# report.tcl -- # # Implementation of report objects for Tcl. # # Copyright (c) 2001-2014 by Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: report.tcl,v 1.8 2004/01/15 06:36:13 andreas_kupries Exp $ package require Tcl 8.2 package provide report 0.3.2 namespace eval ::report { # Data storage in the report module # ------------------------------- # # One namespace per object, containing # 1) An array mapping from template codes to templates # 2) An array mapping from template codes and columns to horizontal template items # 3) An array mapping from template codes and columns to vertical template items # 4) ... deleted, local to formatting # 5) An array mapping from columns to left padding # 6) An array mapping from columns to right padding # 7) An array mapping from columns to column size # 8) An array mapping from columns to justification # 9) A scalar containing the number of columns in the report. # 10) An array mapping from template codes to enabledness # 11) A scalar containing the size of the top caption # 12) A scalar containing the size of the bottom caption # # 1 - template 5 - lpad 9 - columns # 2 - hTemplate 6 - rpad 10 - enabled # 3 - vTemplate 7 - csize 11 - tcaption # 4 - fullHTemplate 8 - cjust 12 - bcaption # commands is the list of subcommands recognized by the report variable commands [list \ "bcaption" \ "botcapsep" \ "botdata" \ "botdatasep" \ "bottom" \ "columns" \ "data" \ "datasep" \ "justify" \ "pad" \ "printmatrix" \ "printmatrix2channel" \ "size" \ "sizes" \ "tcaption" \ "top" \ "topcapsep" \ "topdata" \ "topdatasep" ] # Only export the toplevel commands namespace export report defstyle rmstyle stylearguments stylebody # Global data, style definitions variable styles [list plain] variable styleargs variable stylebody array set styleargs {plain {}} array set stylebody {plain {}} # Global data, template codes, for easy checking variable tcode array set tcode { topdata 0 data 0 botdata 0 top 1 topdatasep 1 topcapsep 1 datasep 1 botcapsep 1 botdatasep 1 bottom 1 } } # ::report::report -- # # Create a new report with a given name # # Arguments: # name Optional name of the report; if null or not given, generate one. # # Results: # name Name of the report created proc ::report::report {name columns args} { variable styleargs if { [llength [info commands ::$name]] } { error "command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create report" } if {![string is integer $columns]} { return -code error "columns: expected integer greater than zero, got \"$columns\"" } elseif {$columns <= 0} { return -code error "columns: expected integer greater than zero, got \"$columns\"" } set styleName "" switch -exact -- [llength $args] { 0 {# No style was specied. This is OK} 1 { # We possibly got the "style" keyword, but everything behind is missing return -code error "wrong # args: report name columns ?\"style\" styleName ?arg...??" } default { # Break tail apart, check for correct keyword, ensure that style is known too. # Don't forget to check the actual against the formal arguments. foreach {dummy styleName} $args break set args [lrange $args 2 end] if {![string equal $dummy style]} { return -code error "wrong # args: report name columns ?\"style\" styleName ?arg...??" } if {![info exists styleargs($styleName)]} { return -code error "style \"$styleName\" is not known" } CheckStyleArguments $styleName $args } } # The arguments seem to be ok, setup the namespace for the object # and configure it to style "plain". namespace eval ::report::report$name "variable columns $columns" namespace eval ::report::report$name { variable tcaption 0 variable bcaption 0 variable template variable enabled variable hTemplate variable vTemplate variable lpad variable rpad variable csize variable cjust variable t variable i variable dt [list] variable st [list] for {set i 0} {$i < $columns} {incr i} { set lpad($i) "" set rpad($i) "" set csize($i) dyn set cjust($i) left lappend dt {} lappend st {} {} } lappend dt {} lappend st {} foreach t { topdata data botdata } { set enabled($t) 1 set template($t) $dt for {set i 0} {$i <= $columns} {incr i} { set vTemplate($t,$i) {} } } foreach t { top topdatasep topcapsep datasep botcapsep botdatasep bottom } { set enabled($t) 0 set template($t) $st for {set i 0} {$i < $columns} {incr i} { set hTemplate($t,$i) {} } for {set i 0} {$i <= $columns} {incr i} { set vTemplate($t,$i) {} } } unset t i dt st } # Create the command to manipulate the report # $name -> ::report::ReportProc $name interp alias {} ::$name {} ::report::ReportProc $name # If a style was specified execute it now, before the oobject is # handed back to the user. if {$styleName != {}} { ExecuteStyle $name $styleName $args } return $name } # ::report::defstyle -- # # Defines a new named style, with arguments and defining script. # # Arguments: # styleName Name of the new style. # arguments Formal arguments of the style, some format as for proc. # body The script actually defining the style. