# -*- tcl -*- # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Name Service - Client side connection monitor # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requirements package require nameserv 0.4.1 ; # Name service client-side core package require uevent ; # Watch for connection-loss namespace eval ::nameserv::auto {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API: Write, Read, Search proc ::nameserv::auto::bind {name data} { # See nameserv::bind. Remembers the information, for re-binding # when the connection was lost, and later restored. # Note: Enter has a return value we do not want, bind has no # return value. Otherwise 'Enter' would not be necessary and # simply be 'bind'. Enter $name $data normal return } proc ::nameserv::auto::release {} { # Releases all names the application has registered at the # configured name service. variable bindings variable timer array unset bindings * if {$timer ne ""} { # Actually release the data only if the connection is # currently not lost. Otherwise they are gone already, and # just forgetting them here (see above) was enough. nameserv::release } return } proc ::nameserv::auto::search {args} { variable searches # Note: Here we are using a semi-public command of 'nameserv' to # parse the search arguments on our own to determine if we need # the persistence or not. array set a [nameserv::search-parseargs $args] upvar 0 a(oneshot) oneshot upvar 0 a(continuous) continuous upvar 0 a(pattern) pattern if {!$continuous} { # Result is direct result of the search, pass through to # caller, nothing to persist. return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::nameserv::search]] # 8.5: return [nameserv::search {*}$args] } # Continuous or async search. The result we got is a receiver # object. Wrap our own persistent receiver around it so that it # can handle a loss of connection while we are waiting for the # search result. return [receiver %AUTO% $oneshot $args] } proc ::nameserv::auto::protocol {} { return [nameserv::protocol] } proc ::nameserv::auto::server_protocol {} { return [nameserv::server_protocol] } proc ::nameserv::auto::server_features {} { return [nameserv::server_features] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal helper commands. proc ::nameserv::auto::Reconnect {args} { # args = <>| # = <'nameserv','lost'> # details = dict ('reason' -> string) StopReconnect if {![catch { ::nameserv::server_features }]} { # Note: Reloss of connection during Rebind will also # StartReconnect Rebind return } StartReconnect return } proc ::nameserv::auto::Rebind {} { variable bindings variable searches foreach {name data} [array get bindings] { if {![Enter $name $data restore]} return } foreach receiver [array names searches] { if {![$receiver restore]} return } # Fully restored, time to notify interested parties uevent::generate nameserv re-connection {} return } proc ::nameserv::auto::Enter {name data how} { variable bindings # Remember locally for possible loss of connection ... set bindings($name) $data # ... then forward to name server if {[catch { nameserv::bind $name $data } msg]} { # Problem with server while (re)binding a name. if {[string match {*No name server*} $msg]} { # Lost the server (again), while (re)binding a name. Abort # and restart the watcher waiting for the server to come # back. StartReconnect return 0 } # Other error => (name already bound). This means that someone # else took the name while we were not connected to the # service, or the name was bound before the call anyway. The # reaction depends on our entry point. For regular bind we # return the error as is to keep API compatibility. During # restoration OTOH the best effort we can do is to deliver a # note about the total loss of this binding to all interested # observers via event. Additionally remove the lost item from # the set of names to remember. Note that there is no need to # restart the watcher, the server was _not_ lost. unset bindings($name) if {$how eq "normal"} { return -code $msg } else { uevent::generate nameserv lost-name [list name $name data $data] return 1 } } # Success, nothing further to do. return 1 } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Management of the reconnect timer. proc ::nameserv::auto::StartReconnect {} { variable timer variable delay if {$timer ne ""} return set timer [after $delay ::nameserv::auto::Reconnect] return } proc ::nameserv::auto::StopReconnect {} { variable timer "" return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Persistent receiver for continuous and async searches. snit::type ::nameserv::auto::receiver { option -command -default {} constructor {once search} { set mysingleshot $once set mysearch $search $self restore ; # Create internal volatile receiver. return } destructor { if {$myreceiver ne ""} { $myreceiver destroy } if {$mysingleshot} return Callback stop {} return } method restore {} { set nameserv::auto::searches($self) . if {[catch { set result [eval [linsert $mysearch 0 ::nameserv::search]] # 8.5: set result [nameserv::search {*}$mysearch] } msg]} { # Problem with server while restoring a search. if {[string match {*No name server*} $msg]} { # Lost the server (again), while restoring the search. # Abort and restart the watcher