# # YAML parser for Tcl. # # See http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.1/ # # yaml.tcl,v 0.3.6 2011-08-23 15:06:25 KATO Kanryu(kanryu6@users.sourceforge.net) # # It is published with the terms of tcllib's BSD-style license. # See the file named license.terms. # # It currently supports a very limited subsection of the YAML spec. # # package require Tcl 8.5 package provide yaml 0.3.9 package require cmdline package require huddle 0.1.7 namespace eval ::yaml { namespace export load setOptions dict2dump list2dump variable data array set data {} # fixed value groups for some yaml-types. variable fixed # a plane scalar is worked for matching and converting to the specific type. # proc some_command {value} { # return [list !!type $treatmented-value] # or # return "" # } variable parsers # scalar/collection treatment for matched specific yaml-tag # proc some_composer {type value} { # return [list 1 $result-type $treatmented-value] # or # return "" # } variable composer variable defaults array set defaults { isfile 0 validate 0 types {timestamp int float null true false} composer { !!binary ::yaml::_composeBinary } parsers { timestamp ::yaml::_parseTimestamp } shorthands { !! {tag:yaml.org,2002:} } fixed { null:Value "" null:Group {null "" ~} true:Value 1 true:Group {true on + yes y} false:Value 0 false:Group {false off - no n} } } variable _dumpIndent 2 variable _dumpWordWrap 40 variable opts [lrange [::cmdline::GetOptionDefaults { {file {input is filename}} {stream {input is stream}} {m.arg "" {fixed-modifiers bulk settings(null/true/false)}} {m:null.arg "" {null modifier settings(default {"" {null "" ~}})}} {m:true.arg "" {true modifier settings(default {1 {true on + yes y}})}} {m:false.arg "" {false modifier settings(default {0 {false off - no n}})}} {types.arg "" {modifier list settings(default {nop timestamp integer null true false})}} {validate {to validate the input(not dumped tcl content)}} } result] 2 end] ;# Remove ? and help. variable errors array set errors { TAB_IN_PLAIN {Tabs can be used only in comments, and in quoted "..." '...'.} AT_IN_PLAIN {Reserved indicators {@} can't start a plain scalar.} BT_IN_PLAIN {Reserved indicators {`} can't start a plain scalar.} SEQEND_NOT_IN_SEQ {There is a flow-sequence end '\]' not in flow-sequence [v, ...].} MAPEND_NOT_IN_MAP {There is a flow-mapping end '\}' not in flow-mapping {k: v, ...}.} ANCHOR_NOT_FOUND {Could not find the anchor-name(current-version, "after refering" is not supported)} MALFORM_D_QUOTE {Double quote "..." parsing error. end of quote is missing?} MALFORM_S_QUOTE {Single quote '...' parsing error. end of quote is missing?} TAG_NOT_FOUND {The "$p1" handle wasn't declared.} INVALID_MERGE_KEY {merge-key "<<" is not impremented in not mapping scope(e.g. in sequence).} MALFORMED_MERGE_KEY {malformed merge-key "<<" using.} } } #################### # Public APIs #################### proc ::yaml::yaml2dict {args} { _getOption $args set result [_parseBlockNode] set a [huddle get_stripped $result] if {$yaml::data(validate)} { set result [string map "{\n} {\\n}" $result] } return [huddle get_stripped $result] } proc ::yaml::yaml2huddle {args} { _getOption $args set result [_parseBlockNode] if {$yaml::data(validate)} { set result [string map "{\n} {\\n}" $result] } return $result } proc ::yaml::setOptions {argv} { variable defaults array set options [_imp_getOptions argv] array set defaults [array get options] } # Dump TCL List to YAML # proc ::yaml::list2yaml {list {indent 2} {wordwrap 40}} { return [huddle2yaml [huddle list {*}$list] $indent $wordwrap] } proc ::yaml::dict2yaml {dict {indent 2} {wordwrap 40}} { return [huddle2yaml [huddle create {*}$dict] $indent $wordwrap] } proc ::yaml::huddle2yaml {huddle {indent 2} {wordwrap 40}} { set yaml::_dumpIndent $indent set yaml::_dumpWordWrap $wordwrap # Start at the base of the array and move through it. set out [join [list "---\n" [_imp_huddle2yaml $huddle] "\n"] ""] return $out } #################### # Option settings #################### proc ::yaml::_getOption {argv} { variable data variable parsers variable fixed variable composer # default