#!/bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Perform various checks and operations on the distribution. # SAK = Swiss Army Knife. set distribution [file dirname [info script]] set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $distribution modules]] set critcldefault {} set critclnotes {} set dist_excluded {} proc package_name {text} {global package_name ; set package_name $text} proc package_version {text} {global package_version ; set package_version $text} proc dist_exclude {path} {global dist_excluded ; lappend dist_excluded $path} proc critcl {name files} { global critclmodules set critclmodules($name) $files return } proc critcl_main {name files} { global critcldefault set critcldefault $name critcl $name $files return } proc critcl_notes {text} { global critclnotes set critclnotes [string map {{\n } \n} $text] return } source [file join $distribution support installation version.tcl] ; # Get version information. set package_nv ${package_name}-${package_version} catch {eval file delete -force [glob [file rootname [info script]].tmp.*]} # -------------------------------------------------------------- # SAK internal debugging support. # Configuration, change as needed set debug 0 if {$debug} { proc sakdebug {script} {uplevel 1 $script ; return} } else { proc sakdebug {args} {} } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal helper to load packages straight out of the local directory # tree. Not something from an installation, possibly incompatible. proc getpackage {package tclmodule} { global distribution if {[catch {package present $package}]} { set src [file join \ $distribution modules \ $tclmodule] if {[file exists $src]} { uplevel #0 [list source $src] } else { # Fallback package require $package } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------- proc tclfiles {} { global distribution getpackage fileutil fileutil/fileutil.tcl set fl [fileutil::findByPattern $distribution -glob *.tcl] # Remove files under SCCS. They are repository, not sources to check. set tmp {} foreach f $fl { if {[string match *SCCS* $f]} continue lappend tmp $f } proc tclfiles {} [list return $tmp] return $tmp } proc modtclfiles {modules} { global mfiles guide load_modinfo set mfiles [list] foreach m $modules { eval $guide($m,pkg) $m __dummy__ } return $mfiles } proc modules {} { global distribution set fl [list] foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules *]] { if {![file isdirectory $f]} {continue} if {[string match CVS [file tail $f]]} {continue} if {![file exists [file join $f pkgIndex.tcl]]} {continue} lappend fl [file tail $f] } set fl [lsort $fl] proc modules {} [list return $fl] return $fl } proc modules_mod {m} { return [expr {[lsearch -exact [modules] $m] >= 0}] } proc dealias {modules} { set _ {} foreach m $modules { if {[file exists $m]} { set m [file tail $m] } lappend _ $m } return $_ } proc load_modinfo {} { global distribution modules guide source [file join $distribution support installation modules.tcl] ; # Get list of installed modules. source [file join $distribution support installation actions.tcl] ; # Get installer support code. proc load_modinfo {} {} return } proc imodules {} {global modules ; load_modinfo ; return $modules} proc imodules_mod {m} { global modules load_modinfo return [expr {[lsearch -exact $modules $m] > 0}] } # Result: dict (package name --> list of package versions). proc loadpkglist {fname} { set f [open $fname r] foreach line [split [read $f] \n] { set line [string trim $line] if {[string match @* $line]} continue if {$line == {}} continue foreach {n v} $line break lappend p($n) $v set p($n) [lsort -uniq -dict $p($n)] } close $f return [array get p] } # Result: dict (package name => list of (list of package versions, module)). proc ipackages {args} { # Determine indexed packages (ifneeded, pkgIndex.tcl) global distribution if {[llength $args] == 0} {set args [modules]} array set p {} foreach m $args { set f [open [file join $distribution modules $m pkgIndex.tcl] r] foreach line [split [read $f] \n] { if { [regexp {#} $line]} {continue} if {![regexp {ifneeded} $line]} {continue} regsub {^.*ifneeded } $line {} line regsub {([0-9]) \[.*$} $line {\1} line foreach {n v} $line break set v [string trimright $v \\] if {![info exists p($n)]} { set p($n) [list $v $m] } else { # We have multiple versions of the same package. We # remember all versions. foreach {vlist mx} $p($n) break lappend vlist $v set p($n) [list [lsort -uniq -dict $vlist] $mx] } } close $f } return [array get p] } # Result: dict (package name --> list of package versions). proc ppackages {args} { # Determine provided packages (provide, *.tcl - pkgIndex.tcl) # We cache results for a bit of speed, some stuff uses this # multiple times for the same arguments. global ppcache if {[info exists ppcache($args)]} { return $ppcache($args) } global p pf currentfile array set p {} if {[llength $args] == 0} { set files [tclfiles] } else { set files [modtclfiles $args] } getpackage fileutil fileutil/fileutil.tcl set capout [fileutil::tempfile] ; set capcout [open $capout w] set caperr [fileutil::tempfile] ; set capcerr [open $caperr w] array set notprovided {} foreach f $files { # We ignore package indices and all files not in a module. if {[string equal pkgIndex.tcl [file tail $f]]} {continue} if {![regexp modules $f]} {continue} # We use two methods to extract the version information from a # module and its packages. First we do a static scan for # appropriate statements. If that did not work out we try to # execute the script in a modified interpreter which lets us # pick up dynamically generated version data (like stored in # variables). If the second method fails as well we give up. # Method I. Static scan. # We do heuristic scanning of the code to locate suitable # package provide statements. set fh [open $f r] set currentfile [eval file join [lrange [file split $f] end-1 end]] set ok -1 foreach line [split [read $fh] \n] { if {[regexp "\#\\s*@sak\\s+notprovided\\s+(\[^\\s\]+)" $line -> nppname]} { sakdebug {puts stderr "PRAGMA notprovided = $nppname"} set notprovided($nppname) . } regsub "\#.*$" $line {} line if {![regexp {provide} $line]} {continue} if {![regexp {package} $line]} {continue} # Now a stronger check for the actual command if {![regexp {package[ ][ ]*provide} $line]} {continue} set xline $line regsub {^.*provide } $line {} line regsub {\].