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::defstyle {styleName arguments body} { variable styleargs variable stylebody variable styles if {[info exists styleargs($styleName)]} { return -code error "Cannot create style \"$styleName\", already exists" } # Check the formal arguments # 1. Arguments without default may not follow an argument with a # default. The special "args" is no exception! # 2. Compute the minimal number of arguments required by the proc. set min 0 set def 0 set ca 0 foreach v $arguments { switch -- [llength $v] { 1 { if {$def} { return -code error \ "Found argument without default after arguments having defaults" } incr min } 2 { set def 1 } default { error "Illegal length of value \"$v\"" } } } if {[string equal args [lindex $arguments end]]} { # Correct requirements if we have a catch-all at the end. incr min -1 set ca 1 } # Now we are allowed to extend the internal database set styleargs($styleName) [list $min $ca $arguments] set stylebody($styleName) $body lappend styles $styleName return } # ::report::rmstyle -- # # Deletes the specified style. # # Arguments: # styleName Name of the style to destroy. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::rmstyle {styleName} { variable styleargs variable stylebody variable styles if {![info exists styleargs($styleName)]} { return -code error "cannot delete unknown style \"$styleName\"" } if {[string equal $styleName plain]} { return -code error {cannot delete builtin style "plain"} } unset styleargs($styleName) unset stylebody($styleName) set pos [lsearch -exact $styles $styleName] set styles [lreplace $styles $pos $pos] return } # ::report::_stylearguments -- # # Introspection, returns the list of formal arguments of the # specified style. # # Arguments: # styleName Name of the style to query. # # Results: # A list containing the formal argument of the style proc ::report::stylearguments {styleName} { variable styleargs if {![info exists styleargs($styleName)]} { return -code error "style \"$styleName\" is not known" } return [lindex $styleargs($styleName) 2] } # ::report::_stylebody -- # # Introspection, returns the body/script of the # specified style. # # Arguments: # styleName Name of the style to query. # # Results: # A script, the body of the style. proc ::report::stylebody {styleName} { variable stylebody if {![info exists stylebody($styleName)]} { return -code error "style \"$styleName\" is not known" } return $stylebody($styleName) } # ::report::_styles -- # # Returns alist containing the names of all known styles. # # Arguments: # None. # # Results: # A list containing the names of all known styles proc ::report::styles {} { variable styles return $styles } ########################## # Private functions follow # ::report::CheckStyleArguments -- # # Internal helper. Used to check actual arguments of a style against the formal ones. # # Arguments: # styleName Name of the style in question # arguments Actual arguments for the style. # # Results: # None, or an error in case of problems. proc ::report::CheckStyleArguments {styleName arguments} { variable styleargs # Match formal and actual arguments, error out in case of problems. foreach {min catchall formal} $styleargs($styleName) break if {[llength $arguments] < $min} { # Determine the name of the first formal parameter which did not get a value. set firstmissing [lindex $formal [llength $arguments]] return -code error "no value given for parameter \"$firstmissing\" to style \"$styleName\"" } elseif {[llength $arguments] > $min} { if {!$catchall && ([llength $arguments] > [llength $formal])} { # More actual arguments than formals, without catch-all argument, error return -code error "called style \"$styleName\" with too many arguments" } } } # ::report::ExecuteStyle -- # # Internal helper. Applies a named style to the specified report object. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report the style is applied to. # styleName Name of the style to apply # arguments Actual arguments for the style. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::ExecuteStyle {name styleName arguments} { variable styleargs variable stylebody variable styles variable commands CheckStyleArguments $styleName $arguments foreach {min catchall formal} $styleargs($styleName) break array set a {} if {([llength $arguments] > $min) && $catchall} { # #min = number of formal arguments - 1 set a(args) [lrange $arguments $min end] set formal [lrange $formal 0 end-1] incr min -1 set arguments [lrange $arguments 0 $min] # arguments and formal are now of equal length and we also # know that there are no arguments having a default value. foreach v $formal aval $arguments { set a($v) $aval } } # More arguments than minimally required, but no more than formal # arguments! Proceed to standard matching: Go through the actual # values and associate them with a formal argument. Then fill the # remaining formal arguments with their default values. foreach aval $arguments { set v [lindex $formal 0] set formal [lrange $formal 1 end] if {[llength $v] > 1} {set v [lindex $v 0]} set a($v) $aval } foreach vd $formal { foreach {var default} $vd { set a($var) $default } } # Create and initialize a safe interpreter, execute the style and # then break everything down again. set ip [interp create -safe] # -- Report methods -- foreach m $commands { # safe-ip method --> here report method interp alias $ip $m {} $name $m } # -- Styles defined before this one -- foreach s $styles { if {[string equal $s $styleName]} {break} interp alias $ip $s {} ::report::LinkExec $name $s } # -- Arguments as variables -- foreach {var val} [array get a] { $ip eval [list set $var $val] } # Finally execute / apply the style. $ip eval $stylebody($styleName) interp delete $ip return } # ::report::_LinkExec -- # # Internal helper. Used for application of styles from within # another style script. Collects the formal arguments into the # one list which is expected by "ExecuteStyle". # # Arguments: # name Name of the report the style is applied to. # styleName Name of the style to apply # args Actual arguments for the style. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::LinkExec {name styleName args} { ExecuteStyle $name $styleName $args } # ::report::ReportProc -- # # Command that processes all report object commands. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object to manipulate. # cmd Subcommand to invoke. # args Arguments for subcommand. # # Results: # Varies based on command to perform proc ::report::ReportProc {name {cmd ""} args} { variable tcode # Do minimal args checks here if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } { error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\"" } # Split the args into command and args components if {[info exists tcode($cmd)]} { # Template codes are a bit special eval [list ::report::_tAction $name $cmd] $args } else { if { [llength [info commands ::report::_$cmd]] == 0 } { variable commands set optlist [join $commands ", "] set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"] error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist" } eval [list ::report::_$cmd $name] $args } } # ::report::CheckColumn -- # # Helper to check and transform column indices. Returns the # absolute index number belonging to the specified # index. Rejects indices out of the valid range of columns. # # Arguments: # columns Number of columns # column The incoming index to check and transform # # Results: # The absolute index to the column proc ::report::CheckColumn {columns column} { switch -regex -- $column { {end-[0-9]+} { regsub -- {end-} $column {} column set cc [expr {$columns - 1 - $column}] if {($cc < 0) || ($cc >= $columns)} { return -code error "column: index \"end-$column\" out of range" } return $cc } end { if {$columns <= 0} { return -code error "column: index \"$column\" out of range" } return [expr {$columns - 1}] } {[0-9]+} { if {($column < 0) || ($column >= $columns)} { return -code error "column: index \"$column\" out of range" } return $column } default { return -code error "column: syntax error in index \"$column\"" } } } # ::report::CheckVerticals -- # # Internal helper. Used to check the consistency of all active # templates with respect to the generated vertical separators # (Same length). # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object to check. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::CheckVerticals {name} { upvar ::report::report${name}::vTemplate vTemplate upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled enabled upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::tcaption tcaption upvar ::report::report${name}::bcaption bcaption for {set c 0} {$c <= $columns} {incr c} { # Collect all lengths for a column in a list, sort that and # compare first against last element. If they are not equal we # have found an inconsistent definition. set res [list] lappend res [string length $vTemplate(data,$c)] if {$tcaption > 0} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(topdata,$c)] if {($tcaption > 1) && $enabled(topdatasep)} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(topdatasep,$c)] } if {$enabled(topcapsep)} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(topcapsep,$c)] } } if {$bcaption > 0} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(botdata,$c)] if {($bcaption > 1) && $enabled(botdatasep)} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(botdatasep,$c)] } if {$enabled(botcapsep)} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate(botcapsep,$c)] } } foreach t {top datasep bottom} { if {$enabled($t)} { lappend res [string length $vTemplate($t,$c)] } } set res [lsort $res] if {[lindex $res 0] != [lindex $res end]} { return -code error "inconsistent verticals in report" } } } # ::report::_tAction -- # # Implements the actions on templates (set, get, enable, disable, enabled) # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # template Name of the template to query or manipulate. # cmd The action applied to the template # args Additional arguments per action, see documentation. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::_tAction {name template cmd args} { # When coming in here we know that $template contains a legal # template code. No need to check again. We need 'tcode' # nevertheless to distinguish between separator (1) and data # templates (0). variable tcode switch -exact -- $cmd { set { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error "Wrong # args: $name $template $cmd template" } set templval [lindex $args 0] upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::template tpl upvar ::report::report${name}::hTemplate hTemplate upvar ::report::report${name}::vTemplate vTemplate upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled enabled if {$tcode($template)} { # Separator template, expected size = 2*colums+1 if {[llength $templval] > (2*$columns+1)} { return -code error {template to long for number of columns in report} } elseif {[llength $templval] < (2*$columns+1)} { return -code error {template to short for number of columns in report} } set tpl($template) $templval set even 1 set c1 0 set c2 0 foreach item $templval { if {$even} { set vTemplate($template,$c1) $item incr c1 set even 0 } else { set hTemplate($template,$c2) $item incr c2 set even 1 } } } else { # Data template, expected size = columns+1 if {[llength $templval] > ($columns+1)} { return -code error {template to long for number of columns in report} } elseif {[llength $templval] < ($columns+1)} { return -code error {template to short for number of columns in report} } set tpl($template) $templval set c 0 foreach item $templval { set vTemplate($template,$c) $item incr c } } if {$enabled($template)} { # Perform checks for active separator templates and # all data templates. CheckVerticals $name } } get - enable - disable - enabled { if {[llength $args] > 0} { return -code error "Wrong # args: $name $template $cmd" } switch -exact -- $cmd { get { upvar ::report::report${name}::template tpl return $tpl($template) } enable { if {!$tcode($template)} { # Data template, can't be enabled. return -code error "Cannot enable data template \"$template\"" } upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled enabled if {!$enabled($template)} { set enabled($template) 1 CheckVerticals $name } } disable { if {!$tcode($template)} { # Data template, can't be disabled. return -code error "Cannot disable data template \"$template\"" } upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled enabled if {$enabled($template)} { set enabled($template) 0 } } enabled { if {!$tcode($template)} { # Data template, can't be disabled. return -code error "Cannot query state of data template \"$template\"" } upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled enabled return $enabled($template) } default {error "Can't happen, panic, run, shout"} } } default { return -code error "Unknown template command \"$cmd\"" } } return "" } # ::report::_tcaption -- # # Sets or queries the size of the top caption region of the report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # size The new size, if not empty. Emptiness indicates that a # query was requested # # Results: # None, or the current size of the top caption region proc ::report::_tcaption {name {size {}}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::tcaption tcaption if {$size == {}} { return $tcaption } if {![string is integer $size]} { return -code error "size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size < 0} { return -code error "size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size == $tcaption} { # No change, nothing to do return "" } if {($size > 0) && ($tcaption == 0)} { # Perform a consistency check after the assignment, the # template might have been changed. set tcaption $size CheckVerticals $name } else { set tcaption $size } return "" } # ::report::_bcaption -- # # Sets or