# rest.tcl -- # # A framework for RESTful web services # # Copyright (c) 2009 Aaron Faupell # # RCS: @(#) $Id: rest.tcl,v 1.7 2009/10/14 16:28:18 afaupell Exp $ package require Tcl 8.5 package require http 2.7 package require json package require tdom package require base64 package provide rest 1.0.2 namespace eval ::rest { namespace export create_interface parameters parse_opts save \ describe substitute } # simple -- # # perform a simple rest call # # ARGS: # url name of the array containing command definitions # query query string or list of key/value pairs to be passed to http::formatQuery # config (optional) dict containing configuration options for the call # body (optional) data for the body of the http request # # RETURNS: # the data from the rest call # proc ::rest::simple {url query args} { set headers [list] set config [lindex $args 0] if {[string index $config 0] == "-"} { set opts [parse_opts {} {} {headers: cookie: auth: format: method:} [join $args]] set config [lindex $opts 0] set body [lindex $opts 1] } else { set body [lindex $args 1] } DetermineMethod config if {[string first " " $query] > 0} { # if query has a space assume it is a list of key value pairs, and do the formatting set query [eval ::http::formatQuery $query] } elseif {[string first ? $url] > 0 && $query == ""} { # if the url contains a query string and query empty then split it to the correct vars set query [join [lrange [split $url ?] 1 end] ?] set url [lindex [split $url ?] 0] } if {[dict exists $config auth]} { set auth [dict get $config auth] if {[lindex $auth 0] == "basic"} { lappend headers Authorization "Basic [base64::encode [lindex $auth 1]:[lindex $auth 2]]" } } if {[dict exists $config content-type]} { lappend headers Content-type [join [dict get $config content-type] \;] } if {[dict exists $config headers]} { dict for {key val} [dict get $config headers] { lappend headers $key $val } } if {[dict exists $config cookie]} { lappend headers Cookie [join [dict get $config cookie] \;] } set result [::rest::_call {} $headers $url $query $body] # if a format was specified then convert the data, but dont do any auto formatting if {[dict exists $config result]} { set result [::rest::format_[dict get $config result] $result] } return $result } interp alias {} ::rest::get {} ::rest::simple interp alias {} ::rest::post {} ::rest::simple interp alias {} ::rest::head {} ::rest::simple interp alias {} ::rest::put {} ::rest::simple interp alias {} ::rest::delete {} ::rest::simple proc ::rest::DetermineMethod {cv} { upvar 1 $cv config if {[dict exists $config method]} return set loc [info frame -2] if {![dict exists $loc cmd]} { return -code error "Unable to determine rest::simple method in the current context ([dict get $loc type]). Please specify it explicitly." } set cmd [dict get $loc cmd] if {[catch { set cmd [lindex $cmd 0] }]} { # Not a proper list. String processing. # Simple: Assume name without spaces. # TODO: Quoted literal. regexp {^([^ ]+).*$} $cmd -> cmd } if {$cmd ni {get delete head post put}} { return -code error "Unable to determine rest::simple method, found \"$cmd\". Please specify it explicitly." } set cmd [namespace tail $cmd] if {$cmd eq "simple"} { set cmd get } #puts >>>|$cmd| dict set config method $cmd return } # create_interface -- # # use an array which defines a rest API to construct a set of procs # # ARGS: # name name of the array containing command definitions # # EFFECTS: # creates a new namespace and builds api procedures within it # # RETURNS: # the name of the new namespace, which is the same as the input name # proc ::rest::create_interface {name} { upvar $name in # check if any defined calls have https urls and automatically load and register tls #if {[catch {package present tls}]} { # foreach x [array names in] { # if {[dict exists $in($x) url] && [string match https://* [dict get $in($x) url]]} { # package require tls # ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket] # break # } # } #} namespace eval ::$name {} foreach call [array names in] { set config $in($call) set proc [list] if {[dict exists $config copy]} { set config [dict merge $in([dict get $config copy]) $config] } if {[dict exists $config unset]} { set config [eval [list dict remove $config] [dict get $config unset]] } if {[dict exists $config content-type]} { dict set config headers content-type [dict get $config content-type] } lappend proc "set config \{$config\}" lappend proc "set headers \{\}" # invocation option processing _addopts [dict get $config url] config if {[dict exists $config headers]} { dict for {k val} [dict get $config headers] { _addopts $val config } } set opts [list] lappend