# geometry.tcl -- # # Collection of geometry functions. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by Ideogramic ApS and other parties. # Copyright (c) 2004 Arjen Markus # Copyright (c) 2010 Andreas Kupries # Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Kenny # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: geometry.tcl,v 1.12 2010/05/24 21:44:16 andreas_kupries Exp $ namespace eval ::math::geometry {} package require math ### # # POINTS # # A point P consists of an x-coordinate, Px, and a y-coordinate, Py, # and both coordinates are floating point values. # # Points are usually denoted by A, B, C, P, or Q. # ### # # LINES # # There are basically three types of lines: # line A line is defined by two points A and B as the # _infinite_ line going through these two points. # Often a line is given as a list of 4 coordinates # instead of 2 points. # line segment A line segment is defined by two points A and B # as the _finite_ that starts in A and ends in B. # Often a line segment is given as a list of 4 # coordinates instead of 2 points. # polyline A polyline is a sequence of connected line segments. # # Please note that given a point P, the closest point on a line is given # by the projection of P onto the line. The closest point on a line segment # may be the projection, but it may also be one of the end points of the # line segment. # ### # # DISTANCES # # The distances in this package are all floating point values. # ### # Point constructor proc ::math::geometry::p {x y} { return [list $x $y] } # Vector addition proc ::math::geometry::+ {pa pb} { foreach {ax ay} $pa break foreach {bx by} $pb break return [list [expr {$ax + $bx}] [expr {$ay + $by}]] } # Vector difference proc ::math::geometry::- {pa pb} { foreach {ax ay} $pa break foreach {bx by} $pb break return [list [expr {$ax - $bx}] [expr {$ay - $by}]] } # Distance between 2 points proc ::math::geometry::distance {pa pb} { foreach {ax ay} $pa break foreach {bx by} $pb break return [expr {hypot($bx-$ax,$by-$ay)}] } # Length of a vector proc ::math::geometry::length {v} { foreach {x y} $v break return [expr {hypot($x,$y)}] } # Scaling a vector by a factor proc ::math::geometry::s* {factor p} { foreach {x y} $p break return [list [expr {$x * $factor}] [expr {$y * $factor}]] } # Unit vector into specific direction given by angle (degrees) proc ::math::geometry::direction {angle} { variable torad set x [expr { cos($angle * $torad)}] set y [expr {- sin($angle * $torad)}] return [list $x $y] } # Vertical vector of specified length. proc ::math::geometry::v {h} { return [list 0 $h] } # Horizontal vector of specified length. proc ::math::geometry::h {w} { return [list $w 0] } # Find point on a line between 2 points at a distance # distance 0 => a, distance 1 => b proc ::math::geometry::between {pa pb s} { return [+ $pa [s* $s [- $pb $pa]]] } # Find direction octant the point (vector) lies in. proc ::math::geometry::octant {p} { variable todeg foreach {x y} $p break set a [expr {(atan2(-$y,$x)*$todeg)}] while {$a > 360} {set a [expr {$a - 360}]} while {$a < -360} {set a [expr {$a + 360}]} if {$a < 0} {set a [expr {360 + $a}]} #puts "p ($x, $y) @ angle $a | [expr {atan2($y,$x)}] | [expr {atan2($y,$x)*$todeg}]" # XXX : Add outer conditions to make a log2 tree of checks. if {$a <= 157.5} { if {$a <= 67.5} { if {$a <= 22.5} { return east } return northeast } if {$a <= 112.5} { return north } return northwest } else { if {$a <= 247.5} { if {$a <= 202.5} { return west } return southwest } if {$a <= 337.5} { if {$a <= 292.5} { return south } return southeast } return east ; # a <= 360.0 } } # Return the NW and SE corners of the rectangle. proc ::math::geometry::nwse {rect} { foreach {xnw ynw xse yse} $rect break return [list [p $xnw $ynw] [p $xse $yse]] } # Construct rectangle from NW and SE corners. proc ::math::geometry::rect {pa pb} { foreach {ax ay} $pa break