[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [vset OOUTIL_VERSION 1.2.2] [manpage_begin oo::util n [vset OOUTIL_VERSION]] [see_also snit(n)] [keywords callback] [keywords {class methods}] [keywords {class variables}] [keywords {command prefix}] [keywords currying] [keywords {method reference}] [keywords {my method}] [keywords singleton] [keywords TclOO] [copyright {2011-2015 Andreas Kupries, BSD licensed}] [moddesc {Utility commands for TclOO}] [titledesc {Utility commands for TclOO}] [category Utility] [require Tcl 8.5] [require TclOO] [require oo::util [opt [vset OOUTIL_VERSION]]] [description] [para] This package provides a convenience command for the easy specification of instance methods as callback commands, like timers, file events, Tk bindings, etc. [section {COMMANDS}] [list_begin definitions] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [call [cmd mymethod] [arg method] [opt [arg arg]...]] This command is available within instance methods. It takes a method name and, possibly, arguments for the method and returns a command prefix which, when executed, will invoke the named method of the object we are in, with the provided arguments, and any others supplied at the time of actual invokation. [para] Note: The command is equivalent to and named after the command provided by the OO package [package snit] for the same purpose. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [call [cmd classmethod] [arg name] [arg arguments] [arg body]] This command is available within class definitions. It takes a method name and, possibly, arguments for the method and creates a method on the class, available to a user of the class and of derived classes. [para] Note: The command is equivalent to the command [cmd typemethod] provided by the OO package [package snit] for the same purpose. [para] Example [example { oo::class create ActiveRecord { classmethod find args { puts "[self] called with arguments: $args" } } oo::class create Table { superclass ActiveRecord } puts [Table find foo bar] # ====== # which will write # ====== # ::Table called with arguments: foo bar }] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [call [cmd classvariable] [opt [arg arg]...]] This command is available within instance methods. It takes a series of variable names and makes them available in the method's scope. The originating scope for the variables is the class (instance) the object instance belongs to. In other words, the referenced variables are shared between all instances of their class. [para] Note: The command is roughly equivalent to the command [cmd typevariable] provided by the OO package [package snit] for the same purpose. The difference is that it cannot be used in the class definition itself. [para] Example: [example { % oo::class create Foo { method bar {z} { classvariable x y return [incr x $z],[incr y] } } ::Foo % Foo create a ::a % Foo create b ::b % a bar 2 2,1 % a bar 3 5,2 % b bar 7 12,3 % b bar -1 11,4 % a bar 0 11,5 }] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [call [cmd link] [arg method]...] [call [cmd link] "{[arg alias] [arg method]}..."] This command is available within instance methods. It takes a list of method names and/or pairs of alias- and method-name and makes the named methods available to all instance methods without requiring the [cmd my] command. [para] The alias name under which the method becomes available defaults to the method name, except where explicitly specified through an alias/method pair. [para] Examples: [example { link foo # The method foo is now directly accessible as foo instead of my foo. link {bar foo} # The method foo is now directly accessible as bar. link a b c # The methods a, b, and c all become directly acessible under their # own names. }] The main use of this command is expected to be in instance constructors, for convenience, or to set up some methods for use in a mini DSL. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [call [cmd ooutil::singleton] [opt [arg arg]...]] This command is a meta-class, i.e. a variant of the builtin [cmd oo::class] which ensures that it creates only a single instance of the classes defined with it. [para] Syntax and results are like for [cmd oo::class]. [para] Example: [example { % oo::class create example { self mixin singleton method foo {} {self} } ::example % [example new] foo ::oo::Obj22 % [example new] foo ::oo::Obj22 }] [list_end] [section AUTHORS] Donal Fellows, Andreas Kupries [vset CATEGORY oo::util] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]