*$} $line {\1} line sakdebug {puts stderr __$f\ _________$line} #foreach {n v} $line break if {[catch { set n [lindex $line 0] set v [lindex $line 1] } err]} { sakdebug {puts stderr "Line: $line of file $f threw $err"} continue } # HACK ... # Module 'page', package 'page::gen::peg::cpkg'. # Has a provide statement inside a template codeblock. # Name is placeholder @@. Ignore this specific name. # Better would be to use general static Tcl parsing # to find that the string is a variable value. if {[string equal $n @@]} continue if {[regexp {^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$} $v]} { lappend p($n) $v set p($n) [lsort -uniq -dict $p($n)] set pf($n,$v) $currentfile set ok 1 # We continue the scan. The file may provide several # versions of the same package, or multiple packages. continue } # 'package provide foo' are tests. Ignore. if {$v == ""} continue # We do not set the state to bad if we found ok provide # statements before, only if nothing was found before. if {$ok < 0} { set ok 0 # No good version found on the current line. We scan # further through the file and hope for more luck. sakdebug {puts stderr @_$f\ _________$xline\t<$n>\t($v)} } } close $fh # Method II. Restricted Execution. # We now try to run the code through a safe interpreter # and hope for better luck regarding package information. if {$ok == -1} {sakdebug {puts stderr $f\ IGNORE}} if {$ok == 0} { sakdebug {puts -nonewline stderr $f\ EVAL} # Source the code into a sub-interpreter. The sub # interpreter overloads 'package provide' so that the # information about new packages goes directly to us. We # also make sure that the sub interpreter doesn't kill us, # and will not get stuck early by trying to load other # files, or when creating procedures in namespaces which # do not exist due to us disabling most of the package # management. set fh [open $f r] set ip [interp create] # Kill control structures. Namespace is required, but we # skip everything related to loading of packages, # i.e. 'command import'. $ip eval { rename ::if ::_if_ rename ::namespace ::_namespace_ proc ::if {args} {} proc ::namespace {cmd args} { #puts stderr "_nscmd_ $cmd" ::_if_ {[string equal $cmd import]} return #puts stderr "_nsdo_ $cmd $args" return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::_namespace_ $cmd]] } } # Kill more package stuff, and ensure that unknown # commands are neither loaded nor abort execution. We also # stop anything trying to kill the application at large. interp alias $ip package {} xPackage interp alias $ip source {} xNULL interp alias $ip unknown {} xNULL interp alias $ip proc {} xNULL interp alias $ip exit {} xNULL # From here on no redefinitions anymore, proc == xNULL !! $ip eval {close stdout} ; interp share {} $capcout $ip $ip eval {close stderr} ; interp share {} $capcerr $ip if {[catch {$ip eval [read $fh]} msg]} { sakdebug {puts stderr "ERROR in $currentfile:\n$::errorInfo\n"} } sakdebug {puts stderr ""} close $fh interp delete $ip } } close $capcout ; file delete $capout close $capcerr ; file delete $caperr # Process the accumulated pragma information, remove all the # packages which exist but not really, in terms of indexing. foreach n [array names notprovided] { catch { unset p($n) } array unset pf $n,* } set pp [array get p] unset p set ppcache($args) $pp return $pp } proc xNULL {args} {} proc xPackage {cmd args} { if {[string equal $cmd provide]} { global p pf currentfile foreach {n v} $args break # No version specified, this is an inquiry, we ignore these. if {$v == {}} {return} sakdebug {puts stderr \tOK\ $n\ =\ $v} lappend p($n) $v set p($n) [lsort -uniq -dict $p($n)] set pf($n,$v) $currentfile } return } proc sep {} {puts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} proc gd-cleanup {} { global package_nv puts {Cleaning up...} set fl [glob -nocomplain ${package_nv}*] foreach f $fl { puts " Deleting $f ..." catch {file delete -force $f} } return } proc gd-gen-archives {} { global package_name package_nv puts {Generating archives...} set tar [auto_execok tar] if {$tar != {}} { puts " Gzipped tarball (${package_nv}.tar.gz)..." catch { exec $tar cf - ${package_nv} | gzip --best > ${package_nv}.tar.gz } set bzip [auto_execok bzip2] if {$bzip != {}} { puts " Bzipped tarball (${package_nv}.tar.bz2)..." exec tar cf - ${package_nv} | bzip2 > ${package_nv}.tar.bz2 } set xz [auto_execok xz] if {$xz != {}} { puts " Xzipped tarball (${package_nv}.tar.xz)..." exec tar cf - ${package_nv} | xz > ${package_nv}.tar.xz } } set zip [auto_execok zip] if {$zip != {}} { puts " Zip archive (${package_nv}.zip)..." catch { exec $zip -r ${package_nv}.zip ${package_nv} } } set sdx [auto_execok sdx] if {$sdx != {}} { file copy -force [file join ${package_nv} support installation main.tcl] \ [file join ${package_nv} main.tcl] file rename ${package_nv} ${package_name}.vfs puts " Starkit (${package_nv}.kit)..." exec sdx wrap ${package_name} file rename ${package_name} ${package_nv}.kit if {![file exists tclkit]} { puts " No tclkit present in current working directory, no starpack." } else { puts " Starpack (${package_nv}.exe)..." exec sdx wrap ${package_name} -runtime tclkit file rename ${package_name} ${package_nv}.exe } file rename ${package_name}.vfs ${package_nv} } puts { Keeping directory for other archive types} ## Keep the directory for 'sdx' - kit/pack return } proc xcopyfile {src dest} { # dest can be dir or file global mfiles lappend mfiles $src return } proc xcopy {src dest recurse {pattern *}} { if {[string equal $pattern *] || !$recurse} { foreach file [glob [file join $src $pattern]] { set base [file tail $file] set sub [file join $dest $base] if {0 == [string compare CVS $base]} {continue} if {[file isdirectory $file]} then { if {$recurse} { xcopy $file $sub $recurse $pattern } } else { xcopyfile $file $sub } } } else { foreach file [glob [file join $src *]] { set base [file tail $file] set sub [file join $dest $base] if {[string equal CVS $base]} {continue} if {[file isdirectory $file]} then { if {$recurse} { xcopy $file $sub $recurse $pattern } } else { if {![string match $pattern $base]} {continue} xcopyfile $file $sub } } } } proc xxcopy {src dest recurse {pattern *}} { global package_name file mkdir $dest foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $src $pattern]] { set base [file tail $file] set sub [file join $dest $base] # Exclude CVS, SCCS, ... automatically, and possibly the temp # hierarchy itself too. if {0 == [string compare CVS $base]} {continue} if {0 == [string compare SCCS $base]} {continue} if {0 == [string compare BitKeeper $base]} {continue} if {[string match ${package_name}-* $base]} {continue} if {[string match *~ $base]} {continue} if {[file isdirectory $file]} then { if {$recurse} { file mkdir $sub xxcopy $file $sub $recurse $pattern } } else { puts -nonewline stdout . ; flush stdout file copy -force $file $sub } } } proc gd-assemble {} { global package_nv distribution dist_excluded puts "Assembling distribution in directory '${package_nv}'" xxcopy $distribution ${package_nv} 1 foreach f $dist_excluded { file delete -force [file join $package_nv $f] } puts "" return } proc normalize-version {v} { # Strip everything after the first non-version character, and any # trailing dots left behind by that, to avoid the insertion of bad # version numbers into the generated .tap file. regsub {[^0-9.].