foreach {bx by} $pb break return [list $ax $ay $bx $by] } proc ::math::geometry::conjx {p} { foreach {x y} $p break return [list [expr {- $x}] $y] } proc ::math::geometry::conjy {p} { foreach {x y} $p break return [list $x [expr {- $y}]] } proc ::math::geometry::x {p} { foreach {x y} $p break return $x } proc ::math::geometry::y {p} { foreach {x y} $p break return $y } # ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine # # Calculate the distance between a point and a line. # # Arguments: # P a point # line a line # # Results: # dist the smallest distance between P and the line # # Examples: # - calculateDistanceToLine {5 10} {0 0 10 10} # Result: 3.53553390593 # - calculateDistanceToLine {-10 0} {0 0 10 10} # Result: 7.07106781187 # proc ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {P line} { # solution based on FAQ 1.02 on comp.graphics.algorithms # L = sqrt( (Bx-Ax)^2 + (By-Ay)^2 ) # (Ay-Cy)(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-Cx)(By-Ay) # s = ----------------------------- # L^2 # dist = |s|*L # # => # # | (Ay-Cy)(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-Cx)(By-Ay) | # dist = --------------------------------- # L set Ax [lindex $line 0] set Ay [lindex $line 1] set Bx [lindex $line 2] set By [lindex $line 3] set Cx [lindex $P 0] set Cy [lindex $P 1] if {$Ax==$Bx && $Ay==$By} { return [lengthOfPolyline [concat $P [lrange $line 0 1]]] } else { set L [expr {sqrt(pow($Bx-$Ax,2) + pow($By-$Ay,2))}] return [expr {abs(($Ay-$Cy)*($Bx-$Ax)-($Ax-$Cx)*($By-$Ay)) / $L}] } } # ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLine # # Return the point on a line which is closest to a given point. # # Arguments: # P a point # line a line # # Results: # Q the point on the line that has the smallest # distance to P # # Examples: # - findClosestPointOnLine {5 10} {0 0 10 10} # Result: 7.5 7.5 # - findClosestPointOnLine {-10 0} {0 0 10 10} # Result: -5.0 -5.0 # proc ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLine {P line} { return [lindex [findClosestPointOnLineImpl $P $line] 0] } # ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLineImpl # # PRIVATE FUNCTION USED BY OTHER FUNCTIONS. # Find the point on a line that is closest to a given point. # # Arguments: # P a point # line a line defined by points A and B # # Results: # Q the point on the line that has the smallest # distance to P # r r has the following meaning: # r=0 P = A # r=1 P = B # r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB # r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB # 01} { return [lengthOfPolyline [concat $P [lrange $linesegment 2 3]]] } else { return $distToLine } } # ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegmentImpl # # PRIVATE FUNCTION USED BY OTHER FUNCTIONS. # Find the distance between a point and a line. # # Arguments: # P a point # linesegment a line segment A->B # # Results: # dist the smallest distance between P and the line # r r has the following meaning: # r=0 P = A # r=1 P = B # r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB # r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB # 0 # # | (Ay-Cy)(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-Cx)(By-Ay) | # dist = --------------------------------- # L set Ax [lindex $linesegment 0] set Ay [lindex $linesegment 1] set Bx [lindex $linesegment 2] set By [lindex $linesegment 3] set Cx [lindex $P 0] set Cy [lindex $P 1] if {$Ax==$Bx && $Ay==$By} { return [list [lengthOfPolyline [concat $P [lrange $linesegment 0 1]]] 0] } else { set L [expr {sqrt(pow($Bx-$Ax,2) + pow($By-$Ay,2))}] set r [expr {(($Cx-$Ax)*($Bx-$Ax) + ($Cy-$Ay)*($By-$Ay))/pow($L,2)}] return [list [expr {abs(($Ay-$Cy)*($Bx-$Ax)-($Ax-$Cx)*($By-$Ay)) / $L}] $r] } } # ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLineSegment # # Return the point on a line segment which is closest to a given point. # # Arguments: # P a point # linesegment