proc "set static \{[expr {[dict exists $config static_args] ? [dict get $config static_args] : {}}]\}" lappend proc {variable static_args} lappend proc {if {[info exists static_args]} { set static [dict merge $static $static_args] }} lappend opts [expr {[dict exists $config req_args] ? [dict get $config req_args] : ""}] lappend opts [expr {[dict exists $config opt_args] ? [dict get $config opt_args] : ""}] lappend proc "set parsed \[::rest::parse_opts \$static $opts \$args]" lappend proc {set query [lindex $parsed 0]} lappend proc {set body [lindex $parsed 1]} lappend proc {set url [::rest::substitute [dict get $config url] query]} if {[dict exists $config body]} { if {[string match req* [dict get $config body]]} { lappend proc {if {$body == ""} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?options? string\"" }} } elseif {[string match no* [dict get $config body]]} { lappend proc {if {$body != ""} { return -code error "extra arguments after options" }} } elseif {[string match arg* [lindex [dict get $config body] 0]]} { lappend proc {if {$body == ""} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?options? string\"" }} lappend proc "lappend query [lindex [dict get $config body] 1] \$body" {set body ""} } elseif {[string match mime_multi* [lindex [dict get $config body] 0]]} { lappend proc {if {$body == ""} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?options? string\"" }} lappend proc {set b [::rest::mime_multipart body $body]} lappend proc {dict set config headers content-type "multipart/related; boundary=$b"} } } # end option processing if {[dict exists $config auth]} { set auth [dict get $config auth] if {$auth == "basic"} { lappend proc "lappend headers Authorization \"Basic \[base64::encode \$\{::${name}::user\}:\$\{::${name}::password\}]\"" if {[info commands ::${name}::basic_auth] == ""} { proc ::${name}::basic_auth {u p} { variable user $u variable password $p } } } } if {[dict exists $config headers]} { lappend proc {dict for {key val} [dict get $config headers] { lappend headers $key [::rest::substitute $val query] }} } if {[dict exists $config cookie]} { lappend proc {lappend headers Cookie [join [dict get $config cookie] \;]} } _transform $name $call $config proc input_transform query if {[dict exists $config auth] && [lindex [dict get $config auth] 0] == "sign"} { lappend proc "set query \[::${name}::[lindex [dict get $config auth] 1] \$query]" } lappend proc {set query [eval ::http::formatQuery $query]} # if this is an async call (has defined a callback) # then end the main proc here by returning the http token # the rest of the normal result processing will be put in a _callback_NAME # proc which is called by the generic _callback proc if {[dict exists $config callback]} { lappend proc "set t \[::rest::_call \{[list ::${name}::_callback_$call [dict get $config callback]]\} \$headers \$url \$query \$body]" lappend proc {return $t} proc ::${name}::$call args [join $proc \n] set proc {} lappend proc {upvar token token} } else { lappend proc {set result [::rest::_call {} $headers $url $query $body]} } # process results _transform $name $call $config proc pre_transform result if {[dict exists $config result]} { lappend proc "set result \[::rest::format_[dict get $config result] \$result]" } elseif {[dict exists $config format]} { lappend proc "set result \[::rest::format_[dict get $config format] \$result]" } else { lappend proc "set result \[::rest::format_auto \$result]" } _transform $name $call $config proc post_transform result if {[dict exists $config check_result]} { lappend proc "::rest::_check_result \$result [dict get $config check_result]" } # end process results # if this is an async call (has a defined callback) # create the callback proc which contains only the result processing and # a handoff to the user defined callback # otherwise create the normal call proc if {[dict exists $config callback]} { lappend proc "[dict get $config callback] $call OK \$result" proc ::${name}::_callback_$call {result} [join $proc \n] } else { lappend proc {return $result} proc ::${name}::$call args [join $proc \n] } } proc ::${name}::set_static_args {args} { variable static_args set static_args $args } set ::${name}::static_args {} # print the contents of all the dynamic generated procs if {0} { foreach x [info commands ::${name}::*] { puts "proc $x \{[info args $x]\} \{\n[info body $x]\n\}\n" } } return $name } # mime_multipart -- # # creates a mime mulipart message # # ARGS: # var name of variable in which the mime body is stored # body a list of key/value pairs which represent mime part # headers and bodies. the header is itself a list of # value pairs which define header fields # # EFFECTS: # replaces $var with a mime body # # RETURNS: # the mime boundary string # proc ::rest::mime_multipart {var body} { upvar $var out set out {} set boundary _000-MIME_SEPERATOR foreach {head data} $body { append out \n--$boundary\n foreach {k v} $head { append out "$k: $v\n" } append out \n$data\n } append out \n--$boundary--\n return $boundary } # _transform -- # # called by create_interface to handle the creation of user defined procedures # # ARGS: # ns target namespace # call name of the proc that is being created # config dict of config options # proc name of variable holding the proc being created # name name of the transform # # EFFECTS: # appends commands to the proc variable and possible creates a new proc # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::_transform {ns call config proc name var} { upvar $proc p if {[dict exists $config $name]} { set t [dict get $config $name] if {[llength [split $t]] == 1 && [info commands $t] != ""} { lappend p "set $var \[$t \$$var]" } else { lappend p "set $var \[::${ns}::_${name}_$call \$$var]" proc ::${ns}::_${name}_$call $var $t } } } # save -- # # saves a copy of the dynamically created procs to a file for later loading # # ARGS: # name name of the array containing command definitions # file name of file in which to save the generated commands # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::save {name file} { set fh [open $file w] puts $fh {package require http package require json package require tdom package require base64 } if {![catch {package present tls}]} { puts $fh { package require tls ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket] } } puts $fh "namespace eval ::$name \{\}\n" foreach x {_call _callback parse_opts _addopts substitute _check_result \ format_auto format_raw format_xml format_json format_discard \ format_tdom} { puts $fh "proc ::${name}::$x \{[info args $x]\} \{[info body $x]\n\}\n" } foreach x [info commands ::${name}::*] { puts $fh "proc $x \{[info args $x]\} \{\n[info body $x]\n\}\n" } close $fh } # parameters -- # # parse a url query string into a dict # # ARGS: # url a url with a query string seperated by a '?' # args optionally a dict key to return instead of the entire dict # # RETURNS: # a dict containing the parsed query string # proc ::rest::parameters {url args} { set dict [list] foreach x [split [lindex [split $url ?] 1] &] { set x [split $x =] if {[llength $x] < 2} { lappend x "" } eval lappend dict $x } if {[llength $args] > 0} { return [dict get $dict [lindex $args 0]] } return $dict } # _call -- # # makes an http request # expected to be called only by a generated procedure because it depends on the # config dict # # ARGS: # name name of the array containing command definitions # callback empty string, or a list of 2 callback procs, # generated and user defined. if not empty the call will # be made async (-command argument to geturl) # headers a dict of keys/values for the http request header # url the url to request # query # body # # EFFECTS: # creates a new namespace and builds api procedures within it # # RETURNS: # the data from the http reply, or an http token if the request was async # proc ::rest::_call {callback headers url query body} { #puts "_call [list $callback $headers $url $query $body]" # get the settings from the calling proc upvar config config set method GET if {[dict exists $config method]} { set method [string toupper [dict get $config method]] } # assume the query should really be the body for post or put requests # with no other body. doesnt seem technically correct but works for # everything I have encountered. there is no way for the call definition to # specify the difference between url parameters and request body if {[dict exists $config body] && [string match no* [dict get $config body]]} { # never put the query in the body if the user said no body } elseif {($method == "POST" || $method == "PUT") && $query != "" && $body == ""} { set body $query set query {} } if {$query != ""} { append url ?