#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # TITLE: # main1_83.tcl # # AUTHOR: # Will Duquette # # DESCRIPTION: # Snit's Not Incr Tcl, a simple object system in Pure Tcl. # # Snit 1.x Compiler and Run-Time Library, Tcl 8.3 and later # # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by William H. Duquette # This code is licensed as described in license.txt. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Back-port to Tcl8.3 by Kenneth Green (kmg) # Modified by Andreas Kupries. # Further modified by Will Duquette 12 Aug 2006 # # Local changes marked with "#kmg-tcl83" # # Global changes: # " trace add variable " -> "trace variable " # " write " -> "w" in all calls to 'trace variable' # " unset -nocomplain " -> "::snit83::unset -nocomplain" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Namespace namespace eval ::snit:: { namespace export \ compile type widget widgetadaptor typemethod method macro } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some Snit variables namespace eval ::snit:: { variable reservedArgs {type selfns win self} # Widget classes which can be hulls (must have -class) variable hulltypes { toplevel tk::toplevel frame tk::frame ttk::frame labelframe tk::labelframe ttk::labelframe } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snit Type Implementation template namespace eval ::snit:: { # Template type definition: All internal and user-visible Snit # implementation code. # # The following placeholders will automatically be replaced with # the client's code, in two passes: # # First pass: # %COMPILEDDEFS% The compiled type definition. # # Second pass: # %TYPE% The fully qualified type name. # %IVARDECS% Instance variable declarations # %TVARDECS% Type variable declarations # %TCONSTBODY% Type constructor body # %INSTANCEVARS% The compiled instance variable initialization code. # %TYPEVARS% The compiled type variable initialization code. # This is the overall type template. variable typeTemplate # This is the normal type proc variable nominalTypeProc # This is the "-hastypemethods no" type proc variable simpleTypeProc } set ::snit::typeTemplate { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # The type's namespace definition and the user's type variables namespace eval %TYPE% {%TYPEVARS% } #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Commands for use in methods, typemethods, etc. # # These are implemented as aliases into the Snit runtime library. interp alias {} %TYPE%::installhull {} ::snit::RT.installhull %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::install {} ::snit::RT.install %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::typevariable {} ::variable interp alias {} %TYPE%::variable {} ::snit::RT.variable interp alias {} %TYPE%::mytypevar {} ::snit::RT.mytypevar %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::typevarname {} ::snit::RT.mytypevar %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::myvar {} ::snit::RT.myvar interp alias {} %TYPE%::varname {} ::snit::RT.myvar interp alias {} %TYPE%::codename {} ::snit::RT.codename %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::myproc {} ::snit::RT.myproc %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::mymethod {} ::snit::RT.mymethod interp alias {} %TYPE%::mytypemethod {} ::snit::RT.mytypemethod %TYPE% interp alias {} %TYPE%::from {} ::snit::RT.from %TYPE% #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snit's internal variables namespace eval %TYPE% { # Array: General Snit Info # # ns: The type's namespace # hasinstances: T or F, from pragma -hasinstances. # simpledispatch: T or F, from pragma -hasinstances. # canreplace: T or F, from pragma -canreplace. # counter: Count of instances created so far. # widgetclass: Set by widgetclass statement. # hulltype: Hull type (frame or toplevel) for widgets only. # exceptmethods: Methods explicitly not delegated to * # excepttypemethods: Methods explicitly not delegated to * # tvardecs: Type variable declarations--for dynamic methods # ivardecs: Instance variable declarations--for dyn. methods typevariable Snit_info set Snit_info(ns) %TYPE%:: set Snit_info(hasinstances) 1 set Snit_info(simpledispatch) 0 set Snit_info(canreplace) 0 set Snit_info(counter) 0 set Snit_info(widgetclass) {} set Snit_info(hulltype) frame set Snit_info(exceptmethods) {} set Snit_info(excepttypemethods) {} set Snit_info(tvardecs) {%TVARDECS%} set Snit_info(ivardecs) {%IVARDECS%} # Array: Public methods of this type. # The index is the method name, or "*". # The value is [list $pattern $componentName], where # $componentName is "" for normal methods. typevariable Snit_typemethodInfo array unset Snit_typemethodInfo # Array: Public methods of instances of this type. # The index is the method name, or "*". # The value is [list $pattern $componentName], where # $componentName is "" for normal methods. typevariable Snit_methodInfo array unset Snit_methodInfo # Array: option information. See dictionary.txt. typevariable Snit_optionInfo array unset Snit_optionInfo set Snit_optionInfo(local) {} set Snit_optionInfo(delegated) {} set Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) {} set Snit_optionInfo(except) {} } #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Compiled Procs # # These commands are created or replaced during compilation: # Snit_instanceVars selfns # # Initializes the instance variables, if any. Called during # instance creation. proc %TYPE%::Snit_instanceVars {selfns} { %INSTANCEVARS% } # Type Constructor proc %TYPE%::Snit_typeconstructor {type} { %TVARDECS% %TCONSTBODY% } #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Procs # # These commands might be replaced during compilation: # Snit_destructor type selfns win self # # Default destructor for the type. By default, it does # nothing. It's replaced by any user destructor. # For types, it's called by method destroy; for widgettypes, # it's called by a destroy event handler. proc %TYPE%::Snit_destructor {type selfns win self} { } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Compiled Definitions %COMPILEDDEFS% #---------------------------------------------------------- # Finally, call the Type Constructor %TYPE%::Snit_typeconstructor %TYPE% } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type procs # # These procs expect the fully-qualified type name to be # substituted in for %TYPE%. # This is the nominal type proc. It supports typemethods and # delegated typemethods. set ::snit::nominalTypeProc { # Type dispatcher function. Note: This function lives # in the parent of the %TYPE% namespace! All accesses to # %TYPE% variables and methods must be qualified! proc %TYPE% {{method ""} args} { # First, if there's no method, and no args, and there's a create # method, and this isn't a widget, then method is "create" and # "args" is %AUTO%. if {"" == $method && [llength $args] == 0} { ::variable %TYPE%::Snit_info if {$Snit_info(hasinstances) && !$Snit_info(isWidget)} { set method create lappend args %AUTO% } else { error "wrong \# args: should be \"%TYPE% method args\"" } } # Next, retrieve the command. variable %TYPE%::Snit_typemethodCache while 1 { if {[catch {set Snit_typemethodCache($method)} commandRec]} { set commandRec [::snit::RT.CacheTypemethodCommand %TYPE% $method] if {[llength $commandRec] == 0} { return -code error "\"%TYPE% $method\" is not defined" } } # If we've got a real command, break. if {[lindex $commandRec 0] == 0} { break } # Otherwise, we need to look up again...if we can. if {[llength $args] == 0} { return -code error \ "wrong number args: should be \"%TYPE% $method method args\"" } lappend method [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] } set command [lindex $commandRec 1] # Pass along the return code unchanged. set retval [catch {uplevel 1 $command $args} result] if {$retval} { if {$retval == 1} { global errorInfo global errorCode return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } else { return -code $retval $result } } return $result } } # This is the simplified type proc for when there are no typemethods # except create. In this case, it doesn't take a method argument; # the method is always "create". set ::snit::simpleTypeProc { # Type dispatcher function. Note: This function lives # in the parent of the %TYPE% namespace! All accesses to # %TYPE% variables and methods must be qualified! proc %TYPE% {args} { ::variable %TYPE%::Snit_info # FIRST, if the are no args, the single arg is %AUTO% if {[llength $args] == 0} { if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { error "wrong \# args: should be \"%TYPE% name args\"" } lappend args %AUTO% } # NEXT, we're going to call the create method. # Pass along the return code unchanged. if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { set command [list ::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create %TYPE%] } else { set command [list ::snit::RT.type.typemethod.create %TYPE%] } set retval [catch {uplevel 1 $command $args} result] if {$retval} { if {$retval == 1} { global errorInfo global errorCode return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } else { return -code $retval $result } } return $result } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance procs # # The following must be substituted into these proc bodies: # # %SELFNS% The instance namespace # %WIN% The original instance name # %TYPE% The fully-qualified type name # # Nominal instance proc body: supports method caching and delegation. # # proc $instanceName {method args} .... set ::snit::nominalInstanceProc { set self [set %SELFNS%::Snit_instance] while {1} { if {[catch {set %SELFNS%::Snit_methodCache($method)} commandRec]} { set commandRec [snit::RT.CacheMethodCommand %TYPE% %SELFNS% %WIN% $self $method] if {[llength $commandRec] == 0} { return -code error \ "\"$self $method\" is not defined" } } # If we've got a real command, break. if {[lindex $commandRec 0] == 0} { break } # Otherwise, we need to look up again...if we can. if {[llength $args] == 0} { return -code error \ "wrong number args: should be \"$self $method method args\"" } lappend method [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] } set command [lindex $commandRec 1] # Pass along the return code unchanged. set retval [catch {uplevel 1 $command $args} result] if {$retval} { if {$retval == 1} { global errorInfo global errorCode return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } else { return -code $retval $result } } return $result } # Simplified method proc body: No delegation allowed; no support for # upvar or exotic return codes or hierarchical methods. Designed for # max speed for simple types. # # proc $instanceName {method args} .... set ::snit::simpleInstanceProc { set self [set %SELFNS%::Snit_instance] if {[lsearch -exact ${%TYPE%::Snit_methods} $method] == -1} { set optlist [join ${%TYPE%::Snit_methods} ", "] set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"] error "bad option \"$method\": must be $optlist" } eval [linsert $args 0 \ %TYPE%::Snit_method$method %TYPE% %SELFNS% %WIN% $self] } #======================================================================= # Snit Type Definition # # These are the procs used to define Snit types, widgets, and # widgetadaptors. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snit Compilation Variables # # The following variables are used while Snit is compiling a type, # and are disposed afterwards. namespace eval ::snit:: { # The compiler variable contains the name of the slave interpreter # used to compile type definitions. variable compiler "" # The compile array accumulates information about the type or # widgettype being compiled. It is cleared before and after each # compilation. It has these indices: # # type: The name of the type being compiled, for use # in compilation procs. # defs: Compiled definitions, both standard and client. # which: type, widget, widgetadaptor # instancevars: Instance variable definitions and initializations. # ivprocdec: Instance variable proc declarations. # tvprocdec: Type variable proc declarations. # typeconstructor: Type constructor body. # widgetclass: The widgetclass, for snit::widgets, only # hasoptions: False, initially; set to true when first # option is defined. # localoptions: Names of local options. # delegatedoptions: Names of delegated options. # localmethods: Names of locally defined methods. # delegatesmethods: no if no delegated methods, yes otherwise. # hashierarchic : no if no hierarchic methods, yes otherwise. # components: Names of defined components. # typecomponents: Names of defined typecomponents. # typevars: Typevariable definitions and initializations. # varnames: Names of instance variables # typevarnames Names of type variables # hasconstructor False, initially; true when constructor is # defined. # resource-$opt The option's resource name # class-$opt The option's class # -default-$opt The option's default value # -validatemethod-$opt The option's validate method # -configuremethod-$opt The option's configure method # -cgetmethod-$opt The option's cget method. # -hastypeinfo The -hastypeinfo pragma # -hastypedestroy The -hastypedestroy pragma # -hastypemethods The -hastypemethods pragma # -hasinfo The -hasinfo pragma # -hasinstances The -hasinstances pragma # -simpledispatch The -simpledispatch pragma # -canreplace The -canreplace pragma variable compile # This variable accumulates method dispatch information; it has # the same structure as the %TYPE%::Snit_methodInfo array, and is # used to initialize it. variable methodInfo # This variable accumulates typemethod dispatch information; it has # the same structure as the %TYPE%::Snit_typemethodInfo array, and is # used to initialize it. variable typemethodInfo # The following variable lists the reserved type definition statement # names, e.g., the names you can't use as macros. It's built at # compiler definition time using "info commands". variable reservedwords {} } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # type compilation commands # # The type and widgettype commands use a slave interpreter to compile # the type definition. These are the procs # that are aliased into it. # Initialize the compiler proc ::snit::Comp.Init {} { variable compiler variable reservedwords if {"" == $compiler} { # Create the compiler's interpreter set compiler [interp create] # Initialize the interpreter $compiler eval { catch {close stdout} catch {close stderr} catch {close stdin} # Load package information # TBD: see if this can be moved outside. # @mdgen NODEP: ::snit::__does_not_exist__ catch {package require ::snit::__does_not_exist__} # Protect some Tcl commands our type definitions # will shadow. rename proc _proc rename variable _variable } # Define compilation aliases. $compiler alias pragma ::snit::Comp.statement.pragma $compiler alias widgetclass ::snit::Comp.statement.widgetclass $compiler alias hulltype ::snit::Comp.statement.hulltype $compiler alias constructor ::snit::Comp.statement.constructor $compiler alias destructor ::snit::Comp.statement.destructor $compiler alias option ::snit::Comp.statement.option $compiler alias oncget ::snit::Comp.statement.oncget $compiler alias onconfigure ::snit::Comp.statement.onconfigure $compiler alias method ::snit::Comp.statement.method $compiler alias typemethod ::snit::Comp.statement.typemethod $compiler alias typeconstructor ::snit::Comp.statement.typeconstructor $compiler alias proc ::snit::Comp.statement.proc $compiler alias typevariable ::snit::Comp.statement.typevariable $compiler alias variable ::snit::Comp.statement.variable $compiler alias typecomponent ::snit::Comp.statement.typecomponent $compiler alias component ::snit::Comp.statement.component $compiler alias delegate ::snit::Comp.statement.delegate $compiler alias expose ::snit::Comp.statement.expose # Get the list of reserved words set reservedwords [$compiler eval {info commands}] } } # Compile a type definition, and return the results as a list of two # items: the fully-qualified type name, and a script that will define # the type when executed. # # which type, widget, or widgetadaptor # type the type name # body the type definition proc ::snit::Comp.Compile {which type body} { variable typeTemplate variable nominalTypeProc variable simpleTypeProc variable compile variable compiler variable methodInfo variable typemethodInfo # FIRST, qualify the name. if {![string match "::*" $type]} { # Get caller's namespace; # append :: if not global namespace. set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]] if {"::" != $ns} { append ns "::" } set type "$ns$type" } # NEXT, create and initialize the compiler, if needed. Comp.Init # NEXT, initialize the class data array unset methodInfo array unset typemethodInfo array unset compile set compile(type) $type set compile(defs) {} set compile(which) $which set compile(hasoptions) no set compile(localoptions) {} set compile(instancevars) {} set compile(typevars) {} set compile(delegatedoptions) {} set compile(ivprocdec) {} set compile(tvprocdec) {} set compile(typeconstructor) {} set compile(widgetclass) {} set compile(hulltype) {} set compile(localmethods) {} set compile(delegatesmethods) no set compile(hashierarchic) no set compile(components) {} set compile(typecomponents) {} set compile(varnames) {} set compile(typevarnames) {} set compile(hasconstructor) no set compile(-hastypedestroy) yes set compile(-hastypeinfo) yes set compile(-hastypemethods) yes set compile(-hasinfo) yes set compile(-hasinstances) yes set compile(-simpledispatch) no set compile(-canreplace) no set isWidget [string match widget* $which] set isWidgetAdaptor [string match widgetadaptor $which] # NEXT, Evaluate the type's definition in the class interpreter. $compiler eval $body # NEXT, Add the standard definitions append compile(defs) \ "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_info(isWidget) $isWidget\n" append compile(defs) \ "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_info(isWidgetAdaptor) $isWidgetAdaptor\n" # Indicate whether the type can create instances that replace # existing commands. append compile(defs) "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_info(canreplace) $compile(-canreplace)\n" # Check pragmas for conflict. if {!$compile(-hastypemethods) && !$compile(-hasinstances)} { error "$which $type has neither typemethods nor instances" } if {$compile(-simpledispatch) && $compile(delegatesmethods)} { error "$which $type requests -simpledispatch but delegates methods." } if {$compile(-simpledispatch) && $compile(hashierarchic)} { error "$which $type requests -simpledispatch but defines hierarchical methods." } # If there are typemethods, define the standard typemethods and # the nominal type proc. Otherwise define the simple type proc. if {$compile(-hastypemethods)} { # Add the info typemethod unless the pragma forbids it. if {$compile(-hastypeinfo)} { Comp.statement.delegate typemethod info \ using {::snit::RT.typemethod.info %t} } # Add the destroy typemethod unless the pragma forbids it. if {$compile(-hastypedestroy)} { Comp.statement.delegate typemethod destroy \ using {::snit::RT.typemethod.destroy %t} } # Add the nominal type proc. append compile(defs) $nominalTypeProc } else { # Add the simple type proc. append compile(defs) $simpleTypeProc } # Add standard methods/typemethods that only make sense if the # type has instances. if {$compile(-hasinstances)} { # If we're using simple dispatch, remember that. if {$compile(-simpledispatch)} { append compile(defs) "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_info(simpledispatch) 1\n" } # Add the info method unless the pragma forbids it. if {$compile(-hasinfo)} { if {!$compile(-simpledispatch)} { Comp.statement.delegate method info \ using {::snit::RT.method.info %t %n %w %s} } else { Comp.statement.method info {args} { eval [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.method.info $type $selfns $win $self] } } } # Add the option handling stuff if there are any options. if {$compile(hasoptions)} { Comp.statement.variable options if {!$compile(-simpledispatch)} { Comp.statement.delegate method cget \ using {::snit::RT.method.cget %t %n %w %s} Comp.statement.delegate method configurelist \ using {::snit::RT.method.configurelist %t %n %w %s} Comp.statement.delegate method configure \ using {::snit::RT.method.configure %t %n %w %s} } else { Comp.statement.method cget {args} { eval [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.method.cget $type $selfns $win $self] } Comp.statement.method configurelist {args} { eval [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.method.configurelist $type $selfns $win $self] } Comp.statement.method configure {args} { eval [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.method.configure $type $selfns $win $self] } } } # Add a default constructor, if they haven't already defined one. # If there are options, it will configure args; otherwise it # will do nothing. if {!$compile(hasconstructor)} { if {$compile(hasoptions)} { Comp.statement.constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args } } else { Comp.statement.constructor {} {} } } if {!$isWidget} { if {!$compile(-simpledispatch)} { Comp.statement.delegate method destroy \ using {::snit::RT.method.destroy %t %n %w %s} } else { Comp.statement.method destroy {args} { eval [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.method.destroy $type $selfns $win $self] } } Comp.statement.delegate typemethod create \ using {::snit::RT.type.typemethod.create %t} } else { Comp.statement.delegate typemethod create \ using {::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create %t} } # Save the list of method names, for -simpledispatch; otherwise, # save the method info. if {$compile(-simpledispatch)} { append compile(defs) \ "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_methods [list $compile(localmethods)]\n" } else { append compile(defs) \ "\narray set %TYPE%::Snit_methodInfo [list [array get methodInfo]]\n" } } else { append compile(defs) "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_info(hasinstances) 0\n" } # NEXT, compiling the type definition built up a set of information # about the type's locally defined options; add this information to # the compiled definition. Comp.SaveOptionInfo # NEXT, compiling the type definition built up a set of information # about the typemethods; save the typemethod info. append compile(defs) \ "\narray set %TYPE%::Snit_typemethodInfo [list [array get typemethodInfo]]\n" # NEXT, if this is a widget define the hull component if it isn't # already defined. if {$isWidget} { Comp.DefineComponent hull } # NEXT, substitute the compiled definition into the type template # to get the type definition script. set defscript [Expand $typeTemplate \ %COMPILEDDEFS% $compile(defs)] # NEXT, substitute the defined macros into the type definition script. # This is done as a separate step so that the compile(defs) can # contain the macros defined below. set defscript [Expand $defscript \ %TYPE% $type \ %IVARDECS% $compile(ivprocdec) \ %TVARDECS% $compile(tvprocdec) \ %TCONSTBODY% $compile(typeconstructor) \ %INSTANCEVARS% $compile(instancevars) \ %TYPEVARS% $compile(typevars) \ ] array unset compile return [list $type $defscript] } # Information about locally-defined options is accumulated during # compilation, but not added to the compiled definition--the option # statement can appear multiple times, so it's easier this way. # This proc fills in Snit_optionInfo with the accumulated information. # # It also computes the option's resource and class names if needed. # # Note that the information for delegated options was put in # Snit_optionInfo during compilation. proc ::snit::Comp.SaveOptionInfo {} { variable compile foreach option $compile(localoptions) { if {"" == $compile(resource-$option)} { set compile(resource-$option) [string range $option 1 end] } if {"" == $compile(class-$option)} { set compile(class-$option) [Capitalize $compile(resource-$option)] } # NOTE: Don't verify that the validate, configure, and cget # values name real methods; the methods might be defined outside # the typedefinition using snit::method. Mappend compile(defs) { # Option %OPTION% lappend %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(local) %OPTION% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(islocal-%OPTION%) 1 set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(resource-%OPTION%) %RESOURCE% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(class-%OPTION%) %CLASS% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(default-%OPTION%) %DEFAULT% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(validate-%OPTION%) %VALIDATE% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(configure-%OPTION%) %CONFIGURE% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(cget-%OPTION%) %CGET% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(readonly-%OPTION%) %READONLY% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(typespec-%OPTION%) %TYPESPEC% } %OPTION% $option \ %RESOURCE% $compile(resource-$option) \ %CLASS% $compile(class-$option) \ %DEFAULT% [list $compile(-default-$option)] \ %VALIDATE% [list $compile(-validatemethod-$option)] \ %CONFIGURE% [list $compile(-configuremethod-$option)] \ %CGET% [list $compile(-cgetmethod-$option)] \ %READONLY% $compile(-readonly-$option) \ %TYPESPEC% [list $compile(-type-$option)] } } # Evaluates a compiled type definition, thus making the type available. proc ::snit::Comp.Define {compResult} { # The compilation result is a list containing the fully qualified # type name and a script to evaluate to define the type. set type [lindex $compResult 0] set defscript [lindex $compResult 1] # Execute the type definition script. # Consider using namespace eval %TYPE%. See if it's faster. if {[catch {eval $defscript} result]} { namespace delete $type catch {rename $type ""} error $result } return $type } # Sets pragma options which control how the type is defined. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.pragma {args} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"pragma...\"" foreach {opt val} $args { switch -exact -- $opt { -hastypeinfo - -hastypedestroy - -hastypemethods - -hasinstances - -simpledispatch - -hasinfo - -canreplace { if {![string is boolean -strict $val]} { error "$errRoot, \"$opt\" requires a boolean value" } set compile($opt) $val } default { error "$errRoot, unknown pragma" } } } } # Defines a widget's option class name. # This statement is only available for snit::widgets, # not for snit::types or snit::widgetadaptors. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.widgetclass {name} { variable compile # First, widgetclass can only be set for true widgets if {"widget" != $compile(which)} { error "widgetclass cannot be set for snit::$compile(which)s" } # Next, validate the option name. We'll require that it begin # with an uppercase letter. set initial [string index $name 0] if {![string is upper $initial]} { error "widgetclass \"$name\" does not begin with an uppercase letter" } if {"" != $compile(widgetclass)} { error "too many widgetclass statements" } # Next, save it. Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_info(widgetclass) %WIDGETCLASS% } %WIDGETCLASS% [list $name] set compile(widgetclass) $name } # Defines a widget's hull type. # This statement is only available for snit::widgets, # not for snit::types or snit::widgetadaptors. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.hulltype {name} { variable compile variable hulltypes # First, hulltype can only be set for true widgets if {"widget" != $compile(which)} { error "hulltype cannot be set for snit::$compile(which)s" } # Next, it must be one of the valid hulltypes (frame, toplevel, ...) if {[lsearch -exact $hulltypes [string trimleft $name :]] == -1} { error "invalid hulltype \"$name\", should be one of\ [join $hulltypes {, }]" } if {"" != $compile(hulltype)} { error "too many hulltype statements" } # Next, save it. Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_info(hulltype) %HULLTYPE% } %HULLTYPE% $name set compile(hulltype) $name } # Defines a constructor. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.constructor {arglist body} { variable compile CheckArgs "constructor" $arglist # Next, add a magic reference to self. set arglist [concat type selfns win self $arglist] # Next, add variable declarations to body: set body "%TVARDECS%%IVARDECS%\n$body" set compile(hasconstructor) yes append compile(defs) "proc %TYPE%::Snit_constructor [list $arglist] [list $body]\n" } # Defines a destructor. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.destructor {body} { variable compile # Next, add variable declarations to body: set body "%TVARDECS%%IVARDECS%\n$body" append compile(defs) "proc %TYPE%::Snit_destructor {type selfns win self} [list $body]\n\n" } # Defines a type option. The option value can be a triple, specifying # the option's -name, resource name, and class name. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.option {optionDef args} { variable compile # First, get the three option names. set option [lindex $optionDef 0] set resourceName [lindex $optionDef 1] set className [lindex $optionDef 2] set errRoot "Error in \"option [list $optionDef]...\"" # Next, validate the option name. if {![Comp.OptionNameIsValid $option]} { error "$errRoot, badly named option \"$option\"" } if {[Contains $option $compile(delegatedoptions)]} { error "$errRoot, cannot define \"$option\" locally, it has been delegated" } if {![Contains $option $compile(localoptions)]} { # Remember that we've seen this one. set compile(hasoptions) yes lappend compile(localoptions) $option # Initialize compilation info for this option. set compile(resource-$option) "" set compile(class-$option) "" set compile(-default-$option) "" set compile(-validatemethod-$option) "" set compile(-configuremethod-$option) "" set compile(-cgetmethod-$option) "" set compile(-readonly-$option) 0 set compile(-type-$option) "" } # NEXT, see if we have a resource name. If so, make sure it # isn't being redefined differently. if {"" != $resourceName} { if {"" == $compile(resource-$option)} { # If it's undefined, just save the value. set compile(resource-$option) $resourceName } elseif {![string equal $resourceName $compile(resource-$option)]} { # It's been redefined differently. error "$errRoot, resource name redefined from \"$compile(resource-$option)\" to \"$resourceName\"" } } # NEXT, see if we have a class name. If so, make sure it # isn't being redefined differently. if {"" != $className} { if {"" == $compile(class-$option)} { # If it's undefined, just save the value. set compile(class-$option) $className } elseif {![string equal $className $compile(class-$option)]} { # It's been redefined differently. error "$errRoot, class name redefined from \"$compile(class-$option)\" to \"$className\"" } } # NEXT, handle the args; it's not an error to redefine these. if {[llength $args] == 1} { set compile(-default-$option) [lindex $args 0] } else { foreach {optopt val} $args { switch -exact -- $optopt { -default - -validatemethod - -configuremethod - -cgetmethod { set compile($optopt-$option) $val } -type { set compile($optopt-$option) $val if {[llength $val] == 1} { # The type spec *is* the validation object append compile(defs) \ "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option) [list $val]\n" } else { # Compilation the creation of the validation object set cmd [linsert $val 1 %TYPE%::Snit_TypeObj_%AUTO%] append compile(defs) \ "\nset %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option) \[$cmd\]\n" } } -readonly { if {![string is boolean -strict $val]} { error "$errRoot, -readonly requires a boolean, got \"$val\"" } set compile($optopt-$option) $val } default { error "$errRoot, unknown option definition option \"$optopt\"" } } } } } # 1 if the option name is valid, 0 otherwise. proc ::snit::Comp.OptionNameIsValid {option} { if {![string match {-*} $option] || [string match {*[A-Z ]*} $option]} { return 0 } return 1 } # Defines an option's cget handler proc ::snit::Comp.statement.oncget {option body} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"oncget $option...\"" if {[lsearch -exact $compile(delegatedoptions) $option] != -1} { return -code error "$errRoot, option \"$option\" is delegated" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(localoptions) $option] == -1} { return -code error "$errRoot, option \"$option\" unknown" } Comp.statement.method _cget$option {_option} $body Comp.statement.option $option -cgetmethod _cget$option } # Defines an option's configure handler. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.onconfigure {option arglist body} { variable compile if {[lsearch -exact $compile(delegatedoptions) $option] != -1} { return -code error "onconfigure $option: option \"$option\" is delegated" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(localoptions) $option] == -1} { return -code error "onconfigure $option: option \"$option\" unknown" } if {[llength $arglist] != 1} { error \ "onconfigure $option handler should have one argument, got \"$arglist\"" } CheckArgs "onconfigure $option" $arglist # Next, add a magic reference to the option name set arglist [concat _option $arglist] Comp.statement.method _configure$option $arglist $body Comp.statement.option $option -configuremethod _configure$option } # Defines an instance method. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.method {method arglist body} { variable compile variable methodInfo # FIRST, check the method name against previously defined # methods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 0 ::snit::methodInfo \ "Error in \"method [list $method]...\"" if {[llength $method] > 1} { set compile(hashierarchic) yes } # Remeber this method lappend compile(localmethods) $method CheckArgs "method [list $method]" $arglist # Next, add magic references to type and self. set arglist [concat type selfns win self $arglist] # Next, add variable declarations to body: set body "%TVARDECS%%IVARDECS%\n# END snit method prolog\n$body" # Next, save the definition script. if {[llength $method] == 1} { set methodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_method%m %t %n %w %s" ""} Mappend compile(defs) { proc %TYPE%::Snit_method%METHOD% %ARGLIST% %BODY% } %METHOD% $method %ARGLIST% [list $arglist] %BODY% [list $body] } else { set methodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_hmethod%j %t %n %w %s" ""} Mappend compile(defs) { proc %TYPE%::Snit_hmethod%JMETHOD% %ARGLIST% %BODY% } %JMETHOD% [join $method _] %ARGLIST% [list $arglist] \ %BODY% [list $body] } } # Check for name collisions; save prefix information. # # method The name of the method or typemethod. # delFlag 1 if delegated, 0 otherwise. # infoVar The fully qualified name of the array containing # information about the defined methods. # errRoot The root string for any error messages. proc ::snit::Comp.CheckMethodName {method delFlag infoVar errRoot} { upvar $infoVar methodInfo # FIRST, make sure the method name is a valid Tcl list. if {[catch {lindex $method 0}]} { error "$errRoot, the name \"$method\" must have list syntax." } # NEXT, check whether we can define it. if {![catch {set methodInfo($method)} data]} { # We can't redefine methods with submethods. if {[lindex $data 0] == 1} { error "$errRoot, \"$method\" has submethods." } # You can't delegate a method that's defined locally, # and you can't define a method locally if it's been delegated. if {$delFlag && "" == [lindex $data 2]} { error "$errRoot, \"$method\" has been defined locally." } elseif {!$delFlag && "" != [lindex $data 2]} { error "$errRoot, \"$method\" has been delegated" } } # Handle hierarchical case. if {[llength $method] > 1} { set prefix {} set tokens $method while {[llength $tokens] > 1} { lappend prefix [lindex $tokens 0] set tokens [lrange $tokens 1 end] if {![catch {set methodInfo($prefix)} result]} { # Prefix is known. If it's not a prefix, throw an # error. if {[lindex $result 0] == 0} { error "$errRoot, \"$prefix\" has no submethods." } } set methodInfo($prefix) [list 1] } } } # Defines a typemethod method. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.typemethod {method arglist body} { variable compile variable typemethodInfo # FIRST, check the typemethod name against previously defined # typemethods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 0 ::snit::typemethodInfo \ "Error in \"typemethod [list $method]...\"" CheckArgs "typemethod $method" $arglist # First, add magic reference to type. set arglist [concat type $arglist] # Next, add typevariable declarations to body: set body "%TVARDECS%\n# END snit method prolog\n$body" # Next, save the definition script if {[llength $method] == 1} { set typemethodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_typemethod%m %t" ""} Mappend compile(defs) { proc %TYPE%::Snit_typemethod%METHOD% %ARGLIST% %BODY% } %METHOD% $method %ARGLIST% [list $arglist] %BODY% [list $body] } else { set typemethodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_htypemethod%j %t" ""} Mappend compile(defs) { proc %TYPE%::Snit_htypemethod%JMETHOD% %ARGLIST% %BODY% } %JMETHOD% [join $method _] \ %ARGLIST% [list $arglist] %BODY% [list $body] } } # Defines a type constructor. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.typeconstructor {body} { variable compile if {"" != $compile(typeconstructor)} { error "too many typeconstructors" } set compile(typeconstructor) $body } # Defines a static proc in the type's namespace. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.proc {proc arglist body} { variable compile # If "ns" is defined, the proc can see instance variables. if {[lsearch -exact $arglist selfns] != -1} { # Next, add instance variable declarations to body: set body "%IVARDECS%\n$body" } # The proc can always see typevariables. set body "%TVARDECS%\n$body" append compile(defs) " # Proc $proc proc [list %TYPE%::$proc $arglist $body] " } # Defines a static variable in the type's namespace. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.typevariable {name args} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"typevariable $name...\"" set len [llength $args] if {$len > 2 || ($len == 2 && "-array" != [lindex $args 0])} { error "$errRoot, too many initializers" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(varnames) $name] != -1} { error "$errRoot, \"$name\" is already an instance variable" } lappend compile(typevarnames) $name if {$len == 1} { append compile(typevars) \ "\n\t [list ::variable $name [lindex $args 0]]" } elseif {$len == 2} { append compile(typevars) \ "\n\t [list ::variable $name]" append compile(typevars) \ "\n\t [list array set $name [lindex $args 1]]" } else { append compile(typevars) \ "\n\t [list ::variable $name]" } append compile(tvprocdec) "\n\t typevariable ${name}" } # Defines an instance variable; the definition will go in the # type's create typemethod. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.variable {name args} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"variable $name...\"" set len [llength $args] if {$len > 2 || ($len == 2 && "-array" != [lindex $args 0])} { error "$errRoot, too many initializers" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(typevarnames) $name] != -1} { error "$errRoot, \"$name\" is already a typevariable" } lappend compile(varnames) $name if {$len == 1} { append compile(instancevars) \ "\nset \${selfns}::$name [list [lindex $args 0]]\n" } elseif {$len == 2} { append compile(instancevars) \ "\narray set \${selfns}::$name [list [lindex $args 1]]\n" } append compile(ivprocdec) "\n\t " Mappend compile(ivprocdec) {::variable ${selfns}::%N} %N $name } # Defines a typecomponent, and handles component options. # # component The logical name of the delegate # args options. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.typecomponent {component args} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"typecomponent $component...\"" # FIRST, define the component Comp.DefineTypecomponent $component $errRoot # NEXT, handle the options. set publicMethod "" set inheritFlag 0 foreach {opt val} $args { switch -exact -- $opt { -public { set publicMethod $val } -inherit { set inheritFlag $val if {![string is boolean $inheritFlag]} { error "typecomponent $component -inherit: expected boolean value, got \"$val\"" } } default { error "typecomponent $component: Invalid option \"$opt\"" } } } # NEXT, if -public specified, define the method. if {"" != $publicMethod} { Comp.statement.delegate typemethod [list $publicMethod *] to $component } # NEXT, if "-inherit 1" is specified, delegate typemethod * to # this component. if {$inheritFlag} { Comp.statement.delegate typemethod "*" to $component } } # Defines a name to be a typecomponent # # The name becomes a typevariable; in addition, it gets a # write trace so that when it is set, all of the component mechanisms # get updated. # # component The component name proc ::snit::Comp.DefineTypecomponent {component {errRoot "Error"}} { variable compile if {[lsearch -exact $compile(varnames) $component] != -1} { error "$errRoot, \"$component\" is already an instance variable" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(typecomponents) $component] == -1} { # Remember we've done this. lappend compile(typecomponents) $component # Make it a type variable with no initial value Comp.statement.typevariable $component "" # Add a write trace to do the component thing. Mappend compile(typevars) { trace variable %COMP% w \ [list ::snit::RT.TypecomponentTrace [list %TYPE%] %COMP%] } %TYPE% $compile(type) %COMP% $component } } # Defines a component, and handles component options. # # component The logical name of the delegate # args options. # # TBD: Ideally, it should be possible to call this statement multiple # times, possibly changing the option values. To do that, I'd need # to cache the option values and not act on them until *after* I'd # read the entire type definition. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.component {component args} { variable compile set errRoot "Error in \"component $component...\"" # FIRST, define the component Comp.DefineComponent $component $errRoot # NEXT, handle the options. set publicMethod "" set inheritFlag 0 foreach {opt val} $args { switch -exact -- $opt { -public { set publicMethod $val } -inherit { set inheritFlag $val if {![string is boolean $inheritFlag]} { error "component $component -inherit: expected boolean value, got \"$val\"" } } default { error "component $component: Invalid option \"$opt\"" } } } # NEXT, if -public specified, define the method. if {"" != $publicMethod} { Comp.statement.delegate method [list $publicMethod *] to $component } # NEXT, if -inherit is specified, delegate method/option * to # this component. if {$inheritFlag} { Comp.statement.delegate method "*" to $component Comp.statement.delegate option "*" to $component } } # Defines a name to be a component # # The name becomes an instance variable; in addition, it gets a # write trace so that when it is set, all of the component mechanisms # get updated. # # component The component name proc ::snit::Comp.DefineComponent {component {errRoot "Error"}} { variable compile if {[lsearch -exact $compile(typevarnames) $component] != -1} { error "$errRoot, \"$component\" is already a typevariable" } if {[lsearch -exact $compile(components) $component] == -1} { # Remember we've done this. lappend compile(components) $component # Make it an instance variable with no initial value Comp.statement.variable $component "" # Add a write trace to do the component thing. Mappend compile(instancevars) { trace variable ${selfns}::%COMP% w \ [list ::snit::RT.ComponentTrace [list %TYPE%] $selfns %COMP%] } %TYPE% $compile(type) %COMP% $component } } # Creates a delegated method, typemethod, or option. proc ::snit::Comp.statement.delegate {what name args} { # FIRST, dispatch to correct handler. switch $what { typemethod { Comp.DelegatedTypemethod $name $args } method { Comp.DelegatedMethod $name $args } option { Comp.DelegatedOption $name $args } default { error "Error in \"delegate $what $name...\", \"$what\"?" } } if {([llength $args] % 2) != 0} { error "Error in \"delegate $what $name...\", invalid syntax" } } # Creates a delegated typemethod delegating it to a particular # typecomponent or an arbitrary command. # # method The name of the method # arglist Delegation options proc ::snit::Comp.DelegatedTypemethod {method arglist} { variable compile variable typemethodInfo set errRoot "Error in \"delegate typemethod [list $method]...\"" # Next, parse the delegation options. set component "" set target "" set exceptions {} set pattern "" set methodTail [lindex $method end] foreach {opt value} $arglist { switch -exact $opt { to { set component $value } as { set target $value } except { set exceptions $value } using { set pattern $value } default { error "$errRoot, unknown delegation option \"$opt\"" } } } if {"" == $component && "" == $pattern} { error "$errRoot, missing \"to\"" } if {"*" == $methodTail && "" != $target} { error "$errRoot, cannot specify \"as\" with \"*\"" } if {"*" != $methodTail && "" != $exceptions} { error "$errRoot, can only specify \"except\" with \"*\"" } if {"" != $pattern && "" != $target} { error "$errRoot, cannot specify both \"as\" and \"using\"" } foreach token [lrange $method 1 end-1] { if {"*" == $token} { error "$errRoot, \"*\" must be the last token." } } # NEXT, define the component if {"" != $component} { Comp.DefineTypecomponent $component $errRoot } # NEXT, define the pattern. if {"" == $pattern} { if {"*" == $methodTail} { set pattern "%c %m" } elseif {"" != $target} { set pattern "%c $target" } else { set pattern "%c %m" } } # Make sure the pattern is a valid list. if {[catch {lindex $pattern 0} result]} { error "$errRoot, the using pattern, \"$pattern\", is not a valid list" } # NEXT, check the method name against previously defined # methods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 1 ::snit::typemethodInfo $errRoot set typemethodInfo($method) [list 0 $pattern $component] if {[string equal $methodTail "*"]} { Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_info(excepttypemethods) %EXCEPT% } %EXCEPT% [list $exceptions] } } # Creates a delegated method delegating it to a particular # component or command. # # method The name of the method # arglist Delegation options. proc ::snit::Comp.DelegatedMethod {method arglist} { variable compile variable methodInfo set errRoot "Error in \"delegate method [list $method]...\"" # Next, parse the delegation options. set component "" set target "" set exceptions {} set pattern "" set methodTail [lindex $method end] foreach {opt value} $arglist { switch -exact $opt { to { set component $value } as { set target $value } except { set exceptions $value } using { set pattern $value } default { error "$errRoot, unknown delegation option \"$opt\"" } } } if {"" == $component && "" == $pattern} { error "$errRoot, missing \"to\"" } if {"*" == $methodTail && "" != $target} { error "$errRoot, cannot specify \"as\" with \"*\"" } if {"*" != $methodTail && "" != $exceptions} { error "$errRoot, can only specify \"except\" with \"*\"" } if {"" != $pattern && "" != $target} { error "$errRoot, cannot specify both \"as\" and \"using\"" } foreach token [lrange $method 1 end-1] { if {"*" == $token} { error "$errRoot, \"*\" must be the last token." } } # NEXT, we delegate some methods set compile(delegatesmethods) yes # NEXT, define the component. Allow typecomponents. if {"" != $component} { if {[lsearch -exact $compile(typecomponents) $component] == -1} { Comp.DefineComponent $component $errRoot } } # NEXT, define the pattern. if {"" == $pattern} { if {"*" == $methodTail} { set pattern "%c %m" } elseif {"" != $target} { set pattern "%c $target" } else { set pattern "%c %m" } } # Make sure the pattern is a valid list. if {[catch {lindex $pattern 0} result]} { error "$errRoot, the using pattern, \"$pattern\", is not a valid list" } # NEXT, check the method name against previously defined # methods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 1 ::snit::methodInfo $errRoot # NEXT, save the method info. set methodInfo($method) [list 0 $pattern $component] if {[string equal $methodTail "*"]} { Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_info(exceptmethods) %EXCEPT% } %EXCEPT% [list $exceptions] } } # Creates a delegated option, delegating it to a particular # component and, optionally, to a particular option of that # component. # # optionDef The option definition # args definition arguments. proc ::snit::Comp.DelegatedOption {optionDef arglist} { variable compile # First, get the three option names. set option [lindex $optionDef 0] set resourceName [lindex $optionDef 1] set className [lindex $optionDef 2] set errRoot "Error in \"delegate option [list $optionDef]...\"" # Next, parse the delegation options. set component "" set target "" set exceptions {} foreach {opt value} $arglist { switch -exact $opt { to { set component $value } as { set target $value } except { set exceptions $value } default { error "$errRoot, unknown delegation option \"$opt\"" } } } if {"" == $component} { error "$errRoot, missing \"to\"" } if {"*" == $option && "" != $target} { error "$errRoot, cannot specify \"as\" with \"delegate option *\"" } if {"*" != $option && "" != $exceptions} { error "$errRoot, can only specify \"except\" with \"delegate option *\"" } # Next, validate the option name if {"*" != $option} { if {![Comp.OptionNameIsValid $option]} { error "$errRoot, badly named option \"$option\"" } } if {[Contains $option $compile(localoptions)]} { error "$errRoot, \"$option\" has been defined locally" } if {[Contains $option $compile(delegatedoptions)]} { error "$errRoot, \"$option\" is multiply delegated" } # NEXT, define the component Comp.DefineComponent $component $errRoot # Next, define the target option, if not specified. if {![string equal $option "*"] && [string equal $target ""]} { set target $option } # NEXT, save the delegation data. set compile(hasoptions) yes if {![string equal $option "*"]} { lappend compile(delegatedoptions) $option # Next, compute the resource and class names, if they aren't # already defined. if {"" == $resourceName} { set resourceName [string range $option 1 end] } if {"" == $className} { set className [Capitalize $resourceName] } Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(islocal-%OPTION%) 0 set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(resource-%OPTION%) %RES% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(class-%OPTION%) %CLASS% lappend %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(delegated) %OPTION% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(target-%OPTION%) [list %COMP% %TARGET%] lappend %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(delegated-%COMP%) %OPTION% } %OPTION% $option \ %COMP% $component \ %TARGET% $target \ %RES% $resourceName \ %CLASS% $className } else { Mappend compile(defs) { set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) %COMP% set %TYPE%::Snit_optionInfo(except) %EXCEPT% } %COMP% $component %EXCEPT% [list $exceptions] } } # Exposes a component, effectively making the component's command an # instance method. # # component The logical name of the delegate # "as" sugar; if not "", must be "as" # methodname The desired method name for the component's command, or "" proc ::snit::Comp.statement.expose {component {"as" ""} {methodname ""}} { variable compile # FIRST, define the component Comp.DefineComponent $component # NEXT, define the method just as though it were in the type # definition. if {[string equal $methodname ""]} { set methodname $component } Comp.statement.method $methodname args [Expand { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $%COMPONENT% } if {[string equal $%COMPONENT% ""]} { error "undefined component \"%COMPONENT%\"" } set cmd [linsert $args 0 $%COMPONENT%] return [uplevel 1 $cmd] } %COMPONENT% $component] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public commands # Compile a type definition, and return the results as a list of two # items: the fully-qualified type name, and a script that will define # the type when executed. # # which type, widget, or widgetadaptor # type the type name # body the type definition proc ::snit::compile {which type body} { return [Comp.Compile $which $type $body] } proc ::snit::type {type body} { return [Comp.Define [Comp.Compile type $type $body]] } proc ::snit::widget {type body} { return [Comp.Define [Comp.Compile widget $type $body]] } proc ::snit::widgetadaptor {type body} { return [Comp.Define [Comp.Compile widgetadaptor $type $body]] } proc ::snit::typemethod {type method arglist body} { # Make sure the type exists. if {![info exists ${type}::Snit_info]} { error "no such type: \"$type\"" } upvar ${type}::Snit_info Snit_info upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo Snit_typemethodInfo # FIRST, check the typemethod name against previously defined # typemethods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 0 ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo \ "Cannot define \"$method\"" # NEXT, check the arguments CheckArgs "snit::typemethod $type $method" $arglist # Next, add magic reference to type. set arglist [concat type $arglist] # Next, add typevariable declarations to body: set body "$Snit_info(tvardecs)\n$body" # Next, define it. if {[llength $method] == 1} { set Snit_typemethodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_typemethod%m %t" ""} uplevel 1 [list proc ${type}::Snit_typemethod$method $arglist $body] } else { set Snit_typemethodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_htypemethod%j %t" ""} set suffix [join $method _] uplevel 1 [list proc ${type}::Snit_htypemethod$suffix $arglist $body] } } proc ::snit::method {type method arglist body} { # Make sure the type exists. if {![info exists ${type}::Snit_info]} { error "no such type: \"$type\"" } upvar ${type}::Snit_methodInfo Snit_methodInfo upvar ${type}::Snit_info Snit_info # FIRST, check the method name against previously defined # methods. Comp.CheckMethodName $method 0 ${type}::Snit_methodInfo \ "Cannot define \"$method\"" # NEXT, check the arguments CheckArgs "snit::method $type $method" $arglist # Next, add magic references to type and self. set arglist [concat type selfns win self $arglist] # Next, add variable declarations to body: set body "$Snit_info(tvardecs)$Snit_info(ivardecs)\n$body" # Next, define it. if {[llength $method] == 1} { set Snit_methodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_method%m %t %n %w %s" ""} uplevel 1 [list proc ${type}::Snit_method$method $arglist $body] } else { set Snit_methodInfo($method) {0 "%t::Snit_hmethod%j %t %n %w %s" ""} set suffix [join $method _] uplevel 1 [list proc ${type}::Snit_hmethod$suffix $arglist $body] } } # Defines a proc within the compiler; this proc can call other # type definition statements, and thus can be used for meta-programming. proc ::snit::macro {name arglist body} { variable compiler variable reservedwords # FIRST, make sure the compiler is defined. Comp.Init # NEXT, check the macro name against the reserved words if {[lsearch -exact $reservedwords $name] != -1} { error "invalid macro name \"$name\"" } # NEXT, see if the name has a namespace; if it does, define the # namespace. set ns [namespace qualifiers $name] if {"" != $ns} { $compiler eval "namespace eval $ns {}" } # NEXT, define the macro $compiler eval [list _proc $name $arglist $body] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Functions # # These are utility functions used while compiling Snit types. # Builds a template from a tagged list of text blocks, then substitutes # all symbols in the mapTable, returning the expanded template. proc ::snit::Expand {template args} { return [string map $args $template] } # Expands a template and appends it to a variable. proc ::snit::Mappend {varname template args} { upvar $varname myvar append myvar [string map $args $template] } # Checks argument list against reserved args proc ::snit::CheckArgs {which arglist} { variable reservedArgs foreach name $reservedArgs { if {[Contains $name $arglist]} { error "$which's arglist may not contain \"$name\" explicitly" } } } # Returns 1 if a value is in a list, and 0 otherwise. proc ::snit::Contains {value list} { if {[lsearch -exact $list $value] != -1} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } # Capitalizes the first letter of a string. proc ::snit::Capitalize {text} { set first [string index $text 0] set rest [string range $text 1 end] return "[string toupper $first]$rest" } # Converts an arbitrary white-space-delimited string into a list # by splitting on white-space and deleting empty tokens. proc ::snit::Listify {str} { set result {} foreach token [split [string trim $str]] { if {[string length $token] > 0} { lappend result $token } } return $result } #======================================================================= # Snit Runtime Library # # These are procs used by Snit types and widgets at runtime. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Object Creation # Creates a new instance of the snit::type given its name and the args. # # type The snit::type # name The instance name # args Args to pass to the constructor proc ::snit::RT.type.typemethod.create {type name args} { variable ${type}::Snit_info variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo # FIRST, qualify the name. if {![string match "::*" $name]} { # Get caller's namespace; # append :: if not global namespace. set ns [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]] if {"::" != $ns} { append ns "::" } set name "$ns$name" } # NEXT, if %AUTO% appears in the name, generate a unique # command name. Otherwise, ensure that the name isn't in use. if {[string match "*%AUTO%*" $name]} { set name [::snit::RT.UniqueName Snit_info(counter) $type $name] } elseif {$Snit_info(canreplace) && [llength [info commands $name]]} { #kmg-tcl83 # # Had to add this elseif branch to pass test rename-1.5 # # Allowed to replace so must first destroy the prior instance $name destroy } elseif {!$Snit_info(canreplace) && [llength [info commands $name]]} { error "command \"$name\" already exists" } # NEXT, create the instance's namespace. set selfns \ [::snit::RT.UniqueInstanceNamespace Snit_info(counter) $type] namespace eval $selfns {} # NEXT, install the dispatcher RT.MakeInstanceCommand $type $selfns $name # Initialize the options to their defaults. upvar ${selfns}::options options foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(local) { set options($opt) $Snit_optionInfo(default-$opt) } # Initialize the instance vars to their defaults. # selfns must be defined, as it is used implicitly. ${type}::Snit_instanceVars $selfns # Execute the type's constructor. set errcode [catch { RT.ConstructInstance $type $selfns $name $args } result] if {$errcode} { global errorInfo global errorCode set theInfo $errorInfo set theCode $errorCode ::snit::RT.DestroyObject $type $selfns $name error "Error in constructor: $result" $theInfo $theCode } # NEXT, return the object's name. return $name } # Creates a new instance of the snit::widget or snit::widgetadaptor # given its name and the args. # # type The snit::widget or snit::widgetadaptor # name The instance name # args Args to pass to the constructor proc ::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create {type name args} { variable ${type}::Snit_info variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo # FIRST, if %AUTO% appears in the name, generate a unique # command name. if {[string match "*%AUTO%*" $name]} { set name [::snit::RT.UniqueName Snit_info(counter) $type $name] } # NEXT, create the instance's namespace. set selfns \ [::snit::RT.UniqueInstanceNamespace Snit_info(counter) $type] namespace eval $selfns { } # NEXT, Initialize the widget's own options to their defaults. upvar ${selfns}::options options foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(local) { set options($opt) $Snit_optionInfo(default-$opt) } # Initialize the instance vars to their defaults. ${type}::Snit_instanceVars $selfns # NEXT, if this is a normal widget (not a widget adaptor) then create a # frame as its hull. We set the frame's -class to the user's widgetclass, # or, if none, search for -class in the args list, otherwise default to # the basename of the $type with an initial upper case letter. if {!$Snit_info(isWidgetAdaptor)} { # FIRST, determine the class name set wclass $Snit_info(widgetclass) if {$Snit_info(widgetclass) == ""} { set idx [lsearch -exact $args -class] if {$idx >= 0 && ($idx%2 == 0)} { # -class exists and is in the -option position set wclass [lindex $args [expr {$idx+1}]] set args [lreplace $args $idx [expr {$idx+1}]] } else { set wclass [::snit::Capitalize [namespace tail $type]] } } # NEXT, create the widget set self $name package require Tk ${type}::installhull using $Snit_info(hulltype) -class $wclass # NEXT, let's query the option database for our # widget, now that we know that it exists. foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(local) { set dbval [RT.OptionDbGet $type $name $opt] if {"" != $dbval} { set options($opt) $dbval } } } # Execute the type's constructor, and verify that it # has a hull. set errcode [catch { RT.ConstructInstance $type $selfns $name $args ::snit::RT.Component $type $selfns hull # Prepare to call the object's destructor when the # event is received. Use a Snit-specific bindtag # so that the widget name's tag is unencumbered. bind Snit$type$name [::snit::Expand { ::snit::RT.DestroyObject %TYPE% %NS% %W } %TYPE% $type %NS% $selfns] # Insert the bindtag into the list of bindtags right # after the widget name. set taglist [bindtags $name] set ndx [lsearch -exact $taglist $name] incr ndx bindtags $name [linsert $taglist $ndx Snit$type$name] } result] if {$errcode} { global errorInfo global errorCode set theInfo $errorInfo set theCode $errorCode ::snit::RT.DestroyObject $type $selfns $name error "Error in constructor: $result" $theInfo $theCode } # NEXT, return the object's name. return $name } # RT.MakeInstanceCommand type selfns instance # # type The object type # selfns The instance namespace # instance The instance name # # Creates the instance proc. proc ::snit::RT.MakeInstanceCommand {type selfns instance} { variable ${type}::Snit_info # FIRST, remember the instance name. The Snit_instance variable # allows the instance to figure out its current name given the # instance namespace. upvar ${selfns}::Snit_instance Snit_instance set Snit_instance $instance # NEXT, qualify the proc name if it's a widget. if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { set procname ::$instance } else { set procname $instance } # NEXT, install the new proc if {!$Snit_info(simpledispatch)} { set instanceProc $::snit::nominalInstanceProc } else { set instanceProc $::snit::simpleInstanceProc } proc $procname {method args} \ [string map \ [list %SELFNS% $selfns %WIN% $instance %TYPE% $type] \ $instanceProc] #kmg-tcl83 # NEXT, add the trace. ::snit83::traceAddCommand $procname {rename delete} \ [list ::snit::RT.InstanceTrace $type $selfns $instance] } # This proc is called when the instance command is renamed. # If op is delete, then new will always be "", so op is redundant. # # type The fully-qualified type name # selfns The instance namespace # win The original instance/tk window name. # old old instance command name # new new instance command name # op rename or delete # # If the op is delete, we need to clean up the object; otherwise, # we need to track the change. # # NOTE: In Tcl 8.4.2 there's a bug: errors in rename and delete # traces aren't propagated correctly. Instead, they silently # vanish. Add a catch to output any error message. proc ::snit::RT.InstanceTrace {type selfns win old new op} { variable ${type}::Snit_info # Note to developers ... # For Tcl 8.4.0, errors thrown in trace handlers vanish silently. # Therefore we catch them here and create some output to help in # debugging such problems. if {[catch { # FIRST, clean up if necessary if {"" == $new} { if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { destroy $win } else { ::snit::RT.DestroyObject $type $selfns $win } } else { # Otherwise, track the change. variable ${selfns}::Snit_instance set Snit_instance [uplevel 1 [list namespace which -command $new]] # Also, clear the instance caches, as many cached commands # might be invalid. RT.ClearInstanceCaches $selfns } } result]} { global errorInfo # Pop up the console on Windows wish, to enable stdout. # This clobbers errorInfo on unix, so save it so we can print it. set ei $errorInfo catch {console show} puts "Error in ::snit::RT.InstanceTrace $type $selfns $win $old $new $op:" puts $ei } } # Calls the instance constructor and handles related housekeeping. proc ::snit::RT.ConstructInstance {type selfns instance arglist} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo variable ${selfns}::Snit_iinfo # Track whether we are constructed or not. set Snit_iinfo(constructed) 0 # Call the user's constructor eval [linsert $arglist 0 \ ${type}::Snit_constructor $type $selfns $instance $instance] set Snit_iinfo(constructed) 1 # Validate the initial set of options (including defaults) foreach option $Snit_optionInfo(local) { set value [set ${selfns}::options($option)] if {"" != $Snit_optionInfo(typespec-$option)} { if {[catch { $Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option) validate $value } result]} { return -code error "invalid $option default: $result" } } } # Unset the configure cache for all -readonly options. # This ensures that the next time anyone tries to # configure it, an error is thrown. foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(local) { if {$Snit_optionInfo(readonly-$opt)} { ::snit83::unset -nocomplain ${selfns}::Snit_configureCache($opt) } } return } # Returns a unique command name. # # REQUIRE: type is a fully qualified name. # REQUIRE: name contains "%AUTO%" # PROMISE: the returned command name is unused. proc ::snit::RT.UniqueName {countervar type name} { upvar $countervar counter while 1 { # FIRST, bump the counter and define the %AUTO% instance name; # then substitute it into the specified name. Wrap around at # 2^31 - 2 to prevent overflow problems. incr counter if {$counter > 2147483646} { set counter 0 } set auto "[namespace tail $type]$counter" set candidate [Expand $name %AUTO% $auto] if {![llength [info commands $candidate]]} { return $candidate } } } # Returns a unique instance namespace, fully qualified. # # countervar The name of a counter variable # type The instance's type # # REQUIRE: type is fully qualified # PROMISE: The returned namespace name is unused. proc ::snit::RT.UniqueInstanceNamespace {countervar type} { upvar $countervar counter while 1 { # FIRST, bump the counter and define the namespace name. # Then see if it already exists. Wrap around at # 2^31 - 2 to prevent overflow problems. incr counter if {$counter > 2147483646} { set counter 0 } set ins "${type}::Snit_inst${counter}" if {![namespace exists $ins]} { return $ins } } } # Retrieves an option's value from the option database. # Returns "" if no value is found. proc ::snit::RT.OptionDbGet {type self opt} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo return [option get $self \ $Snit_optionInfo(resource-$opt) \ $Snit_optionInfo(class-$opt)] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Object Destruction # Implements the standard "destroy" method # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name proc ::snit::RT.method.destroy {type selfns win self} { variable ${selfns}::Snit_iinfo # Can't destroy the object if it isn't complete constructed. if {!