puts "$attribname -> [string range $val 0 20]" } # parray msginfo } # Convert IMAP data into Tcl data. Consumes the part of the # string converted. # 'literals' is a list with all the literals extracted # from the original line, in the same order they appeared. proc imaptotcl {chan datavar literalsvar} { upvar 1 $datavar data $literalsvar literals set data [string trim $data] switch -- [string index $data 0] { \{ {imaptotcl_literal $chan data literals} "(" {imaptotcl_list $chan data literals} "\"" {imaptotcl_quoted $chan data} 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 {imaptotcl_number $chan data} \) {imaptotcl_endlist $chan data;# that's a trick to parse lists} default {imaptotcl_symbol $chan data} } } # Extract a literal proc imaptotcl_literal {chan datavar literalsvar} { upvar 1 $datavar data $literalsvar literals if {![regexp {{.*?}} $data match]} { protoerror $chan "IMAP data format error: '$data'" } set data [string range $data [string length $match] end] set retval [lindex $literals 0] set literals [lrange $literals 1 end] return $retval } # Extract a quoted string proc imaptotcl_quoted {chan datavar} { upvar 1 $datavar data if {![regexp "\\s*?(\".*?\[^\\\\\]\"|\"\")\\s*?" $data => match]} { protoerror $chan "IMAP data format error: '$data'" } set data [string range $data [string length $match] end] return [string range $match 1 end-1] } # Extract a number proc imaptotcl_number {chan datavar} { upvar 1 $datavar data if {![regexp {^[0-9]+} $data match]} { protoerror $chan "IMAP data format error: '$data'" } set data [string range $data [string length $match] end] return $match } # Extract a "symbol". Not really exists in IMAP, but there # are named items, and this names have a strange unquoted # syntax like BODY[HEAEDER.FIELD (From To)] and other stuff # like that. proc imaptotcl_symbol {chan datavar} { upvar 1 $datavar data # matching patterns: "BODY[HEAEDER.FIELD", # "HEAEDER.FIELD", "\Answered", "$Forwarded" set pattern {([\w\.]+\[[^\[]+\]|[\w\.]+|[\\\$]\w+)} if {![regexp $pattern $data => match]} { protoerror $chan "IMAP data format error: '$data'" } set data [string range $data [string length $match] end] return $match } # Extract an IMAP list. proc imaptotcl_list {chan datavar literalsvar} { upvar 1 $datavar data $literalsvar literals set list {} # Remove the first '(' char set data [string range $data 1 end] # Get all the elements of the list. May indirectly recurse called # by [imaptotcl]. while {[string length $data]} { set ele [imaptotcl $chan data literals] if {$ele eq {)}} { break } lappend list $ele } return $list } # Just extracts the ")" character alone. # This is actually part of the list extraction work. proc imaptotcl_endlist {chan datavar} { upvar 1 $datavar data set data [string range $data 1 end] return ")" } # Process IMAP responses. If the IMAP channel is not # configured to raise errors on IMAP errors, returns 0 # on OK response, otherwise 1 is returned. proc getresponse {chan} { variable info # Process lines until the tagged one. while {[set tag [processline $chan]] eq {*} || $tag eq {+}} {} switch -- [lastcode $chan] { OK {return 0} NO { if {$info($chan,raise_on_NO)} { error "IMAP error: [lastline $chan]" } return 1 } BAD { if {$info($chan,raise_on_BAD)} { protoerror $chan "IMAP error: [lastline $chan]" } return 1 } default { protoerror $chan "IMAP protocol error. Unknown response code '[lastcode $chan]'" } } } # Write a request. proc request {chan request} { variable debug variable info set t "[tag $chan] [string trim $request]" if {$debug} { puts "C: $t" } set info($chan,lastrequest) $t puts -nonewline $chan "$t\r\n" flush $chan } # Write a multiline request. The 'request' list must contain # parts of command and literals interleaved. Literals are ad odd # list positions (1, 3, ...). proc multiline_request {chan request} { variable debug variable info lset request 0 "[tag $chan][lindex $request 0]" set items [llength $request] foreach {line literal} $request { # Send the line if {$debug} { puts "C: $line" } puts -nonewline $chan "$line\r\n" flush $chan incr items -1 if {!$items} break # Wait for the command continuation response if {[processline $chan] ne {+}} { protoerror $chan "Expected a command continuation response but got '[lastline $chan]'" } # Send the literal if {$debug} { puts "C> $literal" } puts -nonewline $chan $literal flush $chan incr items -1 } set info($chan,lastrequest) $request } # Login using the IMAP LOGIN command. proc login {chan user pass} { variable info requirestate $chan NOAUTH request $chan "LOGIN $user $pass" if {[getresponse $chan]} { return 1 } set info($chan,state) AUTH return 0 } # Mailbox selection. proc select {chan {mailbox INBOX}} { selectmbox $chan SELECT $mailbox } # Read-only equivalent of SELECT. proc examine {chan {mailbox INBOX}} { selectmbox $chan EXAMINE $mailbox } # General function for selection. proc selectmbox {chan cmd mailbox} { variable info variable mboxinfo requirestate $chan AUTH # Clean info about the previous mailbox if any, # but save a copy to restore this info on error. set savedmboxinfo [array get mboxinfo $chan,*] array unset mboxinfo $chan,* request $chan "$cmd $mailbox" if {[getresponse $chan]} { array set mboxinfo $savedmboxinfo return 1 } set info($chan,state) SELECT # Set the new name as mbox->current. set mboxinfo($chan,current) $mailbox return 0 } # Parse an IMAP range, store 'start' and 'end' in the # named vars. If the first number of the range is omitted, # 1 is assumed. If the second number of the range is omitted, # the value of "exists" of the current mailbox is assumed. # # So : means all the messages. proc parserange {chan range startvar endvar} { upvar $startvar start $endvar end set rangelist [split $range :] switch -- [llength $rangelist] { 1 { if {![string is integer $range]} { error "Invalid range" } set start $range set end $range } 2 { foreach {start end} $rangelist break if {![string length $start]} { set start 1 } if {![string length $end]} { set end [mboxinfo $chan exists] } if {![string is integer $start] || ![string is integer $end]} { error "Invalid range" } } default { error "Invalid range" } } } # Fetch a number of attributes from messages proc fetch {chan range opt args} { if {$opt eq "-inline"} { set inline 1 } else { set inline 0 set args [linsert $args 0 $opt] } requirestate $chan SELECT parserange $chan $range start end set items {} set hdrfields {} foreach w $args { switch -glob -- [string toupper $w] { ALL {lappend items ALL} BODYSTRUCTURE {lappend items BODYSTRUCTURE} ENVELOPE {lappend items ENVELOPE} FLAGS {lappend items FLAGS} SIZE {lappend items RFC822.SIZE} TEXT {lappend items RFC822.TEXT} HEADER {lappend items RFC822.HEADER} UID {lappend items UID} *: {lappend hdrfields $w} default { # Fixme: better to raise an error here? lappend hdrfields $w: } } } if {[llength $hdrfields]} { set item {BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (} foreach field $hdrfields { append item [string toupper [string range $field 0 end-1]] { } } set item [string range $item 0 end-1] append item {)]} lappend items $item } # Send the request request $chan "FETCH $start:$end ([join $items])" if {[getresponse $chan]} { if {$inline} { # Should we throw an error here? return "" } return 1 } if {!$inline} { return 0 } # -inline procesing begins here set mailinfo {} for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} { set mailrec {} foreach {h} $args { lappend mailrec [msginfo $chan $i $h ""] } lappend mailinfo $mailrec } return $mailinfo } # Get information (previously collected using fetch) from a given message. # If the 'info' argument is omitted or a null string, the full list # of information available for the given message is returned. # # If the required information name is suffixed with a ? character, # the command requires true if the information is available, or # false if it is not. proc msginfo {chan msgid args} { variable msginfo switch -- [llength $args] { 0 { set info {} } 1 { set info [lindex $args 0] set use_defval 0 } 2 { set info [lindex $args 0] set defval [lindex $args 1] set use_defval 1 } default { error "msginfo called with bad number of arguments! Try msginfo channel messageid ?info? ?defaultvalue?" } } set info [string tolower $info] # Handle the missing info case if {![string length $info]} { set list [array names msginfo $chan,$msgid,*] set availinfo {} foreach l $list { lappend availinfo [string range $l \ [string length $chan,$msgid,] end] } return $availinfo } if {[string index $info end] eq {?