# statistics.tcl -- # # Package for basic statistical analysis # # version 0.1: initial implementation, january 2003 # version 0.1.1: added linear regres # version 0.1.2: border case in stdev taken care of # version 0.1.3: moved initialisation of CDF to first call, november 2004 # version 0.3: added test for normality (as implemented by Torsten Reincke), march 2006 # (also fixed an error in the export list) # version 0.4: added the multivariate linear regression procedures by # Eric Kemp-Benedict, february 2007 # version 0.5: added the population standard deviation and variance, # as suggested by Dimitrios Zachariadis # version 0.6: added pdf and cdf procedures for various distributions # (provided by Eric Kemp-Benedict) # version 0.7: added Kruskal-Wallis test (by Torsten Berg) # version 0.8: added Wilcoxon test and Spearman rank correlation # version 0.9: added kernel density estimation # version 0.9.3: added histogram-alt, corrected test-normal package require Tcl 8.4 package provide math::statistics 1.0 package require math if {![llength [info commands ::lrepeat]]} { # Forward portability, emulate lrepeat proc ::lrepeat {n args} { if {$n < 1} { return -code error "must have a count of at least 1" } set res {} while {$n} { foreach x $args { lappend res $x } incr n -1 } return $res } } # ::math::statistics -- # Namespace holding the procedures and variables # namespace eval ::math::statistics { # # Safer: change to short procedures # namespace export mean min max number var stdev pvar pstdev basic-stats corr \ histogram histogram-alt interval-mean-stdev t-test-mean quantiles \ test-normal lillieforsFit \ autocorr crosscorr filter map samplescount median \ test-2x2 print-2x2 control-xbar test_xbar \ control-Rchart test-Rchart \ test-Kruskal-Wallis analyse-Kruskal-Wallis group-rank \ test-Wilcoxon spearman-rank spearman-rank-extended \ test-Duckworth # # Error messages # variable NEGSTDEV {Zero or negative standard deviation} variable TOOFEWDATA {Too few or invalid data} variable OUTOFRANGE {Argument out of range} # # Coefficients involved # variable factorNormalPdf set factorNormalPdf [expr {sqrt(8.0*atan(1.0))}] # xbar/R-charts: # Data from: # Peter W.M. John: # Statistical methods in engineering and quality assurance # Wiley and Sons, 1990 # variable control_factors { A2 {1.880 1.093 0.729 0.577 0.483 0.419 0.419} D3 {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.076 0.076} D4 {3.267 2.574 2.282 2.114 2.004 1.924 1.924} } } # mean, min, max, number, var, stdev, pvar, pstdev -- # Return the mean (minimum, maximum) value of a list of numbers # or number of non-missing values # # Arguments: # type Type of value to be returned # values List of values to be examined # # Results: # Value that was required # # namespace eval ::math::statistics { foreach type {mean min max number stdev var pstdev pvar} { proc $type { values } "BasicStats $type \$values" } proc basic-stats { values } "BasicStats all \$values" } # BasicStats -- # Return the one or all of the basic statistical properties # # Arguments: # type Type of value to be returned # values List of values to be examined # # Results: # Value that was required # proc ::math::statistics::BasicStats { type values } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [lsearch {all mean min max number stdev var pstdev pvar} $type] < 0 } { return -code error \ -errorcode ARG -errorinfo [list unknown type of statistic -- $type] \ [list unknown type of statistic -- $type] } set min {} set max {} set mean {} set stdev {} set var {} set sum 0.0 set sumsq 0.0 set number 0 set first {} foreach value $values { if { $value == {} } { continue } set value [expr {double($value)}] if { $first == {} } { set first $value } incr number set sum [expr {$sum+$value}] set sumsq [expr {$sumsq+($value-$first)*($value-$first)}] if { $min == {} || $value < $min } { set min $value } if { $max == {} || $value > $max } { set max $value } } if { $number > 0 } { set mean [expr {$sum/$number}] } else { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } if { $number > 1 } { set var [expr {($sumsq-($mean-$first)*($sum-$number*$first))/double($number-1)}] # # Take care of a rare situation: uniform data might # cause a tiny negative difference # if { $var < 0.0 } { set var 0.0 } set stdev [expr {sqrt($var)}] } set pvar [expr {($sumsq-($mean-$first)*($sum-$number*$first))/double($number)}] # # Take care of a rare situation: uniform data might # cause a tiny negative difference # if { $pvar < 0.0 } { set pvar 0.0 } set pstdev [expr {sqrt($pvar)}] set all [list $mean $min $max $number $stdev $var $pstdev $pvar] # # Return the appropriate value # set $type } # histogram -- # Return histogram information from a list of numbers # # Arguments: # limits Upper limits for the buckets (in increasing order) # values List of values to be examined # weights List of weights, one per value (optional) # # Results: # List of number of values in each bucket (length is one more than # the number of limits) # # proc ::math::statistics::histogram { limits values {weights {}} } { if { [llength $limits] < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo {No limits given} {No limits given} } if { [llength $weights] > 0 && [llength $values] != [llength $weights] } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo {Number of weights be equal to number of values} {Weights and values differ in length} } set limits [lsort -real -increasing $limits] for { set index 0 } { $index <= [llength $limits] } { incr index } { set buckets($index) 0 } set last [llength $limits] # Will do integer arithmetic if unset if {$weights eq ""} { set weights [lrepeat [llength $values] 1] } foreach value $values weight $weights { if { $value == {} } { continue } set index 0 set found 0 foreach limit $limits { if { $value <= $limit } { set found 1 set buckets($index) [expr $buckets($index)+$weight] break } incr index } if { $found == 0 } { set buckets($last) [expr $buckets($last)+$weight] } } set result {} for { set index 0 } { $index <= $last } { incr index } { lappend result $buckets($index) } return $result } # histogram-alt -- # Return histogram information from a list of numbers - # intervals are open-ended at the lower bound instead of at the upper bound # # Arguments: # limits Upper limits for the buckets (in increasing order) # values List of values to be examined # weights List of weights, one per value (optional) # # Results: # List of number of values in each bucket (length is one more than # the number of limits) # # proc ::math::statistics::histogram-alt { limits values {weights {}} } { if { [llength $limits] < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo {No limits given} {No limits given} } if { [llength $weights] > 0 && [llength $values] != [llength $weights] } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo {Number of weights be equal to number of values} {Weights and values differ in length} } set limits [lsort -real -increasing $limits] for { set index 0 } { $index <= [llength $limits] } { incr index } { set buckets($index) 0 } set last [llength $limits] # Will do integer arithmetic if unset if {$weights eq ""} { set weights [lrepeat [llength $values] 1] } foreach value $values weight $weights { if { $value == {} } { continue } set index 0 set found 0 foreach limit $limits { if { $value < $limit } { set found 1 set buckets($index) [expr $buckets($index)+$weight] break } incr index } if { $found == 0 } { set buckets($last) [expr $buckets($last)+$weight] } } set result {} for { set index 0 } { $index <= $last } { incr index } { lappend result $buckets($index) } return $result } # corr -- # Return the correlation coefficient of two sets of data # # Arguments: # data1 List with the first set of data # data2 List with the second set of data # # Result: # Correlation coefficient of the two # proc ::math::statistics::corr { data1 data2 } { variable TOOFEWDATA set number 0 set sum1 0.0 set sum2 0.0 set sumsq1 0.0 set sumsq2 0.0 set sumprod 0.0 foreach value1 $data1 value2 $data2 { if { $value1 == {} || $value2 == {} } { continue } set value1 [expr {double($value1)}] set value2 [expr {double($value2)}] set sum1 [expr {$sum1+$value1}] set sum2 [expr {$sum2+$value2}] set sumsq1 [expr {$sumsq1+$value1*$value1}] set sumsq2 [expr {$sumsq2+$value2*$value2}] set sumprod [expr {$sumprod+$value1*$value2}] incr number } if { $number > 0 } { set numerator [expr {$number*$sumprod-$sum1*$sum2}] set denom1 [expr {sqrt($number*$sumsq1-$sum1*$sum1)}] set denom2 [expr {sqrt($number*$sumsq2-$sum2*$sum2)}] if { $denom1 != 0.0 && $denom2 != 0.0 } { set corr_coeff [expr {$numerator/$denom1/$denom2}] } elseif { $denom1 != 0.0 || $denom2 != 0.0 } { set corr_coeff 0.0 ;# Uniform against non-uniform } else { set corr_coeff 1.0 ;# Both uniform } } else { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } return $corr_coeff } # lillieforsFit -- # Calculate the goodness of fit according to Lilliefors # (goodness of fit to a normal distribution) # # Arguments: # values List of values to be tested for normality # # Result: # Value of the statistic D # proc ::math::statistics::lillieforsFit {values} { # # calculate the goodness of fit according to Lilliefors # (goodness of fit to a normal distribution) # # values -> list of values to be tested for normality # (these values are sampled counts) # # calculate standard deviation and mean of the sample: set n [llength $values] if { $n < 5 } { return -code error "Insufficient number of data (at least five required)" } set sd [stdev $values] set mean [mean $values] # sort the sample for further processing: set values [lsort -real $values] # standardize the sample data (Z-scores): foreach x $values { lappend stdData [expr {($x - $mean)/double($sd)}] } # compute the value of the distribution function at every sampled point: foreach x $stdData { lappend expData [pnorm $x] } # compute D+: set i 0 foreach x $expData { incr i lappend dplus [expr {$i/double($n)-$x}] } set dplus [lindex [lsort -real $dplus] end] # compute D-: set i 0 foreach x $expData { incr i lappend dminus [expr {$x-($i-1)/double($n)}] } set dminus [lindex [lsort -real $dminus] end] # Calculate the test statistic D # by finding the maximal vertical difference # between the sample and the expectation: # set D [expr {$dplus > $dminus ? $dplus : $dminus}] # We now use the modified statistic Z, # because D is only reliable # if the p-value is smaller than 0.1 return [expr {$D * (sqrt($n) - 0.01 + 0.831/sqrt($n))}] } # pnorm -- # Calculate the cumulative distribution function (cdf) # for the standard normal distribution like in the statistical # software 'R' (mean=0 and sd=1) # # Arguments: # x Value fro which the cdf should be calculated # # Result: # Value of the statistic D # proc ::math::statistics::pnorm {x} { # # cumulative distribution function (cdf) # for the standard normal distribution like in the statistical software 'R' # (mean=0 and sd=1) # # x -> value for which the cdf should be calculated # set sum [expr {double($x)}] set oldSum 0.0 set i 1 set denom 1.0 while {$sum != $oldSum} { set oldSum $sum incr i 2 set denom [expr {$denom*$i}] #puts "$i - $denom" set sum [expr {$oldSum + pow($x,$i)/$denom}] } return [expr {0.5 + $sum * exp(-0.5 * $x*$x - 0.91893853320467274178)}] } # pnorm_quicker -- # Calculate the cumulative distribution function (cdf) # for the standard normal distribution - quicker alternative # (less accurate) # # Arguments: # x Value for which the cdf should be calculated # # Result: # Value of the statistic D # proc ::math::statistics::pnorm_quicker {x} { set n [expr {abs($x)}] set n [expr {1.0 + $n*(0.04986735 + $n*(0.02114101 + $n*(0.00327763 \ + $n*(0.0000380036 + $n*(0.0000488906 + $n*0.000005383)))))}] set n [expr {1.0/pow($n,16)}] # if {$x >= 0} { return [expr {1 - $n/2.0}] } else { return [expr {$n/2.0}] } } # test-normal -- # Test for normality (using method Lilliefors) # # Arguments: # data Values that need to be tested # significance Level at which the discrepancy from normality is tested # # Result: # 1 if the Lilliefors statistic D is larger than the critical level # # Note: # There was a mistake in the implementation before 0.9.3: confidence (wrong word) # instead of significance. To keep compatibility with earlier versions, both # significance and 1-significance are accepted. # proc ::math::statistics::test-normal {data significance} { set D [lillieforsFit $data] if { $significance > 0.5 } { set significance [expr {1.0-$significance}] ;# Convert the erroneous levels pre 0.9.3 } set Dcrit -- if { abs($significance-0.20) < 0.0001 } { set Dcrit 0.741 } if { abs($significance-0.15) < 0.0001 } { set Dcrit 0.775 } if { abs($significance-0.10) < 0.0001 } { set Dcrit 0.819 } if { abs($significance-0.05) < 0.0001 } { set Dcrit 0.895 } if { abs($significance-0.01) < 0.0001 } { set Dcrit 1.035 } if { $Dcrit != "--" } { return [expr {$D > $Dcrit ? 1 : 0 }] } else { return -code error "Significancce level must be one of: 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05 or 0.01" } } # t-test-mean -- # Test whether the mean value of a sample is in accordance with the # estimated normal distribution with a certain probability # (Student's t test) # # Arguments: # data List of raw data values (small sample) # est_mean Estimated mean of the distribution # est_stdev Estimated stdev of the distribution # alpha Probability level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # # Result: # 1 if the test is positive, 0 otherwise. If there are too few data, # returns an empty string # proc ::math::statistics::t-test-mean { data est_mean est_stdev alpha } { variable NEGSTDEV variable TOOFEWDATA if { $est_stdev <= 0.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo $NEGSTDEV $NEGSTDEV } set allstats [BasicStats all $data] set alpha2 [expr {(1.0+$alpha)/2.0}] set sample_mean [lindex $allstats 0] set sample_number [lindex $allstats 3] if { $sample_number > 1 } { set tzero [expr {abs($sample_mean-$est_mean)/$est_stdev * \ sqrt($sample_number-1)}] set degrees [expr {$sample_number-1}] set prob [cdf-students-t $degrees $tzero] return [expr {$prob<$alpha2}] } else { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } } # interval-mean-stdev -- # Return the interval containing the mean value and one # containing the standard deviation with a certain # level of confidence (assuming a normal distribution) # # Arguments: # data List of raw data values # confidence Confidence level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # # Result: # List having the following elements: lower and upper bounds of # mean, lower and upper bounds of stdev # # proc ::math::statistics::interval-mean-stdev { data confidence } { variable TOOFEWDATA set allstats [BasicStats all $data] set conf2 [expr {(1.0+$confidence)/2.0}] set mean [lindex $allstats 0] set number [lindex $allstats 3] set stdev [lindex $allstats 4] if { $number > 1 } { set degrees [expr {$number-1}] set student_t [expr {sqrt([Inverse-cdf-toms322 1 $degrees $conf2])}] set mean_lower [expr {$mean-$student_t*$stdev/sqrt($number)}] set mean_upper [expr {$mean+$student_t*$stdev/sqrt($number)}] set stdev_lower {} set stdev_upper {} return [list $mean_lower $mean_upper $stdev_lower $stdev_upper] } else { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } } # quantiles -- # Return the quantiles for a given set of data or histogram # # Arguments: # (two arguments) # data List of raw data values # confidence Confidence level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # (three arguments) # limits List of upper limits from histogram # counts List of counts for for each interval in histogram # confidence Confidence