# impl.tcl -- # # Support script for libxml2 implementation. # # Std disclaimer # # $Id: tcldom-libxml2.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $ namespace eval ::dom { variable strictDOM 1 } proc dom::libxml2::parse {xml args} { array set options { -keep normal -retainpath /* } array set options $args if {[catch {eval ::xml::parser -parser libxml2 [array get options]} parser]} { return -code error "unable to create XML parser due to \"$parser\"" } if {[catch {$parser parse $xml} msg]} { return -code error $msg } set doc [$parser get document] set dom [dom::libxml2::adoptdocument $doc] $parser free return $dom } proc dom::parse {xml args} { return [eval ::dom::libxml2::parse [list $xml] $args] }