$Snit_iinfo(constructed)} { return -code error "Called 'destroy' method in constructor" } # Calls Snit_cleanup, which (among other things) calls the # user's destructor. ::snit::RT.DestroyObject $type $selfns $win } # This is the function that really cleans up; it's automatically # called when any instance is destroyed, e.g., by "$object destroy" # for types, and by the event for widgets. # # type The fully-qualified type name. # selfns The instance namespace # win The original instance command name. proc ::snit::RT.DestroyObject {type selfns win} { variable ${type}::Snit_info # If the variable Snit_instance doesn't exist then there's no # instance command for this object -- it's most likely a # widgetadaptor. Consequently, there are some things that # we don't need to do. if {[info exists ${selfns}::Snit_instance]} { upvar ${selfns}::Snit_instance instance # First, remove the trace on the instance name, so that we # don't call RT.DestroyObject recursively. RT.RemoveInstanceTrace $type $selfns $win $instance # Next, call the user's destructor ${type}::Snit_destructor $type $selfns $win $instance # Next, if this isn't a widget, delete the instance command. # If it is a widget, get the hull component's name, and rename # it back to the widget name # Next, delete the hull component's instance command, # if there is one. if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { set hullcmd [::snit::RT.Component $type $selfns hull] catch {rename $instance ""} # Clear the bind event bind Snit$type$win "" if {[llength [info commands $hullcmd]]} { # FIRST, rename the hull back to its original name. # If the hull is itself a megawidget, it will have its # own cleanup to do, and it might not do it properly # if it doesn't have the right name. rename $hullcmd ::$instance # NEXT, destroy it. destroy $instance } } else { catch {rename $instance ""} } } # Next, delete the instance's namespace. This kills any # instance variables. namespace delete $selfns return } # Remove instance trace # # type The fully qualified type name # selfns The instance namespace # win The original instance name/Tk window name # instance The current instance name proc ::snit::RT.RemoveInstanceTrace {type selfns win instance} { variable ${type}::Snit_info if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { set procname ::$instance } else { set procname $instance } # NEXT, remove any trace on this name catch { #kmg-tcl83 ::snit83::traceRemoveCommand $procname {rename delete} \ [list ::snit::RT.InstanceTrace $type $selfns $win] } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Typecomponent Management and Method Caching # Typecomponent trace; used for write trace on typecomponent # variables. Saves the new component object name, provided # that certain conditions are met. Also clears the typemethod # cache. proc ::snit::RT.TypecomponentTrace {type component n1 n2 op} { upvar ${type}::Snit_info Snit_info upvar ${type}::${component} cvar upvar ${type}::Snit_typecomponents Snit_typecomponents # Save the new component value. set Snit_typecomponents($component) $cvar # Clear the typemethod cache. # TBD: can we unset just the elements related to # this component? ::snit83::unset -nocomplain -- ${type}::Snit_typemethodCache } # Generates and caches the command for a typemethod. # # type The type # method The name of the typemethod to call. # # The return value is one of the following lists: # # {} There's no such method. # {1} The method has submethods; look again. # {0 } Here's the command to execute. proc snit::RT.CacheTypemethodCommand {type method} { upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo Snit_typemethodInfo upvar ${type}::Snit_typecomponents Snit_typecomponents upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodCache Snit_typemethodCache upvar ${type}::Snit_info Snit_info # FIRST, get the pattern data and the typecomponent name. set implicitCreate 0 set instanceName "" set starredMethod [lreplace $method end end *] set methodTail [lindex $method end] if {[info exists Snit_typemethodInfo($method)]} { set key $method } elseif {[info exists Snit_typemethodInfo($starredMethod)]} { if {[lsearch -exact $Snit_info(excepttypemethods) $methodTail] == -1} { set key $starredMethod } else { return [list ] } } elseif {[llength $method] > 1} { return [list ] } elseif {$Snit_info(hasinstances)} { # Assume the unknown name is an instance name to create, unless # this is a widget and the style of the name is wrong, or the # name mimics a standard typemethod. if {[set ${type}::Snit_info(isWidget)] && ![string match ".*" $method]} { return [list ] } # Without this check, the call "$type info" will redefine the # standard "::info" command, with disastrous results. Since it's # a likely thing to do if !-typeinfo, put in an explicit check. if {"info" == $method || "destroy" == $method} { return [list ] } set implicitCreate 1 set instanceName $method set key create set method create } else { return [list ] } foreach {flag pattern compName} $Snit_typemethodInfo($key) {} if {$flag == 1} { return [list 1] } # NEXT, build the substitution list set subList [list \ %% % \ %t $type \ %M $method \ %m [lindex $method end] \ %j [join $method _]] if {"" != $compName} { if {![info exists Snit_typecomponents($compName)]} { error "$type delegates typemethod \"$method\" to undefined typecomponent \"$compName\"" } lappend subList %c [list $Snit_typecomponents($compName)] } set command {} foreach subpattern $pattern { lappend command [string map $subList $subpattern] } if {$implicitCreate} { # In this case, $method is the name of the instance to # create. Don't cache, as we usually won't do this one # again. lappend command $instanceName } else { set Snit_typemethodCache($method) [list 0 $command] } return [list 0 $command] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Management and Method Caching # Retrieves the object name given the component name. proc ::snit::RT.Component {type selfns name} { variable ${selfns}::Snit_components if {[catch {set Snit_components($name)} result]} { variable ${selfns}::Snit_instance error "component \"$name\" is undefined in $type $Snit_instance" } return $result } # Component trace; used for write trace on component instance # variables. Saves the new component object name, provided # that certain conditions are met. Also clears the method # cache. proc ::snit::RT.ComponentTrace {type selfns component n1 n2 op} { upvar ${type}::Snit_info Snit_info upvar ${selfns}::${component} cvar upvar ${selfns}::Snit_components Snit_components # If they try to redefine the hull component after # it's been defined, that's an error--but only if # this is a widget or widget adaptor. if {"hull" == $component && $Snit_info(isWidget) && [info exists Snit_components($component)]} { set cvar $Snit_components($component) error "The hull component cannot be redefined" } # Save the new component value. set Snit_components($component) $cvar # Clear the instance caches. # TBD: can we unset just the elements related to # this component? RT.ClearInstanceCaches $selfns } # Generates and caches the command for a method. # # type: The instance's type # selfns: The instance's private namespace # win: The instance's original name (a Tk widget name, for # snit::widgets. # self: The instance's current name. # method: The name of the method to call. # # The return value is one of the following lists: # # {} There's no such method. # {1} The method has submethods; look again. # {0 } Here's the command to execute. proc ::snit::RT.CacheMethodCommand {type selfns win self method} { variable ${type}::Snit_info variable ${type}::Snit_methodInfo variable ${type}::Snit_typecomponents variable ${selfns}::Snit_components variable ${selfns}::Snit_methodCache # FIRST, get the pattern data and the component name. set starredMethod [lreplace $method end end *] set methodTail [lindex $method end] if {[info exists Snit_methodInfo($method)]} { set key $method } elseif {[info exists Snit_methodInfo($starredMethod)] && [lsearch -exact $Snit_info(exceptmethods) $methodTail] == -1} { set key $starredMethod } else { return [list ] } foreach {flag pattern compName} $Snit_methodInfo($key) {} if {$flag == 1} { return [list 1] } # NEXT, build the substitution list set subList [list \ %% % \ %t $type \ %M $method \ %m [lindex $method end] \ %j [join $method _] \ %n [list $selfns] \ %w [list $win] \ %s [list $self]] if {"" != $compName} { if {[info exists Snit_components($compName)]} { set compCmd $Snit_components($compName) } elseif {[info exists Snit_typecomponents($compName)]} { set compCmd $Snit_typecomponents($compName) } else { error "$type $self delegates method \"$method\" to undefined component \"$compName\"" } lappend subList %c [list $compCmd] } # Note: The cached command will executed faster if it's # already a list. set command {} foreach subpattern $pattern { lappend command [string map $subList $subpattern] } set commandRec [list 0 $command] set Snit_methodCache($method) $commandRec return $commandRec } # Looks up a method's command. # # type: The instance's type # selfns: The instance's private namespace # win: The instance's original name (a Tk widget name, for # snit::widgets. # self: The instance's current name. # method: The name of the method to call. # errPrefix: Prefix for any error method proc ::snit::RT.LookupMethodCommand {type selfns win self method errPrefix} { set commandRec [snit::RT.CacheMethodCommand \ $type $selfns $win $self \ $method] if {[llength $commandRec] == 0} { return -code error \ "$errPrefix, \"$self $method\" is not defined" } elseif {[lindex $commandRec 0] == 1} { return -code error \ "$errPrefix, wrong number args: should be \"$self\" $method method args" } return [lindex $commandRec 1] } # Clears all instance command caches proc ::snit::RT.ClearInstanceCaches {selfns} { ::snit83::unset -nocomplain -- ${selfns}::Snit_methodCache ::snit83::unset -nocomplain -- ${selfns}::Snit_cgetCache ::snit83::unset -nocomplain -- ${selfns}::Snit_configureCache ::snit83::unset -nocomplain -- ${selfns}::Snit_validateCache } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Installation # Implements %TYPE%::installhull. The variables self and selfns # must be defined in the caller's context. # # Installs the named widget as the hull of a # widgetadaptor. Once the widget is hijacked, its new name # is assigned to the hull component. proc ::snit::RT.installhull {type {using "using"} {widgetType ""} args} { variable ${type}::Snit_info variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo upvar self self upvar selfns selfns upvar ${selfns}::hull hull upvar ${selfns}::options options # FIRST, make sure we can do it. if {!