level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # # Result: # List of quantiles # proc ::math::statistics::quantiles { arg1 arg2 {arg3 {}} } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [catch { if { $arg3 == {} } { set result \ [::math::statistics::QuantilesRawData $arg1 $arg2] } else { set result \ [::math::statistics::QuantilesHistogram $arg1 $arg2 $arg3] } } msg] } { return -code error -errorcode $msg $msg } return $result } # QuantilesRawData -- # Return the quantiles based on raw data # # Arguments: # data List of raw data values # confidence Confidence level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # # Result: # List of quantiles # proc ::math::statistics::QuantilesRawData { data confidence } { variable TOOFEWDATA variable OUTOFRANGE if { [llength $confidence] <= 0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA - quantiles" } if { [llength $data] <= 0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA - raw data" } foreach cond $confidence { if { $cond <= 0.0 || $cond >= 1.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$OUTOFRANGE - quantiles" } } # # Sort the data first # set sorted_data [lsort -real -increasing $data] # # Determine the list element lower or equal to the quantile # and return the corresponding value # set result {} set number_data [llength $sorted_data] foreach cond $confidence { set elem [expr {round($number_data*$cond)-1}] if { $elem < 0 } { set elem 0 } lappend result [lindex $sorted_data $elem] } return $result } # QuantilesHistogram -- # Return the quantiles based on histogram information only # # Arguments: # limits Upper limits for histogram intervals # counts Counts for each interval # confidence Confidence level (0.95 or 0.99 for instance) # # Result: # List of quantiles # proc ::math::statistics::QuantilesHistogram { limits counts confidence } { variable TOOFEWDATA variable OUTOFRANGE if { [llength $confidence] <= 0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA - quantiles" } if { [llength $confidence] <= 0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA - histogram limits" } if { [llength $counts] <= [llength $limits] } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA - histogram counts" } foreach cond $confidence { if { $cond <= 0.0 || $cond >= 1.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$OUTOFRANGE - quantiles" } } # # Accumulate the histogram counts first # set sum 0 set accumulated_counts {} foreach count $counts { set sum [expr {$sum+$count}] lappend accumulated_counts $sum } set total_counts $sum # # Determine the list element lower or equal to the quantile # and return the corresponding value (use interpolation if # possible) # set result {} foreach cond $confidence { set found 0 set bound [expr {round($total_counts*$cond)}] set lower_limit {} set lower_count 0 foreach acc_count $accumulated_counts limit $limits { if { $acc_count >= $bound } { set found 1 break } set lower_limit $limit set lower_count $acc_count } if { $lower_limit == {} || $limit == {} || $found == 0 } { set quant $limit if { $limit == {} } { set quant $lower_limit } } else { set quant [expr {$limit+($lower_limit-$limit) * ($acc_count-$bound)/($acc_count-$lower_count)}] } lappend result $quant } return $result } # autocorr -- # Return the autocorrelation function (assuming equidistance between # samples) # # Arguments: # data Raw data for which the autocorrelation must be determined # # Result: # List of autocorrelation values (about 1/2 the number of raw data) # proc ::math::statistics::autocorr { data } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [llength $data] <= 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA" } return [crosscorr $data $data] } # crosscorr -- # Return the cross-correlation function (assuming equidistance # between samples) # # Arguments: # data1 First set of raw data # data2 Second set of raw data # # Result: # List of cross-correlation values (about 1/2 the number of raw data) # # Note: # The number of data pairs is not kept constant - because tests # showed rather awkward results when it was kept constant. # proc ::math::statistics::crosscorr { data1 data2 } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [llength $data1] <= 1 || [llength $data2] <= 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA" } # # First determine the number of data pairs # set number1 [llength $data1] set number2 [llength $data2] set basic_stat1 [basic-stats $data1] set basic_stat2 [basic-stats $data2] set vmean1 [lindex $basic_stat1 0] set vmean2 [lindex $basic_stat2 0] set vvar1 [lindex $basic_stat1 end] set vvar2 [lindex $basic_stat2 end] set number_pairs $number1 if { $number1 > $number2 } { set number_pairs $number2 } set number_values $number_pairs set number_delays [expr {$number_values/2.0}] set scale [expr {sqrt($vvar1*$vvar2)}] set result {} for { set delay 0 } { $delay < $number_delays } { incr delay } { set sumcross 0.0 set no_cross 0 for { set idx 0 } { $idx < $number_values } { incr idx } { set value1 [lindex $data1 $idx] set value2 [lindex $data2 [expr {$idx+$delay}]] if { $value1 != {} && $value2 != {} } { set sumcross \ [expr {$sumcross+($value1-$vmean1)*($value2-$vmean2)}] incr no_cross } } lappend result [expr {$sumcross/($no_cross*$scale)}] incr number_values -1 } return $result } # mean-histogram-limits # Determine reasonable limits based on mean and standard deviation # for a histogram # # Arguments: # mean Mean of the data # stdev Standard deviation # number Number of limits to generate (defaults to 8) # # Result: # List of limits # proc ::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits { mean stdev {number 8} } { variable NEGSTDEV if { $stdev <= 0.