This is the full tkcon script when run inside the plugin. It feels like a
stripped down version of tkcon, but the only limitations are those
established by the plugin. You can test the basic console features and get
a feel for the mutli-color output. Below the demo are some ideas to try
out. v2+ of the plugin is distributed with a megawidget version of tkcon for
debugging tclets. The demo below uses the CVS head of tkcon.
Variable / Path / Procedure Name Expansion. Type in
set tc at the prompt. Hit <Control-Shift-V>.
set tcl_ should now be visible.
Hit <Control-Shift-V> again. You should see the rest of
the completions printed out for you. Works the same for procedures
and files paths (file access restricted from plugin). Works properly
when spaces or other funny characters are including in the name.
Command Highlighting. Note that set should be in
green, denoting it is a recognized command in that interpreter.
Electric Character Matching. Watch while you type the
following: proc foo { a b } { puts [list $a $b] }. Did you
notice the blink matching of the braces? Yes, it's smart.
Command History. Use the Up/Down arrows or
<Control-p>/<Control-n> to peruse the command
history. <Control-r>/<Control-s> Actually
does command history matching (like tcsh or other advanced Unix shells).
Useful Colorization. Having defined foo above, type
in foo hey. Note that the error comes back in red. Go up one
in the command history and add you and see that regular
stdout output comes through in blue (the colors are configurable).
Cut/Copy/Paste. You should be able to do that between outside
windows and TkCon. The default keys are