# Based upon the picoirc code by Salvatore Sanfillipo and Richard Suchenwirth # See http://wiki.tcl.tk/13134 for the original standalone version. # # This package provides a general purpose minimal IRC client suitable for # embedding in other applications. All communication with the parent # application is done via an application provided callback procedure. # # Copyright (c) 2004 Salvatore Sanfillipo # Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Suchenwirth # Copyright (c) 2007 Patrick Thoyts # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::picoirc { variable uid if {![info exists uid]} { set uid 0 } variable defaults { server "irc.freenode.net" port 6667 channel "" callback "" motd {} users {} } namespace export connect send post splituri } proc ::picoirc::splituri {uri} { foreach {server port channel} {{} {} {}} break if {![regexp {^irc://([^:/]+)(?::([^/]+))?(?:/([^,]+))?} $uri -> server port channel]} { regexp {^(?:([^@]+)@)?([^:]+)(?::(\d+))?} $uri -> channel server port } if {$port eq {}} { set port 6667 } return [list $server $port $channel] } proc ::picoirc::connect {callback nick args} { if {[llength $args] > 2} { return -code error "wrong # args: must be \"callback nick ?passwd? url\"" } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { set url [lindex $args 0] } else { foreach {passwd url} $args break } variable defaults variable uid set context [namespace current]::irc[incr uid] upvar #0 $context irc array set irc $defaults foreach {server port channel} [splituri $url] break if {[info exists channel] && $channel ne ""} {set irc(channel) $channel} if {[info exists server] && $server ne ""} {set irc(server) $server} if {[info exists port] && $port ne ""} {set irc(port) $port} if {[info exists passwd] && $passwd ne ""} {set irc(passwd) $passwd} set irc(callback) $callback set irc(nick) $nick Callback $context init set irc(socket) [socket -async $irc(server) $irc(port)] fileevent $irc(socket) readable [list [namespace origin Read] $context] fileevent $irc(socket) writable [list [namespace origin Write] $context] return $context } proc ::picoirc::Callback {context state args} { upvar #0 $context irc if {[llength $irc(callback)] > 0 && [llength [info commands [lindex $irc(callback) 0]]] == 1} { if {[catch {eval $irc(callback) [list $context $state] $args} err]} { puts stderr "callback error: $err" } } } proc ::picoirc::Version {context} { if {[catch {Callback $context version} ver]} { set ver {} } if {$ver eq {}} { set ver "PicoIRC:[package provide picoirc]:Tcl [info patchlevel]" } return $ver } proc ::picoirc::Write {context} { upvar #0 $context irc fileevent $irc(socket) writable {} if {[set err [fconfigure $irc(socket) -error]] ne ""} { Callback $context close $err close $irc(socket) unset irc return } fconfigure $irc(socket) -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation crlf -encoding utf-8 Callback $context connect if {[info exists irc(passwd)]} { send $context "PASS $irc(passwd)" } set ver [join [lrange [split [Version $context] :] 0 1] " "] send $context "NICK $irc(nick)" send $context "USER $::tcl_platform(user) 0 * :$ver user" if {$irc(channel) ne {}} { after idle [list [namespace origin send] $context "JOIN $irc(channel)"] } return } proc ::picoirc::Splitirc {s} { foreach v {nick flags user host} {set $v {}} regexp {^([^!]*)!([^=]*)=([^@]+)@(.*)} $s -> nick flags user host return [list $nick $flags $user $host] } proc ::picoirc::Read {context} { upvar #0 $context irc if {[eof $irc(socket)]} { fileevent $irc(socket) readable {} Callback $context close close $irc(socket) unset irc return } if {[gets $irc(socket) line] != -1} { if {[string match "PING*" $line]} { send $context "PONG [info hostname] [lindex [split $line] 1]" return } # the callback can return -code break to prevent processing the read if {[catch {Callback $context debug read $line}] == 3} { return } if {[regexp {:([^!]*)![^ ].