# xmlswitch.tcl -- # # This file implements a control structure for Tcl. # 'xmlswitch' iterates over an XML document. Features in # the document may be specified using XPath location paths, # and these will trigger Tcl scripts when matched. # # Copyright (c) 2008 Explain # http://www.explain.com.au/ # Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Zveno Pty Ltd # http://www.zveno.com/ # # See the file "LICENSE" in this distribution for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # $Id: xmlswitch.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $ package provide xmlswitch 3.2 # We need the xml, dom and xpath packages package require xml 3.2 package require dom 3.2 package require xpath 1.0 namespace eval xmlswitch { namespace export xmlswitch xmlswitchcont xmlswitchend namespace export domswitch namespace export free rootnode variable counter 0 variable typemap array set typemap { text textNode comment comment processing-instruction processingInstruction } } # xmlswitch::xmlswitch -- # # Parse XML data, matching for XPath locations along the way # and (possibly) triggering callbacks. # # A DOM tree is built as a side-effect (necessary for resolving # XPath location paths). # # Arguments: # xml XML document # args configuration options, # plus a single path/script expression, or multiple expressions # # Results: # Tcl callbacks may be invoked. # If -async option is true returns a token for this "process". proc xmlswitch::xmlswitch {xml args} { variable counter set stateVarName [namespace current]::State[incr counter] upvar #0 $stateVarName state set state(stateVarName) $stateVarName set state(-async) 0 set state(pathArray) ${stateVarName}Paths upvar #0 $state(pathArray) paths array set paths {} set cleanup { unset state unset paths } # Find configuration options and remove set numOpts 0 foreach {opt value} $args { switch -glob -- $opt { -* { set state($opt) $value incr numOpts 2 } default { set args [lrange $args $numOpts end] break } } } switch -- [llength $args] { 0 { # Nothing to do eval $cleanup return $stateVarName } 1 { foreach {path script} [lindex $args 0] { set paths([xpath::split $path]) $script } } default { if {[llength $args] % 2} { eval $cleanup return -code error "no script matching location path \"[lindex $args end]\"" } foreach {path script} $args { set paths([xpath::split $path]) $script } } } set root [set state(root) [dom::DOMImplementation create]] set state(current) $root # Parse the document # We're going to do this incrementally, so the caller can # break at any time set state(parser) [eval xml::parser [array get state -parser]] #append cleanup "\n $parser destroy\n" $state(parser) configure \ -elementstartcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementStart $stateVarName]] \ -elementendcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementEnd $stateVarName]] \ -characterdatacommand [namespace code [list ParseCharacterData $stateVarName]] \ -final 0 # -processinginstructioncommand [namespace code [list ParsePI $stateVarName]] \ # -commentcommand [namespace code [list ParseComment]] if {[catch {$state(parser) parse $xml} err]} { eval $cleanup return -code error $err } if {$state(-async)} { return $stateVarName } else { eval $cleanup return {} } } # xmlswitch::xmlswitchcont -- # # Provide more XML data to parse # # Arguments: # token state variable name # xml XML data # # Results: # More parsing proc xmlswitch::xmlswitchcont {token xml} { upvar #0 $token state $state(parser) parse $xml return {} } # xmlswitch::xmlswitchend -- # # Signal that no further data is available # # Arguments: # token state array # # Results: # Parser configuration changed proc xmlswitch::xmlswitchend token { upvar #0 $token state $state(parser) configure -final true return {} } # xmlswitch::rootnode -- # # Get the root node # # Arguments: # token state array # # Results: # Returns root node token proc xmlswitch::rootnode token { upvar #0 $token state return $state(root) } # xmlswitch::free -- # # Free resources EXCEPT the DOM tree. # "-all" causes DOM tree to be destroyed too. # # Arguments: # token state array # args options # # Results: # Resources freed. proc xmlswitch::free {token args} { upvar #0 $token state if {[lsearch $args "-all"] >= 0} { dom::DOMImplementation destroy $state(root) } catch {unset $state(pathArray)} catch {unset state} catch {$state(parser) free} return {} } # xmlswitch::ParseElementStart -- # # Handle element start tag # # Arguments: # token state array # name element type # attrList attribute list # args options # Results: # All XPath location paths are checked for a match, # and script evaluated for matching XPath. # DOM tree node added. proc xmlswitch::ParseElementStart:dbgdisabled {token name attrList args} { if {[catch {eval ParseElementStart:dbg [list $token $name $attrList] $args} msg]} { puts stderr [list ParseElementStart failed with msg $msg] puts stderr $::errorInfo return -code error $msg } else { puts stderr [list ParseElementStart returned OK] } return $msg } proc xmlswitch::ParseElementStart {token name attrList args} { upvar #0 $token state array set opts $args #puts stderr [list xmlswitch::ParseElementStart $token $name $attrList $args] lappend state(current) \ [dom::document createElement [lindex $state(current) end] $name] foreach {name value} $attrList { dom::element setAttribute [lindex $state(current) end] $name $value } MatchTemplates $token [lindex $state(current) end] return {} } # xmlswitch::ParseElementEnd -- # # Handle element end tag # # Arguments: # token state array # name element type # args options # Results: # State changed proc xmlswitch::ParseElementEnd {token name args} { upvar #0 $token state set state(current) [lreplace $state(current) end end] return {} } # xmlswitch::ParseCharacterData -- # # Handle character data # # Arguments: # token state array # data pcdata # # Results: # All XPath location paths are checked for a match, # and script evaluated for matching XPath. # DOM tree node added. proc xmlswitch::ParseCharacterData {token data} { upvar #0 $token state lappend state(current) \ [dom::document createTextNode [lindex $state(current) end] $data] MatchTemplates $token [lindex $state(current) end] set state(current) [lreplace $state(current) end end] return {} } # xmlswitch::domswitch -- # # Similar to xmlswitch above, but iterates over a pre-built # DOM tree. # # Arguments: # xml XML document # args a single path/script expression, or multiple expressions # # Results: # Tcl callbacks may be invoked. proc xmlswitch::domswitch {xml args} { } # xmlswitch::MatchTemplates -- # # Check all templates for one which matches # the current node. # # Arguments: # token state array # node Current DOM node # # Results: # If a template matches, its script is evaluated proc xmlswitch::MatchTemplates {token node} { upvar #0 $token state upvar #0 $state(pathArray) paths #puts stderr [list xmlswitch::MatchTemplates $token $node (type: [dom::node cget $node -nodeType]) (name: [dom::node cget $node -nodeName])] set matches {} foreach {path script} [array get paths] { #puts stderr [list checking path $path for a match] set context $node # Work backwards along the path, reversing each axis set match 0 set i [llength $path] #puts stderr [list $i steps to be tested] while {[incr i -1] >= 0} { #puts stderr [list step $i [lindex $path $i]] switch -glob [llength [lindex $path $i]],$i { 0,0 { #puts stderr [list absolute path, end of steps - am I at the root?] if {![string length [dom::node parent $context]]} { #puts stderr [list absolute path matched] lappend matches [list $path $script] } else { #puts stderr [list absolute path did not match] } } *,0 { #puts stderr [list last step, relative path] switch [lindex [lindex $path $i] 0] { child { if {[NodeTest [lindex $path $i] $context] && \ [CheckPredicates [lindex $path $i] $context]} { #puts stderr [list relative path matched] lappend matches [list $path $script] } else { #puts stderr [list relative path did not match] } } default { return -code error "axis \"[lindex [lindex $path $i] 0]\" not supported" } } } default { #puts stderr [list continuing checking steps] switch [lindex [lindex $path $i] 0] { child { if {[NodeTest [lindex $path $i] $context] && \ [CheckPredicates [lindex $path $i] $context]} { set context [dom::node parent $context] } else { #puts stderr [list no match] } } default { return -code error "axis \"[lindex [lindex $path $i] 0]\" not supported" } } } } } } # TODO: If there are multiple matches then we must pick the # most specific match if {[llength $matches] > 1} { # For the moment we'll just take the first match set matches [list [lindex $matches 0]] } if {[llength $matches]} { #puts stderr [list evaluating callback at level [info level]] uplevel 3 [lindex [lindex $matches 0] 1] } return {} } # xmlswitch::NodeTest -- # # Check that the node passes the node (type) test # # Arguments: # step Location step # node DOM node # # Results: # Boolean proc xmlswitch::NodeTest {step node} { if {[llength [lindex $step 1]] > 1} { switch -glob -- [lindex [lindex $step 1] 0],[dom::node cget $node -nodeType] { node,* - text,textNode - comment,comment - processing-instruction,processingInstruction { return 1 } default { return 0 } } } elseif {![string compare [lindex $step 1] "*"]} { return 1 } elseif {![string compare [lindex $step 1] [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } # xmlswitch::CheckPredicates -- # # Check that the node passes the predicates # # Arguments: # step Location step # node DOM node # # Results: # Boolean proc xmlswitch::CheckPredicates {step node} { variable typemap set predicates [lindex $step 2] # Shortcut: no predicates means everything passes if {![llength $predicates]} { return 1 } # Get the context node set switch [lindex $step 0] { child { set nodeset {} if {[llength [lindex $step 1]]} { foreach {name typetest} [lindex $step 1] break switch -- $name { node { set nodeset [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]] } text - comment - processing-instruction { foreach child [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]] { if {![string compare [dom::node cget $child -nodeType] $typemap($name)]} { lappend nodeset $child } } } default { # Error } } } else { foreach child [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]] { if {![string compare [lindex $step 1] [dom::node cget $child -nodeName]]} { lappend nodeset $child } } } } default { return -code error "axis \"[lindex $step 0]\" not supported" } } foreach predicate $predicates { # position() is the only supported predicate if {[lsearch $nodeset $node] + 1 == $predicate} { # continue } else { return 0 } } return 1 }