[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME bmp] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Windows Bitmap Format}] [include format-header.inc] This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section [sectref {BMP OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations. [include format-middle.inc] In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section [sectref {BMP OPTIONS}]. [list_end] [section {BMP OPTIONS}] The handler provides an option to influence the writing of a BMP image. [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[option -resolution] [arg res]"] The display resulation and/or aspect ratio property of the outputted bmp file may be set using this option. The default values are an x and y resolution of 74 dpi. [arg res] is a list of 2 or 3 elements and may have one of the following formats. The values [arg xres], [arg yres] and [arg unit] are specified after the formats. [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[arg res] = [arg xres] [arg unit]"] Set the same resolution for x and y. Example: Write image with a resolution of 300dpi: [example_begin] img write out.bmp -format {bmp -resolution {300 i}} [example_end] [lst_item "[arg res] = [arg xres] [arg yres]"] Set the aspect ratio only. The x resolution remains to the default value 74dpi, as the bmp format does not allow to specify the aspect ratio only. The y resolution is set to 74*[arg yres]/[arg xres]. Example: Write image with an aspect ratio of 1/3: [example_begin] img write out.bmp -format {bmp -resolution {1 3}} [example_end] [lst_item "[arg res] = [arg xres] [arg yres] [arg unit]"] Set an independent resolution for x and y direction. Example: Write image with a resolution of x=300dpi and y=150dpi: [example_begin] img write out.bmp -format {bmp -resolution {300 100 i}} [example_end] [list_end] The used parameters are: [list_begin arg] [arg_def float xres input] The output resolution in x direction as a float number. [arg_def float yres input] The output resolution in x direction as a float number. [arg_def string unit input] Unit of the given resolution numbers similar to Tk_GetPixel. Possible units are: [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "c"] pixel per centimeter. [lst_item "m"] pixel per meter. [lst_item "i"] pixel per inch. [lst_item "p"] pixel per inch/72 (Printer points). [list_end] [list_end] [list_end] [list_begin definitions] [include format-footer.inc]