# ntlm.tcl - Copyright (C) 2005 Pat Thoyts # # This is an implementation of Microsoft's NTLM authentication mechanism. # # References: # http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html # http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version package require SASL 1.0; # tcllib 1.7 package require des 1.0; # tcllib 1.8 package require md4; # tcllib 1.4 namespace eval ::SASL { namespace eval NTLM { array set NTLMFlags { unicode 0x00000001 oem 0x00000002 req_target 0x00000004 unknown 0x00000008 sign 0x00000010 seal 0x00000020 datagram 0x00000040 lmkey 0x00000080 netware 0x00000100 ntlm 0x00000200 unknown 0x00000400 unknown 0x00000800 domain 0x00001000 server 0x00002000 share 0x00004000 NTLM2 0x00008000 targetinfo 0x00800000 128bit 0x20000000 keyexch 0x40000000 56bit 0x80000000 } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::SASL::NTLM::NTLM {context challenge args} { upvar #0 $context ctx incr ctx(step) switch -exact -- $ctx(step) { 1 { set ctx(realm) [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context realm]] set ctx(hostname) [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context hostname]] set ctx(response) [CreateGreeting $ctx(realm) $ctx(hostname)] set result 1 } 2 { array set params [Decode $challenge] set user [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context username]] set pass [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context password]] if {[info exists params(domain)]} { set ctx(realm) $params(domain) } set ctx(response) [CreateResponse \ $ctx(realm) $ctx(hostname) \ $user $pass $params(nonce) $params(flags)] Decode $ctx(response) set result 0 } default { return -code error "invalid state \"$ctx(step)" } } return $result } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NTLM client implementation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The NMLM greeting. This is sent by the client to the server to initiate # the challenge response handshake. # This message contains the hostname (not domain qualified) and the # NT domain name for authentication. # proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateGreeting {domainname hostname {flags {}}} { set domain [encoding convertto ascii $domainname] set host [encoding convertto ascii $hostname] set d_len [string length $domain] set h_len [string length $host] set d_off [expr {32 + $h_len}] if {![llength $flags]} { set flags {unicode oem ntlm server req_target} } set msg [binary format a8iississi \ "NTLMSSP\x00" 1 [Flags $flags] \ $d_len $d_len $d_off \ $h_len $h_len 32] append msg $host $domain return $msg } # Create a NTLM server challenge. This is sent by a server in response to # a client type 1 message. The content of the type 2 message is variable # and depends upon the flags set by the client and server choices. # proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateChallenge {domainname} { SASL::md5_init set target [encoding convertto ascii $domainname] set t_len [string length $target] set nonce [string range [binary format h* [SASL::CreateNonce]] 0 7] set pad [string repeat \0 8] set context [string repeat \0 8] set msg [binary format a8issii \ "NTLMSSP\x00" 2 \ $t_len $t_len 48 \ [Flags {ntlm unicode}]] append msg $nonce $pad $context $pad $target return $msg } # Compose the final client response. This contains the encoded username # and password, along with the server nonce value. # proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateResponse {domainname hostname username passwd nonce flags} { set lm_resp [LMhash $passwd $nonce] set nt_resp [NThash $passwd $nonce] set domain [string toupper $domainname] set host [string toupper $hostname] set user $username set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set domain [to_unicode_le $domain] set host [to_unicode_le $host] set user [to_unicode_le $user] } set l_len [string length $lm_resp]; # LM response length set n_len [string length $nt_resp]; # NT response length set d_len [string length $domain]; # Domain name length set h_len [string length $host]; # Host name length set u_len [string length $user]; # User name length set s_len 0 ; # Session key length # The offsets to strings appended to the structure set d_off [expr {0x40}]; # Fixed offset to Domain buffer set u_off [expr {$d_off + $d_len}]; # Offset to user buffer set h_off [expr {$u_off + $u_len}]; # Offset to host buffer set l_off [expr {$h_off + $h_len}]; # Offset to LM hash set n_off [expr {$l_off + $l_len}]; # Offset to NT hash set s_off [expr {$n_off + $n_len}]; # Offset to Session key set msg [binary format a8is4s4s4s4s4s4i \ "NTLMSSP\x00" 3 \ [list $l_len $l_len $l_off 0] \ [list $n_len $n_len $n_off 0] \ [list $d_len $d_len $d_off 0] \ [list $u_len $u_len $u_off 0] \ [list $h_len $h_len $h_off 0] \ [list $s_len $s_len $s_off 0] \ $flags] append msg $domain $user $host $lm_resp $nt_resp return $msg } proc ::SASL::NTLM::Debug {msg} { array set d [Decode $msg] if {[info exists d(flags)]} { set d(flags) [list [format 0x%08x $d(flags)] [decodeflags $d(flags)]] } if {[info exists d(nonce)]} { set d(nonce) [base64::encode $d(nonce)] } if {[info exists d(lmhash)]} { set d(lmhash) [base64::encode $d(lmhash)] } if {[info exists d(nthash)]} { set d(nthash) [base64::encode $d(nthash)] } return [array get d] } proc ::SASL::NTLM::Decode {msg} { #puts [Debug $msg] binary scan $msg a7ci protocol zero type switch -exact -- $type { 1 { binary scan $msg @12ississi flags dlen dlen2 doff hlen hlen2 hoff binary scan $msg @${hoff}a${hlen} host binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags] \ domain $domain host $host] } 2 { binary scan $msg @12ssiia8a8 dlen dlen2 doff flags nonce pad set domain {}; binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set domain [from_unicode_le $domain] } binary scan $nonce H* nonce_h binary scan $pad H* pad_h return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags] \ domain $domain nonce $nonce] } 3 { binary scan $msg @12ssissississississii \ lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \ ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \ dlen dlen2 doff \ ulen ulen2 uoff \ hlen hlen2 hoff \ slen slen2 soff \ flags set domain {}; binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain set user {}; binary scan $msg @${uoff}a${ulen} user set host {}; binary scan $msg @${hoff}a${hlen} host set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set domain [from_unicode_le $domain] set user [from_unicode_le $user] set host [from_unicode_le $host] } binary scan $msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata binary scan $msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags]\ domain $domain host $host user $user \ lmhash $lmdata nthash $ntdata] } default { return -code error "invalid NTLM data: type not recognised" } } } proc ::SASL::NTLM::decodeflags {value} { variable NTLMFlags set result {} foreach {flag mask} [array get NTLMFlags] { if {$value & ($mask & 0xffffffff)} { lappend result $flag } } return $result } proc ::SASL::NTLM::Flags {flags} { variable NTLMFlags set result 0 foreach flag $flags { if {![info exists NTLMFlags($flag)]} { return -code error "invalid ntlm flag \"$flag\"" } set result [expr {$result | $NTLMFlags($flag)}] } return $result } # Convert a string to unicode in little endian byte order. proc ::SASL::NTLM::to_unicode_le {str} { set result [encoding convertto unicode $str] if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(byteOrder) "bigEndian"]} { set r {} ; set n 0 while {[binary scan $result @${n}cc a b] == 2} { append r [binary format cc $b $a] incr n 2 } set result $r } return $result } # Convert a little-endian unicode string to utf-8. proc ::SASL::NTLM::from_unicode_le {str} { if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(byteOrder) "bigEndian"]} { set r {} ; set n 0 while {[binary scan $str @${n}cc a b] == 2} { append r [binary format cc $b $a] incr n 2 } set str $r } return [encoding convertfrom unicode $str] } proc ::SASL::NTLM::LMhash {password nonce} { set magic "\x4b\x47\x53\x21\x40\x23\x24\x25" set hash "" set password [string range [string toupper $password][string repeat \0 14] 0 13] foreach key [CreateDesKeys $password] { append hash [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $magic] } append hash [string repeat \0 5] set res "" foreach key [CreateDesKeys $hash] { append res [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $nonce] } return $res } proc ::SASL::NTLM::NThash {password nonce} { set pass [to_unicode_le $password] set hash [md4::md4 $pass] append hash [string repeat \x00 5] set res "" foreach key [CreateDesKeys $hash] { append res [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $nonce] } return $res } # Convert a password into a 56 bit DES key according to the NTLM specs. # We do NOT fix the parity of each byte. If we did, then bit 0 of each # byte should be adjusted to give the byte odd parity. # proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateDesKeys {key} { # pad to 7 byte boundary with nuls. set mod [expr {[string length $key] % 7}] if {$mod != 0} { append key [string repeat "\0" [expr {7 - $mod}]] } set len [string length $key] set r "" for {set n 0} {$n < $len} {incr n 7} { binary scan $key @${n}c7 bytes set b {} lappend b [expr { [lindex $bytes 0] & 0xFF}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 0] & 0x01) << 7) | (([lindex $bytes 1] >> 1) & 0x7F)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 1] & 0x03) << 6) | (([lindex $bytes 2] >> 2) & 0x3F)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 2] & 0x07) << 5) | (([lindex $bytes 3] >> 3) & 0x1F)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 3] & 0x0F) << 4) | (([lindex $bytes 4] >> 4) & 0x0F)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 4] & 0x1F) << 3) | (([lindex $bytes 5] >> 5) & 0x07)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 5] & 0x3F) << 2) | (([lindex $bytes 6] >> 6) & 0x03)}] lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 6] & 0x7F) << 1)}] lappend r [binary format c* $b] } return $r; } # This is slower than the above in Tcl 8.4.9 proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateDesKeys2 {key} { # pad to 7 byte boundary with nuls. append key [string repeat "\0" [expr {7 - ([string length $key] % 7)}]] binary scan $key B* bin set len [string length $bin] set r "" for {set n 0} {$n < $len} {incr n} { append r [string range $bin $n [incr n 6]] 0 } # needs spliting into 8 byte keys. return [binary format B* $r] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register this SASL mechanism with the Tcllib SASL package. # if {[llength [package provide SASL]] != 0} { ::SASL::register NTLM 50 ::SASL::NTLM::NTLM } package provide SASL::NTLM 1.1.2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Local variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: