# irc.tcl -- # # irc implementation for Tcl. # # Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by David N. Welton . # This code may be distributed under the same terms as Tcl. package require Tcl 8.3 namespace eval ::irc { # counter used to differentiate connections variable conn 0 variable config variable irctclfile [info script] array set config { debug 0 logger 0 } } # ::irc::config -- # # Set global configuration options. # # Arguments: # # key name of the configuration option to change. # # value value of the configuration option. proc ::irc::config { args } { variable config if { [llength $args] == 0 } { return [array get config] } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } { return $config($key) } elseif { [llength $args] > 2 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"config key ?val?\"" } set key [lindex $args 0] set value [lindex $args 1] foreach ns [namespace children] { if { [info exists config($key)] && [info exists ${ns}::config($key)] \ && [set ${ns}::config($key)] == $config($key)} { ${ns}::cmd-config $key $value } } set config($key) $value } # ::irc::connections -- # # Return a list of handles to all existing connections proc ::irc::connections { } { set r {} foreach ns [namespace children] { lappend r ${ns}::network } return $r } # ::irc::reload -- # # Reload this file, and merge the current connections into # the new one. proc ::irc::reload { } { variable conn set oldconn $conn namespace eval :: { source [set ::irc::irctclfile] } foreach ns [namespace children] { foreach var {sock logger host port} { set $var [set ${ns}::$var] } array set dispatch [array get ${ns}::dispatch] array set config [array get ${ns}::config] # make sure our new connection uses the same namespace set conn [string range $ns 10 end] ::irc::connection foreach var {sock logger host port} { set ${ns}::$var [set $var] } array set ${ns}::dispatch [array get dispatch] array set ${ns}::config [array get config] } set conn $oldconn } # ::irc::connection -- # # Create an IRC connection namespace and associated commands. proc ::irc::connection { args } { variable conn variable config # Create a unique namespace of the form irc$conn::$host set name [format "%s::irc%s" [namespace current] $conn] namespace eval $name { variable sock variable dispatch variable linedata variable config set sock {} array set dispatch {} array set linedata {} array set config [array get ::irc::config] if { $config(logger) || $config(debug)} { package require logger variable logger set logger [logger::init [namespace tail [namespace current]]] if { !$config(debug) } { ${logger}::disable debug } } # ircsend -- # send text to the IRC server proc ircsend { msg } { variable sock variable dispatch if { $sock == "" } { return } cmd-log debug "ircsend: '$msg'" if { [catch {puts $sock $msg} err] } { catch { close $sock } set sock {} if { [info exists dispatch(EOF)] } { eval $dispatch(EOF) } cmd-log error "Error in ircsend: $err" } } ######################################################### # Implemented user-side commands, meaning that these commands # cause the calling user to perform the given action. ######################################################### # cmd-config -- # # Set or return per-connection configuration options. # # Arguments: # # key name of the configuration option to change. # # value value (optional) of the configuration option. proc cmd-config { args } { variable config variable logger if { [llength $args] == 0 } { return [array get config] } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } { return $config($key) } elseif { [llength $args] > 2 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"config key ?val?\"" } set key [lindex $args 0] set value [lindex $args 1] if { $key == "debug" } { if {$value} { if { !$config(logger) } { cmd-config logger 1 } ${logger}::enable debug } elseif { [info exists logger] } { ${logger}::disable debug } } if { $key == "logger" } { if { $value && !$config(logger)} { package require logger set logger [logger::init [namespace tail [namespace current]]] } elseif { [info exists logger] } { ${logger}::delete unset logger } } set config($key) $value } proc cmd-log {level text} { variable logger if { ![info exists logger] } return ${logger}::$level $text } proc cmd-logname { } { variable logger if { ![info exists logger] } return return $logger } # cmd-destroy -- # # destroys the current connection and its namespace proc cmd-destroy { } { variable logger variable sock if { [info exists logger] } { ${logger}::delete } catch {close $sock} namespace delete [namespace current] } proc cmd-connected { } { variable sock if { $sock == "" } { return 0 } return 1 } proc cmd-user { username hostname servername {userinfo ""} } { if { $userinfo == "" } { ircsend "USER $username $hostname server :$servername" } else { ircsend "USER $username $hostname $servername :$userinfo" } } proc cmd-nick { nk } { ircsend "NICK $nk" } proc cmd-ping { target } { ircsend "PRIVMSG $target :\001PING [clock seconds]\001" } proc cmd-serverping { } { ircsend "PING [clock seconds]" } proc cmd-ctcp { target line } { ircsend "PRIVMSG $target :\001$line\001" } proc cmd-join { chan {key {}} } { ircsend "JOIN $chan $key" } proc cmd-part { chan {msg ""} } { if { $msg == "" } { ircsend "PART $chan" } else { ircsend "PART $chan :$msg" } } proc cmd-quit { {msg {tcllib irc module - http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/}} } { ircsend "QUIT :$msg" } proc cmd-privmsg { target msg } { ircsend "PRIVMSG $target :$msg" } proc cmd-notice { target msg } { ircsend "NOTICE $target :$msg" } proc cmd-kick { chan target {msg {}} } { ircsend "KICK $chan $target :$msg" } proc cmd-mode { target args } { ircsend "MODE $target [join $args]" } proc cmd-topic { chan msg } { ircsend "TOPIC $chan :$msg" } proc cmd-invite { chan target } { ircsend "INVITE $target $chan" } proc cmd-send { line } { ircsend $line } proc cmd-peername { } { variable sock if { $sock == "" } { return {} } return [fconfigure $sock -peername] } proc cmd-sockname { } { variable sock if { $sock == "" } { return {} } return [fconfigure $sock -sockname] } proc cmd-socket { } { variable sock return $sock } proc cmd-disconnect { } { variable sock if { $sock == "" } { return -1 } catch { close $sock } set sock {} return 0 } # Connect -- # Create the actual tcp connection. proc cmd-connect { h {p 6667} } { variable sock variable host variable port set host $h set port $p if { $sock == "" } { set sock [socket $host $port] fconfigure $sock -translation crlf -buffering line fileevent $sock readable [namespace current]::GetEvent } return 0 } # Callback API: # These are all available from within callbacks, so as to # provide an interface to provide some information on what is # coming out of the server. # action -- # Action returns the action performed, such as KICK, PRIVMSG, # MODE etc, including numeric actions such as 001, 252, 353, # and so forth. proc action { } { variable linedata return $linedata(action) } # msg -- # The last argument of the line, after the last ':'. proc msg { } { variable linedata return $linedata(msg) } # who -- # Who performed the action. If the command is called as [who address], # it returns the information in the form # nick!ident@host.domain.net proc who { {address 0} } { variable linedata if { $address == 0 } { return [lindex [split $linedata(who) !] 0] } else { return $linedata(who) } } # target -- # To whom was this action done. proc target { } { variable linedata return $linedata(target) } # additional -- # Returns any additional header elements beyond the target as a list. proc additional { } { variable linedata return $linedata(additional) } # header -- # Returns the entire header in list format. proc header { } { variable linedata return [concat [list $linedata(who) $linedata(action) \ $linedata(target)] $linedata(additional)] } # GetEvent -- # Get a line from the server and dispatch it. proc GetEvent { } { variable linedata variable sock variable dispatch array set linedata {} set line "eof" if { [eof $sock] || [catch {gets $sock} line] } { close $sock set sock {} cmd-log error "Error receiving from network: $line" if { [info exists dispatch(EOF)] } { eval $dispatch(EOF) } return } cmd-log debug "Recieved: $line" if { [set pos [string first " :" $line]] > -1 } { set header [string range $line 0 [expr {$pos - 1}]] set linedata(msg) [string range $line [expr {$pos + 2}] end] } else { set header [string trim $line] set linedata(msg) {} } if { [string match :* $header] } { set header [split [string trimleft $header :]] } else { set header [linsert [split $header] 0 {}] } set linedata(who) [lindex $header 0] set linedata(action) [lindex $header 1] set linedata(target) [lindex $header 2] set linedata(additional) [lrange $header 3 end] if { [info exists dispatch($linedata(action))] } { eval $dispatch($linedata(action)) } elseif { [string match {[0-9]??} $linedata(action)] } { eval $dispatch(defaultnumeric) } elseif { $linedata(who) == "" } { eval $dispatch(defaultcmd) } else { eval $dispatch(defaultevent) } } # registerevent -- # Register an event in the dispatch table. # Arguments: # evnt: name of event as sent by IRC server. # cmd: proc to register as the event handler proc cmd-registerevent { evnt cmd } { variable dispatch set dispatch($evnt) $cmd if { $cmd == "" } { unset dispatch($evnt) } } # getevent -- # Return the currently registered handler for the event. # Arguments: # evnt: name of event as sent by IRC server. proc cmd-getevent { evnt } { variable dispatch if { [info exists dispatch($evnt)] } { return $dispatch($evnt) } return {} } # eventexists -- # Return a boolean value indicating if there is a handler # registered for the event. # Arguments: # evnt: name of event as sent by IRC server. proc cmd-eventexists { evnt } { variable dispatch return [info exists dispatch($evnt)] } # network -- # Accepts user commands and dispatches them. # Arguments: # cmd: command to invoke # args: arguments to the command proc network { cmd args } { eval [linsert $args 0 [namespace current]::cmd-$cmd] } # Create default handlers. set dispatch(PING) {network send "PONG :[msg]"} set dispatch(defaultevent) # set dispatch(defaultcmd) # set dispatch(defaultnumeric) # } set returncommand [format "%s::irc%s::network" [namespace current] $conn] incr conn return $returncommand } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide irc 0.6.1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------