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$NEGSTDEV" } if { $number < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "Number of limits must be positive" } # # Always: between mean-3.0*stdev and mean+3.0*stdev # number = 2: -0.25, 0.25 # number = 3: -0.25, 0, 0.25 # number = 4: -1, -0.25, 0.25, 1 # number = 5: -1, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 1 # number = 6: -2, -1, -0.25, 0.25, 1, 2 # number = 7: -2, -1, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 1, 2 # number = 8: -3, -2, -1, -0.25, 0.25, 1, 2, 3 # switch -- $number { "1" { set limits {0.0} } "2" { set limits {-0.25 0.25} } "3" { set limits {-0.25 0.0 0.25} } "4" { set limits {-1.0 -0.25 0.25 1.0} } "5" { set limits {-1.0 -0.25 0.0 0.25 1.0} } "6" { set limits {-2.0 -1.0 -0.25 0.25 1.0 2.0} } "7" { set limits {-2.0 -1.0 -0.25 0.0 0.25 1.0 2.0} } "8" { set limits {-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.25 0.25 1.0 2.0 3.0} } "9" { set limits {-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.25 0.0 0.25 1.0 2.0 3.0} } default { set dlim [expr {6.0/double($number-1)}] for {set i 0} {$i <$number} {incr i} { lappend limits [expr {$dlim*($i-($number-1)/2.0)}] } } } set result {} foreach limit $limits { lappend result [expr {$mean+$limit*$stdev}] } return $result } # minmax-histogram-limits # Determine reasonable limits based on minimum and maximum bounds # for a histogram # # Arguments: # min Estimated minimum # max Estimated maximum # number Number of limits to generate (defaults to 8) # # Result: # List of limits # proc ::math::statistics::minmax-histogram-limits { min max {number 8} } { variable NEGSTDEV if { $number < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "Number of limits must be positive" } if { $min >= $max } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "Minimum must be lower than maximum" } set result {} set dlim [expr {($max-$min)/double($number-1)}] for {set i 0} {$i <$number} {incr i} { lappend result [expr {$min+$dlim*$i}] } return $result } # linear-model # Determine the coefficients for a linear regression between # two series of data (the model: Y = A + B*X) # # Arguments: # xdata Series of independent (X) data # ydata Series of dependent (Y) data # intercept Whether to use an intercept or not (optional) # # Result: # List of the following items: # - (Estimate of) Intercept A # - (Estimate of) Slope B # - Standard deviation of Y relative to fit # - Correlation coefficient R2 # - Number of degrees of freedom df # - Standard error of the intercept A # - Significance level of A # - Standard error of the slope B # - Significance level of B # # proc ::math::statistics::linear-model { xdata ydata {intercept 1} } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [llength $xdata] < 3 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: not enough independent data" } if { [llength $ydata] < 3 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: not enough dependent data" } if { [llength $xdata] != [llength $ydata] } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: number of dependent data differs from number of independent data" } set sumx 0.0 set sumy 0.0 set sumx2 0.0 set sumy2 0.0 set sumxy 0.0 set df 0 foreach x $xdata y $ydata { if { $x != "" && $y != "" } { set sumx [expr {$sumx+$x}] set sumy [expr {$sumy+$y}] set sumx2 [expr {$sumx2+$x*$x}] set sumy2 [expr {$sumy2+$y*$y}] set sumxy [expr {$sumxy+$x*$y}] incr df } } if { $df <= 2 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: too few valid data" } if { $sumx2 == 0.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: independent values are all the same" } # # Calculate the intermediate quantities # set sx [expr {$sumx2-$sumx*$sumx/$df}] set sy [expr {$sumy2-$sumy*$sumy/$df}] set sxy [expr {$sumxy-$sumx*$sumy/$df}] # # Calculate the coefficients # if { $intercept } { set B [expr {$sxy/$sx}] set A [expr {($sumy-$B*$sumx)/$df}] } else { set B [expr {$sumxy/$sumx2}] set A 0.0 } # # Calculate the error estimates # set stdevY 0.0 set varY 0.0 if { $intercept } { set ve [expr {$sy-$B*$sxy}] if { $ve >= 0.0 } { set varY [expr {$ve/($df-2)}] } } else { set ve [expr {$sumy2-$B*$sumxy}] if { $ve >= 0.0 } { set varY [expr {$ve/($df-1)}] } } set seY [expr {sqrt($varY)}] if { $intercept } { set R2 [expr {$sxy*$sxy/($sx*$sy)}] set seA [expr {$seY*sqrt(1.0/$df+$sumx*$sumx/($sx*$df*$df))}] set seB [expr {sqrt($varY/$sx)}] set tA {} set tB {} if { $seA != 0.0 } { set tA [expr {$A/$seA*sqrt($df-2)}] } if { $seB != 0.0 } { set tB [expr {$B/$seB*sqrt($df-2)}] } } else { set R2 [expr {$sumxy*$sumxy/($sumx2*$sumy2)}] set seA {} set tA {} set tB {} set seB [expr {sqrt($varY/$sumx2)}] if { $seB != 0.0 } { set tB [expr {$B/$seB*sqrt($df-1)}] } } # # Return the list of