settings array set options [_imp_getOptions argv] array set fixed $options(fixed) array set parsers $options(parsers) array set composer $options(composer) array set data [list validate $options(validate) types $options(types)] set isfile $options(isfile) foreach {buffer} $argv break if {$isfile} { set fd [open $buffer r] set buffer [read $fd] close $fd } set data(buffer) $buffer set data(start) 0 set data(length) [string length $buffer] set data(current) 0 set data(finished) 0 } proc ::yaml::_imp_getOptions {{argvvar argv}} { upvar 1 $argvvar argv variable defaults variable opts array set options [array get defaults] # default settings array set fixed $options(fixed) # parse argv set argc [llength $argv] while {[set err [::cmdline::getopt argv $opts opt arg]]} { if {$err eq -1} break switch -- $opt { "file" { set options(isfile) 1 } "stream" { set options(isfile) 0 } "m" { array set options(fixed) $arg } "validate" { set options(validate) 1 } "types" { set options(types) $arg } default { if {[regexp {m:(\w+)} $opt nop type]} { if {$arg eq ""} { set fixed(${type}:Group) "" } else { foreach {value group} $arg { set fixed(${type}:Value) $value set fixed(${type}:Group) $group } } } } } } set options(fixed) [array get fixed] return [array get options] } ######################### # Scalar/Block Composers ######################### proc ::yaml::_composeTags {tag value} { if {$tag eq ""} {return $value} set value [huddle get_stripped $value] if {$tag eq "!!str"} { set pair [list $tag $value] } elseif {[info exists yaml::composer($tag)]} { set pair [$yaml::composer($tag) $value] } else { error [_getErrorMessage TAG_NOT_FOUND $tag] } return [huddle wrap $pair] } proc ::yaml::_composeBinary {value} { package require base64 return [list !!binary [::base64::decode $value]] } proc ::yaml::_composePlain {value} { if {$value ne ""} { if {[huddle type $value] ne "plain"} {return $value} set value [huddle get_stripped $value] } set pair [_toType $value] return [huddle wrap $pair] } proc ::yaml::_toType {value} { if {$value eq ""} {return [list !!str ""]} set lowerval [string tolower $value] foreach {type} $yaml::data(types) { if {[info exists yaml::parsers($type)]} { set pair [$yaml::parsers($type) $value] if {$pair ne ""} {return $pair} continue } switch -- $type { int { # YAML 1.1 if {[regexp {^-?\d[\d,]*\d$|^\d$} $value]} { regsub -all "," $value "" integer return [list !!int $integer] } } float { # don't run before "integer" regsub -all "," $value "" val if {[string is double $val]} { return [list !!float $val] } } default { # !!null !!true !!false if {[info exists yaml::fixed($type:Group)] \ && [lsearch $yaml::fixed($type:Group) $lowerval] >= 0} { set value $yaml::fixed($type:Value) return [list !!$type $value] } } } } # the others return [list !!str $value] } #################### # Block Node parser #################### proc ::yaml::_parseBlockNode {{status ""} {indent -1}} { variable data set prev {} set result {} set scalar 0 set pos 0 set tag "" while {1} { if {$data(finished) == 1} { break } _skipSpaces 1 set type [_getc] set current [_getCurrent] if {$type eq "-"} { set cc "[_getc][_getc]" if {"$type$cc" eq "---" && $current == 0} { set result {} continue } else { _ungetc 2 # [Spec] # Since people perceive theg-hindicator as indentation, # nested block sequences may be indented by one less space # to compensate, except, of course, # if nested inside another block sequence. incr current } } if {$type eq "."} { set cc "[_getc][_getc]" if {"$type$cc" eq "..." && $current == 0} { set data(finished) 1 break } else { _ungetc 2 # # [Spec] # # Since people perceive theg-hindicator as indentation, # # nested block sequences may be indented by one less space # # to compensate, except, of course, # # if nested inside another block sequence. # incr current } } if {$type eq "" || $current <= $indent} { ; # end document _ungetc break } switch -- $type { "-" { ; # block sequence entry set pos $current # [196] l-block-seq-entry(n,c) foreach {scalar value} [_parseSubBlock $pos "SEQUENCE"] break } "?" { ; # mapping key foreach {scalar nop} [_parseSubBlock $pos ""] break } ":" { ; # mapping