[comment {-*- tcl -*- observe manpage}] [manpage_begin observe n 2.5] [copyright {Jeffrey Hobbs }] [moddesc {TkCon}] [titledesc {Runtime debugging output in TkCon}] [description] [para] This command provides runtime debugging output for variables and commands without the need to edit your code. For variables, the underlying mechanism uses [cmd trace] and [cmd dump] var. For commands, it renames the observed procedure and uses a special wrapper procedure. WARNING: using this procedure after checkpointing state will result in major problems if you clean state because the renamed (true) commands will be lost. [para] This procedure is experimental. Comments are encouraged. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd observe] [arg command] [arg cmdname] [opt [arg maxlevel]]] This will create a wrapper command which prints out (using [cmd dump]) the call stack to the console. maxlevel represents the maximum number of levels of the call stack which will be printed (defaults to 4). [call [cmd observe] [arg cdelete] [arg cmdname]] Removes the wrapper around an observed command. [call [cmd observe] [arg cinfo] [arg cmdname]] Prints out useless info. [call [cmd observe] [arg variable] [arg varname] [arg operation] [opt [arg args]]] Currently a wrapper around trace that uses [cmd dump] to print out the value of the named variable whenever the specified operation on that variable occurs (must be [arg read], [arg write] or [arg unset]). [call [cmd observe] [arg vdelete] [arg varname] [arg operation]] Deletes the trace wrapper around the named variable. [call [cmd observe] [arg vinfo] [arg varname]] Prints out trace info about the named variable. [list_end] [see_also [cmd tkcon](1)] [see_also [cmd tkconrc](5) [cmd tkcon](n) [cmd dump](n)] [see_also [cmd idebug](n)] [keywords Tk console debug] [manpage_end]