*$} $v {} v return [string trimright $v .] } proc gd-gen-tap {} { getpackage textutil textutil/textutil.tcl getpackage fileutil fileutil/fileutil.tcl global package_name package_version distribution tcl_platform set pname [textutil::cap $package_name] set modules [imodules] array set pd [getpdesc] set lines [list] # Header lappend lines {format {TclDevKit Project File}} lappend lines {fmtver 2.0} lappend lines {fmttool {TclDevKit TclApp PackageDefinition} 2.5} lappend lines {} lappend lines "## Saved at : [clock format [clock seconds]]" lappend lines "## By : $tcl_platform(user)" lappend lines {##} lappend lines "## Generated by \"[file tail [info script]] tap\"" lappend lines "## of $package_name $package_version" lappend lines {} lappend lines {########} lappend lines {#####} lappend lines {###} lappend lines {##} lappend lines {#} # Bundle definition lappend lines {} lappend lines {# ###############} lappend lines {# Complete bundle} lappend lines {} lappend lines [list Package [list $package_name [normalize-version $package_version]]] lappend lines "Base @TAP_DIR@" lappend lines "Platform *" lappend lines "Desc \{$pname: Bundle of all packages\}" lappend lines "Path pkgIndex.tcl" lappend lines "Path [join $modules "\nPath "]" set strip [llength [file split $distribution]] incr strip 2 foreach m $modules { # File set of module ... lappend lines {} lappend lines "# #########[::textutil::strRepeat {#} [string length $m]]" ; # {} lappend lines "# Module \"$m\"" set n 0 foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] { foreach v $vlist { lappend lines "# \[[format %1d [incr n]]\] | \"$p\" ($v)" } } if {$n > 1} { # Multiple packages (*). We create one hidden package to # contain all the files and then have all the true # packages in the module refer to it. # # (*) This can also be one package for which we have # several versions. Or a combination thereof. array set _ {} foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] { catch {set _([lindex $pd($p) 0]) .} } set desc [string trim [join [array names _] ", "] " \n\t\r,"] if {$desc == ""} {set desc "$pname module"} unset _ lappend lines "# -------+" lappend lines {} lappend lines [list Package [list __$m 0.0]] lappend lines "Platform *" lappend lines "Desc \{$desc\}" lappend lines Hidden lappend lines "Base @TAP_DIR@/$m" foreach f [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $m]] { lappend lines "Path [fileutil::stripN $f $strip]" } # Packages in the module ... foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] { # NO DANGER. As we are listing only the packages P for # the module any other version of P in a different # module is _not_ listed here. set desc "" catch {set desc [string trim [lindex $pd($p) 1]]} if {$desc == ""} {set desc "$pname package"} foreach v $vlist { lappend lines {} lappend lines [list Package [list $p [normalize-version $v]]] lappend lines "See [list __$m]" lappend lines "Platform *" lappend lines "Desc \{$desc\}" } } } else { # A single package in the module. And only one version of # it as well. Otherwise we are in the multi-pkg branch. foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] break set desc "" catch {set desc [string trim [lindex $pd($p) 1]]} if {$desc == ""} {set desc "$pname package"} set v [lindex $vlist 0] lappend lines "# -------+" lappend lines {} lappend lines [list Package [list $p [normalize-version $v]]] lappend lines "Platform *" lappend lines "Desc \{$desc\}" lappend lines "Base @TAP_DIR@/$m" foreach f [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $m]] { lappend lines "Path [fileutil::stripN $f $strip]" } } lappend lines {} lappend lines {#} lappend lines "# #########[::textutil::strRepeat {#} [string length $m]]" } lappend lines {} lappend lines {#} lappend lines {##} lappend lines {###} lappend lines {#####} lappend lines {########} # Write definition set f [open [file join $distribution ${package_name}.tap] w] puts $f [join $lines \n] close $f return } proc getpdesc {} { global argv ; if {![checkmod]} return package require sak::doc sak::doc::Gen desc l $argv array set _ {} foreach file [glob -nocomplain doc/desc/*.l] { set f [open $file r] foreach l [split [read $f] \n] { foreach {p sd d} $l break set _($p) [list $sd $d] } close $f } file delete -force doc/desc return [array get _] } proc gd-gen-rpmspec {} { global package_version package_name distribution set in [file join $distribution support releases package_rpm.txt] set out [file join $distribution ${package_name}.spec] write_out $out [string map \ [list \ @PACKAGE_VERSION@ $package_version \ @PACKAGE_NAME@ $package_name] \ [get_input $in]] return } proc gd-gen-yml {} { # YAML is the format used for the FreePAN archive network. # http://freepan.org/ global package_version package_name distribution set in [file join $distribution support releases package_yml.txt] set out [file join $distribution ${package_name}.yml] write_out $out [string map \ [list \ @PACKAGE_VERSION@ $package_version \ @PACKAGE_NAME@ $package_name] \ [get_input $in]] return } proc docfiles {} { global distribution getpackage fileutil fileutil/fileutil.tcl set res [list] foreach f [fileutil::findByPattern $distribution -glob *.man] { # Remove files under SCCS. They are repository, not sources to check. if {[string match *SCCS* $f]} continue lappend res [file rootname [file tail $f]].n } proc docfiles {} [list return $res] return $res } proc gd-tip55 {} { global package_version package_name distribution contributors contributors set in [file join $distribution support releases package_tip55.txt] set out [file join $distribution DESCRIPTION.txt] set md [string map \ [list \ @PACKAGE_VERSION@ $package_version \ @PACKAGE_NAME@ $package_name] \ [get_input $in]] foreach person [lsort [array names contributors]] { set mail $contributors($person) regsub {@} $mail " at " mail regsub -all {\.} $mail " dot " mail append md "Contributor: $person <$mail>\n" } write_out $out $md return } # Fill the global array of contributors to the bundle by processing # the ChangeLog entries. # proc contributors {} { global distribution contributors if {![info exists contributors] || [array size contributors] == 0} { get_contributors [file join $distribution ChangeLog] foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules *]] { if {![file isdirectory $f]} {continue} if {[string match CVS [file tail $f]]} {continue} if {![file exists [file join $f ChangeLog]]} {continue} get_contributors [file join $f ChangeLog] } } } proc get_contributors {changelog} { global contributors set f [open $changelog r] while {![eof $f]} { gets $f line if {[regexp {^[\d-]+\s+(.*?)<(.*?)