[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [vset PACKAGE_VERSION 1.0.3] [manpage_begin json::write n [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]] [keywords {data exchange}] [keywords {exchange format}] [keywords javascript] [keywords json] [copyright {2009-2013 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {JSON}] [titledesc {JSON generation}] [category {CGI programming}] [require Tcl 8.5] [require json::write [opt [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]]] [description] [para] The [package json::write] package provides a simple Tcl-only library for generation of text in the JSON [uri http://www.json.org/] data exchange format as specified in RFC 4627 [uri http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt]. [section COMMANDS] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::json::write] [method indented]] This method returns the current state of the indentation setting. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method indented] [arg flag]] This and the method [method aligned] configure the layout of the JSON generated by the package. [para] If this [arg flag] is set (default) the package will break the generated JSON code across lines and indent it according to its inner structure, with each key of an object on a separate line. [para] If this flag is not set, the whole JSON object will be written on a single line, with minimum spacing between all elements. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method aligned]] This method returns the current state of the alignment setting. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method aligned] [arg flag]] This and the method [method indented] configure the layout of the JSON generated by the package. [para] If this [arg flag] is set (default) the package ensures that the values for the keys in an object are vertically aligned with each other, for a nice table effect. To make this work this also implies that [var indented] is set as well. [para] If this flag is not set, the output is formatted as per the value of [var indented], without trying to align the values for object keys. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method string] [arg s]] This method takes the string [arg s] and returns it properly quoted for JSON as its result. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method array] [arg arg]...] This method takes a series of JSON formatted arguments and returns them as a properly formatted JSON array as its result. [call [cmd ::json::write] [method object] [arg key] [arg value]...] This method takes a series of key/value arguments, the values already formatted for JSON, and returns them as a properly formatted JSON object as its result, with the keys formatted as JSON strings. [list_end] [para] [vset CATEGORY json] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]