queries the size of the bottom caption region of the report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # size The new size, if not empty. Emptiness indicates that a # query was requested # # Results: # None, or the current size of the bottom caption region proc ::report::_bcaption {name {size {}}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::bcaption bcaption if {$size == {}} { return $bcaption } if {![string is integer $size]} { return -code error "size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size < 0} { return -code error "size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size == $bcaption} { # No change, nothing to do return "" } if {($size > 0) && ($bcaption == 0)} { # Perform a consistency check after the assignment, the # template might have been changed. set bcaption $size CheckVerticals $name } else { set bcaption $size } return "" } # ::report::_size -- # # Sets or queries the size of the specified column. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # column Index of the column to manipulate or query # size The new size, if not empty. Emptiness indicates that a # query was requested # # Results: # None, or the current size of the column proc ::report::_size {name column {size {}}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::csize csize set column [CheckColumn $columns $column] if {$size == {}} { return $csize($column) } if {[string equal $size dyn]} { set csize($column) $size return "" } if {![string is integer $size]} { return -code error "expected integer greater than zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size <= 0} { return -code error "expected integer greater than zero, got \"$size\"" } set csize($column) $size return "" } # ::report::_sizes -- # # Sets or queries the sizes of all columns. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # sizes The new sizes, if not empty. Emptiness indicates that a # query was requested # # Results: # None, or a list containing the sizes of all columns. proc ::report::_sizes {name {sizes {}}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::csize csize if {$sizes == {}} { set res [list] foreach k [lsort -integer [array names csize]] { lappend res $csize($k) } return $res } if {[llength $sizes] != $columns} { return -code error "Wrong # number of column sizes" } foreach size $sizes { if {[string equal $size dyn]} { continue } if {![string is integer $size]} { return -code error "expected integer greater than zero, got \"$size\"" } if {$size <= 0} { return -code error "expected integer greater than zero, got \"$size\"" } } set i 0 foreach s $sizes { set csize($i) $s incr i } return "" } # ::report::_pad -- # # Sets or queries the padding for the specified column. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # column Index of the column to manipulate or query # where Where to place the padding. Emptiness indicates # that a query was requested. # # Results: # None, or the padding for the specified column. proc ::report::_pad {name column {where {}} {string { }}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::lpad lpad upvar ::report::report${name}::rpad rpad set column [CheckColumn $columns $column] if {$where == {}} { return [list $lpad($column) $rpad($column)] } switch -exact -- $where { left { set lpad($column) $string } right { set rpad($column) $string } both { set lpad($column) $string set rpad($column) $string } default { return -code error "where: expected left, right, or both, got \"$where\"" } } return "" } # ::report::_justify -- # # Sets or queries the justification for the specified column. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # column Index of the column to manipulate or query # jvalue Justification to set. Emptiness indicates # that a query was requested # # Results: # None, or the current justication for the specified column proc ::report::_justify {name column {jvalue {}}} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::cjust cjust set column [CheckColumn $columns $column] if {$jvalue == {}} { return $cjust($column) } switch -exact -- $jvalue { left - right - center { set cjust($column) $jvalue return "" } default { return -code error "justification: expected, left, right, or center, got \"$jvalue\"" } } } # ::report::_printmatrix -- # # Format the specified matrix according to the configuration of # the report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report object. # matrix Name of the matrix object to format. # # Results: # A string containing the formatted matrix. proc ::report::_printmatrix {name matrix} { CheckMatrix $name $matrix ColumnSizes $name $matrix state upvar ::report::report${name}::tcaption tcaption upvar ::report::report${name}::bcaption bcaption set