>} $line r name mail]} { set name [string trim $name] if {![info exists names($name)]} { set contributors($name) $mail } } } close $f } proc validate_imodules_cmp {imvar dmvar} { upvar $imvar im $dmvar dm foreach m [lsort [array names im]] { if {![info exists dm($m)]} { puts " Installed, does not exist: $m" } } foreach m [lsort [array names dm]] { if {![info exists im($m)]} { puts " Missing in installer: $m" } } return } proc validate_imodules {} { foreach m [imodules] {set im($m) .} foreach m [modules] {set dm($m) .} validate_imodules_cmp im dm return } proc validate_imodules_mod {m} { array set im {} array set dm {} if {[imodules_mod $m]} {set im($m) .} if {[modules_mod $m]} {set dm($m) .} validate_imodules_cmp im dm return } proc validate_versions_cmp {ipvar ppvar} { global pf getpackage struct::set struct/sets.tcl upvar $ipvar ip $ppvar pp set maxl 0 foreach name [array names ip] {if {[string length $name] > $maxl} {set maxl [string length $name]}} foreach name [array names pp] {if {[string length $name] > $maxl} {set maxl [string length $name]}} foreach p [lsort [array names ip]] { if {![info exists pp($p)]} { puts " Indexed, no provider: $p" } } foreach p [lsort [array names pp]] { if {![info exists ip($p)]} { foreach k [array names pf $p,*] { puts " Provided, not indexed: [format "%-*s | %s" $maxl $p $pf($k)]" } } } foreach p [lsort [array names ip]] { if {![info exists pp($p)]} continue if {[struct::set equal $pp($p) $ip($p)]} continue # Compute intersection and set differences. foreach {__ pmi imp} [struct::set intersect3 $pp($p) $ip($p)] break puts " Index/provided versions differ: [format "%-*s | %8s | %8s" $maxl $p $imp $pmi]" } } proc validate_versions {} { foreach {p vm} [ipackages] {set ip($p) [lindex $vm 0]} foreach {p vlist} [ppackages] {set pp($p) $vlist} validate_versions_cmp ip pp return } proc validate_versions_mod {m} { foreach {p vm} [ipackages $m] {set ip($p) [lindex $vm 0]} foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] {set pp($p) $vlist} validate_versions_cmp ip pp return } proc validate_testsuite_mod {m} { global distribution if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m *.test]]] == 0} { puts " Without testsuite : $m" } return } proc bench_mod {mlist paths interp flags norm format verbose output coll rep} { global distribution env tcl_platform getpackage logger logger/logger.tcl getpackage bench bench/bench.tcl ::logger::setlevel $verbose set pattern tclsh* if {$interp != {}} { set pattern [file tail $interp] set paths [list [file dirname $interp]] } elseif {![llength $paths]} { # Using the environment PATH is not a good default for # SAK. Use the interpreter running SAK as the default. if 0 { set paths [split $env(PATH) \ [expr {($tcl_platform(platform) == "windows") ? ";" : ":"}]] } set interp [info nameofexecutable] set pattern [file tail $interp] set paths [list [file dirname $interp]] } set interps [bench::versions \ [bench::locate $pattern $paths]] if {![llength $interps]} { puts "No interpreters found" return } if {[llength $flags]} { set cmd [linsert $flags 0 bench::run] } else { set cmd [list bench::run] } array set DATA {} foreach m $mlist { set files [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m *.bench]] if {![llength $files]} { bench::log::warn "No benchmark files found for module \"$m\"" continue } for {set i 0} {$i <= $rep} {incr i} { if {$i} { puts "Repeat $i" } set run $cmd lappend run $interps $files array set tmp [eval $run] # Merge new set of data into the previous run, if any. foreach key [array names tmp] { set val $tmp($key) if {![info exists DATA($key)]} { set DATA($key) $val continue } elseif {[string is double -strict $val]} { # Call user-request collation type set DATA($key) [collate_$coll $DATA($key) $val $i] } } unset tmp } } _bench_write $output [array get DATA] $norm $format return } proc collate_min {cur new runs} { # Minimum return [expr {$cur > $new ? $new : $cur}] } proc collate_avg {cur new runs} { # Average return [expr {($cur * $runs + $new)/($runs+1)}] } proc collate_max {cur new runs} { # Maximum return [expr {$cur < $new ? $new : $cur}] } if 0 {proc bench_all {flags norm format verbose output} { bench_mod [modules] $flags $norm $format $verbose $output ? ? return }} proc _bench_write {output data norm format} { if {$norm != {}} { getpackage logger logger/logger.tcl getpackage bench bench/bench.tcl set data [bench::norm $data $norm] } set data [bench::out::$format $data] if {$output == {}} { puts $data } else { set output [open $output w] puts $output "# -*- tcl -*- bench/$format" puts $output $data close $output } } proc validate_testsuites {} { foreach m [modules] { validate_testsuite_mod $m } return } proc validate_pkgIndex_mod {m} { global distribution if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m pkgIndex.tcl]]] == 0} { puts " Without package index : $m" } return } proc validate_pkgIndex {} { global distribution foreach m [modules] { validate_pkgIndex_mod $m } return } proc validate_doc_existence_mod {m} { global distribution if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m {*.[13n]}]]] == 0} { if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m {*.man}]]] == 0} { puts " Without * any ** manpages : $m" } } elseif {[llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m {*.man}]]] == 0} { puts " Without doctools manpages : $m" } else { foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $distribution modules $m {*.[13n]}]] { if {![file exists [file rootname $f].man]} { puts " no .man equivalent : $f" } } } return } proc validate_doc_existence {} { global distribution foreach m [modules] { validate_doc_existence_mod $m } return } proc validate_doc_markup_mod {m} { package require sak::doc sak::doc::Gen null null [list $m] return } proc validate_doc_markup {} { package require sak::doc sak::doc::Gen null null [modules] return } proc run-frink {args} { global distribution set tmp [file rootname [info script]].tmp.