/* This file was automatically generated. Do not edit! */ typedef struct HtmlWidget HtmlWidget; typedef union HtmlElement HtmlElement; int HtmlControlSize(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,HtmlElement *pElem); int HtmlGetImageAlignment(HtmlElement *p); #define Html_Space 2 #define Html_Text 1 Tk_Font HtmlGetFont(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,int iFont); void HtmlSizer(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr); char *HtmlTokenName(HtmlElement *p); #define HtmlTrace_Style 0x00002000 extern int HtmlTraceMask; #define DEBUG 1 #if defined(DEBUG) extern int HtmlDepth; # define TRACE_INDENT printf("%*s",HtmlDepth-3,"") #endif #if !(defined(DEBUG)) # define TRACE_INDENT #endif #if defined(DEBUG) # define TRACE(Flag, Args) \ if( (Flag)&HtmlTraceMask ){ \ TRACE_INDENT; printf Args; fflush(stdout); \ } #endif #if !(defined(DEBUG)) # define TRACE(Flag, Args) #endif #define Html_VAR 147 #define Html_U 143 #define Html_TT 141 #define Html_TITLE 137 #define Html_EndTEXTAREA 134 #define Html_TEXTAREA 133 #define Html_SUP 127 #define Html_SUB 125 #define Html_STRONG 122 #define Html_SMALL 118 #define Html_SAMP 113 #define Html_STYLE 124 #define Html_STRIKE 120 #define Html_EndSELECT 117 #define Html_SELECT 116 #define Html_SCRIPT 115 #define STY_StrikeThru 0x002 #define Html_S 111 #define Html_EndXMP 151 #define Html_EndLISTING 85 #define Html_EndPRE 110 #define STY_Preformatted 0x001 #define Html_PLAINTEXT 108 #define Html_XMP 150 #define Html_LISTING 84 #define Html_PRE 109 #define Html_EndP 105 #define Html_P 104 #define Html_NOSCRIPT 98 #define Html_NOFRAME 96 #define STY_NoBreak 0x008 #define Html_NOBR 94 #define Html_MARQUEE 88 #define HTML_Visible 0x01 /* This element produces "ink" */ #define Html_OL 100 #define Html_LI 81 #define Html_KBD 79 #define Html_INPUT 77 typedef struct HtmlImage HtmlImage; HtmlImage *HtmlGetImage(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,HtmlElement *p); #define Html_IMG 76 #define Html_I 73 #define Html_HR 70 #define Html_EndH6 69 #define Html_EndH5 67 #define Html_EndH4 65 #define Html_EndH3 63 #define Html_EndH2 61 #define Html_EndH1 59 #define Html_H6 68 #define Html_H5 66 #define Html_H4 64 #define Html_H3 62 #define Html_H2 60 #define Html_H1 58 #define Html_EndFORM 53 void HtmlAppendArglist(Tcl_DString *str,HtmlElement *pElem); #define Html_FORM 52 int HtmlGetColorByName(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,char *zColor); #define N_FONT_SIZE 7 #define Html_FONT 50 #define Html_BASEFONT 15 #define Html_EMBED 49 #define ItalicFont(X) ((X)+2*N_FONT_SIZE) #define Html_EM 47 #define Html_EndDT 46 #define Html_EndDD 36 #define STY_DT 0x020 #define Html_DT 45 #define Html_DIV 41 #define Html_EndUL 146 #define Html_EndOL 101 #define Html_EndMENU 91 #define Html_EndDIR 40 #define Html_EndDL 44 #define Html_UL 145 #define Html_MENU 90 #define Html_DIR 39 #define Html_DL 43 #define Html_DD 35 #define Html_COMMENT 33 #define CWFont(X) ((X)+4*N_FONT_SIZE) #define Html_CODE 31 #define Html_CITE 29 #define Html_CENTER 27 #define Html_EndCAPTION 26 #define Html_CAPTION 25 #define Html_BIG 18 #define FontFamily(X) (((X)/N_FONT_SIZE)*N_FONT_SIZE) #define Html_EndBASEFONT 16 #define Html_EndDIV 42 char *HtmlResolveUri(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,char *zUri); #define Html_BASE 14 #define Html_EndVAR 148 #define Html_EndU 144 #define Html_EndTT 142 #define Html_EndTITLE 138 #define