parameters # return [list $A $B $seY $R2 $df $seA $tA $seB $tB] } # linear-residuals # Determine the difference between actual data and predicted from # the linear model # # Arguments: # xdata Series of independent (X) data # ydata Series of dependent (Y) data # intercept Whether to use an intercept or not (optional) # # Result: # List of differences # proc ::math::statistics::linear-residuals { xdata ydata {intercept 1} } { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [llength $xdata] < 3 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: no independent data" } if { [llength $ydata] < 3 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: no dependent data" } if { [llength $xdata] != [llength $ydata] } { return -code error -errorcode ARG "$TOOFEWDATA: number of dependent data differs from number of independent data" } foreach {A B} [linear-model $xdata $ydata $intercept] {break} set result {} foreach x $xdata y $ydata { set residue [expr {$y-$A-$B*$x}] lappend result $residue } return $result } # median # Determine the median from a list of data # # Arguments: # data (Unsorted) list of data # # Result: # Median (either the middle value or the mean of two values in the # middle) # # Note: # Adapted from the Wiki page "Stats", code provided by JPS # proc ::math::statistics::median { data } { set org_data $data set data {} foreach value $org_data { if { $value != {} } { lappend data $value } } set len [llength $data] set data [lsort -real $data] if { $len % 2 } { lindex $data [expr {($len-1)/2}] } else { expr {([lindex $data [expr {($len / 2) - 1}]] \ + [lindex $data [expr {$len / 2}]]) / 2.0} } } # test-2x2 -- # Compute the chi-square statistic for a 2x2 table # # Arguments: # a Element upper-left # b Element upper-right # c Element lower-left # d Element lower-right # Return value: # Chi-square # Note: # There is only one degree of freedom - this is important # when comparing the value to the tabulated values # of chi-square # proc ::math::statistics::test-2x2 { a b c d } { set ab [expr {$a+$b}] set ac [expr {$a+$c}] set bd [expr {$b+$d}] set cd [expr {$c+$d}] set N [expr {$a+$b+$c+$d}] set det [expr {$a*$d-$b*$c}] set result [expr {double($N*$det*$det)/double($ab*$cd*$ac*$bd)}] } # print-2x2 -- # Print a 2x2 table # # Arguments: # a Element upper-left # b Element upper-right # c Element lower-left # d Element lower-right # Return value: # Printed version with marginals # proc ::math::statistics::print-2x2 { a b c d } { set ab [expr {$a+$b}] set ac [expr {$a+$c}] set bd [expr {$b+$d}] set cd [expr {$c+$d}] set N [expr {$a+$b+$c+$d}] set chisq [test-2x2 $a $b $c $d] set line [string repeat - 10] set result [format "%10d%10d | %10d\n" $a $b $ab] append result [format "%10d%10d | %10d\n" $c $d $cd] append result [format "%10s%10s + %10s\n" $line $line $line] append result [format "%10d%10d | %10d\n" $ac $bd $N] append result "Chisquare = $chisq\n" append result "Difference is significant?\n" append result " at 95%: [expr {$chisq<3.84146? "no":"yes"}]\n" append result " at 99%: [expr {$chisq<6.63490? "no":"yes"}]" } # control-xbar -- # Determine the control lines for an x-bar chart # # Arguments: # data List of observed values (at least 20*nsamples) # nsamples Number of data per subsamples (default: 4) # Return value: # List of: mean, lower limit, upper limit, number of data per # subsample. Can be used in the test-xbar procedure # proc ::math::statistics::control-xbar { data {nsamples 4} } { variable TOOFEWDATA variable control_factors # # Check the number of data # if { $nsamples <= 1 } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $OUTOFRANGE \ "Number of data per subsample must be at least 2" } if { [llength $data] < 20*$nsamples } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } set nogroups [expr {[llength $data]/$nsamples}] set mrange 0.0 set xmeans 0.0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $nogroups } { incr i } { set subsample [lrange $data [expr {$i*$nsamples}] [expr {$i*$nsamples+$nsamples-1}]] set xmean 0.0 set xmin [lindex $subsample 0] set xmax $xmin foreach d $subsample { set xmean [expr {$xmean+$d}] set xmin [expr {$xmin<$d? $xmin : $d}] set xmax [expr {$xmax>$d? $xmax : $d}] } set xmean [expr {$xmean/double($nsamples)}] set xmeans [expr {$xmeans+$xmean}] set mrange [expr {$mrange+($xmax-$xmin)}] } # # Determine the control lines # set xmeans [expr {$xmeans/double($nogroups)}] set mrange [expr {$mrange/double($nogroups)}] set A2 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 1] $nsamples] if { $A2 == "" } { set A2 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 1] end] } return [list $xmeans [expr {$xmeans-$A2*$mrange}] \ [expr {$xmeans+$A2*$mrange}] $nsamples] } # test-xbar -- # Determine if any data points lie outside the x-bar control limits # # Arguments: # control List returned by control-xbar with control data # data List of observed values # Return value: # Indices of any subsamples that violate the control limits # proc ::math::statistics::test-xbar { control data } { foreach {xmean xlower xupper nsamples} $control {break} if { [llength $data] < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } set nogroups [expr {[llength $data]/$nsamples}] if { $nogroups <= 0 } { set nogroup 1 set nsamples [llength $data] } set result {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $nogroups } { incr i } { set subsample [lrange $data [expr {$i*$nsamples}] [expr {$i*$nsamples+$nsamples-1}]] set xmean 0.0 foreach d $subsample { set xmean [expr {$xmean+$d}] } set xmean [expr {$xmean/double($nsamples)}] if { $xmean < $xlower } { lappend result $i } if { $xmean > $xupper } { lappend result $i } } return $result } # control-Rchart -- # Determine the control lines for an R chart # # Arguments: # data List of observed values (at least 20*nsamples) # nsamples Number of data per subsamples (default: 4) # Return value: # List of: mean range, lower limit, upper limit, number of data per # subsample. Can be used in the test-Rchart procedure # proc ::math::statistics::control-Rchart { data {nsamples 4} } { variable TOOFEWDATA variable control_factors # # Check the number of data # if { $nsamples <= 1 } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $OUTOFRANGE \ "Number of data per subsample must be at least 2" } if { [llength $data] < 20*$nsamples } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } set nogroups [expr {[llength $data]/$nsamples}] set mrange 0.0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $nogroups } { incr i } { set subsample [lrange $data [expr {$i*$nsamples}] [expr {$i*$nsamples+$nsamples-1}]] set xmin [lindex $subsample 0] set xmax $xmin foreach d $subsample { set xmin [expr {$xmin<$d? $xmin : $d}] set xmax [expr {$xmax>$d? $xmax : $d}] } set mrange [expr {$mrange+($xmax-$xmin)}] } # # Determine the control lines # set mrange [expr {$mrange/double($nogroups)}] set D3 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 3] $nsamples] set D4 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 5] $nsamples] if { $D3 == "" } { set D3 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 3] end] } if { $D4 == "" } { set D4 [lindex [lindex $control_factors 5] end] } return [list $mrange [expr {$D3*$mrange}] \ [expr {$D4*$mrange}] $nsamples] } # test-Rchart -- # Determine if any data points lie outside the R-chart control limits # # Arguments: # control List returned by control-xbar with control data # data List of observed values # Return value: # Indices of any subsamples that violate the control limits # proc ::math::statistics::test-Rchart { control data } { foreach {rmean rlower rupper nsamples} $control {break} # # Check the number of data # if { [llength $data] < 1 } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } set nogroups [expr {[llength $data]/$nsamples}] set result {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $nogroups } { incr i } { set subsample [lrange $data [expr {$i*$nsamples}] [expr {$i*$nsamples+$nsamples-1}]] set xmin [lindex $subsample 0] set xmax $xmin foreach d $subsample { set xmin [expr {$xmin<$d? $xmin : $d}] set xmax [expr {$xmax>$d? $xmax : $d}] } set range [expr {$xmax-$xmin}] if { $range < $rlower } { lappend result $i } if { $range > $rupper } { lappend result $i } } return $result } # test-Duckworth -- # Determine if two data sets have the same median according to the Tukey-Duckworth test # # Arguments: # list1 Values in the first data set # list2 Values in the second data set # significance Significance level (either 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001) # # Returns: # 0 if the medians are unequal, 1 if they are equal, -1 if the test can not # be conducted (the smallest value must be in a different set than the greatest value) # proc ::math::statistics::test-Duckworth {list1 list2 significance} { set sorted1 [lsort -real $list1] set sorted2 [lsort -real -decreasing $list2] set lowest1 [lindex $sorted1 0] set lowest2 [lindex $sorted2 end] set greatest1 [lindex $sorted1 end] set greatest2 [lindex $sorted2 0] if { $lowest1 <= $lowest2 && $greatest1 >= $greatest2 } { return -1 } if { $lowest1 >= $lowest2 && $greatest1 <= $greatest2 } { return -1 } # # Determine how many elements of set 1 are lower than the lowest of set 2 # Ditto for the number of elements of set 2 greater than the greatest of set 1 # (Or vice versa) # if { $lowest1 < $lowest2 } { set lowest $lowest2 set greatest $greatest1 } else { set lowest $lowest1 set greatest $greatest2 set sorted1 [lsort -real $list2] set sorted2 [lsort -real -decreasing $list1] #lassign [list $sorted1 $sorted2] sorted2 sorted1 } set count1 0 set count2 0 foreach v1 $sorted1 { if { $v1 >= $lowest } { break } incr count1 } foreach v2 $sorted2 { if { $v2 <= $greatest } { break } incr count2 } # # Determine the statistic D, possibly with correction # set n1 [llength $list1] set n2 [llength $list2] set correction 0 if { 3 + 4*$n1/3 <= $n2 && $n2 <= 2*$n1 } { set correction -1 } if { 3 + 4*$n2/3 <= $n1 && $n1 <= 2*$n2 } { set correction -1 } set D [expr {$count1 + $count2 + $correction}] switch -- [string trim $significance 0] { ".05" { return [expr {$D >= 7? 0 : 1}] } ".01" { return [expr {$D >= 10? 0 : 1}] } ".001" { return [expr {$D >= 13? 0 : 1}] } default { return -code error "Significance level must be 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001" } } } # # Load the auxiliary scripts # source [file join [file dirname [info script]] pdf_stat.