[pid] if {[llength $args] == 0} { set files [tclfiles] } else { set files [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $args]] } foreach f $files { puts "FRINK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" puts "$f..." puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" catch {exec frink 2> $tmp -HJ $f} set data [get_input $tmp] if {[string length $data] > 0} { puts $data } } catch {file delete -force $tmp} return } proc run-procheck {args} { global distribution if {[llength $args] == 0} { set files [tclfiles] } else { set files [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $args]] } foreach f $files { puts "PROCHECK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" puts "$f ..." puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" catch {exec procheck >@ stdout $f} } return } proc run-tclchecker {args} { global distribution if {[llength $args] == 0} { set files [tclfiles] } else { set files [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $args]] } foreach f $files { puts "TCLCHECKER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" puts "$f ..." puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" catch {exec tclchecker >@ stdout $f} } return } proc run-nagelfar {args} { global distribution if {[llength $args] == 0} { set files [tclfiles] } else { set files [lsort -dict [modtclfiles $args]] } foreach f $files { puts "NAGELFAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" puts "$f ..." puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" catch {exec nagelfar >@ stdout $f} } return } proc get_input {f} {return [read [set if [open $f r]]][close $if]} proc write_out {f text} { catch {file delete -force $f} puts -nonewline [set of [open $f w]] $text close $of } proc location_PACKAGES {} { global distribution return [file join $distribution support releases PACKAGES] } proc gd-gen-packages {} { global package_version distribution set P [location_PACKAGES] file copy -force $P $P.LAST set f [open $P w] puts $f "@@ RELEASE $package_version" puts $f "" array set packages {} foreach {p vm} [ipackages] { set packages($p) [lindex $vm 0] } nparray packages $f close $f } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle modules using docstrip proc docstripUser {m} { global distribution set mdir [file join $distribution modules $m] if {[llength [glob -nocomplain -dir $mdir *.stitch]]} {return 1} return 0 } proc docstripRegen {m} { global distribution puts "$m ..." getpackage docstrip docstrip/docstrip.tcl set mdir [file join $distribution modules $m] foreach sf [glob -nocomplain -dir $mdir *.stitch] { puts "* [file tail $sf] ..." set here [pwd] set fail [catch { cd [file dirname $sf] docstripRunStitch [file tail $sf] } msg] cd $here if {$fail} { puts " [join [split $::errorInfo \n] "\n "]" } } return } proc docstripRunStitch {sf} { # Run the stitch file in a restricted sandbox ... set box [restrictedIp { input ::dsrs::Input options ::dsrs::Options stitch ::dsrs::Stitch reset ::dsrs::Reset }] ::dsrs::Init set fail [catch {interp eval $box [get_input $sf]} msg] if {$fail} { puts " [join [split $::errorInfo \n] "\n "]" } else { ::dsrs::Final } interp delete $box return } proc emptyIp {} { set box [interp create] foreach c [interp eval $box {info commands}] { if {[string equal $c "rename"]} continue interp eval $box [list rename $c {}] } # Rename command goes last. interp eval $box [list rename rename {}] return $box } proc restrictedIp {dict} { set box [emptyIp] foreach {cmd localcmd} $dict { interp alias $box $cmd {} $localcmd } return $box } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # docstrip low level operations for stitching. namespace eval ::dsrs { # Standard preamble to preambles variable preamble {} append preamble \n append preamble "This is the file `@output@'," \n append preamble "generated with the SAK utility" \n append preamble "(sak docstrip/regen)." \n append preamble \n append preamble "The original source files were:" \n append preamble \n append preamble "@input@ (with options: `@guards@')" \n append preamble \n # Standard postamble to postambles variable postamble {} append postamble \n append postamble \n append postamble "End of file `@output@'." # Default values for the options which are relevant to the # application itself and thus have to be defined always. # They are processed as global options, as part of argv. variable defaults {-metaprefix {%} -preamble {} -postamble {}} variable options ; array set options {} variable outputs ; array set outputs {} variable inputs ; array set inputs {} variable input {} } proc ::dsrs::Init {} { variable outputs ; unset outputs ; array set outputs {} variable inputs ; unset inputs ; array set inputs {} variable input {} Reset ; # options return } proc ::dsrs::Reset {} { variable defaults variable options ; unset options ; array set options {} eval [linsert $defaults 0 Options] return } proc ::dsrs::Input {sourcefile} { # Relative to current directory = directory containing the active # stitch file. variable input $sourcefile } proc ::dsrs::Options {args} { variable options variable preamble variable postamble while {[llength $args]} { set opt [lindex $args 0] switch -exact -- $opt { -nopreamble - -nopostamble { set o -[string range $opt 3 end] set options($o) "" set args [lrange $args 1 end] } -preamble { set val $preamble[lindex $args 1] set options($opt) $val set args [lrange $args 2 end] } -postamble { set val [lindex $args 1]$postamble set options($opt) $val set args [lrange $args 2 end] } -metaprefix - -onerror - -trimlines { set val [lindex $args 1] set options($opt) $val set args [lrange $args 2 end] } default { return -code error "Unknown option: \"$opt\"" } } } return } proc ::dsrs::Stitch {outputfile guards} { variable options variable inputs variable input variable outputs variable preamble variable postamble if {[string equal $input {}]} { return -code error "No input file defined" } if {![info exist inputs($input)]} { set inputs($input) [get_input $input] } set intext $inputs($input) set otext "" set c $options(-metaprefix) set cc $c$c set pmap [list @output@ $outputfile \ @input@ $input \ @guards@ $guards] if {[info exists options(-preamble)]} { set pre $options(-preamble) if {![string equal $pre ""]} { append otext [Subst $pre $pmap $cc] \n } } array set o [array get options] catch {unset o(-preamble)} catch {unset o(-postamble)} set opt [array get o] append otext [eval [linsert $opt 0 docstrip::extract $intext $guards]] if {[info exists options(-postamble)]} { set post $options(-postamble) if {![string equal $post ""]} { append otext [Subst $post $pmap $cc] } } # Accumulate outputs in memory append outputs($outputfile) $otext return } proc ::dsrs::Subst {text pmap cc} { return [string trim "$cc [join [split [string map $pmap $text] \n] "\n$cc "]"] } proc ::dsrs::Final {} { variable outputs foreach o [array names outputs] { puts " = Writing $o ..." if {[string equal \ docstrip/docstrip.tcl \ [file join [file tail [pwd]] $o]]} { # We are writing over code required by ourselves. # For easy recovery in case of problems we save # the original puts " *Saving original of code important to docstrip/regen itself*" write_out $o.bak [get_input $o] } write_out $o $outputs($o) } } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration proc __name {} {global package_name ; puts -nonewline $package_name} proc __version {} {global package_version ; puts -nonewline $package_version} proc __minor {} {global package_version ; puts -nonewline [lindex [split $package_version .] 1]} proc __major {} {global package_version ; puts -nonewline [lindex [split $package_version .] 