$Snit_info(isWidget)} { error "installhull is valid only for snit::widgetadaptors" } if {[info exists ${selfns}::Snit_instance]} { error "hull already installed for $type $self" } # NEXT, has it been created yet? If not, create it using # the specified arguments. if {"using" == $using} { # FIRST, create the widget set cmd [linsert $args 0 $widgetType $self] set obj [uplevel 1 $cmd] # NEXT, for each option explicitly delegated to the hull # that doesn't appear in the usedOpts list, get the # option database value and apply it--provided that the # real option name and the target option name are different. # (If they are the same, then the option database was # already queried as part of the normal widget creation.) # # Also, we don't need to worry about implicitly delegated # options, as the option and target option names must be # the same. if {[info exists Snit_optionInfo(delegated-hull)]} { # FIRST, extract all option names from args set usedOpts {} set ndx [lsearch -glob $args "-*"] foreach {opt val} [lrange $args $ndx end] { lappend usedOpts $opt } foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(delegated-hull) { set target [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$opt) 1] if {"$target" == $opt} { continue } set result [lsearch -exact $usedOpts $target] if {$result != -1} { continue } set dbval [RT.OptionDbGet $type $self $opt] $obj configure $target $dbval } } } else { set obj $using if {![string equal $obj $self]} { error \ "hull name mismatch: \"$obj\" != \"$self\"" } } # NEXT, get the local option defaults. foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(local) { set dbval [RT.OptionDbGet $type $self $opt] if {"" != $dbval} { set options($opt) $dbval } } # NEXT, do the magic set i 0 while 1 { incr i set newName "::hull${i}$self" if {![llength [info commands $newName]]} { break } } rename ::$self $newName RT.MakeInstanceCommand $type $selfns $self # Note: this relies on RT.ComponentTrace to do the dirty work. set hull $newName return } # Implements %TYPE%::install. # # Creates a widget and installs it as the named component. # It expects self and selfns to be defined in the caller's context. proc ::snit::RT.install {type compName "using" widgetType winPath args} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo variable ${type}::Snit_info upvar self self upvar selfns selfns upvar ${selfns}::$compName comp upvar ${selfns}::hull hull # We do the magic option database stuff only if $self is # a widget. if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { if {"" == $hull} { error "tried to install \"$compName\" before the hull exists" } # FIRST, query the option database and save the results # into args. Insert them before the first option in the # list, in case there are any non-standard parameters. # # Note: there might not be any delegated options; if so, # don't bother. if {[info exists Snit_optionInfo(delegated-$compName)]} { set ndx [lsearch -glob $args "-*"] foreach opt $Snit_optionInfo(delegated-$compName) { set dbval [RT.OptionDbGet $type $self $opt] if {"" != $dbval} { set target [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$opt) 1] set args [linsert $args $ndx $target $dbval] } } } } # NEXT, create the component and save it. set cmd [concat [list $widgetType $winPath] $args] set comp [uplevel 1 $cmd] # NEXT, handle the option database for "delegate option *", # in widgets only. if {$Snit_info(isWidget) && [string equal $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) $compName]} { # FIRST, get the list of option specs from the widget. # If configure doesn't work, skip it. if {[catch {$comp configure} specs]} { return } # NEXT, get the set of explicitly used options from args set usedOpts {} set ndx [lsearch -glob $args "-*"] foreach {opt val} [lrange $args $ndx end] { lappend usedOpts $opt } # NEXT, "delegate option *" matches all options defined # by this widget that aren't defined by the widget as a whole, # and that aren't excepted. Plus, we skip usedOpts. So build # a list of the options it can't match. set skiplist [concat \ $usedOpts \ $Snit_optionInfo(except) \ $Snit_optionInfo(local) \ $Snit_optionInfo(delegated)] # NEXT, loop over all of the component's options, and set # any not in the skip list for which there is an option # database value. foreach spec $specs { # Skip aliases if {[llength $spec] != 5} { continue } set opt [lindex $spec 0] if {[lsearch -exact $skiplist $opt] != -1} { continue } set res [lindex $spec 1] set cls [lindex $spec 2] set dbvalue [option get $self $res $cls] if {"" != $dbvalue} { $comp configure $opt $dbvalue } } } return } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method/Variable Name Qualification # Implements %TYPE%::variable. Requires selfns. proc ::snit::RT.variable {varname} { upvar selfns selfns if {![string match "::*" $varname]} { uplevel 1 [list upvar 1 ${selfns}::$varname $varname] } else { # varname is fully qualified; let the standard # "variable" command handle it. uplevel 1 [list ::variable $varname] } } # Fully qualifies a typevariable name. # # This is used to implement the mytypevar command. proc ::snit::RT.mytypevar {type name} { return ${type}::$name } # Fully qualifies an instance variable name. # # This is used to implement the myvar command. proc ::snit::RT.myvar {name} { upvar selfns selfns return ${selfns}::$name } # Use this like "list" to convert a proc call into a command # string to pass to another object (e.g., as a -command). # Qualifies the proc name properly. # # This is used to implement the "myproc" command. proc ::snit::RT.myproc {type procname args} { set procname "${type}::$procname" return [linsert $args 0 $procname] } # DEPRECATED proc ::snit::RT.codename {type name} { return "${type}::$name" } # Use this like "list" to convert a typemethod call into a command # string to pass to another object (e.g., as a -command). # Inserts the type command at the beginning. # # This is used to implement the "mytypemethod" command. proc ::snit::RT.mytypemethod {type args} { return [linsert $args 0 $type] } # Use this like "list" to convert a method call into a command # string to pass to another object (e.g., as a -command). # Inserts the code at the beginning to call the right object, even if # the object's name has changed. Requires that selfns be defined # in the calling context, eg. can only be called in instance # code. # # This is used to implement the "mymethod" command. proc ::snit::RT.mymethod {args} { upvar selfns selfns return [linsert $args 0 ::snit::RT.CallInstance ${selfns}] } # Calls an instance method for an object given its # instance namespace and remaining arguments (the first of which # will be the method name. # # selfns The instance namespace # args The arguments # # Uses the selfns to determine $self, and calls the method # in the normal way. # # This is used to implement the "mymethod" command. proc ::snit::RT.CallInstance {selfns args} { upvar ${selfns}::Snit_instance self set retval [catch {uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 $self]} result] if {$retval} { if {$retval == 1} { global errorInfo global errorCode return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } else { return -code $retval $result } } return $result } # Looks for the named option in the named variable. If found, # it and its value are removed from the list, and the value # is returned. Otherwise, the default value is returned. # If the option is undelegated, it's own default value will be # used if none is specified. # # Implements the "from" command. proc ::snit::RT.from {type argvName option {defvalue ""}} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo upvar $argvName argv set ioption [lsearch -exact $argv $option] if {$ioption == -1} { if {"" == $defvalue && [info exists Snit_optionInfo(default-$option)]} { return $Snit_optionInfo(default-$option) } else { return $defvalue } } set ivalue [expr {$ioption + 1}] set value [lindex $argv $ivalue] set argv [lreplace $argv $ioption $ivalue] return $value } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type Destruction # Implements the standard "destroy" typemethod: # Destroys a type completely. # # type The snit type proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.destroy {type} { variable ${type}::Snit_info # FIRST, destroy all instances foreach selfns [namespace children $type] { if {![namespace exists $selfns]} { continue } upvar ${selfns}::Snit_instance obj if {$Snit_info(isWidget)} { destroy $obj } else { if {[llength [info commands $obj]]} { $obj destroy } } } # NEXT, destroy the type's data. namespace delete $type # NEXT, get rid of the type command. rename $type "" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Option Handling # Implements the standard "cget" method # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # option The name of the option proc ::snit::RT.method.cget {type selfns win self option} { if {[catch {set ${selfns}::Snit_cgetCache($option)} command]} { set command [snit::RT.CacheCgetCommand $type $selfns $win $self $option] if {[llength $command] == 0} { return -code error "unknown option \"$option\"" } } uplevel 1 $command } # Retrieves and caches the command that implements "cget" for the # specified option. # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # option The name of the option proc ::snit::RT.CacheCgetCommand {type selfns win self option} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo variable ${selfns}::Snit_cgetCache if {[info exists Snit_optionInfo(islocal-$option)]} { # We know the item; it's either local, or explicitly delegated. if {$Snit_optionInfo(islocal-$option)} { # It's a local option. If it has a cget method defined, # use it; otherwise just return the value. if {"" == $Snit_optionInfo(cget-$option)} { set command [list set ${selfns}::options($option)] } else { set command [snit::RT.LookupMethodCommand \ $type $selfns $win $self \ $Snit_optionInfo(cget-$option) \ "can't cget $option"] lappend command $option } set Snit_cgetCache($option) $command return $command } # Explicitly delegated option; get target set comp [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$option) 0] set target [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$option) 1] } elseif {"" != $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) && [lsearch -exact $Snit_optionInfo(except) $option] == -1} { # Unknown option, but unknowns are delegated; get target. set comp $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) set target $option } else { return "" } # Get the component's object. set obj [RT.Component $type $selfns $comp] set command [list $obj cget $target] set Snit_cgetCache($option) $command return $command } # Implements the standard "configurelist" method # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # optionlist A list of options and their values. proc ::snit::RT.method.configurelist {type selfns win self optionlist} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo foreach {option value} $optionlist { # FIRST, get the configure command, caching it if need be. if {[catch {set ${selfns}::Snit_configureCache($option)} command]} { set command [snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand \ $type $selfns $win $self $option] if {[llength $command] == 0} { return -code error "unknown option \"$option\"" } } # NEXT, if we have a type-validation object, use it. # TBD: Should test (islocal-$option) here, but islocal # isn't defined for implicitly delegated options. if {[info exists Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option)] && "" != $Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option)} { if {[catch { $Snit_optionInfo(typeobj-$option) validate $value } result]} { return -code error "invalid $option value: $result" } } # NEXT, the caching the configure command also cached the # validate command, if any. If we have one, run it. set valcommand [set ${selfns}::Snit_validateCache($option)] if {[llength $valcommand]} { lappend valcommand $value uplevel 1 $valcommand } # NEXT, configure the option with the value. lappend command $value uplevel 1 $command } return } # Retrieves and caches the command that stores the named option. # Also stores the command that validates the name option if any; # If none, the validate command is "", so that the cache is always # populated. # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # option An option name proc ::snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand {type selfns win self option} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo variable ${selfns}::Snit_configureCache variable ${selfns}::Snit_validateCache if {[info exist Snit_optionInfo(islocal-$option)]} { # We know the item; it's either local, or explicitly delegated. if {$Snit_optionInfo(islocal-$option)} { # It's a local option. # If it's readonly, it throws an error if we're already # constructed. if {$Snit_optionInfo(readonly-$option)} { if {[set ${selfns}::Snit_iinfo(constructed)]} { error "option $option can only be set at instance creation" } } # If it has a validate method, cache that for later. if {"" != $Snit_optionInfo(validate-$option)} { set command [snit::RT.LookupMethodCommand \ $type $selfns $win $self \ $Snit_optionInfo(validate-$option) \ "can't validate $option"] lappend command $option set Snit_validateCache($option) $command } else { set Snit_validateCache($option) "" } # If it has a configure method defined, # cache it; otherwise, just set the value. if {"" == $Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option)} { set command [list set ${selfns}::options($option)] } else { set command [snit::RT.LookupMethodCommand \ $type $selfns $win $self \ $Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option) \ "can't configure $option"] lappend command $option } set Snit_configureCache($option) $command return $command } # Delegated option: get target. set comp [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$option) 0] set target [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$option) 1] } elseif {$Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) != "" && [lsearch -exact $Snit_optionInfo(except) $option] == -1} { # Unknown option, but unknowns are delegated. set comp $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) set target $option } else { return "" } # There is no validate command in this case; save an empty string. set Snit_validateCache($option) "" # Get the component's object set obj [RT.Component $type $selfns $comp] set command [list $obj configure $target] set Snit_configureCache($option) $command