[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin page_intro n 1.0] [keywords page] [keywords {parser generator}] [keywords {text processing}] [copyright {2007 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Parser generator tools}] [titledesc {page introduction}] [category {Page Parser Generator}] [description] [para] [term page] (short for [emph {parser generator}]) stands for a set of related packages which help in the construction of parser generators, and other utilities doing text processing. [para] They are mainly geared towards supporting the Tcllib application [syscmd page], with the package [package page::pluginmgr] in a central role as the plugin management for the application. The other packages are performing low-level text processing and utility tasks geared towards parser generation and mainly accessed by [syscmd page] through plugins. [para] The packages implementing the plugins are not documented as regular packages, as they cannot be loaded into a general interpreter, like tclsh, without extensive preparation of the interpreter. Preparation which is done for them by the plugin manager. [vset CATEGORY page] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]