Html_EndSUP 128 #define Html_EndSUB 126 #define Html_EndSTRONG 123 #define Html_EndSTRIKE 121 #define Html_EndSMALL 119 #define Html_EndSAMP 114 #define Html_EndS 112 #define Html_EndNOSCRIPT 99 #define Html_EndNOFRAME 97 #define Html_EndNOBR 95 #define Html_EndMARQUEE 89 #define Html_EndKBD 80 #define Html_EndI 74 #define Html_EndFONT 51 #define Html_EndEM 48 #define Html_EndCOMMENT 34 #define Html_EndCODE 32 #define Html_EndCITE 30 #define Html_EndCENTER 28 #define Html_EndBIG 19 #define Html_EndB 13 #define BoldFont(X) ((X)+N_FONT_SIZE) #define Html_B 12 #define Html_EndAPPLET 10 #define Html_APPLET 9 #define ALIGN_None 0 #define Html_EndBLOCKQUOTE 21 #define Html_BLOCKQUOTE 20 #define Html_EndADDRESS 8 #define Html_ADDRESS 7 #define STY_Anchor 0x010 #define STY_Underline 0x004 #define Html_EndA 6 #define Html_A 5 #define STYLER_RUNNING 0x000800 void HtmlAddStyle(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr,HtmlElement *p); #define COLOR_Visited 2 /* Color for visited hyperlinks */ int HtmlUnlock(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr); void HtmlLock(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr); #define COLOR_Unvisited 1 /* Index for unvisited hyperlinks */ #define STY_Invisible 0x040 #define LI_TYPE_Bullet3 3 /* A hollow square */ #define LI_TYPE_Bullet2 2 /* A hollow circle */ #define LI_TYPE_Bullet1 1 /* A solid circle */ #define LI_TYPE_Enum_i 8 /* Lower-case roman numerals */ #define LI_TYPE_Enum_I 7 /* Capitalized roman numerals */ #define LI_TYPE_Enum_1 4 /* Arabic numbers */ #define LI_TYPE_Enum_a 6 /* a, b, c, ... */ #define LI_TYPE_Enum_A 5 /* A, B, C, ... */ #define ALIGN_Center 3 #define ALIGN_Right 2 #if !defined(HAVE_STRICMP) # define stricmp strcasecmp #endif #if defined(COVERAGE_TEST) extern int HtmlTPArray[2000]; # define TestPoint(X) {extern int HtmlTPArray[]; HtmlTPArray[X]++;} #endif #if !(defined(COVERAGE_TEST)) # define TestPoint(X) #endif #define Html_Block 4 #define HtmlIsMarkup(X) ((X)->base.type>Html_Block) typedef struct HtmlBaseElement HtmlBaseElement; typedef struct HtmlStyle HtmlStyle; struct HtmlStyle { unsigned int font : 6; /* Font to use for display */ unsigned int color : 4; /* Foreground color */ signed int subscript : 4; /* Positive for , negative for */ unsigned int align : 2; /* Horizontal alignment */ unsigned int bgcolor : 4; /* Background color */ unsigned int flags : 12; /* the STY_ flags below */ }; typedef unsigned char Html_u8; typedef short Html_16; struct HtmlBaseElement { HtmlElement *pNext; /* Next input token in a list of them all */ HtmlElement *pPrev; /* Previous token in a list of them all */ HtmlStyle style; /* The rendering style for this token */ Html_u8 type; /* The token type. */ Html_u8 flags; /* The HTML_ flags below */ Html_16 count; /* Various uses, depending on "type" */ }; typedef struct HtmlTextElement HtmlTextElement; typedef int Html_32; struct HtmlTextElement { HtmlBaseElement base; /* All the base information */ Html_32 y; /* y coordinate where text should be rendered */ Html_16 x; /* x coordinate where text should be rendered */ Html_16 w; /* width of this token in pixels */ Html_u8 ascent; /* height above the baseline */ Html_u8 descent; /* depth below the baseline */ Html_u8 spaceWidth; /* Width of one space in the current font */ char zText[1]; /* Text for this element. Null terminated */ }; typedef struct HtmlSpaceElement HtmlSpaceElement; struct HtmlSpaceElement { HtmlBaseElement base; /* All