}} { set info [string range $info 0 end-1] return [info exists msginfo($chan,$msgid,$info)] } else { if {![info exists msginfo($chan,$msgid,$info)]} { if {$use_defval} { return $defval } else { error "No such information '$info' available for message id '$msgid'" } } return $msginfo($chan,$msgid,$info) } } # Get information on the currently selected mailbox. # If the 'info' argument is omitted or a null string, the full list # of information available for the mailbox is returned. # # If the required information name is suffixed with a ? character, # the command requires true if the information is available, or # false if it is not. proc mboxinfo {chan {info {}}} { variable mboxinfo # Handle the missing info case if {![string length $info]} { set list [array names mboxinfo $chan,*] set availinfo {} foreach l $list { lappend availinfo [string range $l \ [string length $chan,] end] } return $availinfo } set info [string tolower $info] if {[string index $info end] eq {?}} { set info [string range $info 0 end-1] return [info exists mboxinfo($chan,$info)] } else { if {![info exists mboxinfo($chan,$info)]} { error "No such information '$info' available for the current mailbox" } return $mboxinfo($chan,$info) } } # Get information on the last folders list. # If the 'info' argument is omitted or a null string, the full list # of information available for the folders is returned. # # If the required information name is suffixed with a ? character, # the command requires true if the information is available, or # false if it is not. proc folderinfo {chan {info {}}} { variable folderinfo # Handle the missing info case if {![string length $info]} { set list [array names folderinfo $chan,*] set availinfo {} foreach l $list { lappend availinfo [string range $l \ [string length $chan,] end] } return $availinfo } set info [string tolower $info] if {[string index $info end] eq {?}} { set info [string range $info 0 end-1] return [info exists folderinfo($chan,$info)] } else { if {![info exists folderinfo($chan,$info)]} { error "No such information '$info' available for the current folders" } return $folderinfo($chan,$info) } } # Get capabilties proc capability {chan} { request $chan "CAPABILITY" if {[getresponse $chan]} { return 1 } return 0 } # Get the current state proc state {chan} { variable info return $info($chan,state) } # Test for capability. Use the capability command # to ask the server if not already done by the user. proc isableto {chan {capa ""}} { variable info set result 0 if {![llength $info($chan,capability)]} { set result [capability $chan] } if {$capa eq ""} { if {$result} { # We return empty string on error return "" } return $info($chan,capability) } set capa [string toupper $capa] expr {[lsearch -exact $info($chan,capability) $capa] != -1} } # NOOP command. May get information as untagged data. proc noop {chan} { simplecmd $chan NOOP {NOAUTH AUTH SELECT} {} } # CHECK. Flush to disk. proc check {chan} { simplecmd $chan CHECK SELECT {} } # Close the mailbox. Permanently removes \Deleted messages and return to # the AUTH state. proc close {chan} { variable info if {[simplecmd $chan CLOSE SELECT {}]} { return 1 } set info($chan,state) AUTH return 0 } # Create a new mailbox. proc create {chan mailbox} { simplecmd $chan CREATE {AUTH SELECT} $mailbox } # Delete a mailbox proc delete {chan mailbox} { simplecmd $chan DELETE {AUTH SELECT} $mailbox } # Rename a mailbox proc rename {chan oldname newname} { simplecmd $chan RENAME {AUTH SELECT} $oldname $newname } # Subscribe to a mailbox proc subscribe {chan mailbox} { simplecmd $chan SUBSCRIBE {AUTH SELECT} $mailbox } # Unsubscribe to a mailbox proc unsubscribe {chan mailbox} { simplecmd $chan UNSUBSCRIBE {AUTH SELECT} $mailbox } # List of folders proc folders {chan {opt ""} {ref ""} {mbox "*"}} { variable folderinfo array unset folderinfo $chan,* if {$opt eq "-inline"} { set inline 1 } else { set ref $opt set mbox $ref set inline 0 } set folderinfo($chan,match) [list $ref $mbox] # parray folderinfo set rv [simplecmd $chan LIST {SELECT AUTH} \"$ref\" \"$mbox\"] if {$inline} { set rv {} foreach f [folderinfo $chan flags] { set lflags {} foreach fl [lindex $f 1] { if {[string is alnum [string index $fl 0]]} { lappend lflags [string tolower $fl] } else { lappend lflags [string tolower [string range $fl 1 end]] } } lappend rv [list [lindex $f 0] $lflags] } } # parray folderinfo return $rv } # This a general implementation for a simple implementation # of an IMAP command that just requires to call ::imap4::request # and ::imap4::getresponse. proc