value if {$current < $pos} {set pos [expr {$current+1}]} foreach {scalar value} [_parseSubBlock $pos "MAPPING"] break } "|" { ; # literal block scalar set value [_parseBlockScalar $indent "\n"] } ">" { ; # folded block scalar set value [_parseBlockScalar $indent " "] } "<" { ; # mergeing set c [_getc] if {"$type$c" eq "<<"} { set pos [_getCurrent] _skipSpaces 1 set c [_getc] if {$c ne ":"} {error [_getErrorMessage INVALID_MERGE_KEY]} if {$status ne "" && $status ne "MAPPING"} {error [_getErrorMessage INVALID_MERGE_KEY]} set status "MAPPING" foreach {result prev} [_mergeExpandedAliases $result $pos $prev] break } else { _ungetc set scalar 1 } } "&" { ; # node's anchor property set anchor [_getToken] } "*" { ; # alias node set alias [_getToken] if {$yaml::data(validate)} { set status "ALIAS" set value *$alias } else { set value [_getAnchor $alias] } } "!" { ; # node's tag _ungetc set tag [_getToken] } "%" { ; # directive line _getLine } default { if {[regexp {^[\[\]\{\}\"']$} $type]} { set pos [expr {1 + $current}] _ungetc set value [_parseFlowNode] } else { set scalar 1 } } } if {$scalar} { set pos [_getCurrent] _ungetc set value [_parseScalarNode $type "BLOCK" $pos] set value [_composeTags $tag $value] set tag "" set scalar 0 } if {[info exists value]} { if {$status eq "NODE"} {return $value} foreach {result prev} [_pushValue $result $prev $status $value "BLOCK"] break unset value } } if {$status eq "SEQUENCE"} { set result [huddle sequence {*}$result] } elseif {$status eq "MAPPING"} { if {[llength $prev] == 2} { set result [_set_huddle_mapping $result $prev] } } else { if {[info exists prev]} { set result $prev } set result [lindex $result 0] set result [_composePlain $result] if {![huddle isHuddle $result]} { set result [huddle wrap [list !!str $result]] } } if {$tag ne ""} { set result [_composeTags $tag $result] unset tag } if {[info exists anchor]} { _setAnchor $anchor $result unset anchor } return $result } proc ::yaml::_mergeExpandedAliases {result pos prev} { if {$result eq ""} {set result [huddle mapping]} if {$prev ne ""} { if {[llength $prev] < 2} {error [_getErrorMessage MALFORMED_MERGE_KEY]} set result [_set_huddle_mapping $result $prev] set prev {} } set value [_parseBlockNode "" $pos] set type_name [huddle type $value] if {$type_name eq "list" || $type_name eq "sequence"} { set len [huddle llength $value] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set sub [huddle get $value $i] set result [huddle combine $result $sub] } } else { set result [huddle combine $result $value] } return [list $result $prev] } proc ::yaml::_parseSubBlock {pos statusnew} { upvar 1 status status set scalar 0 set value "" if {[_next_is_blank]} { if {$statusnew ne ""} { set status $statusnew set value [_parseBlockNode "" $pos] } } else { _ungetc set scalar 1 } return [list $scalar $value] } proc ::yaml::_set_huddle_mapping {result prev} { foreach {key val} $prev break set val [_composePlain $val] if {[huddle isHuddle $key]} { set key [huddle get_stripped $key] } if {$result eq ""} { set result [huddle mapping $key $val] } else { huddle append result $key $val } return $result } # remove duplications with saving key order proc ::yaml::_remove_duplication {dict} { array set tmp $dict array set tmp2 {} foreach {key nop} $dict { if {[info exists tmp2($key)]} continue lappend result $key $tmp($key) set tmp2($key) 1 } return $result } # literal "|" (line separator is "\n") # folding ">" (line separator is " ") proc ::yaml::_parseBlockScalar {base separator} { foreach {explicit chomping} [_parseBlockIndicator] break set idch [string repeat " " $explicit] set sep $separator foreach {indent c line} [_getLine] break if {$indent < $base} {return ""} # the first line, NOT ignored comment (as a normal-string) set first $indent set value $line set stop 0 while {![_eof]} { set pos [_getpos] foreach {indent c line} [_getLine] break if {$line eq ""} { regsub " " $sep "" sep append sep "\n" continue } if {$c eq "#"} { # skip comments continue } if {$indent <= $base} { set stop 1 break } append value $sep[string repeat " " [expr {$indent - $first}]]$line set sep $separator } if {[info exists pos] && $stop} {_setpos $pos} switch -- $chomping { "strip" { } "keep" { append value $sep } "clip" { append value "\n" } default { error "Should not be reached (chomping = $chomping)" } } return [huddle wrap [list !!str $value]] } # in {> |} proc ::yaml::_parseBlockIndicator {} { set chomping "clip" set explicit 0 while {1} { set type [_getc] if {[regexp {[1-9]} $type digit]} { ; # block indentation set explicit $digit } elseif {$type eq "-"} { ; # strip chomping set chomping "strip" } elseif {$type eq "+"} { ; # keep chomping set chomping "keep" } else { _ungetc break } } # Note: skipped after the indicator _getLine return [list $explicit $chomping] } # [162] ns-plain-multi(n,c) proc ::yaml::_parsePlainScalarInBlock {base {loop 0}} { if {$loop == 5} { return } variable data set start $data(start) set reStr {(?:[^:#\t \n]*(?::[^\t \n]+)*(?:#[^\t \n]+)* *)*[^:#\t \n]*} set result [_getFoldedString $reStr] set result [string trim $result] set c [_getc 0] if {$c eq "\n" || $c eq "#"} { ; # multi-line set lb "" while {1} { set fpos [_getpos] foreach {indent nop line} [_getLine] break if {[_eof]} {break} if {$line ne "" && [string index $line 0] ne "#"} { break } append lb "\n" } set lb [string range $lb 1 end] if {!$yaml::data(finished)} { _setpos $fpos } if {$start == $data(start)} { return $result } if {$base <= $indent} { if {$lb eq ""} { set lb " " } set subs [_parsePlainScalarInBlock $base [expr {$loop+1}]] if {$subs ne ""} { append result "$lb$subs" } } } return $result } #################### # Flow Node parser #################### proc ::yaml::_parseFlowNode {{status ""}} { set scalar 0 set result {} set tag "" set prev {} while {1} { _skipSpaces 1 set type [_getc] switch -- $type { "" { break } "?" - ":" { ; # mapping value if {[_next_is_blank]} { set value [_parseFlowNode "NODE"] } else { set scalar 1 } } "," { ; # ends a flow collection entry if {$status eq"NODE"} { _ungetc return $value } } "\{" { ; # starts a flow mapping set value [_parseFlowNode "MAPPING"] } "\}" { ; # ends a flow mapping if {$status ne "MAPPING"} {error [_getErrorMessage MAPEND_NOT_IN_MAP] } return $result } "\[" { ; # starts a flow sequence set value [_parseFlowNode "SEQUENCE"] } "\]" { ; # ends a flow sequence if {$status ne "SEQUENCE"} {error [_getErrorMessage SEQEND_NOT_IN_SEQ] } set result [huddle sequence {*}$result] return $result } "&" { ; # node's anchor property set anchor [_getToken] } "*" { ; # alias node set alias [_getToken] set value [_getAnchor $alias] } "!" { ; # node's tag _ungetc set tag [_getToken] } "%" { ; # directive line _ungetc _parseDirective } default { set scalar 1 } } if {$scalar} { _ungetc set value [_parseScalarNode $type "FLOW"] set value [_composeTags $tag $value] set tag "" set scalar 0 } if {[info exists value]} { if {[info exists anchor]} { _setAnchor $anchor $value unset anchor } if {$status eq "" || $status eq "NODE"} {return $value} foreach {result prev} [_pushValue $result $prev $status $value "FLOW"] break unset value } } return $result } proc ::yaml::_pushValue {result prev status value scope} { switch -- $status { "SEQUENCE" { lappend result [_composePlain $value] } "MAPPING" { if {$scope eq "BLOCK"} { if {[llength $prev] == 2} { set result [_set_huddle_mapping $result $prev] set prev [list $value] } else { lappend prev $value } } else { lappend prev $value if {[llength $prev] == 2} { set result [_set_huddle_mapping $result $prev] set prev "" } } } default { if {$scope eq "BLOCK"} {lappend prev $value} } } return [list $result $prev] } proc ::yaml::_parseScalarNode {type scope {pos 0}} { set tag !!str switch -- $type { \" { ; # surrounds a double-quoted flow scalar set value [_parseDoubleQuoted] } {'} { ; # surrounds a single-quoted flow scalar set value [_parseSingleQuoted] } "\t" {error [_getErrorMessage TAB_IN_PLAIN] } "@" {error [_getErrorMessage AT_IN_PLAIN] } "`" {error [_getErrorMessage BT_IN_PLAIN] } default { # Plane Scalar if {$scope eq "FLOW"} { set value [_parsePlainScalarInFlow] } elseif {$scope eq "BLOCK"} { set value [_parsePlainScalarInBlock $pos] } set tag !!plain } } return [huddle wrap [list $tag $value]] } # [time scanning at JST] # 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z => 1008385183 # 2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00 => 1008385183 # 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5 => 1008385183 # 2001-12-15 2:59:43.10 => 1008352783 # 2002-12-14 => 1039791600 proc ::yaml::_parseTimestamp {scalar} { if {![regexp {^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d} $scalar]} {return ""} set datestr {\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d} set timestr {\d\d?:\d\d:\d\d} set timezone {Z|[-+]\d\d?