# -*- tcl -*-
# pop3d_dbox.tcl --
# Implementation of a simple mailbox database for the pop3 server
# Each mailbox is a a directory in a base directory, with each mail
# a file in that directory. The mail file contains both headers and
# body of the mail.
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require mime ; # tcllib | mime token is result of "get".
package require log ; # tcllib | Logging package
namespace eval ::pop3d::dbox {
# Data storage in the pop3d::dbox module
# -------------------------------------
# One array per object containing the db contents. Keyed by user name.
# And the information about the last file data was read from.
# counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed databases
variable counter 0
# commands is the list of subcommands recognized by the server
variable commands [list \
"add" \
"base" \
"dele" \
"destroy" \
"exists" \
"get" \
"list" \
"lock" \
"locked" \
"move" \
"remove" \
"size" \
"stat" \
"unlock" \
# ::pop3d::dbox::new --
# Create a new mailbox database with a given name;
# if no name is given, use
# p3dboxX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# name name of the mailbox database; if null, generate one.
# Results:
# name name of the mailbox database created
proc ::pop3d::dbox::new {{name ""}} {
variable counter
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 1 } {
incr counter
set name "p3dbox${counter}"
if { ![string equal [info commands ::$name] ""] } {
return -code error \
"command \"$name\" already exists,\
unable to create mailbox database"
# Set up the namespace
namespace eval ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::$name {
variable dir ""
variable state ; array set state {}
variable locked ; array set locked {}
variable transfer ; array set transfer {}
# Create the command to manipulate the mailbox database
interp alias {} ::$name {} ::pop3d::dbox::DboxProc $name
return $name
# Private functions follow
# ::pop3d::dbox::DboxProc --
# Command that processes all mailbox database object commands.
# Arguments:
# name name of the mailbox database object to manipulate.
# args command name and args for the command
# Results:
# Varies based on command to perform
proc ::pop3d::dbox::DboxProc {name {cmd ""} args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } {
return -code error \
"wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\""
# Split the args into command and args components
if { [llength [info commands ::pop3d::dbox::_$cmd]] == 0 } {
variable commands
set optlist [join $commands ", "]
set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"]
return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist"
eval [list ::pop3d::dbox::_$cmd $name] $args
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_base {name base} {
# @c Constructor. Does some more checks on the given base directory.
# sanity checks
if {$base == {}} {
return -code error "directory not specified"
if {! [file exists $base]} {
return -code error "base: \"$base\" does not exist"
if {! [file isdirectory $base]} {
return -code error "base: \"$base\" not a directory"
if {! [file readable $base]} {
return -code error "base: \"$base\" not readable"
if {! [file writable $base]} {
return -code error "base: \"$base\" not writable"
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::dir dir
set dir $base
# ::pop3d::dbox::_destroy --
# Destroy a mail database, including its associated command and
# data storage.
# Arguments:
# name Name of the database to destroy.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_destroy {name} {
namespace delete ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::$name
interp alias {} ::$name {}
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_add {name mbox} {
# @c Create a mailbox with handle . The handle is used as the
# @c name of the directory to contain the mails too.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set mboxpath [file join $dir $mbox]
if {[file exists $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "cannot add \"$mbox\", mailbox already in existence"
file mkdir $mboxpath
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_remove {name mbox} {
# @c Remove mailbox with handle . This will destroy all mails
# @c contained in it too.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set mboxpath [file join $dir $mbox]
if {![file exists $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "cannot remove \"$mbox\", mailbox does not exist"
if {[_locked $name $mbox]} {
return -code error "cannot remove \"$mbox\", mailbox is locked"
file delete -force $mboxpath
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_move {name old new} {
# @c Change the handle of mailbox to .
# @a old: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
# @a new: New reference to the mailbox
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set oldpath [file join $dir $old]
set newpath [file join $dir $new]
if {![file exists $oldpath]} {
return -code error "cannot move \"$old\", mailbox does not exist"
if {[file exists $newpath]} {
return -code error \
"cannot move \"$old\", destination \"$new\" already exists"
file rename -force $oldpath $newpath
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_list {name} {
# @c Lists known mailboxes in object.
# @r List of mailbox names.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set here [pwd]
cd $dir
set files [glob -nocomplain *]
cd $here
set res [list]
foreach f $files {
set mboxpath [file join $dir $f]
if {! [file isdirectory $mboxpath]} {continue}
if {! [file readable $mboxpath]} {continue}
if {! [file writable $mboxpath]} {continue}
lappend res $f
return $res
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_exists {name mbox} {
# @c Determines existence of mailbox .
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to check for.
