# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for geometry library. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by Ideogramic ApS and other parties. # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: geometry.test,v 1.13 2010/04/06 17:02:25 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.2 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { useLocal math.tcl math } testing { useLocal geometry.tcl math::geometry } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc withFourDecimals {args} { set res {} foreach arg $args {lappend res [expr (round(10000*$arg))/10000.0]} return $res } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### # calculateDistanceToLine ### test geometry-1.1 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, simple} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {6 4} {1 1 7 1}] } 3.0 test geometry-1.2 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, on line segment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {3 2} {1 1 5 3}] } 0.0 test geometry-1.3 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, on first end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {1 1} {1 1 7 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-1.4 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, on second end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {7 1} {1 1 7 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-1.5 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, not on line segment, between line segment ends} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {3 1} {1 1 7 3}] } 0.6325 test geometry-1.6 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, not on infinite line, beyond first line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {0 -2} {1 1 7 3}] } 2.5298 test geometry-1.7 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, not on infinite line, beyond second line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {10 2} {1 1 7 3}] } 1.8974 test geometry-1.8 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, on infinite line, beyond first line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {-1 0} {1 1 5 3}] } 0.0 test geometry-1.9 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, on infinite line, beyond second line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine {9 5} {1 1 5 3}] } 0.0 ### # calculateDistanceToLineSegment ### test geometry-2.1 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, simple} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {6 4} {1 1 7 1}] } 3.0 test geometry-2.2 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, on linesegment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {3 2} {1 1 5 3}] } 0.0 test geometry-2.3 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, on first end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {1 1} {1 1 7 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-2.4 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, on second end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {7 1} {1 1 7 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-2.5 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, not on linesegment, between linesegment ends} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {3 1} {1 1 7 3}] } 0.6325 test geometry-2.6 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, not on infinite line, beyond first line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {0 -2} {1 1 7 3}] } 3.1623 test geometry-2.7 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, not on infinite line, beyond second line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {10 2} {1 1 7 3}] } 3.1623 test geometry-2.8 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, on infinite line, beyond first line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {-1 0} {1 1 5 3}] } 2.2361 test geometry-2.9 {geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment, on infinite line, beyond second line segment end} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLineSegment {9 5} {1 1 5 3}] } 4.4721 ### # findClosestPointOnLine ### test geometry-3.1 {geometry::findClosestPointOnLine, between end points} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLine {5 10} {0 0 10 10}] } {7.5 7.5} test geometry-3.2 {geometry::findClosestPointOnLine, before first point} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnLine {-10 0} {0 0 10 10}] } {-5.0 -5.0} ### # findClosestPointOnLineSegment ### ### # findClosestPointOnPolyline ### test geometry-5.1 {geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline, one linesegment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline {6 4} {1 1 7 1}] } {6.0 1.0} test geometry-5.2 {geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline, two linesegments} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline {5 5} {1 1 1 5 14 10}] } {4.4845 6.3402} test geometry-5.3 {geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline, point lies on a linesegment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findClosestPointOnPolyline {5 5} {1 1 8 8}] } {5.0 5.0} ### # calculateDistanceToPolyline ### test geometry-6.1 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, one line segment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {6 4} {4 6 1 2}] } 2.8 test geometry-6.2 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, two line segments} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {6 9} {4 6 1 2 4 12}] } 2.7777 test geometry-6.3 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, three line segments} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {6 4} {4 6 1 2 10 8 12 4}] } 1.1094 test geometry-6.4 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, on first point} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {4 6} {4 6 1 2 5 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-6.5 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, on second point} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {1 2} {4 6 1 2 5 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-6.6 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, on third point} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {5 1} {4 6 1 2 5 1}] } 0.0 test geometry-6.7 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, on first line segment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {2 2} {4 6 1 0 5 4}] } 0.0 test geometry-6.8 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline, on second line segment} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolyline {3 2} {4 6 1 0 5 4}] } 0.0 ### # lineSegmentsIntersect ### test geometry-7.1 {geometry::lineSegmentsIntersect, } { ::math::geometry::lineSegmentsIntersect {0 0 10 10} {0 10 10 0} } 1 ### # polylinesIntersect ### test geometry-8.1 {geometry::polylinesIntersect, } { ::math::geometry::polylinesIntersect {0 0 0 2 10 10} {0 10 2 10 10 0} } 1 ### # findLineIntersection ### test geometry-9.1 {geometry::findLineIntersection, first line vertical} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {7 8 7 28} {3 14 17 21}] } {7.0 16.0} test geometry-9.2 {geometry::findLineIntersection, second line