(?::\d\d)?} set canonical [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^($datestr)[Tt ]($timestr)\.\d+ ?($timezone)?$}] set dttm [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^($datestr)(?:[Tt ]($timestr))?$}] if {$::tcl_version < 8.5} { if {[regexp $canonical $scalar nop dt tm zone]} { # Canonical if {$zone eq ""} { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm"]] } elseif {$zone eq "Z"} { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm" -gmt 1]] } if {[regexp {^([-+])(\d\d?)$} $zone nop sign d]} {set zone [format "$sign%02d:00" $d]} regexp {^([-+]\d\d):(\d\d)} $zone nop h m set m [expr {$h > 0 ? $h*60 + $m : $h*60 - $m}] return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "[expr {-$m}] minutes" -base [clock scan "$dt $tm" -gmt 1]]] } elseif {[regexp $dttm $scalar nop dt tm]} { if {$tm ne ""} { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm"]] } else { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan $dt]] } } } else { if {[regexp $canonical $scalar nop dt tm zone]} { # Canonical if {$zone ne ""} { if {[regexp {^([-+])(\d\d?)$} $zone nop sign d]} {set zone [format "$sign%02d:00" $d]} return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm $zone" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S %Z}]] } else { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S}]] } } elseif {[regexp $dttm $scalar nop dt tm]} { if {$tm ne ""} { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan "$dt $tm" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S}]] } else { return [list !!timestamp [clock scan $dt -format {%Y-%m-%d}]] } } } return "" } proc ::yaml::_parseDirective {} { variable data variable shorthands set directive [_getToken] if {[regexp {^%YAML} $directive]} { # YAML directive _skipSpaces set version [_getToken] set data(YAMLVersion) $version if {![regexp {^\d\.\d$} $version]} { error [_getErrorMessage ILLEGAL_YAML_DIRECTIVE] } } elseif {[regexp {^%TAG} $directive]} { # TAG directive _skipSpaces set handle [_getToken] if {![regexp {^!$|^!\w*!$} $handle]} { error [_getErrorMessage ILLEGAL_YAML_DIRECTIVE] } _skipSpaces set prefix [_getToken] if {![regexp {^!$|^!\w*!$} $prefix]} { error [_getErrorMessage ILLEGAL_YAML_DIRECTIVE] } set shorthands(handle) $prefix } } proc ::yaml::_parseTagHandle {} { set token [_getToken] if {[regexp {^(!|!\w*!)(.*)} $token nop handle named]} { # shorthand or non-specific Tags switch -- $handle { ! { ; # local or non-specific Tags } !! { ; # yaml Tags } default { ; # shorthand Tags } } if {![info exists prefix($handle)]} { error [_getErrorMessage TAG_NOT_FOUND] } } elseif {[regexp {^!<(.+)>} $token nop uri]} { # Verbatim Tags if {![regexp {^[\w:/]$} $token nop uri]} { error [_getErrorMessage ILLEGAL_TAG_HANDLE] } } else { error [_getErrorMessage ILLEGAL_TAG_HANDLE] } return "!<$prefix($handle)$named>" } proc ::yaml::_parseDoubleQuoted {} { # capture quoted string with backslash sequences set reStr {(?:(?:\")(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\\"]*)*)(?:\"))} set result [_getFoldedString $reStr] if {$result eq ""} { error [_getErrorMessage MALFORM_D_QUOTE] } # [116] nb-double-multi-line regsub -all {[ \t]*\n[\t ]*} $result "\r" result regsub -all {([^\r])\r} $result {\1 } result regsub -all { ?\r} $result "\n" result # [112] s-s-double-escaped(n) # is not impremented.