[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin term::ansi::ctrl::unix n 0.1.1] [keywords ansi] [keywords columns] [keywords control] [keywords cooked] [keywords {input mode}] [keywords lines] [keywords raw] [keywords rows] [keywords terminal] [copyright {2006-2011 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Terminal control}] [titledesc {Control operations and queries}] [category {Terminal control}] [require Tcl 8.4] [require term::ansi::ctrl::unix [opt 0.1.1]] [description] [emph {WARNING}]: This package is unix-specific and depends on the availability of two unix system commands for terminal control, i.e. [syscmd stty] and [syscmd tput], both of which have to be found in the [var {$PATH}]. If any of these two commands is missing the loading of the package will fail. [para] The package provides commands to switch the standard input of the current process between [term raw] and [term cooked] input modes, and to query the size of terminals, i.e. the available number of columns and lines. [section API] [subsection Introspection] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::import] [opt [arg ns]] [opt [arg arg]...]] This command imports some or all attribute commands into the namespace [arg ns]. This is by default the namespace [emph ctrl]. Note that this is relative namespace name, placing the imported command into a child of the current namespace. By default all commands are imported, this can howver be restricted by listing the names of the wanted commands after the namespace argument. [list_end] [subsection Operations] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::raw]] This command switches the standard input of the current process to [term raw] input mode. This means that from then on all characters typed by the user are immediately reported to the application instead of waiting in the OS buffer until the Enter/Return key is received. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::cooked]] This command switches the standard input of the current process to [term cooked] input mode. This means that from then on all characters typed by the user are kept in OS buffers for editing until the Enter/Return key is received. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::columns]] This command queries the terminal connected to the standard input for the number of columns available for display. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::rows]] This command queries the terminal connected to the standard input for the number of rows (aka lines) available for display. [list_end] [vset CATEGORY term] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]