vertical} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {3 14 17 21} {7 8 7 28}] } {7.0 16.0} test geometry-9.3 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines vertical - coincident} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {7 8 7 28} {7 14 7 21} } "coincident" test geometry-9.4 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines vertical - no intersection} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {7 8 7 28} {8 14 8 21} } "none" test geometry-9.5 {geometry::findLineIntersection, first line horizontal} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {2 3 10 3} {4 5 7 2}] } {6.0 3.0} test geometry-9.6 {geometry::findLineIntersection, second line horizontal} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {4 5 7 2} {2 3 10 3}] } {6.0 3.0} test geometry-9.7 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines horizontal - coincident} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {8 7 28 7} {14 7 21 7} } "coincident" test geometry-9.8 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines horizontal - no intersection} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {8 7 28 7} {14 8 21 8} } "none" test geometry-9.9 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines skaeve - with intersection} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {3 2 9 4} {4 5 7 2}] } {6.0 3.0} test geometry-9.10 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines skaeve - coincident} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {3 2 9 4} {6 3 12 5} } "coincident" test geometry-9.11 {geometry::findLineIntersection, both lines skaeve - no intersection} { ::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {3 2 9 4} {3 12 9 14} } "none" test geometry-9.12 {geometry::findLineIntersection, vertical} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {110.0 130.0 110.0 30.0} {180.0 200.0 280.0 200.0}] } {110.0 200.0} test geometry-9.13 {geometry::findLineIntersection, vertical, ints} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {110 130 110 30} {180 200 280 200}] } {110.0 200.0} test geometry-9.14 {geometry::findLineIntersection, very near vertical, flipped direction} { # This test checks the numerical stability of the algorithm eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {110.0 130.0 109.99999999999999 230.0} {180.0 200.0 280.0 200.0}] } {110.0 200.0} test geometry-9.15 {geometry::findLineIntersection, vertical, flipped direction} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineIntersection {110 130 110 230} {180 200 280 200}] } {110.0 200.0} ### # findLineSegmentIntersection ### test geometry-10.1 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines vertical - no overlap} { ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {1 1 1 2} {1 3 1 4} } "none" test geometry-10.2 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines vertical - with overlap} { ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {1 1 1 2} {1 1.5 1 19} } "coincident" test geometry-10.3 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines skaeve - with intersection} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {3 2 9 4} {4 5 7 2}] } {6.0 3.0} test geometry-10.4 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines skaeve - coincident} { ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {3 2 9 4} {6 3 12 5} } "coincident" test geometry-10.5 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines skaeve - parallel but not coincident} { ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {3 2 6 3} {9 4 12 5} } "none" test geometry-10.6 {geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection, both lines skaeve - no intersection} { ::math::geometry::findLineSegmentIntersection {3 2 9 4} {4 5 5 4} } "none" ### # movePointInDirection ### test geometry-11.1 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going up} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 90 1] } {0.0 1.0} test geometry-11.2 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going up 2} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 90 5.7] } {0.0 5.7} test geometry-11.3 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going down} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 270 5.7] } {0.0 -5.7} test geometry-11.4 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going left} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 180 5.7] } {-5.7 0.0} test geometry-11.5 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going right} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 0 5.7] } {5.7 0.0} test geometry-11.6 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going up and right} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 45 5.7] } {4.0305 4.0305} test geometry-11.7 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going up and left} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 135 5.7] } {-4.0305 4.0305} test geometry-11.8 {geometry::movePointInDirection, (3,4,5)-triangle} { set pi [expr 4*atan(1)] set angleInRadians [expr asin(0.6)] set angleInDegrees [expr $angleInRadians/$pi*180] eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} $angleInDegrees 5] } {4.0 3.0} test geometry-11.9 {geometry::movePointInDirection, going up and left from (3,6)} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {3 6} 135 5.7] } {-1.0305 10.0305} test geometry-11.10 {geometry::movePointInDirection, negative angle} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} -90 5.7] } {0.0 -5.7} test geometry-11.11 {geometry::movePointInDirection, negative angle 2} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} -135 5.7] } {-4.0305 -4.0305} test geometry-11.12 {geometry::movePointInDirection, big angle (>360)} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::movePointInDirection {0 0} 450 5.7] } {0.0 5.7} ### # Angle ### test geometry-12.1 {geometry::angle, going right} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 10 0}] } 0.0 test geometry-12.2 {geometry::angle, going up} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 0 10}] } 90.0 test geometry-12.3 {geometry::angle, going left} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 -10 0}] } 180.0 test geometry-12.4 {geometry::angle, going down} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 0 -10}] } 270.0 test geometry-12.5 {geometry::angle, going up and right} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 10 10}] } 45.0 test geometry-12.6 {geometry::angle, going up and left} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 -10 10}] } 135.0 test geometry-12.7 {geometry::angle, going down and left} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 -10 -10}] } 225.0 test geometry-12.8 {geometry::angle, going down and right} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {0 0 10 -10}] } 315.0 test geometry-12.9 {geometry::angle, going up and right from (3,6)} { withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::angle {3 6 10 9}] } 23.1986 ### # intervalsOverlap ### test geometry-13.1 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, strict, overlap} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 2 4 3 6 1 } 1 test geometry-13.2 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, strict, no