* +PRIVMSG ([^ :]+) +:(.*)} $line -> \ nick target msg]} { set type "" if {[regexp {\001(\S+)(.*)?\001} $msg -> ctcp data]} { switch -- $ctcp { ACTION { set type ACTION ; set msg $data } VERSION { send $context "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION [Version $context]\001" return } PING { send $context "NOTICE $nick :\001PING [lindex $data 0]\001" return } TIME { set time [clock format [clock seconds] \ -format {%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z}] send $context "NOTICE $nick :\001TIME $time\001" return } default { set err [string map [list \001 ""] $msg] send $context "NOTICE $nick :\001ERRMSG $err : unknown query\001" return } } } if {[lsearch -exact {ijchain wubchain} $nick] != -1} { if {$type eq "ACTION"} { regexp {(\S+) (.+)} $msg -> nick msg } else { regexp {<([^>]+)> (.+)} $msg -> nick msg } } Callback $context chat $target $nick $msg $type } elseif {[regexp {^:((?:([^ ]+) +){1,}?):(.*)$} $line -> parts junk rest]} { foreach {server code target fourth fifth} [split $parts] break switch -- $code { 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 250 - 251 - 252 - 254 - 255 - 265 - 266 { return } 433 { variable nickid ; if {![info exists nickid]} {set nickid 0} set seqlen [string length [incr nickid]] set irc(nick) [string range $irc(nick) 0 [expr 8-$seqlen]]$nickid send $context "NICK $irc(nick)" } 353 { set irc(users) [concat $irc(users) $rest]; return } 366 { Callback $context userlist $fourth $irc(users) set irc(users) {} return } 332 { Callback $context topic $fourth $rest; return } 333 { return } 375 { set irc(motd) {} ; return } 372 { append irc(motd) $rest ; return} 376 { return } 311 { foreach {server code target nick name host x} [split $parts] break set irc(whois,$fourth) [list name $name host $host userinfo $rest] return } 301 - 312 - 317 - 320 { return } 319 { lappend irc(whois,$fourth) channels $rest; return } 318 { if {[info exists irc(whois,$fourth)]} { Callback $context userinfo $fourth $irc(whois,$fourth) unset irc(whois,$fourth) } return } JOIN { foreach {n f u h} [Splitirc $server] break Callback $context traffic entered $rest $n return } NICK { foreach {n f u h} [Splitirc $server] break Callback $context traffic nickchange {} $n $rest return } QUIT - PART { foreach {n f u h} [Splitirc $server] break Callback $context traffic left $target $n return } } Callback $context system "" "[lrange [split $parts] 1 end] $rest" } else { Callback $context system "" $line } } } proc ::picoirc::post {context channel msg} { upvar #0 $context irc set type "" if [regexp {^/([^ ]+) *(.*)} $msg -> cmd msg] { regexp {^([^ ]+)?(?: +(.*))?} $msg -> first rest switch -- $cmd { me {set msg "\001ACTION $msg\001";set type ACTION} nick {send $context "NICK $msg"; set $irc(nick) $msg} quit {send $context "QUIT" } part {send $context "PART $channel" } names {send $context "NAMES $channel"} whois {send $context "WHOIS $channel $msg"} kick {send $context "KICK $channel $first :$rest"} mode {send $context "MODE $msg"} topic {send $context "TOPIC $channel :$msg" } quote {send $context $msg} join {send $context "JOIN $msg" } version {send $context "PRIVMSG $first :\001VERSION\001"} msg { if {[regexp {([^ ]+) +(.*)} $msg -> target querymsg]} { send $context "PRIVMSG $target :$querymsg" Callback $context chat $target $target $querymsg "" } } default {Callback $context system $channel "unknown command /$cmd"} } if {$cmd ne {me} || $cmd eq {msg}} return } foreach line [split $msg \n] {send $context "PRIVMSG $channel :$line"} Callback $context chat $channel $irc(nick) $msg $type } proc ::picoirc::send {context line} { upvar #0 $context irc # the callback can return -code break to prevent writing to socket if {[catch {Callback $context debug write $line}] != 3} { puts $irc(socket) $line } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide picoirc 0.5.2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------