row 0 set out "" append out [Separator top $name $matrix state] if {$tcaption > 0} { set n $tcaption while {$n > 0} { append out [FormatData topdata $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] if {$n > 1} { append out [Separator topdatasep $name $matrix state] } incr n -1 incr row } append out [Separator topcapsep $name $matrix state] } set n [expr {[$matrix rows] - $bcaption}] while {$row < $n} { append out [FormatData data $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] incr row if {$row < $n} { append out [Separator datasep $name $matrix state] } } if {$bcaption > 0} { append out [Separator botcapsep $name $matrix state] set n $bcaption while {$n > 0} { append out [FormatData botdata $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] if {$n > 1} { append out [Separator botdatasep $name $matrix state] } incr n -1 incr row } } append out [Separator bottom $name $matrix state] #parray state return $out } # ::report::_printmatrix2channel -- # # Format the specified matrix according to the configuration of # the report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report. # matrix Name of the matrix object to format. # chan Handle of the channel to write the formatting result into. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::_printmatrix2channel {name matrix chan} { CheckMatrix $name $matrix ColumnSizes $name $matrix state upvar ::report::report${name}::tcaption tcaption upvar ::report::report${name}::bcaption bcaption set row 0 puts -nonewline $chan [Separator top $name $matrix state] if {$tcaption > 0} { set n $tcaption while {$n > 0} { puts -nonewline $chan \ [FormatData topdata $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] if {$n > 1} { puts -nonewline $chan [Separator topdatasep $name $matrix state] } incr n -1 incr row } puts -nonewline $chan [Separator topcapsep $name $matrix state] } set n [expr {[$matrix rows] - $bcaption}] while {$row < $n} { puts -nonewline $chan \ [FormatData data $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] incr row if {$row < $n} { puts -nonewline $chan [Separator datasep $name $matrix state] } } if {$bcaption > 0} { puts -nonewline $chan [Separator botcapsep $name $matrix state] set n $bcaption while {$n > 0} { puts -nonewline $chan \ [FormatData botdata $name state [$matrix get row $row] [$matrix rowheight $row]] if {$n > 1} { puts -nonewline $chan [Separator botdatasep $name $matrix state] } incr n -1 incr row } } puts -nonewline $chan [Separator bottom $name $matrix state] return } # ::report::_columns -- # # Retrieves the number of columns in the report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report queried # # Results: # A number proc ::report::_columns {name} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns return $columns } # ::report::_destroy -- # # Destroy a report, including its associated command and data storage. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report to destroy. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::_destroy {name} { namespace delete ::report::report$name interp alias {} ::$name {} return } # ::report::CheckMatrix -- # # Internal helper for the "print" methods. Checks that the # supplied matrix can be formatted by the specified report. # # Arguments: # name Name of the report to use for the formatting # matrix Name of the matrix to format. # # Results: # None, or an error in case of problems. proc ::report::CheckMatrix {name matrix} { upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::tcaption tcaption upvar ::report::report${name}::bcaption bcaption if {$columns != [$matrix columns]} { return -code error "report/matrix mismatch in number of columns" } if {($tcaption + $bcaption) > [$matrix rows]} { return -code error "matrix too small, top and bottom captions overlap" } } # ::report::ColumnSizes -- # # Internal helper for the "print" methods. Computes the final # column sizes (with and without padding) and stores them in # the print-state # # Arguments: # name Name of the report used for the formatting # matrix Name of the matrix to format. # statevar Name of the array variable holding the state # of the formatter. # # Results: # None. proc ::report::ColumnSizes {name matrix statevar} { # Calculate the final column sizes with and without padding and # store them in the local state. upvar $statevar state upvar ::report::report${name}::columns columns upvar ::report::report${name}::csize csize upvar ::report::report${name}::lpad lpad upvar ::report::report${name}::rpad rpad for {set c 0} {$c < $columns} {incr c} { if {[string equal dyn $csize($c)]} { set size [$matrix columnwidth $c] } else { set size $csize($c) } set state(s,$c) $size incr size [string length $lpad($c)] incr size [string length $rpad($c)] set state(s/pad,$c) $size } return } # ::report::Separator -- # # Internal helper for the "print" methods. Computes the final # shape of the various separators using the column sizes with # padding found in the print state. Uses also the print state as # a cache to avoid costly recomputation for the separators which # are used multiple times. # # Arguments: # tcode Code of the separator to compute / template to use # name Name of the report used for the formatting # matrix Name of the matrix to format. # statevar Name of the array variable holding the state # of the formatter. # # Results: # The final separator string. Empty for disabled separators. proc ::report::Separator {tcode name matrix statevar} { upvar ::report::report${name}::enabled e if {!$e($tcode)} {return ""} upvar $statevar state if {![info exists state($tcode)]} { upvar ::report::report${name}::vTemplate vt upvar ::report::report${name}::hTemplate ht upvar ::report::report${name}::columns cs set str "" for {set c 0} {$c < $cs} {incr c} { append str $vt($tcode,$c) set fill $ht($tcode,$c) set flen [string length $fill] set rep [expr {($state(s/pad,$c)/$flen)+1}] append str [string range [string repeat $fill $rep] 0 [expr {$state(s/pad,$c)-1}]] } append str $vt($tcode,$cs) set state($tcode) $str } return $state($tcode)\n } # ::report::FormatData -- # # Internal helper for the "print" methods. Computes the output # for one row in the matrix, given its values, the rowheight, # padding and justification. # # Arguments: # tcode Code of the data template to use # name Name of the report used for the formatting # statevar Name of the array variable holding the state # of the formatter. # line List containing the values to format # rh Height of the row (line) in lines. # # Results: # The formatted string for the supplied row. proc ::report::FormatData {tcode name statevar line rh} { upvar $statevar state upvar ::report::report${name}::vTemplate vt upvar ::report::report${name}::columns cs upvar ::report::report${name}::lpad lpad upvar ::report::report${name}::rpad rpad upvar ::report::report${name}::cjust cjust if {$rh == 1} { set str "" set c 0 foreach cell $line { # prefix, cell (pad-l, value, pad-r) append str $vt($tcode,$c)$lpad($c)[FormatCell $cell $state(s,$c) $cjust($c)]$rpad($c) incr c } append str $vt($tcode,$cs)\n return $str } else { array set str {} for {set l 1} {$l <= $rh} {incr l} {set str($l) ""} # - Future - Vertical justification of cells less tall than rowheight # - Future - Vertical cutff aftert n lines, auto-repeat of captions # - Future - => Higher level, not here, use virtual matrices for this # - Future - and count the generated lines set c 0 foreach fcell $line { set fcell [split $fcell \n] for {set l 1; set lo 0} {$l <= $rh} {incr l; incr lo} { append str($l) $vt($tcode,$c)$lpad($c)[FormatCell \ [lindex $fcell $lo] $state(s,$c) $cjust($c)]$rpad($c) } incr c } set strout "" for {set l 1} {$l <= $rh} {incr l} { append strout $str($l)$vt($tcode,$cs)\n } return $strout } } # ::report::FormatCell -- # # Internal helper for the "print" methods. Formats the value of # a single cell according to column size and justification. # # Arguments: # value The value to format # size The size of the column, without padding # just The justification for the current cell/column # # Results: # The formatted string for the supplied cell. proc ::report::FormatCell {value size just} { set vlen [string length [StripAnsiColor $value]] if {$vlen == $size} { # Value fits exactly, justification is irrelevant return $value } # - Future - Other fill characters ... # - Future - Different fill characters per class of value => regex/glob pattern|functions # - Future - Wraparound - interacts with rowheight! switch -exact -- $just { left { if {$vlen < $size} { return $value[string repeat " " [expr {$size - $vlen}]] } return [string range $value [expr {$vlen - $size}] end] } right { if {$vlen < $size} { return [string repeat " " [expr {$size - $vlen}]]$value } incr size -1 return [string range $value 0 $size] } center { if {$vlen < $size} { set fill [expr {$size - $vlen}] set rfill [expr {$fill / 2}] set lfill [expr {$fill - $rfill}] return [string repeat " " $lfill]$value[string repeat " " $rfill] } set cut [expr {$vlen - $size}] set lcut [expr {$cut / 2}] set rcut [expr {$cut - $lcut}] return [string range $value $lcut end-$rcut] } default { error "Can't happen, panic, run, shout" } } } proc ::report::StripAnsiColor {string} { # Look for ANSI color control sequences and remove them. Avoid # counting their characters as such sequences as a whole represent # a state change, and are logically of zero/no width. regsub -all "\033\\\[\[0-9;\]*m" $string {} string return $string }