# Tests for the tie module. -*- tcl -*- # # Copyright (c) 2004 Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: tie_rarray.test,v 1.7 2006/10/09 21:41:42 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.4 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { use snit/snit.tcl snit useLocal tie.tcl tie } testing { useLocal tie_rarray.tcl tie::std::rarray } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc mysend {args} { # A fake send command, also local receiver, in a way. # args = options?... id cmd arg... # Options used is -async. Id is irrelevant here. set async [expr {[lindex $args 0] eq "-async"}] if {$async} {set args [lrange $args 1 end]} set args [lrange $args 1 end] set cmd [linsert $args 0 uplevel 1] #puts stderr ||<<[join $cmd {>> <<}]>>|| set code [catch $cmd msg] if {$async} return return -code $code $msg } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creation of remote array data sources # Errors: Undefined variable, scalar, local variable test tie-rarray-1.0 {remote array creation, wrong#args} { catch {tie::std::rarray} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_constructor type selfns win self rvar cmdpfx id"} test tie-rarray-1.1 {remote array creation, wrong#args} { catch {tie::std::rarray x} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_constructor type selfns win self rvar cmdpfx id"} test tie-rarray-1.2 {remote array creation, wrong#args} { catch {tie::std::rarray x y} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_constructor type selfns win self rvar cmdpfx id"} test tie-rarray-1.3 {remote array creation, wrong#args} { catch {tie::std::rarray x y z} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_constructor type selfns win self rvar cmdpfx id"} test tie-rarray-1.4 {remote array creation, wrong#args} { catch {tie::std::rarray x y z a b} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_constructor type selfns win self rvar cmdpfx id"} test tie-rarray-1.5 {remote array creation, fixed name, undefined array acceptable} { catch {tie::std::rarray x y mysend _DUMMY_ID_} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: Undefined source array variable "y"} test tie-rarray-1.6 {remote array creation, bad send command} { unset -nocomplain av ; set av {} catch {tie::std::rarray x av foosend _DUMMY_ID_} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: invalid command name "foosend"} test tie-rarray-1.7 {remote array creation, fixed name, scalar variable} { unset -nocomplain av ; set av SCALAR catch {tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_} msg set msg } {Error in constructor: Undefined source array variable "av"} test tie-rarray-1.8 {remote array creation, fixed name, array} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} set msg [tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_] x destroy set msg } {::x} test tie-rarray-1.9 {remote array creation, %AUTO%} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} set msg [tie::std::rarray %AUTO% av mysend _DUMMY_ID_] $msg destroy set msg } {::rarray11} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Methods test tie-rarray-2.0 {remote array get, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ catch {x get a} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodget type selfns win self"} test tie-rarray-2.1 {remote array get} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res [dictsort [x get]] x destroy set res } {a 1 b 2} test tie-rarray-3.0 {remote array set, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x set} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodset type selfns win self dict"} test tie-rarray-3.1 {remote array set, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x set a b} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodset type selfns win self dict"} test tie-rarray-3.2 {remote array set} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x set {c 3 b 2 a 1}] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {a 1 b 2 c 3}} test tie-rarray-4.0 {remote array names, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ catch {x names a} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodnames type selfns win self"} test tie-rarray-4.1 {remote array names} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res [lsort [x names]] x destroy set res } {a b} test tie-rarray-5.0 {remote array size, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ catch {x size a} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodsize type selfns win self"} test tie-rarray-5.1 {remote array size} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {b 2 a 1} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res [x size] x destroy set res } 2 test tie-rarray-6.0 {remote array unset, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {foo bar fox snarf a 3} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x unset a b} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodunset type selfns win self ?pattern?"} test tie-rarray-6.1 {remote array unset, default pattern} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {foo bar fox snarf a 3} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x unset] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {}} test tie-rarray-6.2 {remote array unset, by pattern} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {foo bar fox snarf a 3} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x unset f*] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {a 3}} test tie-rarray-7.0 {remote array getv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x getv} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodgetv type selfns win self index"} test tie-rarray-7.1 {remote array getv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x getv a b} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodgetv type selfns win self index"} test tie-rarray-7.2 {remote array getv} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {a 3 b 4} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x getv a] x destroy set res } 3 test tie-rarray-8.0 {remote array setv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x setv} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodsetv type selfns win self index value"} test tie-rarray-8.1 {remote array setv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x setv a} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodsetv type selfns win self index value"} test tie-rarray-8.2 {remote array setv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x setv a b c} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodsetv type selfns win self index value"} test tie-rarray-8.3 {remote array setv} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x setv fox snarf] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {fox snarf}} test tie-rarray-8.4 {remote array setv, value containing space} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x setv fox {snarf it}] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {fox {snarf it}}} test tie-rarray-8.5 {remote array setv, varname containing space} { unset -nocomplain {a v} ; array set {a v} {} tie::std::rarray x {a v} mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x setv fox {snarf it}] lappend res [dictsort [array get {a v}]] x destroy set res } {{} {fox {snarf it}}} test tie-rarray-9.0 {remote array unsetv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x unsetv} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodunsetv type selfns win self index"} test tie-rarray-9.1 {remote array unsetv, wrong#args} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} catch {x unsetv a b} msg x destroy set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::tie::std::rarray::Snit_methodunsetv type selfns win self index"} test tie-rarray-9.2 {remote array unsetv} { unset -nocomplain av ; array set av {a 3 b 4} tie::std::rarray x av mysend _DUMMY_ID_ set res {} lappend res [x unsetv a] lappend res [dictsort [array get av]] x destroy set res } {{} {b 4}} testsuiteCleanup return