## -*- tcl -*- ## (C) 2010 Andreas Kupries ## 'unknown hook' code -- Derived from http://wiki.tcl.tk/12790 (Neil Madden). ## 'var/state' code -- Derived from http://wiki.tcl.tk/1489 (various). ## BSD Licensed # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### # namespacex hook - Easy extensibility of 'namespace unknown'. # namespacex info - Get all variables/children, direct and indirect # namespacex state - Save/restore the variable-based state of namespaces. # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 ; # namespace ensembles, {*} namespace eval ::namespacex { namespace export add hook info state namespace ensemble create namespace eval hook { namespace export add proc on next namespace ensemble create # add - hook a command prefix into the chain of unknown handlers for a # namespace. The prefix will be run with whatever args there are, so # it should use 'args' to accomodate? to everything. # on - ditto for separate guard and action command prefixes. # If the guard fails it chains via next, otherwise the # action runs. The action can asume that the guard checked for proper # number of arguments, maybe even types. Whatever fits. # proc - like add, but an unamed procedure, with arguments and # body. Not much use, except maybe to handle the exact way # of chaining on your own (next can take a rewritten # command, the 'on' compositor makes no use of that. # Both 'proc' and 'on' are based on 'add'. } namespace eval info { namespace export allvars allchildren vars namespace ensemble create } namespace eval state { namespace export drop set get namespace ensemble create } } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Implementation :: Hooks - Visible API # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## (1) Core: Register a command prefix to be run by ## namespace unknown of a namespace FOO. ## FOO defaults to the current namespace. ## ## The prefixes are executed in reverse order of registrations, ## i.e. the prefix registered last is executed first. The next ## is run if and only if the current prefix forced this via ## '::namespacex::hook::next'. IOW the chain is managed cooperatively. proc ::namespacex::hook::add {args} { # syntax: ?namespace? cmdprefix if {[llength $args] > 2} { return -code error "wrong\#args, should be \"?namespace? cmdprefix\"" } elseif {[llength $args] == 2} { lassign $args namespace cmdprefix } else { # [llength $args] == 1 lassign $args cmdprefix set namespace [uplevel 1 { namespace current }] } #puts UH|ADD|for|$namespace| #puts UH|ADD|old|<<[Get $namespace]>> #puts UH|ADD|cmd|<<$cmdprefix>> Set $namespace [namespace code [list Handle $cmdprefix [Get $namespace]]] return } proc ::namespacex::hook::proc {args} { # syntax: ?namespace? arguments body set procNamespace [uplevel 1 { namespace current }] if {([llength $args] < 2) || ([llength $args] > 3)} { return -code error "wrong\#args, should be \"?namespace? arguments body\"" } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args namespace arguments body } else { # [llength $args] == 2 lassign $args arguments body set namespace $procNamespace } add $namespace [list ::apply [list $arguments $body $procNamespace]] return } proc ::namespacex::hook::on {args} { # syntax: ?namespace? guardcmd actioncmd if {([llength $args] < 2) || ([llength $args] > 3)} { return -code error "wrong\#args, should be \"?namespace? guard action\"" } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args namespace guard action } else { # [llength $args] == 2 lassign $args guard action set namespace [uplevel 1 { namespace current }] } add $namespace [list ::apply [list {guard action args} { if {![{*}$guard {*}$args]} { # This is what requires '[ns current]' as context. next } return [{*}$action {*}$args] } [namespace current]] $guard $action] return } proc ::namespacex::hook::next {args} { #puts UH|NEXT|$args| return -code continue -level 2 $args } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Implementation :: Hooks - Internal Helpers. ## Get and set the unknown handler for a specified namespace. # Generic handler with the user's handler and previous handler as # arguments. The latter is an invokation of the internal handler # again, with its own arguments. In this way 'Handle' forms the spine # of the chain of handlers, running them and handling 'next' to # traverse the chain. From a data structure perspective we have deeply # nested list here, which is recursed into as the chain is traversed. proc ::namespacex::hook::Get {ns} { return [namespace eval $ns { namespace unknown }] } proc ::namespacex::hook::Set {ns handler} { #puts UH|SET|$ns|<<$handler>> namespace eval $ns [list namespace unknown $handler] return } proc ::namespacex::hook::Handle {handler old args} { #puts UH|HDL|$handler|||old|$old||args||$args| set rc [catch { uplevel 1 $handler $args } result] #puts UH|HDL|rc=$rc|result=$result| if {$rc == 4} { # continue - invoke next handler if {$old eq {}} { # no next handler available - stop #puts UH|HDL|STOP return -code error "invalid command name \"[lindex $args 0]\"" } if {![llength $result]} { uplevel 1 $old $args } else { uplevel 1 $old $result } } else { return -code $rc $result } } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Implementation :: Info - Visible API proc ::namespacex::info::allvars {ns} { if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { set ns ::$ns } ::set result [::info vars ${ns}::*] foreach cns [allchildren $ns] { lappend result {*}[::info vars ${cns}::*] } return [Strip $ns $result] } proc ::namespacex::info::allchildren {ns} { if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { set ns ::$ns } ::set result [list] foreach cns [::namespace children $ns] { lappend result {*}[allchildren $cns] lappend result $cns } return $result } proc ::namespacex::info::vars {ns {pattern *}} { return [Strip $ns [::info vars ${ns}::$pattern]] } proc ::namespacex::info::Strip {ns itemlist} { set n [string length $ns] if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { incr n 4 } else { incr n 2 } set result {} foreach i $itemlist { lappend result [string range $i $n end] } return $result } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Implementation :: State - Visible API proc ::namespacex::state::drop {ns} { if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { ::set ns ::$ns } namespace eval $ns [list ::unset {*}[::namespacex info allvars $ns]] return } proc ::namespacex::state::get {ns} { if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { ::set ns ::$ns } ::set result {} foreach v [::namespacex info allvars $ns] { namespace upvar $ns $v value lappend result $v $value } return $result } proc ::namespacex::state::set {ns state} { if {![string match {::*} $ns]} { ::set ns ::$ns } # Inlined 'state drop'. namespace eval $ns [list ::unset {*}[::namespacex info allvars $ns]] namespace eval $ns [list variable {*}$state] return } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ###################### ## Ready package provide namespacex 0.1