[vset ZIP_mkzip_VERSION 1.2] [comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin zipfile::mkzip n [vset ZIP_mkzip_VERSION]] [keywords decompression zip] [copyright {2009 Pat Thoyts}] [moddesc {Zip archive creation}] [titledesc {Build a zip archive}] [category File] [require Tcl 8.6] [require zipfile::mkzip [opt [vset ZIP_mkzip_VERSION]]] [description] [para] This package utilizes the zlib functions in Tcl 8.6 to build zip archives. [section API] [list_begin definitions] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::zipfile::mkzip::mkzip] [arg zipfile] \ [opt [option -zipkit]] \ [opt "[option -runtime] [arg prefix]"] \ [opt "[option -comment] [arg string]"] \ [opt "[option -directory] [arg rootpath]"] \ [opt "[option -exclude] [arg exclude]"] \ [opt [option --]] [opt [arg path]...]] From [uri http://wiki.tcl.tk/15158] [para] This command constructs a zip archive from a directory tree using nothing but Tcl 8.6 core features. The resulting zip file should be compatible with other [syscmd zip] programs - with the possible exception of unicode support. The files generated by this command use utf-8 encoding for all filenames and comments and it has been noticed particularly on Windows the [syscmd info-zip] and the Windows built-in zip view have rather poor support for this part of the ZIP file specification. The [syscmd 7-Zip] program does correctly display utf8 filenames however and the [package vfs::zip] package will use these of course. [para] If you use [example_begin][cmd ::mkzip::mkzip] mystuff.tm -zipkit -directory mystuff.vfs[example_end] it will pack your [file mystuff.vfs/] virtual filesystem tree into a zip archive with a suitable header such that on unix you may mark it executable and it should run with tclkit. Or you can run it with [syscmd tclsh] or [syscmd wish] 8.6 if you like. [para] To change the executable header, specify the [option -runtime] [file preface] where preface is a file containing code you want prefixed. For instance, on Windows you can create a self-extracting zip archive using [example { mkzip mystuff.exe -directory mystuff.vfs -runtime unzipsfx.exe }] The [file unzipsfx.exe] is the Info-Zip self-extracting stub. [para] Accepted options: [list_begin options] [opt_def -runtime path] This option specifies a file to use as prefix to the actual zip archive. If specified [option -zipkit] will be ignored. [opt_def -zipkit] Instructs the command to generate a prefix which makes the archive a zip-based starkit. Ignored if [option -runtime] is present. [opt_def -comment string] This options specifies a global comment to place into the generated archive. [opt_def -directory path] This option specifies the directory to place into the generated archive. If specified any argument [arg path]s are [emph ignored]. [opt_def -exclude list] This option specifies a list of glob patterns. All paths matching at least one of the patterns are not placed into the generated archive. This option defaults to [example { CVS/* */CVS/* *~ ".#*" "*/.#*" }] [opt_def --] This option signals the end of the options, forcing processing of all further words as arguments, even if they begin with a dash character. [list_end] [para] Accepted arguments: [list_begin arguments] [arg_def path path] Each path is a directory or file to place into the generated archive. Note however that these will be ignored when option [option -directory] is specified. [list_end] [list_end] [vset CATEGORY zipfile] [include ../doctools2base/include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]