# peg_to_container.tcl -- # # Conversion from PEG to CONTAINER (Tcl code). # # Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: pt_peg_to_container.tcl,v 1.1 2010/03/26 05:07:24 andreas_kupries Exp $ # This package takes the canonical serialization of a parsing # expression grammar and produces text in CONTAINER format, a form # of Tcl code which defines a snit::type whose instances store the # converted grammar. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 package require pt::peg ; # Verification that the input is # proper. package require pt::pe ; # Conversion of expressions. package require text::write ; # Text generation support package require char ; # Character quoting needed for # the Tcl code to be correct. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## namespace eval ::pt::peg::to::container { namespace export \ reset configure convert namespace ensemble create } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API. proc ::pt::peg::to::container::reset {} { variable template @code@ variable mode bulk variable name a_pe_grammar variable file unknown variable user unknown return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::configure {args} { variable template variable mode variable name variable file variable user if {[llength $args] == 0} { return [list \ -file $file \ -mode $mode \ -name $name \ -template $template \ -user $user] } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { lassign $args option set variable [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists $variable]} { return [set $variable] } else { return -code error "Expected one of -file, -mode, -name, -template, or -user, got \"$option\"" } } elseif {[llength $args] % 2 == 0} { foreach {option value} $args { set variable [string range $option 1 end] if {![info exists $variable]} { return -code error "Expected one of -file, -mode, -name, -template, or -user, got \"$option\"" } } foreach {option value} $args { set variable [string range $option 1 end] switch -exact -- $variable { mode { if {$value ni {bulk incremental}} { return -code error "Expected bulk, or incremental, got \"$value\"" } } template { if {$value eq {}} { return -code error "Expected template, got the empty string" } } name - file - user { } } set $variable $value } } else { return -code error {wrong#args, expected option value ...} } } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::convert {serial} { variable user variable file variable name variable mode variable template ::pt::peg verify-as-canonical $serial # TODO :: Reformat expressions for line-length (wrapping) # TODO :: Reformat 'add' bulk symbols for line-length (wrapping). # TODO :: Generate a read-only container. # Unpack the serialization, known as canonical. array set peg $serial array set peg $peg(pt::grammar::peg) unset peg(pt::grammar::peg) # Determine the field size for nonterminal symbol names. set smax [text::write maxlen [dict keys $peg(rules)]] # Assemble the output, various pieces. text::write reset StartExpression $peg(start) Rules $peg(rules) $smax Type # At last retrieve the fully assembled code and integrate with the # chosen template. return [string map \ [list \ @user@ $user \ @format@ CONTAINER \ @file@ $file \ @name@ $name \ @mode@ $mode \ @code@ [text::write get]] $template] # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internals proc ::pt::peg::to::container::StartExpression {startexpression} { text::write clear text::write field install myg using pt::peg::container {${selfns}::G} text::write /line text::write field {$myg} start [Expression $startexpression] text::write /line text::write indent 4 text::write store START return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::Rules {rules smax} { variable mode text::write clear if {[llength $rules]} { text::write /line switch -exact -- $mode { bulk { BulkLoading $rules $smax } incremental { IncrementalLoading $rules $smax } } text::write field return text::write /line text::write indent 4 } text::write store RULES return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::BulkLoading {rules smax} { # 2 phases. First reshuffle the input into bulk # dictionaries, then write them. foreach {symbol def} $rules { lassign $def _ is _ mode lappend symbols $symbol lappend modes $symbol $mode lappend rhs $symbol $is } text::write clear foreach {symbol mode} $modes { text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write field $mode text::write /line } text::write indent 4 text::write store MODES text::write clear foreach {symbol is} $rhs { text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write field [Expression $is] text::write /line } text::write indent 4 text::write store RULES # note - allow line wrapping, max length of line? text::write clear text::write field {$myg} {add } {*}$symbols text::write /line text::write field {$myg} modes \{ text::write /line text::write recall MODES text::write field \} text::write /line text::write field {$myg} rules \{ text::write /line text::write recall RULES text::write field \} text::write /line return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::IncrementalLoading {rules smax} { foreach {symbol def} $rules { lassign $def _ is _ mode text::write field {$myg} text::write fieldl 5 add text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write /line text::write field {$myg} text::write fieldl 5 mode text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write field $mode text::write /line text::write field {$myg} text::write fieldl 5 rule text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write field [Expression $is] text::write /line text::write /line } return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::TypeBody {} { text::write clear text::write field constructor "{}" \{ text::write /line text::write recall START text::write recall RULES text::write field \} text::write /line text::write /line text::write field component myg text::write /line text::write field delegate method * to myg text::write /line text::write indent 4 text::write store BODY return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::Type {} { variable name TypeBody text::write clear text::write field snit::type $name \{ text::write /line text::write recall BODY text::write field \} text::write /line return } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::Expression {pe} { return [list [pt::pe bottomup \ [namespace current]::Convert \ $pe]] } proc ::pt::peg::to::container::Convert {pe operator arguments} { if {$operator eq "t"} { return "$operator [char quote tcl [lindex $arguments 0]]" } elseif {$operator eq ".."} { lassign $arguments ca ce return "$operator [char quote tcl $ca] [char quote tcl $ce]" } else { return $pe } return -code error {INTERNAL ERROR} } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Configuration namespace eval ::pt::peg::to::container { variable template @code@ ; # A string. Specifies how to # embed the generated code into a # larger frame- work (the # template). variable mode bulk ; # enum (bulk, # incremental). Chooses between # code for bulk or incrementally # loading of the grammar into its # container. variable name a_pe_grammar ; # String. Name of the grammar. variable file unknown ; # String. Name of the file or # other entity the grammar came # from. variable user unknown ; # String. Name of the user on # which behalf the conversion has # been invoked. } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide pt::peg::to::container 1 return