the base information */ Html_16 w; /* Width of a single space in current font */ Html_u8 ascent; /* height above the baseline */ Html_u8 descent; /* depth below the baseline */ }; typedef struct HtmlMarkupElement HtmlMarkupElement; struct HtmlMarkupElement { HtmlBaseElement base; char **argv; }; typedef struct HtmlCell HtmlCell; struct HtmlCell { HtmlMarkupElement markup; Html_16 rowspan; /* Number of rows spanned by this cell */ Html_16 colspan; /* Number of columns spanned by this cell */ Html_16 x; /* X coordinate of left edge of border */ Html_16 w; /* Width of the border */ Html_32 y; /* Y coordinate of top of border indentation */ Html_32 h; /* Height of the border */ HtmlElement *pTable; /* Pointer back to the */ HtmlElement *pEnd; /* Element that ends this cell */ }; typedef struct HtmlTable HtmlTable; typedef unsigned short Html_u16; #define HTML_MAX_COLUMNS 40 struct HtmlTable { HtmlMarkupElement markup; Html_u8 borderWidth; /* Width of the border */ Html_u8 nCol; /* Number of columns */ Html_u16 nRow; /* Number of rows */ Html_32 y; /* top edge of table border */ Html_32 h; /* height of the table border */ Html_16 x; /* left edge of table border */ Html_16 w; /* width of the table border */ int minW[HTML_MAX_COLUMNS+1]; /* minimum width of each column */ int maxW[HTML_MAX_COLUMNS+1]; /* maximum width of each column */ }; typedef struct HtmlRef HtmlRef; struct HtmlRef { HtmlMarkupElement markup; HtmlElement *pOther; /* Pointer to some other Html element */ }; typedef struct HtmlLi HtmlLi; struct HtmlLi { HtmlMarkupElement markup; Html_u8 type; /* What type of list is this? */ Html_u8 ascent; /* height above the baseline */ Html_u8 descent; /* depth below the baseline */ Html_16 cnt; /* Value for this element (if inside
    ) */ Html_16 x; /* X coordinate of the bullet */ Html_32 y; /* Y coordinate of the bullet */ }; typedef struct HtmlListStart HtmlListStart; struct HtmlListStart { HtmlMarkupElement markup; Html_u8 type; /* One of the LI_TYPE_ defines above */ Html_u8 compact; /* True if the COMPACT flag is present */ Html_u16 cnt; /* Next value for
      */ Html_u16 width; /* How much space to allow for indentation */ HtmlElement *pPrev; /* Next higher level list, or NULL */ }; typedef struct HtmlImageMarkup HtmlImageMarkup; struct HtmlImageMarkup { HtmlMarkupElement markup; Html_u8 align; /* Alignment. See IMAGE_ALIGN_ defines below */ Html_u8 textAscent; /* Ascent of text font in force at the */ Html_u8 textDescent; /* Descent of text font in force at the */ Html_u8 redrawNeeded; /* Need to redraw this image because the image ** content changed. */ Html_16 h; /* Actual height of the image */ Html_16 w; /* Actual width of the image */ Html_16 ascent; /* How far image extends above "y" */ Html_16 descent; /* How far image extends below "y" */ Html_16 x; /* X coordinate of left edge of the image */ Html_32 y; /* Y coordinate of image baseline */ char *zAlt; /* Alternative text */ HtmlImage *pImage; /* Corresponding HtmlImage structure */ HtmlElement *pNext; /* Next markup using the same HtmlImage structure */ }; typedef struct HtmlInput HtmlInput; struct HtmlInput { HtmlMarkupElement markup; HtmlElement *pForm; /* The
      to which this belongs */ HtmlElement *pNext; /* Next element in a list of all input elements */ Tk_Window tkwin; /* The window that implements this control */ HtmlWidget *htmlPtr; /* The whole widget. Needed by geometry callbacks */ HtmlElement *pEnd; /* End tag for