# @r 1 if the mailbox exists, 0 else.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set mbox [file join $dir $mbox]
return [file exists $mbox]
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_locked {name mbox} {
# @c Checks wether the specified mailbox is locked or not.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to check.
# @r 1 if the mailbox is locked, 0 else.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set mbox [file join $dir $mbox]
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::locked locked
return [::info exists locked($mbox)]
# -- interface to the pop server (storage callback) --
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_lock {name mbox} {
# @c Locks the given mailbox, additionally stores a list of the
# @c available files in the manager state. All files (= messages)
# @c added to the mailbox after this operation will be ignored
# @c during the session.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be locked.
# @r 1 if mailbox was locked sucessfully, 0 else.
# locked already ?
if {[_locked $name $mbox]} {
return 0
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
# Compute a list of message files residing in the mailbox directory
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::locked locked
set state($dir) [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]]]
set locked($dir) 1
return 1
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_unlock {name mbox} {
# @c A locked mailbox is unlocked, thereby made available
# @c to other sessions.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be locked.
# not locked ?
if {![_locked $name $mbox]} {return}
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::locked locked
unset state($dir)
unset locked($dir)
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_stat {name mbox} {
# @c Determines the number of messages picked up by .
# @c Will fail if the mailbox was not locked.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox queried.
# @r The number of messages in the mailbox
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
if {![_locked $name $mbox]} {
return -code error "mailbox \"$mbox\" is not locked"
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
return [llength $state($dir)]
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_size {name mbox {msgId {}}} {
# @c Determines the size of the specified message, in bytes.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
# @a msgId: Numerical index of the message to look at.
# @r size of the message in bytes.
log::log debug "$name size $mbox ($msgId)"
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
log::log debug "$name mbox dir = $dir"
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
if {$msgId == {}} {
log::log debug "$name size /full"
# Full size of the maildrop requested.
if {![info exists state($dir)]} {
# No stat before size, assume that there are no messages
# in the maildrop, which implies that the maildrop is
# empty, i.e. of size 0.
return 0
set n 0
set k [llength $state($dir)]
for {set id 0} {$id < $k} {incr id} {
incr n [file size [lindex $state($dir) $id]]
return $n
if {
($msgId < 1) ||
(![info exists state($dir)]) ||
([llength $state($dir)] < $msgId)
} {
return -code error "id \"$msgId\" out of range"
incr msgId -1
## log::log debug "$name msg mails = $state($dir)"
log::log debug "$name msg file = [lindex $state($dir) $msgId]"
return [file size [lindex $state($dir) $msgId]]
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_dele {name mbox msgList} {
# @c Deletes the specified messages from the mailbox. This should
# @c be followed by a as the state is not updated
# @c accordingly.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
# @a msgList: List of message ids.
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
if {[llength $msgList] == 0} {
return -code error "nothing to delete"
# @d The code assumes that the id's in the list were already
# @d checked against the maximal number of messages.
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
foreach msgId $msgList {
if {
($msgId < 1) ||
(![info exists state($dir)]) ||
([llength $state($dir)] < $msgId)
} {
return -code error "id \"$msgId\" out of range"
foreach msgId $msgList {
file delete [lindex $state($dir) [incr msgId -1]]
# the mailbox state is unusable now.
proc ::pop3d::dbox::_get {name mbox msgId} {
set dir [Check $name $mbox]
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::state state
if {
($msgId < 1) ||
(![info exists state($dir)]) ||
([llength $state($dir)] < $msgId)
} {
return -code error "id \"$msgId\" out of range"
incr msgId -1
set mailfile [lindex $state($dir) $msgId]
set token [::mime::initialize -file $mailfile]
return $token
# Internal helper commands.
proc ::pop3d::dbox::Check {name mbox} {
# @c Internal procedure. Used to map a mailbox handle
# @c to the directory containing the messages.
# @a mbox: Reference to the mailbox to be operated on.
# @r Path of directory holding the message files of the
# @r specified mailbox.
set dir [CheckDir $name]
set mboxpath [file join $dir $mbox]
if {! [file exists $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "\"$mbox\" does not exist"
if {! [file isdirectory $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "\"$mbox\" is not a directory"
if {! [file readable $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "\"$mbox\" is not readable"
if {! [file writable $mboxpath]} {
return -code error "\"$mbox\" is not writable"
return $mboxpath
proc ::pop3d::dbox::CheckDir {name} {
upvar ::pop3d::dbox::dbox::${name}::dir dir
if {$dir == {}} {
return -code error "base directory not specified"
return $dir
# Module initialization
package provide pop3d::dbox 1.0.2