$query } # configure options to the geturl command set opts [list] lappend opts -method $method if {[dict exists $headers content-type]} { lappend opts -type [dict get $headers content-type] set headers [dict remove $headers content-type] } if {$body != ""} { lappend opts -query $body } if {$callback != ""} { lappend opts -command [list ::rest::_callback {*}$callback] } #puts "headers $headers" #puts "opts $opts" #puts "geturl $url" #return set t [http::geturl $url -headers $headers {*}$opts] # if this is an async request return now, otherwise process the result if {$callback != ""} { return $t } if {![string match 2* [http::ncode $t]]} { #parray $t if {[string match {30[123]} [http::ncode $t]]} { upvar #0 $t a return -code error [list HTTP [http::ncode $t] [dict get $a(meta) Location]] } return -code error [list HTTP [http::ncode $t]] } set data [http::data $t] # copy the token into the calling scope so that the transforms can access it # via uplevel, and we can still call cleanup on the real token upvar token token array set token [array get $t] #parray $t #puts "data: $data" http::cleanup $t return $data } # _callback -- # # callback procedure for async http requests # # ARGS: # datacb name of the dynamically generated callback proc created by # create_interface which contains post transforms and content # interpreting # usercb the name of the user supplied callback function. # if there is an error it is called directly from here, # otherwise the datacb calls it # t the http request token # # EFFECTS: # evaluates http error conditions and calls the user defined callback # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::_callback {datacb usercb t} { # copy the token into the local scope so that the datacb can access it # via uplevel, and we can still call cleanup on the real token array set token [array get $t] if {![string match 2* [http::ncode $t]]} { set data [list HTTP [http::ncode $t]] if {[http::ncode $t] == "302"} { lappend data [dict get $token(meta) Location] } http::cleanup $t $usercb ERROR $data return } set data [http::data $t] http::cleanup $t eval $datacb [list $data] } # parse_opts -- # # command option parsing # # ARGS: # static a dict of options and values that are always present # required a list of options that must be supplied # optional a list of options that may appear but are not required # the format is # name - an option which is present or not, no default # name: - an option which requires a value # name:value - an option with a default value # options the string of options supplied by the user at invocation # # EFFECTS: # none # # RETURNS: # a 2 item list. the first item is a dict containing the parsed # options and their values. the second item is a string of any # remaining data # ex: [list [dict create opt1 value1 opt2 value2] {some extra text supplied to the command}] # proc ::rest::parse_opts {static required optional options} { #puts "static $static\nrequired $required\noptional $optional\noptions $options" set args $options set query {} foreach {k v} $static { set k [string trimleft $k -] lappend query $k $v } foreach opt $required { if {[string index $opt end] == ":"} { set opt [string range $opt 0 end-1] } if {[set i [lsearch -exact $args -$opt]] >= 0} { if {[llength $args] <= $i+1} { return -code error "the -$opt argument requires a value" } lappend query $opt [lindex $args [expr {$i+1}]] set args [lreplace $args $i [expr {$i+1}]] } elseif {[set i [lsearch -regexp $static ^-?$opt$]] >= 0} { lappend query $opt [lindex $static [expr {$i+1}]] set static [lreplace $static $i [expr {$i+1}]] } else { return -code error "the -$opt argument is required" } } while {[llength $args] > 0} { set opt [lindex $args 0] if {![string match -* $opt]} break if {$opt == "--"} { set args [lreplace $args 0 0] break } set opt [string range $opt 1 end] if {[set i [lsearch $optional $opt:*]] > -1} { lappend query $opt [lindex $args 1] set args [lreplace $args 0 1] set optional [lreplace $optional $i $i] } elseif {[set i [lsearch -exact $optional $opt]] > -1} { lappend query $opt "" set args [lreplace $args 0 0] set optional [lreplace $optional $i $i] } else { set opts {} foreach x [concat $required $optional] { lappend opts -[string trimright $x :] } if {[llength $opts] > 0} { return -code error "bad option \"$opt\": Must be [join $opts ", "]" } return -code error "bad option \"$opt\"" } } foreach opt $optional { if {[set i [lsearch -regexp $static ^-?$opt$]] >= 0} { lappend query $opt [lindex $static [expr {$i+1}]] set static [lreplace $static $i [expr {$i+1}]] } elseif {[string match *:?