a line segment # # Results: # Q the point on the line segment that has the # smallest distance to P # # Examples: # - findClosestPointOnLineSegment {5 10} {0 0 10 10} # Result: 7.5 7.5 # - findClosestPointOnLineSegment {-10 0} {0 0 10 10} # Result: 0 0 # proc ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLineSegment {P linesegment} { set result [findClosestPointOnLineImpl $P $linesegment] set Q [lindex $result 0] set r [lindex $result 1] if {$r<0} { return [lrange $linesegment 0 1] } elseif {$r>1} { return [lrange $linesegment 2 3] } else { return $Q } } # ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline # # Calculate the distance between a point and a polyline. # # Arguments: # P a point # polyline a polyline # # Results: # dist the smallest distance between P and any point # on the polyline # # Examples: # - calculateDistanceToPolyline {10 10} {0 0 10 5 20 0} # Result: 5.0 # - calculateDistanceToPolyline {5 10} {0 0 10 5 20 0} # Result: 6.7082039325 # proc ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {P polyline} { set minDist "none" foreach {Ax Ay} [lrange $polyline 0 end-2] {Bx By} [lrange $polyline 2 end] { set dist [calculateDistanceToLineSegment $P [list $Ax $Ay $Bx $By]] if {$minDist=="none" || $dist < $minDist} { set minDist $dist } } return $minDist } # ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolygon # # Calculate the distance between a point and a polygon. # # Arguments: # P a point # polygon a polygon # # Results: # dist the smallest distance between P and any point # on the polygon # # Note: # The polygon does not need to be closed - this is taken # care of in the procedure. # proc ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolygon {P polygon} { return [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline $P [ClosedPolygon $polygon]] } # ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline # # Return the point on a polyline which is closest to a given point. # # Arguments: # P a point # polyline a polyline # # Results: # Q the point on the polyline that has the smallest # distance to P # # Examples: # - findClosestPointOnPolyline {10 10} {0 0 10 5 20 0} # Result: 10 5 # - findClosestPointOnPolyline {5 10} {0 0 10 5 20 0} # Result: 8.0 4.0 # proc ::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline {P polyline} { set closestPoint "none" foreach {Ax Ay} [lrange $polyline 0 end-2] {Bx By} [lrange $polyline 2 end] { set Q [findClosestPointOnLineSegment $P [list $Ax $Ay $Bx $By]] set dist [lengthOfPolyline [concat $P $Q]] if {$closestPoint=="none" || $dist<$closestDistance} { set closestPoint $Q set closestDistance $dist } } return $closestPoint } # ::math::geometry::lengthOfPolyline # # Find the length of a polyline, i.e., the sum of the # lengths of the individual line segments. # # Arguments: # polyline a polyline # # Results: # length the length of the polyline # # Examples: # - lengthOfPolyline {0 0 5 0 5 10} # Result: 15.0 # proc ::math::geometry::lengthOfPolyline {polyline} { set length 0 foreach {x1 y1} [lrange $polyline 0 end-2] {x2 y2} [lrange $polyline 2 end] { set length [expr {$length + sqrt(pow($x1-$x2,2) + pow($y1-$y2,2))}] #set length [expr {$length + sqrt(($x1-$x2)*($x1-$x2) + ($y1-$y2)*($y1-$y2))}] } return $length } # ::math::geometry::movePointInDirection # # Move a point in a given direction. # # Arguments: # P the starting point # direction the direction from P # The direction is in 360-degrees going counter-clockwise, # with "straight right" being 0 degrees # dist the distance from P # # Results: # Q the point which is found by starting in P and going # in the given direction, until the distance between # P and Q is dist # # Examples: # - movePointInDirection {0 0} 45.0 10 # Result: 7.07106781187 7.07106781187 # proc ::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {P direction dist} { set x [lindex $P 0] set y [lindex $P 