simplecmd {chan command validstates args} { requirestate $chan $validstates set req "$command" foreach arg $args { append req " $arg" } request $chan $req if {[getresponse $chan]} { return 1 } return 0 } # Search command. proc search {chan args} { if {![llength $args]} { error "missing arguments. Usage: search chan arg ?arg ...?" } requirestate $chan SELECT set imapexpr [convert_search_expr $args] multiline_prefix_command imapexpr "SEARCH" multiline_request $chan $imapexpr if {[getresponse $chan]} { return 1 } return 0 } # Creates an IMAP octect-count. # Used to send literals. proc literalcount {string} { return "{[string length $string]}" } # Append a command part to a multiline request proc multiline_append_command {reqvar cmd} { upvar 1 $reqvar req if {[llength $req] == 0} { lappend req {} } lset req end "[lindex $req end] $cmd" } # Append a literal to a multiline request. Uses a quoted # string in simple cases. proc multiline_append_literal {reqvar lit} { upvar 1 $reqvar req if {![string is alnum $lit]} { lset req end "[lindex $req end] [literalcount $lit]" lappend req $lit {} } else { multiline_append_command req "\"$lit\"" } } # Prefix a multiline request with a command. proc multiline_prefix_command {reqvar cmd} { upvar 1 $reqvar req if {![llength $req]} { lappend req {} } lset req 0 " $cmd[lindex $req 0]" } # Concat an already created search expression to a multiline request. proc multiline_concat_expr {reqvar expr} { upvar 1 $reqvar req lset req end "[lindex $req end] ([string range [lindex $expr 0] 1 end]" set req [concat $req [lrange $expr 1 end]] lset req end "[lindex $req end])" } # Helper for the search command. Convert a programmer friendly expression # (actually a tcl list) to the IMAP syntax. Returns a list composed of # request, literal, request, literal, ... (to be sent with # ::imap4::multiline_request). proc convert_search_expr {expr} { set result {} while {[llength $expr]} { switch -glob -- [string toupper [set token [lpop expr]]] { *: { set wanted [lpop expr] multiline_append_command result "HEADER [string range $token 0 end-1]" multiline_append_literal result $wanted } ANSWERED - DELETED - DRAFT - FLAGGED - RECENT - SEEN - NEW - OLD - UNANSWERED - UNDELETED - UNDRAFT - UNFLAGGED - UNSEEN - ALL {multiline_append_command result [string toupper $token]} BODY - CC - FROM - SUBJECT - TEXT - KEYWORD - BCC { set wanted [lpop expr] multiline_append_command result "$token" multiline_append_literal result $wanted } OR { set first [convert_search_expr [lpop expr]] set second [convert_search_expr [lpop expr]] multiline_append_command result "OR" multiline_concat_expr result $first multiline_concat_expr result $second } NOT { set e [convert_search_expr [lpop expr]] multiline_append_command result "NOT" multiline_concat_expr result $e } SMALLER - LARGER { set len [lpop expr] if {![string is integer $len]} { error "Invalid integer follows '$token' in IMAP search" } multiline_append_command result "$token $len" } ON - SENTBEFORE - SENTON - SENTSINCE - SINCE - BEFORE {error "TODO"} UID {error "TODO"} default { error "Syntax error in search expression: '... $token $expr'" } } } return $result } # Pop an element from the list inside the named variable and return it. # If a list is empty, raise an error. The error is specific for the # search command since it's the only one calling this function. proc lpop {listvar} { upvar 1 $listvar l if {![llength $l]} { error "Bad syntax for search expression (missing argument)" } set res [lindex $l 0] set l [lrange $l 1 end] return $res } # Debug mode. # This is a developers mode only that pass the control to the # programmer. Every line entered is sent verbatim to the # server (after the addition of the request identifier). # The ::imap4::debug variable is automatically set to '1' on enter. # # It's possible to execute Tcl commands starting the line # with a slash. proc debugmode {chan {errormsg {None}}} { variable debugmode 1 variable debugchan $chan variable version variable folderinfo variable mboxinfo variable msginfo variable info set welcometext [list \ "------------------------ IMAP DEBUG MODE --------------------" \ "IMAP Debug mode usage: Every line typed will be sent" \ "verbatim to the IMAP server prefixed with a unique IMAP tag." \ "To execute Tcl commands prefix the line with a / character." \ "The current debugged channel is returned by the \[me\] command." \ "Type ! to exit" \ "Type 'info' to see information about the connection" \ "Type 'help' to display this information" \ "" \ "Last error: '$errormsg'" \ "IMAP library version: '$version'" \ "" \ ] foreach l $welcometext { puts $l } debugmode_info $chan while 1 { puts -nonewline "imap debug> " flush stdout gets stdin line if {![string length $line]} continue if {$line eq {!