# -*- tcl -*- # Copyright (c) 2014 Andreas Kupries # Utility commands for parser syntax errors. # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Requirements package require Tcl 8.5 ; # Required runtime. package require char # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## namespace eval ::pt::util { namespace export error2readable error2position error2text namespace ensemble create namespace import ::char::quote } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Public API proc ::pt::util::error2readable {error text} { lassign $error _ location msgs lassign [Position $location $text] l c lappend map \n \\n lappend map \r \\r lappend map \t \\t # Get 10 chars before and after the failure point. Depending on # the relative position of input beginning and end we may get less # back of either. Special characters in the input (line endings, # tabs) are quoted to keep this on a single line. set prefix [string map $map [string range $text ${location}-10 $location]] set suffix [string map $map [string range $text ${location}+1 ${location}+10]] # Construct a line pointing to the failure position. By using the # transformed prefix as our source (length) no complex # calculations are required. It is implicit in the prefix/suffix # separation above. set n [string length $prefix] incr n -1 set point [string repeat - $n] append point ^ # Print our results. lappend lines "Parse error at position $location (Line $l, column $c)." lappend lines "... ${prefix}${suffix} ..." lappend lines " $point" lappend lines "Expected one of" lappend lines "* [join [Readables $msgs] "\n* "]" lappend lines "" return [join $lines \n] } proc ::pt::util::error2position {error text} { lassign $error _ location msgs return [Position $location $text] } proc ::pt::util::error2text {error} { lassign $error _ location msgs return [Readables $msgs] } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ## Internals proc ::pt::util::Position {location text} { incr location -1 # Computing the line/col of a position is quite easy. Split the # part before the location into lines (at eol), count them, and # look at the length of the last line in that. set prefix [string range $text 0 $location] set lines [split $prefix \n] set line [llength $lines] set col [string length [lindex $lines end]] return [list $line $col] } proc ::pt::util::Readables {msgs} { set cl {} set r {} foreach pe $msgs { switch -exact -- [lindex $pe 0] { t { # Fuse to multiple 't'-tags into a single 'cl'-tag. lappend cl [lindex $pe 1] } cl { # Fuse multiple 'cl'-tags into one. foreach c [split [lindex $pe 1]] { lappend cl $c } } default { lappend r [Readable $pe] } } } if {[set n [llength $cl]]} { if {$n > 1} { lappend r [Readable [list cl [join [lsort -dict $cl] {}]]] } else { lappend r [Readable [list t [lindex $cl 0]]] } } return [lsort -dict $r] } proc ::pt::util::Readable {pe} { set details [lassign $pe tag] switch -exact -- $tag { t { set details [quote string {*}$details] set m "The character '$details'" } n { set m "The symbol $details" } .. { set details [quote string {*}$details] set m "A character in range '[join $details '-']'" } str { set details [join [quote string {*}[split $details {}]] {}] set m "A string \"$details\"" } cl { set details [join [quote string {*}[split $details {}]] {}] set m "A character in set \{$details\}" } alpha { set m "A unicode alphabetical character" } alnum { set m "A unicode alphanumerical character" } ascii { set m "An ascii character" } digit { set m "A unicode digit character" } graph { set m "A unicode printing character, but not space" } lower { set m "A unicode lower-case alphabetical character" } print { set m "A unicode printing character, including space" } control { set m "A unicode control character" } punct { set m "A unicode punctuation character" } space { set m "A unicode space character" } upper { set m "A unicode upper-case alphabetical character" } wordchar { set m "A unicode word character (alphanumerics + connectors)" } xdigit { set m "A hexadecimal digit" } ddigit { set m "A decimal digit" } dot { set m "Any character" } default { set m [string totitle $tag] } } return $m } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ## Ready package provide pt::util 1.1 return