1] set pi [expr {4*atan(1)}] set xt [expr {$x + $dist*cos(($direction*$pi)/180)}] set yt [expr {$y + $dist*sin(($direction*$pi)/180)}] return [list $xt $yt] } # ::math::geometry::angle # # Calculates angle from the horizon (0,0)->(1,0) to a line. # # Arguments: # line a line defined by two points A and B # # Results: # angle the angle between the line (0,0)->(1,0) and (Ax,Ay)->(Bx,By). # Angle is in 360-degrees going counter-clockwise # # Examples: # - angle {10 10 15 13} # Result: 30.9637565321 # proc ::math::geometry::angle {line} { set x1 [lindex $line 0] set y1 [lindex $line 1] set x2 [lindex $line 2] set y2 [lindex $line 3] # - handle vertical lines if {$x1==$x2} {if {$y1<$y2} {return 90} else {return 270}} # - handle other lines set a [expr {atan(abs((1.0*$y1-$y2)/(1.0*$x1-$x2)))}] ; # a is between 0 and pi/2 set pi [expr {4*atan(1)}] if {$y1<=$y2} { # line is going upwards if {$x1<$x2} {set b $a} else {set b [expr {$pi-$a}]} } else { # line is going downwards if {$x1<$x2} {set b [expr {2*$pi-$a}]} else {set b [expr {$pi+$a}]} } return [expr {$b/$pi*180}] ; # convert b to degrees } ### # # Intersection procedures # ### # ::math::geometry::lineSegmentsIntersect # # Checks whether two line segments intersect. # # Arguments: # linesegment1 the first line segment # linesegment2 the second line segment # # Results: # dointersect a boolean saying whether the line segments intersect # (i.e., have any points in common) # # Examples: # - lineSegmentsIntersect {0 0 10 10} {0 10 10 0} # Result: 1 # - lineSegmentsIntersect {0 0 10 10} {20 20 20 30} # Result: 0 # - lineSegmentsIntersect {0 0 10 10} {10 10 15 15} # Result: 1 # proc ::math::geometry::lineSegmentsIntersect {linesegment1 linesegment2} { # Algorithm based on Sedgewick. set l1x1 [lindex $linesegment1 0] set l1y1 [lindex $linesegment1 1] set l1x2 [lindex $linesegment1 2] set l1y2 [lindex $linesegment1 3] set l2x1 [lindex $linesegment2 0] set l2y1 [lindex $linesegment2 1] set l2x2 [lindex $linesegment2 2] set l2y2 [lindex $linesegment2 3] # # First check the distance between the endpoints # set margin 1.0e-7 if { [calculateDistanceToLineSegment [lrange $linesegment1 0 1] $linesegment2] < $margin } { return 1 } if { [calculateDistanceToLineSegment [lrange $linesegment1 2 3] $linesegment2] < $margin } { return 1 } if { [calculateDistanceToLineSegment [lrange $linesegment2 0 1] $linesegment1] < $margin } { return 1 } if { [calculateDistanceToLineSegment [lrange $linesegment2 2 3] $linesegment1] < $margin } { return 1 } return [expr {([ccw [list $l1x1 $l1y1] [list $l1x2 $l1y2] [list $l2x1 $l2y1]]\ *[ccw [list $l1x1 $l1y1] [list $l1x2 $l1y2] [list $l2x2 $l2y2]] <= 0) \ && ([ccw [list $l2x1 $l2y1] [list $l2x2 $l2y2] [list $l1x1 $l1y1]]\ *[ccw [list $l2x1 $l2y1] [list $l2x2 $l2y2] [list $l1x2 $l1y2]] <= 0)}] } # ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection # # Returns the intersection point of two line segments. # Note: may also return "coincident" and "none". # # Arguments: # linesegment1 the first line segment # linesegment2 the second line segment # # Results: # P the intersection point of linesegment1 and linesegment2. # If linesegment1 and linesegment2 have an infinite number # of points in common, the procedure returns "coincident". # If there are no intersection points, the procedure # returns "none". # # Examples: # - findLineSegmentIntersection {0 0 10 10} {0 10 10 0} # Result: 5.0 5.0 # - findLineSegmentIntersection {0 0 10 10} {20 20 20 30} # Result: none # - findLineSegmentIntersection {0 0 10 10} {10 10 15 15} # Result: 10.0 10.0 # - findLineSegmentIntersection {0 0 10 10} {5 5 15 15} # Result: coincident # proc ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {linesegment1 linesegment2} { if {[lineSegmentsIntersect $linesegment1 $linesegment2]} { set lineintersect [findLineIntersection $linesegment1 $linesegment2] switch -- $lineintersect { "coincident" { # lines are coincident set l1x1 [lindex $linesegment1 0] set l1y1 [lindex $linesegment1 1] set l1x2 [lindex $linesegment1 2] set l1y2 [lindex $linesegment1 3] set l2x1 [lindex $linesegment2 0] set l2y1 [lindex $linesegment2 1] set l2x2 [lindex $linesegment2 2] set l2y2 [lindex $linesegment2 3] # check if the line SEGMENTS overlap # (NOT enough to check if the x-intervals overlap (vertical lines!)) set overlapx [intervalsOverlap $l1x1 $l1x2 $l2x1 $l2x2 0] set overlapy [intervalsOverlap $l1y1 $l1y2 $l2y1 $l2y2 0] if {$overlapx && $overlapy} { return "coincident" } else { return "none" } } "none" { # should never happen, because we call "lineSegmentsIntersect" first puts stderr "::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection: suddenly no intersection?" return "none" } default { # lineintersect = the intersection point return $lineintersect } } } else { return "none" } } # ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {line1 line2} # # Returns the intersection point of two lines. # Note: may also return "coincident" and "none". # # Arguments: # line1 the first line # line2 the second line # # Results: # P the intersection point of line1 and line2. # If line1 and line2 have an infinite number of points # in common, the procedure returns "coincident". # If there are no intersection points, the procedure # returns "none". # # Examples: # - findLineIntersection {0 0 10 10} {0 10 10 0} # Result: 5.0 5.0 # - findLineIntersection {0 0 10 10} {20 20 20 30} # Result: 20.0 20.0 # - findLineIntersection {0 0 10 10} {10 10 15 15} # Result: coincident # - findLineIntersection {0 0 10 10} {5 5 15 15} # Result: coincident # - findLineIntersection {0 0 10 10} {0 1 10 11} # Result: none # proc ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {line1 line2} { # References: # http://wiki.tcl.tk/12070 (Kevin Kenny) # http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/ set l1x1 [lindex $line1 0] set l1y1 [lindex $line1 1] set l1x2 [lindex $line1 2] set l1y2 [lindex $line1 3] set l2x1 [lindex $line2 0] set l2y1 [lindex $line2 1] set l2x2 [lindex $line2 2] set l2y2 [lindex $line2 3] set d [expr {($l2y2 - $l2y1) * ($l1x2 - $l1x1) - ($l2x2 - $l2x1) * ($l1y2 - $l1y1)}] set na [expr {($l2x2 - $l2x1) * ($l1y1 - $l2y1) - ($l2y2 - $l2y1) * ($l1x1 - $l2x1)}] # http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/ if {$d == 0} { if {$na == 0} { return "coincident" } else { return "none" } } set r [list \ [expr {$l1x1 + $na * ($l1x2 - $l1x1) / $d}] \ [expr {$l1y1 + $na * ($l1y2 - $l1y1) / $d}]] return $r } # ::math::geometry::polylinesIntersect # # Checks whether two polylines intersect. # # Arguments; # polyline1 the first polyline # polyline2 the second polyline # # Results: # dointersect a boolean saying whether the polylines intersect # # Examples: # - polylinesIntersect {0 0 10 10 10 20} {0 10 10 0} # Result: 1 # - polylinesIntersect {0 0 10 10 10 20} {5 4 10 4} # Result: 0 # proc ::math::geometry::polylinesIntersect {polyline1 polyline2} { return [polylinesBoundingIntersect $polyline1 $polyline2 0] } # ::math::geometry::polylinesBoundingIntersect # # Check whether two polylines intersect, but reduce # the correctness of the result to the given granularity. # Use this for faster, but weaker, intersection checking. # # How it works: # Each polyline is split into a number of smaller polylines, # consisting of granularity points each. If a pair of those smaller # lines' bounding boxes intersect, then this procedure returns 1, # otherwise it returns 0. # # Arguments: # polyline1 the first polyline # polyline2 the second polyline # granularity the number of points in each part-polyline # granularity<=1 means full correctness # # Results: # dointersect a boolean saying whether the polylines intersect # # Examples: # - polylinesBoundingIntersect {0 0 10 10 10 20} {0 10 10 0} 2 # Result: 1 # - polylinesBoundingIntersect {0 0 10 10 10 20} {5 4 10 4} 2 # Result: 1 # proc ::math::geometry::polylinesBoundingIntersect {polyline1 polyline2 granularity} { if {$granularity<=1} { # Use perfect intersect # => first pin down where an intersection point may be, and then # call MultilinesIntersectPerfect on those parts set granularity 10 ; # optimal search granularity? set perfectmatch 1 } else { set perfectmatch 0 } # split the lines into parts consisting of $granularity points set polyline1parts {} for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $polyline1]} {incr i [expr {2*$granularity-2}]} { lappend polyline1parts [lrange $polyline1 $i [expr {$i+2*$granularity-1}]] } set polyline2parts {} for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $polyline2]} {incr i [expr {2*$granularity-2}]} { lappend polyline2parts [lrange $polyline2 $i [expr {$i+2*$granularity-1}]] } # do any of the parts overlap? foreach part1 $polyline1parts { foreach part2 $polyline2parts { set part1bbox [bbox $part1] set part2bbox [bbox $part2] if {[rectanglesOverlap [lrange $part1bbox 0 1] [lrange $part1bbox 2 3] \ [lrange $part2bbox 0 1] [lrange $part2bbox 2 3] 0]} { # the lines' bounding boxes intersect if {$perfectmatch} { foreach {l1x1 l1y1} [lrange $part1 0 end-2] {l1x2 l1y2} [lrange $part1 2 end] { foreach {l2x1 l2y1} [lrange $part2 0 end-2] {l2x2 l2y2} [lrange $part2 2 end] { if {[lineSegmentsIntersect [list $l1x1 $l1y1 $l1x2 $l1y2] \ [list $l2x1 $l2y1 $l2x2 $l2y2]]} { # two line segments overlap return 1 } } } return 0 } else { return 1 } } } } return 0 } # ::math::geometry::ccw # # PRIVATE FUNCTION USED BY OTHER FUNCTIONS. # Returns whether traversing from A to B to C is CounterClockWise # Algorithm by Sedgewick. # # Arguments: # A first point # B second point # C third point # # Reeults: # ccw a boolean saying whether traversing from A to B to C # is CounterClockWise # proc ::math::geometry::ccw {A B C} { set Ax [lindex $A 0] set Ay [lindex $A 1] set Bx [lindex $B 0] set By [lindex $B 1] set Cx [lindex $C 0] set Cy [lindex $C 1] set dx1 [expr {$Bx - $Ax}] set dy1 [expr {$By - $Ay}] set dx2 [expr {$Cx - $Ax}] set dy2 [expr {$Cy - $Ay}] if {$dx1*$dy2 > $dy1*$dx2} {return 1} if {$dx1*$dy2 < $dy1*$dx2} {return -1} if {($dx1*$dx2 < 0) || ($dy1*$dy2 < 0)} {return -1} if {($dx1*$dx1 + $dy1*$dy1) < ($dx2*$dx2+$dy2*$dy2)} {return 1} return 0 } ### # # Overlap procedures # ### # ::math::geometry::intervalsOverlap # # Check whether two intervals overlap. # Examples: # - (2,4) and (5,3) overlap with strict=0 and strict=1 # - (2,4) and (1,2) overlap with strict=0 but not with strict=1 # # Arguments: # y1,y2 the first interval # y3,y4 the second interval # strict choosing strict or non-strict interpretation # # Results: # dooverlap a boolean saying whether the intervals overlap # # Examples: # - intervalsOverlap 2 4 4 6 1 # Result: 0 # - intervalsOverlap 2 4 4 6 0 # Result: 1 # - intervalsOverlap 4 2 3 5 0 # Result: 1 # proc ::math::geometry::intervalsOverlap {y1 y2 y3 y4 strict} { if {$y1>$y2} { set temp $y1 set y1 $y2 set y2 $temp } if {$y3>$y4} { set temp $y3 set y3 $y4 set y4 $temp } if {$strict} { return [expr {$y2>$y3 && $y4>$y1}] } else { return [expr {$y2>=$y3 && $y4>=$y1}] } } # ::math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap # # Check whether two rectangles overlap (see also intervalsOverlap). # # Arguments: # P1 upper-left corner of the first rectangle # P2 lower-right corner of the first rectangle # Q1 upper-left corner of the second rectangle # Q2 lower-right corner of the second rectangle # strict choosing strict or non-strict interpretation # # Results: # dooverlap a boolean saying whether the rectangles overlap # # Examples: # - rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {10 10} {20 0} 1 # Result: 0 # - rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {10 10} {20 0} 0 # Result: 1 # proc ::math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap {P1 P2 Q1 Q2 strict} { set b1x1 [lindex $P1 0] set b1y1 [lindex $P1 1] set b1x2 [lindex $P2 0] set b1y2 [lindex $P2 1] set b2x1 [lindex $Q1 0] set b2y1 [lindex $Q1 1] set b2x2 [lindex $Q2 0] set b2y2 [lindex $Q2 1] # ensure b1x1<=b1x2 etc. if {$b1x1 > $b1x2} { set temp $b1x1 set b1x1 $b1x2 set b1x2 $temp } if {$b1y1 > $b1y2} { set temp $b1y1 set b1y1 $b1y2 set b1y2 $temp } if {$b2x1 > $b2x2} { set temp $b2x1 set b2x1 $b2x2 set b2x2 $temp } if {$b2y1 > $b2y2} { set temp $b2y1 set b2y1 $b2y2 set b2y2 $temp } # Check if the boxes intersect # (From: Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivests' "Algorithms", page 889) if {$strict} { return [expr {($b1x2>$b2x1) && ($b2x2>$b1x1) \ && ($b1y2>$b2y1) && ($b2y2>$b1y1)}] } else { return [expr {($b1x2>=$b2x1) && ($b2x2>=$b1x1) \ && ($b1y2>=$b2y1) && ($b2y2>=$b1y1)}] } } # ::math::geometry::bbox # # Calculate the bounding box of a polyline. # # Arguments: # polyline a polyline # # Results: # x1,y1,x2,y2 four coordinates where (x1,y1) is the upper-left corner # of the bounding box, and (x2,y2) is the lower-right corner # # Examples: # - bbox {0 10 4 1 6 23 -12 5} # Result: -12 1 6 23 # proc ::math::geometry::bbox {polyline} { set minX [lindex $polyline 0] set maxX $minX set minY [lindex $polyline 1] set maxY $minY foreach {x y} $polyline { if {$x < $minX} {set minX $x} if {$x > $maxX} {set maxX $x} if {$y < $minY} {set minY $y} if {$y > $maxY} {set maxY $y} } return [list $minX $minY $maxX $maxY] } # ::math::geometry::ClosedPolygon # # Return a closed polygon - used internally # # Arguments: # polygon a polygon # # Results: # closedpolygon a polygon whose first and last vertices # coincide # proc ::math::geometry::ClosedPolygon {polygon} { if { [lindex $polygon 0] != [lindex $polygon end-1] || [lindex $polygon 1] != [lindex $polygon end] } { return [concat $polygon [lrange $polygon 0 1]] } else { return $polygon } } # ::math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon # # Determine if a point is completely inside a polygon. If the point # touches the polygon, then the point is not complete inside the # polygon. # # Arguments: # P a point # polygon a polygon # # Results: # isinside a boolean saying whether the point is # completely inside the polygon or not # # Examples: # - pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4} # Result: 1 # - pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {6 6 6 7 7 7} # Result: 0 # proc ::math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {P polygon} { # check if P is on one of the polygon's sides (if so, P is not # inside the polygon) set closedPolygon [ClosedPolygon $polygon] foreach {x1 y1} [lrange $closedPolygon 0 end-2] {x2 y2} [lrange $closedPolygon 2 end] { if {[calculateDistanceToLineSegment $P [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]]<0.0000001} { return 0 } } # Algorithm # # Consider a straight line going from P to a point far away from both # P and the polygon (in particular outside the polygon). # - If the line intersects with 0 of the polygon's sides, then # P must be outside the polygon. # - If the line intersects with 1 of the polygon's sides, then # P must be inside the polygon (since the other end of the line # is outside the polygon). # - If the line intersects with 2 of the polygon's sides, then # the line must pass into one polygon area and out of it again, # and hence P is outside the polygon. # - In general: if the line intersects with the polygon's sides an odd # number of times, then P is inside the polygon. Note: we also have # to check whether the line crosses one of the polygon's # bend points for the same reason. # get point far away and define the line set polygonBbox [bbox $polygon] set pointFarAway [list \ [expr {[lindex $polygonBbox 0]-[lindex $polygonBbox 2]}] \ [expr {[lindex $polygonBbox 1]-0.1*[lindex $polygonBbox 3]}]] set infinityLine [concat $pointFarAway $P] # calculate number of intersections set noOfIntersections 0 # 1. count intersections between the line and the polygon's sides foreach {x1 y1} [lrange $closedPolygon 0 end-2] {x2 y2} [lrange $closedPolygon 2 end] { if {[lineSegmentsIntersect $infinityLine [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]]} { incr noOfIntersections } } # 2. count intersections between the line and the polygon's points foreach {x1 y1} $closedPolygon { if {[calculateDistanceToLineSegment [list $x1 $y1] $infinityLine]<0.0000001} { incr noOfIntersections } } return [expr {$noOfIntersections % 2}] } # ::math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon # # Determine if a rectangle is completely inside a polygon. If polygon # touches the rectangle, then the rectangle is not complete inside the # polygon. # # Arguments: # P1 upper-left corner of the rectangle # P2 lower-right corner of the rectangle # polygon a polygon # # Results: # isinside a boolean saying whether the rectangle is # completely inside the polygon or not # # Examples: # - rectangleInsidePolygon {0 10} {10 0} {-10 -10 0 11 11 11 11 0} # Result: 1 # - rectangleInsidePolygon {0 0} {0 0} {-16 14 5 -16 -16 -25 -21 16 -19 24} # Result: 1 # - rectangleInsidePolygon {0 0} {0 0} {2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2} # Result: 0 # proc ::math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {P1 P2 polygon} { # get coordinates of rectangle set bx1 [lindex $P1 0] set by1 [lindex $P1 1] set bx2 [lindex $P2 0] set by2 [lindex $P2 1] # if rectangle does not overlap with the bbox of polygon, then the # rectangle cannot be inside the polygon (this is a quick way to # get an answer in many cases) set polygonBbox [bbox $polygon] set polygonP1x [lindex $polygonBbox 0] set polygonP1y [lindex $polygonBbox 1] set polygonP2x [lindex $polygonBbox 2] set polygonP2y [lindex $polygonBbox 3] if {![rectanglesOverlap [list $bx1 $by1] [list $bx2 $by2] \ [list $polygonP1x $polygonP1y] [list $polygonP2x $polygonP2y] 0]} { return 0 } # 1. if one of the points of the polygon is inside the rectangle, # then the rectangle cannot be inside the polygon foreach {x y} $polygon { if {$bx1<$x && $x<$bx2 && $by1<$y && $y<$by2} { return 0 } } # 2. if one of the line segments of the polygon intersect with the # rectangle, then the rectangle cannot be inside the polygon set rectanglePolyline [list $bx1 $by1 $bx2 $by1 $bx2 $by2 $bx1 $by2 $bx1 $by1] set closedPolygon [ClosedPolygon $polygon] if {[polylinesIntersect $closedPolygon $rectanglePolyline]} { return 0 } # at this point we know that: # 1. the polygon has no points inside the rectangle # 2. the polygon's sides don't intersect with the rectangle # therefore: # either the rectangle is (completely) inside the polygon, or # the rectangle is (completely) outside the polygon # final test: if one of the points on the rectangle is inside the # polygon, then the whole rectangle must be inside the rectangle return [pointInsidePolygon [list $bx1 $by1] $polygon] } # ::math::geometry::areaPolygon # # Determine the area enclosed by a (non-complex) polygon # # Arguments: # polygon a polygon # # Results: # area the area enclosed by the polygon # # Examples: # - areaPolygon {-10 -10 10 -10 10 10 -10 10} # Result: 400 # proc ::math::geometry::areaPolygon {polygon} { foreach {a1 a2 b1 b2} $polygon {break} set area 0.0 foreach {c1 c2} [lrange $polygon 4 end] { set area [expr {$area + $b1*$c2 - $b2*$c1}] set b1 $c1 set b2 $c2 } expr {0.5*abs($area)} } # # ## ### ##### ############# namespace eval ::math::geometry { variable pi [expr { 4 * atan(1) }] variable torad [expr { (4 * atan(1)) / 180.0 }] variable todeg [expr { 180.0 / (4 * atan(1)) }] namespace export \ + - s* direction v h p between distance length \ nwse rect octant findLineSegmentIntersection \ findLineIntersection bbox x y conjx conjy } package provide math::geometry 1.1.3