# plugin.tcl -- # # Generic plugin management. # # Copyright (c) 2005 Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: pluginmgr.tcl,v 1.8 2009/03/31 02:14:40 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Description # Each instance of the plugin manager can be configured with data # which specifies where to find plugins, and how to validate # them. With that it can then be configured to load and provide access # to a specific plugin, doing all required checks and # initialization. Users for specific plugin types simply have to # encapsulate the generic class, providing all the specifics, leaving # their users only the task of naming the requested actual plugin. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.4 package require snit # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Implementation snit::type ::pluginmgr { # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Public API - Options # - Pattern to match package name. Exactly one '*'. No default. # - List of commands the plugin has to provide. Empty list default. # - Callback for additional checking after the API presence has # been verified. Empty list default. # - Dictionary of commands to put into the plugin interpreter. # Key: cmds for plugin, value is cmds to invoke for them. # - Interpreter to use for the -cmds (invoked commands). Default # is current interp. # - Callback for additional setup actions on the plugin # interpreter after its creation, but before plugin is loaded into # it. Empty list default. option -pattern {} option -api {} option -check {} option -cmds {} option -cmdip {} option -setup {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Public API - Methods method do {args} { if {$plugin eq ""} { return -code error "No plugin defined" } return [$sip eval $args] } method interpreter {} { return $sip } method plugin {} { return $plugin } method load {name} { if {$name eq $plugin} return if {$options(-pattern) eq ""} { return -code error "Translation pattern is not configured" } set save $sip $self SetupIp if {![$self LoadPlugin $name]} { set sip $save return -code error "Unable to locate or load plugin \"$name\" ($myloaderror)" } if {![$self CheckAPI missing]} { set sip $save return -code error \ "Cannot use plugin \"$name\", API incomplete: \"$missing\" missing" } set savedname $plugin set plugin $name if {![$self CheckExternal]} { set sip $save set plugin $savedname return -code error \ "Cannot use plugin \"$name\", API bad" } $self SetupExternalCmds if {$save ne ""} {interp delete $save} return } method unload {} { if {$sip eq ""} return interp delete $sip set sip "" set plugin "" return } method list {} { if {$options(-pattern) eq ""} { return -code error "Translation pattern is not configured" } set save $sip $self SetupIp set result {} set pattern [string map [list \ + \\+ ? \\? \ \[ \\\[ \] \\\] \ ( \\( ) \\) \ . \\. \* {(.*)} \ ] $options(-pattern)] # @mdgen NODEP: bogus-package $sip eval {catch {package require bogus-package}} foreach p [$sip eval {package names}] { if {![regexp $pattern $p -> plugin]} continue lappend result $plugin } interp delete $sip set sip $save return $result } method path {path} { set path [file join [pwd] $path] if {[lsearch -exact $paths $path] < 0} { lappend paths $path } return } method paths {} { return $paths } method clone {} { set o [$type create %AUTO% \ -pattern $options(-pattern) \ -api $options(-api) \ -check $options(-check) \ -cmds $options(-cmds) \ -cmdip $options(-cmdip) \ -setup $options(-setup)] $o __clone__ $paths $sip $plugin # Clone has become owner of the interp. set sip {} set plugin {} return $o } method __clone__ {_paths _sip _plugin} { set paths $_paths set sip $_sip set plugin $_plugin return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal - Configuration and state variable paths {} ; # List of paths to provide the sip with. variable sip {} ; # Safe interp used for plugin execution. variable plugin {} ; # Name of currently loaded plugin. variable myloaderror {} ; # Last error reported by the Safe base # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal - Object construction and descruction. constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args return } destructor { if {$sip ne ""} {interp delete $sip} return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal - Option management onconfigure -pattern {newvalue} { set current $options(-pattern) if {$newvalue eq $current} return set n [regexp -all "\\*" $newvalue] if {$n < 1} { return -code error "Invalid pattern, * missing" } elseif {$n > 1} { return -code error "Invalid pattern, too many *'s" } set options(-pattern) $newvalue return } onconfigure -api {newvalue} { set current $options(-api) if {$newvalue eq $current} return set options(-api) $newvalue return } onconfigure -cmds {newvalue} { set current $options(-cmds) if {$newvalue eq $current} return set options(-cmds) $newvalue return } onconfigure -cmdip {newvalue} { set current $options(-cmdip) if {$newvalue eq $current} return set options(-cmdip) $newvalue return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal - Helper commands method SetupIp {} { set sip [::safe::interpCreate] foreach p $paths { ::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $sip $p } if {![llength $options(-setup)]} return uplevel \#0 [linsert $options(-setup) end $self $sip] return } method LoadPlugin {name} { if {[file exists $name]} { # Plugin files are loaded directly. $sip invokehidden source $name return 1 } # Otherwise the name is transformed into a package name # and loaded thorugh the package management. set pluginpackage [string map \ [list * $name] $options(-pattern)] ::safe::setLogCmd [mymethod PluginError] if {[catch { $sip eval [list package require $pluginpackage] } res]} { ::safe::setLogCmd {} return 0 } ::safe::setLogCmd {} return 1 } method CheckAPI {mv} { upvar 1 $mv missing if {![llength $options(-api)]} {return 1} # Check the plugin for useability. foreach p $options(-api) { if {[llength [$sip eval [list info commands $p]]] == 1} continue interp delete $sip set missing $p return 0 } return 1 } method CheckExternal {} { if {![llength $options(-check)]} {return 1} return [uplevel \#0 [linsert $options(-check) end $self]] } method SetupExternalCmds {} { if {![llength $options(-cmds)]} return set cip $options(-cmdip) foreach {pcmd ecmd} $options(-cmds) { eval [linsert $ecmd 0 interp alias $sip $pcmd $cip] #interp alias $sip $pcmd $cip {*}$ecmd } return } method PluginError {message} { if {[string match {*script error*} $message]} return set myloaderror $message return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### proc paths {pmgr args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return -code error "wrong#args: Expect \"[info level 0] object name...\"" } foreach name $args { AddPaths $pmgr $name } return } proc AddPaths {pmgr name} { global env tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { set sep \; } else { set sep : } #puts "$pmgr += ($name) $sep" regsub -all {::+} [string trim $name :] \000 name set name [split $name \000] # Environment variables set prefix {} foreach part $name { lappend prefix $part set ev [string toupper [join $prefix _]]_PLUGINS #puts "+? env($ev)" if {[info exists env($ev)]} { foreach path [split $env($ev) $sep] { $pmgr path $path } } } # Windows registry if { ($tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows") && ![catch {package require registry}] } { foreach root { HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_CURRENT_USER } { set prefix {} foreach part $name { lappend prefix $part set rk $root\\SOFTWARE\\[join $prefix \\]PLUGINS #puts "+? registry($rk)" if {![catch {set data [registry get $rk {}]}]} { foreach path [split $data $sep] { $pmgr path $path } } } } } # Home directory dot path set prefix {} foreach part $name { lappend prefix $part set pd [file join ~ .[join $prefix /] plugin] #puts "+? path($pd)" if {[file exists $pd]} { $pmgr path $pd } # Cover for the goof in the example found in the docs. # Note that supporting the directory name 'plugins' is # also more consistent with the environment variables # above, where we also use plugins, plural. set pd [file join ~ .[join $prefix /] plugins] #puts "+? path($pd)" if {[file exists $pd]} { $pmgr path $pd } } return } } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide pluginmgr 0.3