}} exit if {$line eq {info}} { debugmode_info $chan continue } if {$line eq {help}} { foreach l $welcometext { if {$l eq ""} break puts $l } continue } if {[string index $line 0] eq {/}} { catch {eval [string range $line 1 end]} result puts $result continue } # Let's send the request to imap server request $chan $line if {[catch {getresponse $chan} error]} { puts "--- ERROR ---\n$error\n-------------\n" } } } # Little helper for debugmode command. proc debugmode_info {chan} { variable info puts "Last sent request: '$info($chan,lastrequest)'" puts "Last received line: '$info($chan,lastline)'" puts "" } # Protocol error! Enter the debug mode if ::imap4::debug is true. # Otherwise just raise the error. proc protoerror {chan msg} { variable debug variable debugmode if {$debug && !$debugmode} { debugmode $chan $msg } else { error $msg } } proc me {} { variable debugchan set debugchan } # Other stuff to do in random order... # # proc ::imap4::idle notify-command # proc ::imap4::auth plain ... # proc ::imap4::securestauth user pass # proc ::imap4::store # proc ::imap4::logout (need to clean both msg and mailbox info arrays) # Amend the flags of a message to be updated once CLOSE/EXPUNGE is initiated proc store {chan range key values} { set valid_keys { FLAGS FLAGS.SILENT +FLAGS +FLAGS.SILENT -FLAGS -FLAGS.SILENT } if {$key ni $valid_keys} { error "Invalid data item: $key. Must be one of [join $valid_keys ,]" } parserange $chan $range start end set newflags {} foreach val $values { if {[regexp {^\\+(.*?)$} $val]} { lappend newflags $values } else { lappend newflags "\\$val" } } request $chan "STORE $start:$end $key ([join $newflags])" if {[getresponse $chan]} { return 1 } return 0 } # Logout proc logout {chan} { if {[simplecmd $chan LOGOUT SELECT {}]} { # clean out info arrays variable info variable folderinfo variable mboxinfo variable msginfo array unset folderinfo $chan,* array unset mboxinfo $chan,* array unset msginfo $chan,* array unset info $chan,* return 1 } return 0 } # Expunge : force removal of any messages with the # flag \Deleted proc expunge {chan} { if {[simplecmd $chan EXPUNGE SELECT {}]} { return 1 } return 0 } # copy : copy a message to a destination mailbox proc copy {chan msgid mailbox} { if {[simplecmd $chan COPY SELECT [list $msgid $mailbox]]} { return 1 } return 0 } } ################################################################################ # Example and test ################################################################################ if {[info script] eq $argv0} { # set imap4::debug 0 set FOLDER INBOX set port 0 if {[llength $argv] < 3} { puts "Usage: imap4.tcl ?folder? ?-secure? ?-debug?" exit } lassign $argv server user pass if {$argc > 3} { for {set i 3} {$i<$argc} {incr i} { set opt [lindex $argv $i] switch -- $opt { "-debug" { set imap4::debug 1 } "-secure" { set imap4::use_ssl 1 puts "Package TLS [package require tls] loaded" } default { set FOLDER $opt } } } } # open and login ... set imap [imap4::open $server] imap4::login $imap $user $pass imap4::select $imap $FOLDER # Output all the information about that mailbox foreach info [imap4::mboxinfo $imap] { puts "$info -> [imap4::mboxinfo $imap $info]" } set num_mails [imap4::mboxinfo $imap exists] if {!$num_mails} { puts "No mail in folder '$FOLDER'" } else { set fields {from: to: subject: size} # fetch 3 records (at most)) inline set max [expr {$num_mails<=3?$num_mails:3}] foreach rec [imap4::fetch $imap :$max -inline {*}$fields] { puts -nonewline "#[incr idx])" for {set j 0} {$j<[llength $fields]} {incr j} { puts "\t[lindex $fields $j] [lindex $rec $j]" } } # Show all the information available about the message ID 1 puts "Available info about message 1 => [imap4::msginfo $imap 1]" } # Use the capability stuff puts "Capabilities: [imap4::isableto $imap]" puts "Is able to imap4rev1? [imap4::isableto $imap imap4rev1]" if {$imap4::debug} { imap4::debugmode $imap } # Cleanup imap4::cleanup $imap }