0]} # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Development proc __imodules {} {puts [imodules]} proc __modules {} {puts [modules]} proc __lmodules {} {puts [join [modules] \n]} proc nparray {a {chan stdout}} { upvar $a packages set maxl 0 foreach name [lsort [array names packages]] { if {[string length $name] > $maxl} { set maxl [string length $name] } } foreach name [lsort [array names packages]] { foreach v $packages($name) { puts $chan [format "%-*s %s" $maxl $name $v] } } return } proc __packages {} { array set packages {} foreach {p vm} [ipackages] { set packages($p) [lindex $vm 0] } nparray packages return } proc __provided {} { array set packages [ppackages] nparray packages return } proc checkmod {} { global argv package require sak::util return [sak::util::checkModules argv] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Critcl stuff # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build critcl modules. If no args then build the default critcl module. proc __critcl {} { global argv critcl critclmodules critcldefault critclnotes tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { # Windows is a bit more complicated. We have to choose an # interpreter, and a starkit for it, and call both. # # We prefer tclkitsh, but try to make do with a tclsh. That # one will have to have all the necessary packages to support # starkits. ActiveTcl for example. set interpreter {} foreach i {critcl.exe tclkitsh tclsh} { set interpreter [auto_execok $i] if {$interpreter != {}} break } if {$interpreter == {}} { return -code error \ "failed to find either tclkitsh.exe or tclsh.exe in path" } # The critcl starkit can come out of the environment, or we # try to locate it using several possible names. We try to # find it if and only if we did not find a critcl starpack # before. if {[file tail $interpreter] == "critcl.exe"} { set critcl $interpreter } else { set kit {} if {[info exists ::env(CRITCL)]} { set kit $::env(CRITCL) } else { foreach k {critcl.kit critcl} { set kit [auto_execok $k] if {$kit != {}} break } } if {$kit == {}} { return -code error "failed to find critcl.kit or critcl in \ path.\n\ You may wish to set the CRITCL environment variable to the\ location of your critcl(.kit) file." } set critcl [concat $interpreter $kit] } } else { # My, isn't it simpler under unix. set critcl [auto_execok critcl] } set flags "" while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $argv 0]]]} { # -debug and -clean only work with critcl >= v04 switch -exact -- $option { -keep { append flags " -keep" } -debug { append flags " -debug [lindex $argv 1]" set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0] } -clean { append flags " -clean" } -target { append flags " -target [lindex $argv 1]" set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0] } -- { set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0]; break } default { break } } set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0] } if {$critcl != {}} { if {[llength $argv] == 0} { puts stderr "[string repeat - 72]" puts stderr "Building critcl components." if {$critclnotes != {}} { puts stderr $critclnotes } puts stderr "[string repeat - 72]" critcl_module $critcldefault $flags } else { foreach m [dealias $argv] { if {[info exists critclmodules($m)]} { critcl_module $m $flags } else { puts "warning: $m is not a critcl module" } } } } else { puts "error: cannot find a critcl to run." return 1 } return } # Prints a list of all the modules supporting critcl enhancement. proc __critcl-modules {} { global critclmodules critcldefault foreach m [lsort -dict [array names critclmodules]] { if {$m == $critcldefault} { puts "$m **" } else { puts $m } } return } proc critcl_module {pkg {extra ""}} { global critcl distribution critclmodules critcldefault lappend extra -cache [pwd]/.critcl if {$pkg == $critcldefault} { set files {} foreach f $critclmodules($critcldefault) { lappend files [file join $distribution modules $f] } foreach m [array names critclmodules] { if {$m == $critcldefault} continue foreach f $critclmodules($m) { lappend files [file join $distribution modules $f] } } } else { foreach f $critclmodules($pkg) { lappend files [file join $distribution modules $f] } } set target [file join $distribution modules] catch { puts "$critcl $extra -force -libdir [list $target] -pkg [list $pkg] $files" eval exec $critcl $extra -force -libdir [list $target] -pkg [list $pkg] $files } r puts $r return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc __bench/edit {} { global argv argv0 set format text set output {} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $argv 0]]]} { set val [lindex $argv 1] switch -exact -- $option { -format { switch -exact -- $val { raw - csv - text {} default { return -error "Bad format \"$val\", expected text, csv, or raw" } } set format $val } -o {set output $val} -- { set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] break } default { break } } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } switch -exact -- $format { raw {} csv { getpackage csv csv/csv.tcl getpackage bench::out::csv bench/bench_wcsv.tcl } text { getpackage report report/report.tcl getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage bench::out::text bench/bench_wtext.tcl } } getpackage bench::in bench/bench_read.tcl getpackage bench bench/bench.tcl if {[llength $argv] != 3} { puts "Usage: $argv0 benchdata column newvalue" } foreach {in col new} $argv break _bench_write $output \ [bench::edit \ [bench::in::read $in] \ $col $new] \ {} $format return } proc __bench/del {} { global argv argv0 set format text set output {} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $argv 0]]]} { set val [lindex $argv 1] switch -exact -- $option { -format { switch -exact -- $val { raw - csv - text {} default { return -error "Bad format \"$val\", expected text, csv, or raw" } } set format $val } -o {set output $val} -- { set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] break } default { break } } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } switch -exact -- $format { raw {} csv { getpackage csv csv/csv.tcl getpackage bench::out::csv bench/bench_wcsv.tcl } text { getpackage report report/report.tcl getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage bench::out::text bench/bench_wtext.tcl } } getpackage bench::in bench/bench_read.tcl getpackage bench bench/bench.tcl if {[llength $argv] < 2} { puts "Usage: $argv0 benchdata column..." } set in [lindex $argv 0] set data [bench::in::read $in] foreach c [lrange $argv 1 end] { set data [bench::del $data $c] } _bench_write $output $data {} $format return } proc __bench/show {} { global argv set format text set output {} set norm {} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $argv 0]]]} { set val [lindex $argv 1] switch -exact -- $option { -format { switch -exact -- $val { raw - csv - text {} default { return -error "Bad format \"$val\", expected text, csv, or raw" } } set format $val } -o {set output $val} -norm {set norm $val} -- { set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] break } default { break } } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } switch -exact -- $format { raw {} csv { getpackage csv csv/csv.tcl getpackage bench::out::csv bench/bench_wcsv.tcl } text { getpackage report report/report.tcl getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage bench::out::text bench/bench_wtext.tcl } } getpackage bench::in bench/bench_read.tcl array set DATA {} foreach path $argv { array set DATA [bench::in::read $path] } _bench_write $output [array get DATA] $norm $format return } proc __bench {} { global argv # I. Process command line arguments for the # benchmark commands - Validation, possible # translation ... set flags {} set norm {} set format text set verbose warn set output {} set paths {} set interp {} set repeat 0 set collate min while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $argv 0]]]} { set val [lindex $argv 1] switch -exact -- $option { -throwerrors {lappend flags -errors $val} -match - -rmatch - -iters - -threads {lappend flags $option $val} -o {set output $val} -norm {set norm $val} -path {lappend paths $val} -interp {set interp $val} -format { switch -exact -- $val { raw - csv - text {} default { return -error "Bad format \"$val\", expected text, csv, or raw" } } set format $val } -collate { switch -exact -- $val { min - max - avg {} default { return -error "Bad collation \"$val\", expected avg, max, or min" } } set collate $val } -repeat { # TODO: test for integer >= 0 set repeat $val } -verbose { set verbose info set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] continue } -debug { set verbose debug set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] continue } -- { set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] break } default { break } } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } switch -exact -- $format { raw {} csv { getpackage csv csv/csv.tcl getpackage bench::out::csv bench/bench_wcsv.tcl } text { getpackage report report/report.tcl getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage bench::out::text bench/bench_wtext.tcl } } # Choose between benchmarking everything, or # only selected modules. if {[llength $argv] == 0} { _bench_all $paths $interp $flags $norm $format $verbose $output $collate $repeat } else { if {![checkmod]} {return} _bench_module [dealias $argv] $paths $interp $flags $norm $format $verbose $output $collate $repeat } return } proc _bench_module {mlist paths interp flags norm format verbose output coll rep} { global package_name package_version puts "Benchmarking $package_name $package_version development" puts "======================================================" bench_mod $mlist $paths $interp $flags $norm $format $verbose $output $coll $rep puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" return } proc _bench_all {paths flags interp norm format verbose output coll rep} { _bench_module [modules] $paths $interp $flags $norm $format $verbose $output $coll $rep return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc __oldvalidate_v {} { global argv if {[llength $argv] == 0} { _validate_all_v } else { if {![checkmod]} {return} foreach m [dealias $argv] { _validate_module_v $m } } return } proc _validate_all_v {} { global package_name package_version set i 0 puts "Validating $package_name $package_version development" puts "===================================================" puts "[incr i]: Consistency of package versions ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_versions puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" return } proc _validate_module_v {m} { global package_name package_version set i 0 puts "Validating $package_name $package_version development -- $m" puts "===================================================" puts "[incr i]: Consistency of package versions ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_versions_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" return } proc __oldvalidate {} { global argv if {[llength $argv] == 0} { _validate_all } else { if {![checkmod]} {return} foreach m $argv { _validate_module $m } } return } proc _validate_all {} { global package_name package_version set i 0 puts "Validating $package_name $package_version development" puts "===================================================" puts "[incr i]: Existence of testsuites ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_testsuites puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Existence of package indices ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_pkgIndex puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Consistency of package versions ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_versions puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Installed vs. developed modules ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_imodules puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Existence of documentation ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_doc_existence puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Validate documentation markup (doctools) ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_doc_markup puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Static syntax check ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" set frink [auto_execok frink] set procheck [auto_execok procheck] set tclchecker [auto_execok tclchecker] set nagelfar [auto_execok nagelfar] if {$frink == {}} {puts " Tool 'frink' not found, no check"} if {($procheck == {}) || ($tclchecker == {})} { puts " Tools 'procheck'/'tclchecker' not found, no check" } if {$nagelfar == {}} {puts " Tool 'nagelfar' not found, no check"} if {($frink == {}) || ($procheck == {}) || ($tclchecker == {}) || ($nagelfar == {})} { puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {($frink == {}) && ($procheck == {}) && ($tclchecker == {}) && ($nagelfar == {})} { return } if {$frink != {}} { run-frink puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {$tclchecker != {}} { run-tclchecker puts "------------------------------------------------------" } elseif {$procheck != {}} { run-procheck puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {$nagelfar !