[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [vset PACKAGE_VERSION 0.1] [manpage_begin processman n [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]] [keywords {processman}] [keywords {odie}] [copyright {2015 Sean Woods }] [moddesc {processman}] [titledesc {Tool for automating the period callback of commands}] [category System] [require Tcl 8.5] [require twapi 3.1] [require cron 1.1] [require processman [opt [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]]] [description] [para] The [package processman] package provides a Pure-tcl set of utilities to manage child processes in a platform-generic nature. [section Commands] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::processman::find_exe] [arg name]] Locate an executable by the name of [arg name] in the system path. On windows, also add the .exe extention if not given. [call [cmd ::processman::kill] [arg id]] Kill a child process [arg id]. [call [cmd ::processman::kill_all]] Kill all processes spawned by this program [call [cmd ::processman::killexe] [arg name]] Kill a process identified by the executable. On Unix, this triggers a killall. On windows, [cmd twapi::get_process_ids] is used to map a name one or more IDs, which are then killed. [call [cmd ::processman::onexit] [arg id] [arg cmd]] Arrange to execute the script [arg cmd] when this programe detects that process [arg id] as terminated. [call [cmd ::processman::priority] [arg id] [arg level]] Mark process [arg id] with the priorty [arg level]. Valid levels: low, high, default. [para] On Unix, the process is tagged using the [cmd nice] command. [para] On Windows, the process is modifed via the [cmd twapi::set_priority_class] [call [cmd ::processman::process_list]] Return a list of processes that have been triggered by this program, as well as a boolean flag to indicate if the process is still running. [call [cmd ::processman::process_list] [arg id]] Return true if process [arg id] is still running, false otherwise. [call [cmd ::processman::spawn] [arg id] [arg cmd] [arg args]] Start a child process, identified by [arg id]. [arg cmd] is the name of the command to execute. [arg args] are arguments to pass to that command. [list_end] [para] [vset CATEGORY odie] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]