[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME jpeg] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Joint Picture Expert Group format}] [include format-header.inc] This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section [sectref {JPEG OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations. [include format-middle.inc] In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section [sectref {JPEG OPTIONS}]. [list_end] [section {JPEG OPTIONS}] The handler provides six options, two effective when reading from a JPEG image, and five influencing the writing of such. One option is usable for both reading an writing. [list_begin definitions] [lst_item [option -fast]] This option is for reading from JPEG data. It usage activates a processing mode which is fast, but also provides only low-quality information. [lst_item [option -grayscale]] This option can be used for both reading and writing of JPEG data. Usage of this option forces incoming images to grayscale, and written images will be monochrome. [lst_item "[option -quality] [arg n]"] This option is for writing JPEG data. It specifies the compression level as a quality percentage. The higher the quality, the less the compression. The nominal range for [arg n] is [const 0]...[const 100]. Useful values are in the range [const 5]...[const 95]. The default value is [const 75]. [lst_item "[option -smooth] [arg n]"] This option is for writing JPEG data. When used the writer will smooth the image before performing the compression. Values in the [const 10]...[const 30] are usually enough. The default is [const 0], i.e no smoothing. [lst_item [option -optimize]] This option is for writing JPEG data. It usage causes the writer to optimize the huffman table used to encode the jpeg coefficients. [lst_item [option -progressive]] This option is for writing JPEG data. It usage causes the creation of a [term progressive] JPEG file. [include format-footer.inc]