* $opt]} { set opt [split $opt :] lappend query [lindex $opt 0] [join [lrange $opt 1 end]] } } #puts "optional $optional\nquery $query" return [list $query [join $args]] } # _addopts -- # # add inline argument identifiers to the options list # # ARGS: # str a string which may contain %word% option identifiers # c name of the config variable # # EFFECTS: # modifies the option variable to add any identifiers found # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::_addopts {str c} { upvar $c config foreach {junk x} [regexp -all -inline -nocase {%([a-z0-9_:-]+)%} $str] { if {[string match *:* $x]} { dict lappend config opt_args $x } else { dict lappend config req_args $x: } } } # substitute -- # # take a string and substitute real values for any option identifiers # # ARGS: # input a string which may contain %word% option identifiers # q name of a variable containing a dict of options and values # # EFFECTS: # removes any substituted options from the q variable # # RETURNS: # the input string with option identifiers replaced by real values # proc ::rest::substitute {input q} { upvar $q query foreach {junk name} [regexp -all -inline -nocase {%([a-z0-9_:-]+)%} $input] { set opt [lindex [split $name :] 0] if {[dict exists $query $opt]} { set replace [dict get $query $opt] #set replace [string map {/ %2F} $replace] #set replace [string range [http::formatQuery "" $replace] 1 end] set query [dict remove $query $opt] } else { set replace {} } set input [string map [list %$name% $replace] $input] } return $input } # describe -- # # print a description of defined api calls # # ARGS: # name name of an interface previously created with create_interface # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::describe {name} { # replace [set], then run all the procs to get the value of the config var rename ::set ::_set proc ::set {var val} { if {[lindex [info level 0] 1] != "config"} { continue } upvar 2 config c ::_set c([info level -1]) $val return -code return } foreach call [lsort -dictionary [info commands ::${name}::*]] { if {[string match *::_* $call]} { continue } catch {$call} } rename ::set {} rename ::_set ::set foreach {name val} [array get config] { puts -nonewline "$name" if {([dict exists $val req_args] && [dict get $val req_args] != "") \ || ([dict exists $val opt_args] && [dict get $val opt_args] != "")} { puts -nonewline " " } if {[dict exists $val body] && [dict get $val body] == "required"} { puts -nonewline " " } puts "" if {[dict exists $val description]} { puts "[regsub -all {[\s\n]+} [dict get $val description] { }]" } if {[dict exists $val callback]} { puts "Async callback: [dict get $val callback]" } puts " Required arguments:" if {[dict exists $val req_args]} { foreach x [dict get $val req_args] { puts " -[format %-12s [string trimright $x :]] " } } else { puts " none" } puts " Optional arguments:" if {[dict exists $val opt_args]} { foreach x [dict get $val opt_args] { if {![string match *:* $x]} { puts " $x" } else { set x [split $x :] if {[lindex $x 1] == ""} { puts " -[format %-12s [lindex $x 0]] " } else { puts " -[format %-12s [lindex $x 0]] default \"[lindex $x 1]\"" } } } } else { puts " none" } puts "" } } # _check_result -- # # checks http returned data against user supplied conditions # # ARGS: # result name of the array containing command definitions # ok an expression which if it returns false causes an error # err an expression which if it returns true causes an error # # EFFECTS: # throws an error if the expression evaluations indicate an error # # RETURNS: # nothing # proc ::rest::_check_result {result ok err} { if {$err != "" && ![catch {expr $err} out] && [expr {$out}]} { return -code error [list ERR $result "triggered error condition" $err $out] } if {$ok == "" || (![catch {expr $ok} out] && [expr {$out}])} { return -code ok } return -code error [list ERR $result "ok expression failed or returned false" $ok $out] } # format_auto -- # # the default data formatter. tries to detect the data type and dispatch # to a specific handler # # ARGS: # data data returned by an http call # # RETURNS: # data, possibly transformed in a representation specific manner # proc ::rest::format_auto {data} { if {[string match {<*} [string trimleft $data]]} { return [format_xml $data] } if {[string match \{* $data] || [regexp {":\s*[\{\[]} $data]} { return [format_json $data] } return $data } proc ::rest::format_raw {data} { return $data } proc ::rest::format_discard {data} { return -code ok } proc ::rest::format_json {data} { #if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z_.]+ *= *(.*)} $data -> json]} { # set data $json #} return [json::json2dict $data] } proc ::rest::format_xml {data} { set d [[dom parse $data] documentElement] set data [$d asList] if {[lindex $data 0] == "rss"} { set data [format_rss $data] } return $data } proc ::rest::format_rss {data} { set data [lindex $data 2 0 2] set out {} set channel {} foreach x $data { if {[lindex $x 0] != "item"} { lappend channel [lindex $x 0] \ [linsert [lindex $x 1] end content [lindex $x 2 0 1]] } else { set tmp {} foreach item [lindex $x 2] { lappend tmp [lindex $item 0] \ [linsert [lindex $item 1] end content [lindex $item 2 0 1]] } lappend out item $tmp } } return [linsert $out 0 channel $channel] } proc ::rest::format_tdom {data} { return [[dom parse $data] documentElement] }