overlap} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 2 4 4 6 1 } 0 test geometry-13.3 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, not strict, overlap} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 2 4 3 6 0 } 1 test geometry-13.4 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, not strict, no overlap} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 2 4 5 6 0 } 0 test geometry-13.5 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, first interval wrong order} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 4 2 3 5 0 } 1 test geometry-13.6 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, second interval wrong order} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 2 4 5 3 0 } 1 test geometry-13.7 {geometry::intervalsOverlap, both interval wrong order} { math::geometry::intervalsOverlap 4 2 5 3 0 } 1 ### # rectanglesOverlap ### test geometry-14.1 {geometry::rectanglesOverlap, strict, overlap} { math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {5 10} {20 0} 1 } 1 test geometry-14.2 {geometry::rectanglesOverlap, strict, no overlap} { math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {10 10} {20 0} 1 } 0 test geometry-14.3 {geometry::rectanglesOverlap, not strict, overlap} { math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {5 10} {20 0} 0 } 1 test geometry-14.4 {geometry::rectanglesOverlap, not strict, no overlap} { math::geometry::rectanglesOverlap {0 10} {10 0} {12 10} {20 0} 0 } 0 ### # pointInsidePolygon ### test geometry-15.1 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, simple inside} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4} } 1 test geometry-15.2 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, simple not inside} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {6 6 6 7 7 7} } 0 test geometry-15.3 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, point on polygon's sides} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {5 4 5 6 7 7} } 0 test geometry-15.4 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, point identical with one of polygon's points} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {5 4 5 5 7 7} } 0 test geometry-15.5 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, point not in polygon's bbox} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {8 8 8 9 9 9 9 8} } 0 test geometry-15.6 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, hour-glass with center on point} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 6 6 6 4 4 6} } 0 test geometry-15.7 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, hour-glass with point inside one of the areas} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {3 2 5 11 3 11 11 6} } 1 test geometry-15.8 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, hour-glass with point on left side} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 1 8 8 6 8 8 1} } 0 test geometry-15.9 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, hour-glass with point on right side} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {2 4 6 9 2 9 5 4} } 0 test geometry-15.10 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, infinityLine crosses point instead of line segment} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 4 7 7 7 7 4} } 1 test geometry-15.11 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, polygon already closed} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4} } 1 test geometry-15.12 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, polygon with zero-length side} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {5 5} {4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 4} } 1 test geometry-15.13 {geometry::pointInsidePolygon, edge case polygon/point, ticket c1ca34ead3} { math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon {3.0 -1.5} {2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0} } 0 ### # rectangleInsidePolygon ### test geometry-16.1 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, simple} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {0 10} {10 0} {-10 -10 0 11 11 11 11 0} } 1 test geometry-16.2 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, rectangle and polygon identical} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {7 7} {5 5 5 7 7 7 7 5} } 0 test geometry-16.3 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, bboxes don't overlap} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {7 7} {8 8 8 9 9 9 9 8} } 0 test geometry-16.4 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, polygon point is inside the rectangle} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {7 7} {4 4 4 8 6 6} } 0 test geometry-16.5 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, hour-glass with center inside rectangle} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {7 7} {5 3 7 9 5 9 7 3} } 0 test geometry-16.6 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, hour-glass with rectangle inside one of the areas} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {7 7} {3 2 5 11 3 11 11 6} } 1 test geometry-16.7 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, hour-glass with rectangle on left side} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {6 6} {4 1 8 8 6 8 8 1} } 0 test geometry-16.8 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, hour-glass with rectangle on right side} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {6 6} {2 4 6 9 2 9 5 4} } 0 test geometry-16.9 {geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon, infinityLine crosses point instead of line segment} { math::geometry::rectangleInsidePolygon {5 5} {6 6} {4 4 4 7 7 7 7 4} } 1 ### ### test geometry-17.0 {point constructor} { math::geometry::p 1 4 } {1 4} test geometry-17.1 {vector addition} { math::geometry::+ {1 4} {5 3} } {6 7} test geometry-17.2 {vector difference} { math::geometry::- {6 7} {5 3} } {1 4} test geometry-17.3 {vector distance} { withFourDecimals [math::geometry::distance {6 7} {5 3}] } 4.1231 test geometry-17.4 {vector length} { withFourDecimals [math::geometry::length {1 1}] } 1.4142 test geometry-17.5 {vector scale} { math::geometry::s* 5 {1 1} } {5 5} test geometry-17.6 {vector direction} { eval withFourDecimals [math::geometry::direction 0] } {1.0 0.0} test geometry-17.7 {vector direction} { eval withFourDecimals [math::geometry::direction 90] } {0.0 -1.0} test geometry-17.8 {vector vertical} { math::geometry::v 90 } {0 90} test geometry-17.9 {vector horizontal} { math::geometry::h 90 } {90 0} test geometry-17.10 {point between} { math::geometry::between {0 0} {4 4} 0 } {0 0} test geometry-17.11 {point between} { math::geometry::between {0 0} {4 4} 1 } {4 4} test geometry-17.12 {point between} { math::geometry::between {0 0} {4 4} 0.5 } {2.0 2.0} test geometry-17.13 {octant} { math::geometry::octant {-10 -12} } northwest ### # calculateDistanceToPolygon ### test geometry-18.1 {geometry::calculateDistanceToPolygon, non-closed polygon, point on polygon} { eval withFourDecimals [::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToPolygon {2.0 0.5} {2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0}] } 0.0 ### testsuiteCleanup