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] plotstat.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] liststat.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] mvlinreg.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] kruskal.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] wilcoxon.tcl] source [file join [file dirname [info script]] stat_kernel.tcl] # # Define the tables # namespace eval ::math::statistics { variable student_t_table # set student_t_table [::math::interpolation::defineTable student_t # {X 80% 90% 95% 98% 99%} # {X 0.80 0.90 0.95 0.98 0.99 # 1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 # 2 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 # 3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 # 5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 # 10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 # 15 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 # 20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 # 30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 # 60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 # 1.0e9 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 }] # PM #set chi_squared_table [::math::interpolation::defineTable chi_square # ... } # # Simple test code # if { [info exists ::argv0] && ([file tail [info script]] == [file tail $::argv0]) } { console show puts [interp aliases] set values {1 1 1 1 {}} puts [::math::statistics::basic-stats $values] set values {1 2 3 4} puts [::math::statistics::basic-stats $values] set values {1 -1 1 -2} puts [::math::statistics::basic-stats $values] puts [::math::statistics::mean $values] puts [::math::statistics::min $values] puts [::math::statistics::max $values] puts [::math::statistics::number $values] puts [::math::statistics::stdev $values] puts [::math::statistics::var $values] set novals 100 #set maxvals 100001 set maxvals 1001 while { $novals < $maxvals } { set values {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $novals } { incr i } { lappend values [expr {rand()}] } puts [::math::statistics::basic-stats $values] puts [::math::statistics::histogram {0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0} $values] set novals [expr {$novals*10}] } puts "Normal distribution:" puts "X=0: [::math::statistics::pdf-normal 0.0 1.0 0.0]" puts "X=1: [::math::statistics::pdf-normal 0.0 1.0 1.0]" puts "X=-1: [::math::statistics::pdf-normal 0.0 1.0 -1.0]" set data1 {0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 100.0 -23.0} set data2 {1.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 101.0 -22.0} set data3 {0.0 2.0 6.0 8.0 200.0 -46.0} set data4 {2.0 6.0 8.0 200.0 -46.0 1.0} set data5 {100.0 99.0 90.0 93.0 5.0 123.0} puts "Correlation data1 and data1: [::math::statistics::corr $data1 $data1]" puts "Correlation data1 and data2: [::math::statistics::corr $data1 $data2]" puts "Correlation data1 and data3: [::math::statistics::corr $data1 $data3]" puts "Correlation data1 and data4: [::math::statistics::corr $data1 $data4]" puts "Correlation data1 and data5: [::math::statistics::corr $data1 $data5]" # set data {1.0 2.0 2.3 4.0 3.4 1.2 0.6 5.6} # puts [::math::statistics::basicStats $data] # puts [::math::statistics::interval-mean-stdev $data 0.90] # puts [::math::statistics::interval-mean-stdev $data 0.95] # puts [::math::statistics::interval-mean-stdev $data 0.99] # puts "\nTest mean values:" # puts [::math::statistics::test-mean $data 2.0 0.1 0.90] # puts [::math::statistics::test-mean $data 2.0 0.5 0.90] # puts [::math::statistics::test-mean $data 2.0 1.0 0.90] # puts [::math::statistics::test-mean $data 2.0 2.0 0.90] set rc [catch { set m [::math::statistics::mean {}] } msg ] ; # {} puts "Result: $rc $msg" puts "\nTest quantiles:" set data {1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0} set quantiles {0.11 0.21 0.51 0.91 0.99} set limits {2.1 4.1 6.1 8.1} puts [::math::statistics::quantiles $data $quantiles] set histogram [::math::statistics::histogram $limits $data] puts [::math::statistics::quantiles $limits $histogram $quantiles] puts "\nTest autocorrelation:" set data {1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0} puts [::math::statistics::autocorr $data] set data {1.0 -1.1 2.0 -0.6 3.0 -4.0 0.5 0.9 -1.0} puts [::math::statistics::autocorr $data] puts "\nTest histogram limits:" puts [::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits 1.0 1.0] puts [::math::statistics::mean-histogram-limits 1.0 1.0 4] puts [::math::statistics::minmax-histogram-limits 1.0 10.0 10] } # # Test xbar/R-chart procedures # if { 0 } { set data {} for { set i 0 } { $i < 500 } { incr i } { lappend data [expr {rand()}] } set limits [::math::statistics::control-xbar $data] puts $limits puts "Outliers? [::math::statistics::test-xbar $limits $data]" set newdata {1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0} puts "Outliers? [::math::statistics::test-xbar $limits $newdata] -- 0 2" set limits [::math::statistics::control-Rchart $data] puts $limits puts "Outliers? [::math::statistics::test-Rchart $limits $data]" set newdata {0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0} puts "Outliers? [::math::statistics::test-Rchart $limits $newdata] -- 0 2" }