waiting for the server # to come back. ::nameserv::auto::StartReconnect return 0 } # Rethrow other problems. return -code error $msg } # Restored, prepare ourselves set myreceiver $result set myclear 1 ; # Have to clear previous data when # the new set comes in. $myreceiver configure -command [mymethod DATA] return 1 } method get {k} { if {![info exists mycurrent($k)]} {return -code error "Unknown key \"$k\""} return $current($k) } method names {} { return [array names mycurrent] } method size {} { return [array size mycurrent] } method getall {{pattern *}} { return [array get mycurrent $pattern] } method filled {} { return $myfilled } # Handler for events coming from the breakable search. method {DATA stop} {args} { # Ignore the response dict, it is empty anyway. # Get rid of the volatile receiver. if {$myreceiver ne ""} { $myreceiver destroy } # Oneshot handling happened already. return } method {DATA add} {response} { # New entries to handle set myfilled 1 if {$mysingleshot} { # The search was async and is now done, therefore we can # get rid of the volatile receiver and do not have to care # about the loss of the connection any longer. $myreceiver destroy set myreceiver "" unset ::nameserv::auto::searches($self) } if {$myclear} { # Handle a refill after a connection loss, the new data # overwrites everything known before. array unset mycurrent * set myclear 0 } array set mycurrent $response Callback add $response if {$mysingleshot} { Callback stop {} } return } method {DATA remove} {response} { set myfilled 1 foreach {k v} $response { unset -nocomplain mycurrent($k) } Callback remove $response return } # Run our own callback. proc Callback {type response} { upvar 1 options options if {$options(-command) eq ""} return # Defer execution to event loop after 0 [linsert $options(-command) end $type $response] return } # Search state variable mysingleshot 0 ; # Bool flag, set if search is # async, not continous. variable mycurrent -array {} ; # Current state of search results variable myfilled 0 ; # Bool flag, set when result has arrived. variable mysearch "" ; # Copy of search definition, for # its restoration after our # connection to the service was # restored. variable myclear 0 ; # Bool flag, set when state has to # be cleared before adding new # data, for refill after a # connection has been restored. variable myreceiver "" ; # Volatile breakable regular search # receiver. } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Initialization - System state namespace eval ::nameserv::auto { # In-memory database of bindings to restore after connection was # lost and restored. variable bindings ; array set bindings {} # In-memory database of continuous and unfulfilled async searches # to restore after the connection was lost and restored. variable searches ; array set searches {} # Handle of the timer used to periodically try to reconnect with # the server in the case it was lost. variable timer "" } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API: Configuration management (host, port) proc ::nameserv::auto::cget {option} { return [configure $option] } proc ::nameserv::auto::configure {args} { variable delay if {![llength $args]} { # Merge the underlying configuration with the local settings # before returning. return [linsert [nameserv::configure] 0 -delay $delay] } if {[llength $args] == 1} { # cget set opt [lindex $args 0] switch -exact -- $opt { -delay { return $delay } default { # Not a local option, check with underlying package # before throwing an error. if {![catch { nameserv::cget $opt } v]} { return $v } return -code error "[string map {{expected } {expected -delay, }} $v]" } } } while {[llength $args]} { set opt [lindex $args 0] switch -exact -- $opt { -delay { if {[llength $args] < 2} { return -code error "value for \"$opt\" is missing" } set delay [lindex $args 1] set args [lrange $args 2 end] # Using the 'incr' hack instead of 'string is integer' # allows delays larger than 32bit in Tcl 8.5. if {[catch {incr delay 0}]} { return -code error "bad value for \"$opt\", expected integer, got \"$delay\"" } elseif {$delay <= 0} { return -code error "bad value for \"$opt\", is not greater than zero" } } default { # Not a local option, check with underlying package # before throwing an error. if {[catch { nameserv::configure $opt [lindex $args 1] } v]} { if {[string match {bad option*} $v]} { # Fix list of options in error before rethrowing. return -code error "[string map {{expected } {expected -delay, }} $v]" } else { # Rethrow error unchanged return -code error $v } } # No error, option is processed, continue after it. set args [lrange $args 2 end] } } } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Initialization - Tracing, Configuration logger::initNamespace ::nameserv::auto namespace eval ::nameserv::auto { # Interval between reconnection attempts when connection was lost. variable delay 1000 ; # One second namespace export bind release search protocol \ server_protocol server_features configure cget } # Watch the base client for the loss of the connection. uevent::bind nameserv lost-connection ::nameserv::auto::Reconnect # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide nameserv::auto 0.3 ## # ### ### ### ######### ######### #########