(specification ???) # chop off outer ""s and substitute backslashes # This does more than the RFC-specified backslash sequences, # but it does cover them all set chopped [subst -nocommands -novariables \ [string range $result 1 end-1]] return $chopped } proc ::yaml::_parseSingleQuoted {} { set reStr {(?:(?:')(?:[^']*(?:''[^']*)*)(?:'))} set result [_getFoldedString $reStr] if {$result eq ""} { error [_getErrorMessage MALFORM_S_QUOTE] } # [126] nb-single-multi-line regsub -all {[ \t]*\n[\t ]*} $result "\r" result regsub -all {([^\r])\r} $result {\1 } result regsub -all { ?\r} $result "\n" result regsub -all {''} [string range $result 1 end-1] {'} chopped return $chopped } # [155] nb-plain-char-in proc ::yaml::_parsePlainScalarInFlow {} { set sep {\t \n,\[\]\{\}} set reStr {(?:[^$sep:#]*(?::[^$sep]+)*(?:#[^$sep]+)* *)*[^$sep:#]*} set reStr [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $reStr] set result [_getFoldedString $reStr] set result [string trim $result] if {[_getc 0] eq "#"} { _getLine set result "$result [_parsePlainScalarInFlow]" } return $result } #################### # Generic parser #################### proc ::yaml::_getFoldedString {reStr} { variable data set buff [string range $data(buffer) $data(start) end] regexp $reStr $buff token if {![info exists token]} {return} set len [string length $token] if {[string first "\n" $token] >= 0} { ; # multi-line set data(current) [expr {$len - [string last "\n" $token]}] } else { incr data(current) $len } incr data(start) $len return $token } # get a space separated token proc ::yaml::_getToken {} { variable data set reStr {^[^ \t\n,\]]+} set result [_getFoldedString $reStr] return $result } proc ::yaml::_skipSpaces {{commentSkip 0}} { variable data while {1} { set ch [string index $data(buffer) $data(start)] incr data(start) switch -- $ch { " " { incr data(current) continue } "\n" { set data(current) 0 continue } "\#" { if {$commentSkip} { _getLine continue } } default { # Any other character, do nothing } } break } incr data(start) -1 } # get a line of stream(line-end trimed) # (cannot _ungetc) proc ::yaml::_getLine {{scrolled 1}} { variable data set pos [string first "\n" $data(buffer) $data(start)] if {$pos == -1} { set pos $data(length) } set line [string range $data(buffer) $data(start) [expr {$pos-1}]] if {$line eq "..." && $data(current) == 0} { set data(finished) 1 } regexp {^( *)(.*)} $line nop space result if {$scrolled} { set data(start) [expr {$pos + 1}] set data(current) 0 } if {$line == "" && $data(start) == $data(length)} { set data(finished) 1 } return [list [string length $space] [string index $result 0] $result] } proc ::yaml::_getCurrent {} { variable data return [expr {$data(current) ? $data(current)-1 : 0}] } proc ::yaml::_getLineNum {} { variable data set prev [string range $data(buffer) 0 $data(start)] return [llength [split $prev "\n"]] } proc ::yaml::_getc {{scrolled 1}} { variable data set result [string index $data(buffer) $data(start)] if {$scrolled} { incr data(start) if {$result eq "\n"} { set data(current) 0 } else { incr data(current) } } return $result } proc ::yaml::_eof {} { variable data return [expr {$data(finished) || $data(start) == $data(length)}] } proc ::yaml::_getpos {} { variable data return $data(start) } proc ::yaml::_setpos {pos} { variable data set data(start) $pos } proc ::yaml::_ungetc {{len 1}} { variable data incr data(start) [expr {-$len}] incr data(current) [expr {-$len}] if {$data(current) < 0} { set prev [string range $data(buffer) 0 $data(start)] if {[string index $prev end] eq "\n"} {set prev [string replace $prev end end a]} set data(current) [expr {$data(start) - [string last "\n" $prev] - 1}] } } proc ::yaml::_next_is_blank {} { set c [_getc 0] if {$c eq " " || $c eq "\n"} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc ::yaml::_setAnchor {anchor value} { variable data set data(anchor:$anchor) $value } proc ::yaml::_getAnchor {anchor} { variable data if {![info exists data(anchor:$anchor)]} {error [_getErrorMessage ANCHOR_NOT_FOUND]} return $data(anchor:$anchor) } proc ::yaml::_getErrorMessage {ID {p1 ""}} { set num [_getLineNum] if {$p1 != ""} { return "line($num): [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $yaml::errors($ID)]" } else { return "line($num): $yaml::errors($ID)" } } # Finds and returns the indentation of a YAML line proc ::yaml::_getIndent {line} { set match [regexp -inline -- {^\s{1,}} " $line"] return [expr {[string length $match] - 3}] } ################ ## Dumpers ## ################ proc ::yaml::_imp_huddle2yaml {data {offset ""}} { set nextoff "$offset[string repeat { } $yaml::_dumpIndent]" switch -- [huddle type $data] { "string" { set data [huddle get_stripped $data] return [_dumpScalar $data $offset] } "list" { set inner {} set len [huddle llength $data] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set sub [huddle get $data $i] set sep [expr {[huddle type $sub] eq "string" ? " " : "\n"}] lappend inner [join [list $offset - $sep [_imp_huddle2yaml $sub $nextoff]] ""] } return [join $inner "\n"] } "dict" { set inner {} foreach {key} [huddle keys $data] { set sub [huddle get $data $key] set sep [expr {[huddle type $sub] eq "string" ? " " : "\n"}] lappend inner [join [list $offset $key: $sep [_imp_huddle2yaml $sub $nextoff]] ""] } return [join $inner "\n"] } default { return $data } } } proc ::yaml::_dumpScalar {value offset} { if { [string first "\n" $value] >= 0 || [string first ": " $value] >= 0 || [string first "- " $value] >= 0} { return [_doLiteralBlock $value $offset] } else { return [_doFolding $value $offset] } } # Creates a literal block for dumping proc ::yaml::_doLiteralBlock {value offset} { if {[string index $value end] eq "\n"} { set newValue "|" set value [string range $value 0 end-1] } else { set newValue "|-" } set exploded [split $value "\n"] set value [string trimright $value] foreach {line} $exploded { set newValue "$newValue\n$offset[string trim $line]" } return $newValue } # Folds a string of text, if necessary proc ::yaml::_doFolding {value offset} { variable _dumpWordWrap # Don't do anything if wordwrap is set to 0 if {$_dumpWordWrap == 0} { return $value } if {[string length $value] > $_dumpWordWrap} { set wrapped [_simple_justify $value $_dumpWordWrap "\n$offset"] set value ">\n$offset$wrapped" } return $value } # http://wiki.tcl.tk/1774 proc ::yaml::_simple_justify {text width {wrap \n} {cut 0}} { set brk "" for {set result {}} {[string length $text] > $width} { set text [string range $text [expr {$brk+1}] end] } { set brk [string last " " $text $width] if { $brk < 0 } { if {$cut == 0} { append result $text return $result } else { set brk $width } } append result [string range $text 0 $brk] $wrap } return $result$text } ######################## ## YAML TYPES ## ######################## namespace eval ::yaml::types { namespace eval mapping { variable settings set settings { superclass dict publicMethods {mapping} tag !!map isContainer yes } proc mapping {args} { if {[llength $args] % 2} {error {wrong # args: should be "huddle mapping ?key value ...?"}} set resultL {} foreach {key value} $args { lappend resultL $key [argument_to_node $value !!str] } return [huddle wrap [list !!map $resultL]] } } namespace eval sequence { variable settings set settings { superclass list publicMethods {sequence} isContainer yes tag !!seq } proc sequence {args} { set resultL {} foreach {value} $args { lappend resultL [argument_to_node $value !!str] } return [wrap [list !!seq $resultL]] } } } proc ::yaml::_makeChildType {type tag} { set full_path_to_type ::yaml::types::$type namespace eval $full_path_to_type [string map [list @TYPE@ $type @TAG@ $tag] { variable settings set settings { superClass string publicMethods {} isContainer no tag @TAG@ } }] return $full_path_to_type } huddle addType ::yaml::types::mapping huddle addType ::yaml::types::sequence huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType str !!str] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType timestamp !!timestamp] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType float !!float] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType int !!int] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType null !!null] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType true !!true] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType false !!false] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType binary !!binary] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType plain !!plain]