[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME gif] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Graphics Interchange Format}] [include format-header.inc] This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section [sectref {GIF OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations. [include format-middle.inc] In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section [sectref {GIF OPTIONS}]. [list_end] [section {GIF OPTIONS}] The handler provides two options, one for reading from a GIF image, the other influencing the writing of such. [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[option -index] [arg n]"] This option is for reading from GIF files containing more than one image ([term {animated GIF's}], [term {GIF movies}]. When specified it will read the [arg n]'th image in the data. The first image is at index [const 0] and will be read by default, i.e. when the option is not specified. [lst_item "[option -interlaced] [arg bool]"] If the value of this option is set to true the image will be written using the interlaced sub-format of GIF. The default is to write non-interlaced files. [emph {This option is not implemented yet.}] [list_end] [section {IMAGE COMPRESSION}] Instead of LZW the run-length encoding of Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation is used, also known as [term miGIF] compression. The miGIF compression routines do not, strictly speaking, generate files conforming to the GIF spec, since the image data is not LZW-compressed (this is the point: in order to avoid transgression of the Unisys patent on the LZW algorithm.) However, miGIF generates data streams that any reasonably sane LZW decompresser will decompress to what we want. [section TRANSPARENCY] If you want to write images to disk which contain transparency information (e.g. GIF89) you need at least [package Tk] 8.3. [list_begin definitions] [include format-footer.inc]