={}} { run-nagelfar puts "------------------------------------------------------" } puts "" return } proc _validate_module {m} { global package_name package_version set i 0 puts "Validating $package_name $package_version development -- $m" puts "===================================================" puts "[incr i]: Existence of testsuites ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_testsuite_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Existence of package indices ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_pkgIndex_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Consistency of package versions ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_versions_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" #puts "[incr i]: Installed vs. developed modules ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_imodules_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Existence of documentation ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_doc_existence_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Validate documentation markup (doctools) ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" validate_doc_markup_mod $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts "[incr i]: Static syntax check ..." puts "------------------------------------------------------" set frink [auto_execok frink] set procheck [auto_execok procheck] set nagelfar [auto_execok nagelfar] set tclchecker [auto_execok tclchecker] if {$frink == {}} {puts " Tool 'frink' not found, no check"} if {($procheck == {}) || ($tclchecker == {})} { puts " Tools 'procheck'/'tclchecker' not found, no check" } if {$nagelfar == {}} {puts " Tool 'nagelfar' not found, no check"} if {($frink == {}) || ($procheck == {}) || ($tclchecker == {}) || ($nagelfar == {})} { puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {($frink == {}) && ($procheck == {}) && ($nagelfar == {}) && ($tclchecker == {})} { return } if {$frink != {}} { run-frink $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {$tclchecker != {}} { run-tclchecker $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" } elseif {$procheck != {}} { run-procheck $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" } if {$nagelfar !={}} { run-nagelfar $m puts "------------------------------------------------------" } puts "" return } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Release engineering proc __gendist {} { gd-cleanup gd-tip55 gd-gen-rpmspec gd-gen-tap gd-gen-yml gd-assemble gd-gen-archives puts ...Done return } proc __gentip55 {} { gd-tip55 puts "Created DESCRIPTION.txt" return } proc __yml {} { global package_name gd-gen-yml puts "Created YAML spec file \"${package_name}.yml\"" return } proc __contributors {} { global contributors contributors foreach person [lsort [array names contributors]] { puts "$person <$contributors($person)>" } return } proc __tap {} { global package_name gd-gen-tap puts "Created Tcl Dev Kit \"${package_name}.tap\"" } proc __rpmspec {} { global package_name gd-gen-rpmspec puts "Created RPM spec file \"${package_name}.spec\"" } proc __release {} { # Regenerate PACKAGES, and extend gd-gen-packages return global argv argv0 distribution package_name package_version getpackage textutil textutil/textutil.tcl if {[llength $argv] != 2} { puts stderr "$argv0: wrong#args: release name sf-user-id" exit 1 } foreach {name sfuser} $argv break set email "<${sfuser}@users.sourceforge.net>" set pname [textutil::cap $package_name] set notice "[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"] $name $email * * Released and tagged $pname $package_version ======================== * " set logs [list [file join $distribution ChangeLog]] foreach m [modules] { set m [file join $distribution modules $m ChangeLog] if {![file exists $m]} continue lappend logs $m } foreach f $logs { puts "\tAdding release notice to $f" set fh [open $f r] ; set data [read $fh] ; close $fh set fh [open $f w] ; puts -nonewline $fh $notice$data ; close $fh } gd-gen-packages return } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Documentation proc __desc {} { global argv ; if {![checkmod]} return array set pd [getpdesc] getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage textutil textutil/textutil.tcl struct::matrix m m add columns 3 puts {Descriptions...} if {[llength $argv] == 0} {set argv [modules]} foreach m [lsort [dealias $argv]] { array set _ {} set pkg {} foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] { catch {set _([lindex $pd($p) 0]) .} lappend pkg $p } set desc [string trim [join [array names _] ", "] " \n\t\r,"] set desc [textutil::adjust $desc -length 20] unset _ m add row [list $m $desc] m add row {} foreach p [lsort -dictionary $pkg] { set desc "" catch {set desc [lindex $pd($p) 1]} if {$desc != ""} { set desc [string trim $desc] set desc [textutil::adjust $desc -length 50] m add row [list {} $p $desc] } else { m add row [list {**} $p ] } } m add row {} } m format 2chan puts "" return } proc __desc/2 {} { global argv ; if {![checkmod]} return array set pd [getpdesc] getpackage struct::matrix struct/matrix.tcl getpackage textutil textutil/textutil.tcl puts {Descriptions...} if {[llength $argv] == 0} {set argv [modules]} foreach m [lsort [dealias $argv]] { struct::matrix m m add columns 3 m add row {} set pkg {} foreach {p vlist} [ppackages $m] {lappend pkg $p} foreach p [lsort -dictionary $pkg] { set desc "" set sdes "" catch {set desc [lindex $pd($p) 1]} catch {set sdes [lindex $pd($p) 0]} if {$desc != ""} { set desc [string trim $desc] #set desc [textutil::adjust $desc -length 50] } if {$desc != ""} { set desc [string trim $desc] #set desc [textutil::adjust $desc -length 50] } m add row [list $p " $sdes" " $desc"] } m format 2chan puts "" m destroy } return } # -------------------------------------------------------------- proc __docstrip/users {} { # Print the list of modules using docstrip for their code. set argv [modules] foreach m [lsort $argv] { if {[docstripUser $m]} { puts $m } } return } proc __docstrip/regen {} { # Regenerate modules based on docstrip. global argv ; if {![checkmod]} return if {[llength $argv] == 0} {set argv [modules]} foreach m [lsort [dealias $argv]] { if {[docstripUser $m]} { docstripRegen $m } } return } # -------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make sak specific packages visible. lappend auto_path [file join $distribution support devel sak] # -------------------------------------------------------------- ## Dispatcher to the sak commands. set cmd [lindex $argv 0] set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] incr argc -1 # Prefer a command implementation found in the support tree. # Then see if the command is implemented here, in this file. # At last fail and report possible commands. set base [file dirname [info script]] set sbase [file join $base support devel sak] set cbase [file join $sbase $cmd] set cmdf [file join $cbase cmd.tcl] if {[file exists $cmdf] && [file readable $cmdf]} { source $cmdf exit 0 } if {[llength [info procs __$cmd]] == 0} { puts stderr "$argv0 : Illegal command \"$cmd\"" set fl {} foreach p [info procs __*] { lappend fl [string range $p 2 end] } foreach p [glob -nocomplain -directory $sbase */cmd.tcl] { lappend fl [lindex [file split $p] end-1] } regsub -all . $argv0 { } blank puts stderr "$blank : Should have been [linsert [join [lsort -uniq $fl] ", "] end-1 or]" exit 1 } __$cmd exit 0