# peg_to_peg.tcl -- # # Conversion from PEG to PEG (Human readable text). # # Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: pt_peg_to_peg.tcl,v 1.1 2010/03/26 05:07:24 andreas_kupries Exp $ # This package takes the canonical serialization of a parsing # expression grammar and produces text in PEG format, a form of text # which specifies a PEG in a human readable, yet formal manner, # similar too, but not identical to EBNF. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require Tcl 8.5 package require pt::peg ; # Verification that the input # is proper. package require pt::pe ; # Walking an expression. package require pt::pe::op ; # Flatten & fuse. package require text::write ; # Text generation support package require textutil::adjust package require struct::list # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## namespace eval ::pt::peg::to::peg { namespace export \ reset configure convert namespace ensemble create } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## API. proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::reset {} { variable template @code@ variable name a_pe_grammar variable file unknown variable user unknown variable fused 1 return } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::configure {args} { variable template variable name variable file variable user variable fused if {[llength $args] == 0} { return [list \ -file $file \ -fused $fused \ -name $name \ -template $template \ -user $user] } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { lassign $args option set variable [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists $variable]} { return [set $variable] } else { return -code error "Expected one of -file, -fused, -name, -template, or -user, got \"$option\"" } } elseif {[llength $args] % 2 == 0} { foreach {option value} $args { set variable [string range $option 1 end] if {![info exists $variable]} { return -code error "Expected one of -file, -fused, -name, -template, or -user, got \"$option\"" } } foreach {option value} $args { set variable [string range $option 1 end] switch -exact -- $variable { template { if {$value eq {}} { return -code error "Expected template, got the empty string" } } fused { if {![::string is boolean -strict $value]} { return -code error "Expected boolean, got \"$value\"" } } name - file - user { } } set $variable $value } } else { return -code error {wrong#args, expected option value ...} } } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::convert {serial} { variable template variable name variable file variable user ::pt::peg verify-as-canonical $serial # Unpack the serialization, known as canonical array set peg $serial array set peg $peg(pt::grammar::peg) unset peg(pt::grammar::peg) # Determine the field sizes for nonterminal symbol names and # semantic modes. set smax [text::write maxlen [dict keys $peg(rules)]] set mmax [ModeSize $peg(rules)] # Assemble the output, various pieces text::write reset Header $peg(start) Rules $peg(rules) $mmax $smax Trailer # At last retrieve the fully assembled result and integrate with # the chosen template. return [string map \ [list \ @user@ $user \ @format@ PEG \ @file@ $file \ @name@ $name \ @code@ [text::write get]] $template] # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internals proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Header {startexpression} { variable name text::write field PEG text::write field $name text::write field ([Expression $startexpression]) text::write /line return } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Rules {rules mmax smax} { if {[llength $rules]} { text::write /line } foreach {symbol def} $rules { lassign $def _ is _ mode set mode [expr {($mode eq "value") ? "" : "${mode}:"}] text::write fieldl $mmax $mode text::write fieldl $smax $symbol text::write field "<-" text::write field [Expression $is] text::write field ";" text::write /line } if {[llength $rules]} { text::write /line } return } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Trailer {} { text::write field {END;} text::write /line return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Expression {pe} { variable fused if {$fused} { # First flatten for a maximum amount of adjacent terminals and # ranges, then fuse these into strings and classes, then # flatten again, eliminating all sequences and choices fully # subsumed by the new elements. set pe [pt::pe::op flatten \ [pt::pe::op fusechars \ [pt::pe::op flatten \ $pe]]] } return [lindex [pt::pe bottomup \ [namespace current]::Convert \ $pe] 0] } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Convert {pe operator arguments} { # For the inner nodes the each of arguments are a pair of # generated text, and the sub-expression it came from, in this # order. switch -exact -- $operator { alpha - alnum - ascii - control - digit - graph - lower - print - punct - space - upper - wordchar - xdigit - ddigit { # Special forms ... return [list <$operator> $pe] } dot { # Special form ... return [list "." $pe] } epsilon { # Special form, represented by the empty string ... return [list "''" $pe] } t { # Character ... lassign $arguments char return [list "'[Char ${char}]'" $pe] } .. { # Range of characters ... Show as character class. # Note: Canonical input means that an expression like # {.. X X} cannot occur, and can be ignored. lassign $arguments chstart chend return [list "\[[Char ${chstart}]-[Char $chend]\]" $pe] } n { # Nonterminal symbol lassign $arguments symbol return [list $symbol $pe] } ? - * - + { # Suffix operators (Option, Kleene Closure, Positive KC) ... lassign $arguments child lassign $child text def lassign $def coperator return [list [MayParens $operator $coperator $text]$operator $pe] } & - ! { # Prefix operators (And/Not Lookahead) ... lassign $arguments child lassign $child text def lassign $def coperator return [list $operator[MayParens $operator $coperator $text] $pe] } x { # Sequences ... # TODO :: merge adjacent chars into strings ... also, cut # x out if only one child set t {} set x {} foreach a $arguments { lassign $a text def lassign $def coperator lappend t [MayParens $operator $coperator $text] lappend x $def } return [list [join $t { }] [list x {*}$x]] } / { # Choices ... # TODO :: merge adjacent chars and ranges into classes ... # also, cut / out if only one child set t {} set x {} foreach a $arguments { lassign $a text def lassign $def coperator lappend t [MayParens $operator $coperator $text] lappend x $def } return [list [join $t { / }] [list / {*}$x]] } str { return [list \ '[join [struct::list map $arguments \ [namespace current]::Char] {}]' \ $pe] } cl { return [list \ \[[join [struct::list map $arguments \ [namespace current]::Range] {}]\] \ $pe] } } } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Range {range} { # See also pt::peg::to::tclparam # Use string ops here to distinguish terminals and ranges. The # input can be a single char, not a list, and further the char may # not be a proper list. Example: double-apostroph. if {[string length $range] > 1} { lassign $range s e return [Char $s]-[Char $e] } else { return [Char $range] } } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::Char {ch} { # Encode a character, handle special cases. We cannot use package # char, as that is geared towards character encoding for Tcl code. switch -exact -- $ch { "\n" { return "\\n" } "\r" { return "\\r" } "\t" { return "\\t" } "\\" { return "\\\\" } "\"" { return "\\\"" } "'" { return "\\'" } "\]" { return "\\\]" } "\[" { return "\\\[" } } scan $ch %c chcode # Control characters: Octal if {[::string is control -strict $ch]} { return \\[format %o $chcode] } # Beyond 7-bit ASCII: Unicode if {$chcode > 127} { return \\u[format %04x $chcode] } # Regular character: Is its own representation. return $ch } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::MayParens {op cop text} { if {![NeedParens $op $cop]} { return $text } return "([::textutil::adjust::indent $text " " 1])" } proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::NeedParens {op cop} { variable priority # c(hild)op is nested under op. # Parens are required if cop has a lower priority than op. return [expr {$priority($cop) < $priority($op)}] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### proc ::pt::peg::to::peg::ModeSize {rules} { set modes {} foreach {symbol def} $rules { lassign $def _ is _ mode if {$mode eq "value"} continue ; # These are not shown in the # text representation, as # they are the implicit # default for it. lappend modes ${mode}: } return [text::write maxlen [lsort -uniq $modes]] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Configuration namespace eval ::pt::peg::to::peg { variable template @code@ ; # A string. Specifies how to # embed the generated code into a # larger frame- work (the # template). variable name a_pe_grammar ; # String. Name of the grammar. variable file unknown ; # String. Name of the file or # other entity the grammar came # from. variable user unknown ; # String. Name of the user on # which behalf the conversion has # been invoked. variable fused 1 ; # Boolean flag. If true character # sequences and choices are fused # into strings and classes. variable priority array set priority { / 0 t 4 ascii 4 upper 4 x 1 n 4 digit 4 wordchar 4 & 2 .. 4 graph 4 xdigit 4 ! 2 dot 4 lower 4 ddigit 4 + 3 epsilon 4 print 4 str 4 * 3 alnum 4 punct 4 cl 4 ? 3 alpha 4 space 4 control 4 } } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Ready package provide pt::peg::to::peg 1.0.2 return