return $command } # Implements the standard "configure" method # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # args A list of options and their values, possibly empty. proc ::snit::RT.method.configure {type selfns win self args} { # If two or more arguments, set values as usual. if {[llength $args] >= 2} { ::snit::RT.method.configurelist $type $selfns $win $self $args return } # If zero arguments, acquire data for each known option # and return the list if {[llength $args] == 0} { set result {} foreach opt [RT.method.info.options $type $selfns $win $self] { # Refactor this, so that we don't need to call via $self. lappend result [RT.GetOptionDbSpec \ $type $selfns $win $self $opt] } return $result } # They want it for just one. set opt [lindex $args 0] return [RT.GetOptionDbSpec $type $selfns $win $self $opt] } # Retrieves the option database spec for a single option. # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # option The name of an option # # TBD: This is a bad name. What it's returning is the # result of the configure query. proc ::snit::RT.GetOptionDbSpec {type selfns win self opt} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo upvar ${selfns}::Snit_components Snit_components upvar ${selfns}::options options if {[info exists options($opt)]} { # This is a locally-defined option. Just build the # list and return it. set res $Snit_optionInfo(resource-$opt) set cls $Snit_optionInfo(class-$opt) set def $Snit_optionInfo(default-$opt) return [list $opt $res $cls $def \ [RT.method.cget $type $selfns $win $self $opt]] } elseif {[info exists Snit_optionInfo(target-$opt)]} { # This is an explicitly delegated option. The only # thing we don't have is the default. set res $Snit_optionInfo(resource-$opt) set cls $Snit_optionInfo(class-$opt) # Get the default set logicalName [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$opt) 0] set comp $Snit_components($logicalName) set target [lindex $Snit_optionInfo(target-$opt) 1] if {[catch {$comp configure $target} result]} { set defValue {} } else { set defValue [lindex $result 3] } return [list $opt $res $cls $defValue [$self cget $opt]] } elseif {"" != $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) && [lsearch -exact $Snit_optionInfo(except) $opt] == -1} { set logicalName $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) set target $opt set comp $Snit_components($logicalName) if {[catch {set value [$comp cget $target]} result]} { error "unknown option \"$opt\"" } if {![catch {$comp configure $target} result]} { # Replace the delegated option name with the local name. return [::snit::Expand $result $target $opt] } # configure didn't work; return simple form. return [list $opt "" "" "" $value] } else { error "unknown option \"$opt\"" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type Introspection # Implements the standard "info" typemethod. # # type The snit type # command The info subcommand # args All other arguments. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info {type command args} { global errorInfo global errorCode switch -exact $command { args - body - default - typevars - typemethods - instances { # TBD: it should be possible to delete this error # handling. set errflag [catch { uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 \ ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.$command $type] } result] if {$errflag} { return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo \ -errorcode $errorCode $result } else { return $result } } default { error "\"$type info $command\" is not defined" } } } # Returns a list of the type's typevariables whose names match a # pattern, excluding Snit internal variables. # # type A Snit type # pattern Optional. The glob pattern to match. Defaults # to *. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.typevars {type {pattern *}} { set result {} foreach name [info vars "${type}::$pattern"] { set tail [namespace tail $name] if {![string match "Snit_*" $tail]} { lappend result $name } } return $result } # Returns a list of the type's methods whose names match a # pattern. If "delegate typemethod *" is used, the list may # not be complete. # # type A Snit type # pattern Optional. The glob pattern to match. Defaults # to *. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.typemethods {type {pattern *}} { variable ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo variable ${type}::Snit_typemethodCache # FIRST, get the explicit names, skipping prefixes. set result {} foreach name [array names Snit_typemethodInfo $pattern] { if {[lindex $Snit_typemethodInfo($name) 0] != 1} { lappend result $name } } # NEXT, add any from the cache that aren't explicit. if {[info exists Snit_typemethodInfo(*)]} { # First, remove "*" from the list. set ndx [lsearch -exact $result "*"] if {$ndx != -1} { set result [lreplace $result $ndx $ndx] } foreach name [array names Snit_typemethodCache $pattern] { if {[lsearch -exact $result $name] == -1} { lappend result $name } } } return $result } # $type info args # # Returns a method's list of arguments. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.args {type method} { upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo Snit_typemethodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. #parray Snit_typemethodInfo if {![info exists Snit_typemethodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_typemethodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated typemethod \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [lrange [::info args $theproc] 1 end] } # $type info body # # Returns a method's body. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.body {type method} { upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo Snit_typemethodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. #parray Snit_typemethodInfo if {![info exists Snit_typemethodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_typemethodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated typemethod \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [RT.body [::info body $theproc]] } # $type info default # # Returns a method's list of arguments. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.default {type method aname dvar} { upvar 1 $dvar def upvar ${type}::Snit_typemethodInfo Snit_typemethodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. #parray Snit_methodInfo if {![info exists Snit_typemethodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_typemethodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown typemethod \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated typemethod \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [::info default $theproc $aname def] } # Returns a list of the type's instances whose names match # a pattern. # # type A Snit type # pattern Optional. The glob pattern to match # Defaults to * # # REQUIRE: type is fully qualified. proc ::snit::RT.typemethod.info.instances {type {pattern *}} { set result {} foreach selfns [namespace children $type] { upvar ${selfns}::Snit_instance instance if {[string match $pattern $instance]} { lappend result $instance } } return $result } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance Introspection # Implements the standard "info" method. # # type The snit type # selfns The instance's instance namespace # win The instance's original name # self The instance's current name # command The info subcommand # args All other arguments. proc ::snit::RT.method.info {type selfns win self command args} { switch -exact $command { args - body - default - type - vars - options - methods - typevars - typemethods { set errflag [catch { uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::snit::RT.method.info.$command \ $type $selfns $win $self] } result] if {$errflag} { global errorInfo return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo $result } else { return $result } } default { # error "\"$self info $command\" is not defined" return -code error "\"$self info $command\" is not defined" } } } # $self info type # # Returns the instance's type proc ::snit::RT.method.info.type {type selfns win self} { return $type } # $self info typevars # # Returns the instance's type's typevariables proc ::snit::RT.method.info.typevars {type selfns win self {pattern *}} { return [RT.typemethod.info.typevars $type $pattern] } # $self info typemethods # # Returns the instance's type's typemethods proc ::snit::RT.method.info.typemethods {type selfns win self {pattern *}} { return [RT.typemethod.info.typemethods $type $pattern] } # Returns a list of the instance's methods whose names match a # pattern. If "delegate method *" is used, the list may # not be complete. # # type A Snit type # selfns The instance namespace # win The original instance name # self The current instance name # pattern Optional. The glob pattern to match. Defaults # to *. proc ::snit::RT.method.info.methods {type selfns win self {pattern *}} { variable ${type}::Snit_methodInfo variable ${selfns}::Snit_methodCache # FIRST, get the explicit names, skipping prefixes. set result {} foreach name [array names Snit_methodInfo $pattern] { if {[lindex $Snit_methodInfo($name) 0] != 1} { lappend result $name } } # NEXT, add any from the cache that aren't explicit. if {[info exists Snit_methodInfo(*)]} { # First, remove "*" from the list. set ndx [lsearch -exact $result "*"] if {$ndx != -1} { set result [lreplace $result $ndx $ndx] } foreach name [array names Snit_methodCache $pattern] { if {[lsearch -exact $result $name] == -1} { lappend result $name } } } return $result } # $self info args # # Returns a method's list of arguments. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.method.info.args {type selfns win self method} { upvar ${type}::Snit_methodInfo Snit_methodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. #parray Snit_methodInfo if {![info exists Snit_methodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_methodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated method \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type %n $selfns %w $win %s $self] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [lrange [::info args $theproc] 4 end] } # $self info body # # Returns a method's body. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.method.info.body {type selfns win self method} { upvar ${type}::Snit_methodInfo Snit_methodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. #parray Snit_methodInfo if {![info exists Snit_methodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_methodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated method \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type %n $selfns %w $win %s $self] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [RT.body [::info body $theproc]] } # $self info default # # Returns a method's list of arguments. does not work for delegated # methods, nor for the internal dispatch methods of multi-word # methods. proc ::snit::RT.method.info.default {type selfns win self method aname dvar} { upvar 1 $dvar def upvar ${type}::Snit_methodInfo Snit_methodInfo # Snit_methodInfo: method -> list (flag cmd component) # flag : 1 -> internal dispatcher for multi-word method. # 0 -> regular method # # cmd : template mapping from method to command prefix, may # contain placeholders for various pieces of information. # # component : is empty for normal methods. if {![info exists Snit_methodInfo($method)]} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } foreach {flag cmd component} $Snit_methodInfo($method) break if {$flag} { return -code error "Unknown method \"$method\"" } if {$component != ""} { return -code error "Delegated method \"$method\"" } set map [list %m $method %j [join $method _] %t $type %n $selfns %w $win %s $self] set theproc [lindex [string map $map $cmd] 0] return [::info default $theproc $aname def] } # $self info vars # # Returns the instance's instance variables proc ::snit::RT.method.info.vars {type selfns win self {pattern *}} { set result {} foreach name [info vars "${selfns}::$pattern"] { set tail [namespace tail $name] if {![string match "Snit_*" $tail]} { lappend result $name } } return $result } # $self info options # # Returns a list of the names of the instance's options proc ::snit::RT.method.info.options {type selfns win self {pattern *}} { variable ${type}::Snit_optionInfo # First, get the local and explicitly delegated options set result [concat $Snit_optionInfo(local) $Snit_optionInfo(delegated)] # If "configure" works as for Tk widgets, add the resulting # options to the list. Skip excepted options if {"" != $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp)} { upvar ${selfns}::Snit_components Snit_components set logicalName $Snit_optionInfo(starcomp) set comp $Snit_components($logicalName) if {![catch {$comp configure} records]} { foreach record $records { set opt [lindex $record 0] if {[lsearch -exact $result $opt] == -1 && [lsearch -exact $Snit_optionInfo(except) $opt] == -1} { lappend result $opt } } } } # Next, apply the pattern set names {} foreach name $result { if {[string match $pattern $name]} { lappend names $name } } return $names } proc ::snit::RT.body {body} { regsub -all ".*# END snit method prolog\n" $body {} body return $body }