[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME pixmap] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Pixmap Image type}] [manpage_begin img-[vset FORMATNAME] n 1.3] [moddesc Img] [titledesc "Img, [vset FORMATFULLNAME] ([vset FORMATNAME])"] [copyright {1995-2003 Jan Nijtmans }] [require Tk] [require img::[vset FORMATNAME] [opt 1.3]] [description] The package [package img::[vset FORMATNAME]] is a sub-package of [package Img]. It can be loaded as a part of the complete Img support, via [cmd {package require Img}], or on its own, via [cmd "package require img::[vset FORMATNAME]"]. [para] Like all packages of [package Img] it does [emph not] provide new commands, but extends the existing [package Tk] command [cmd image]. [para] In contrast to all other sub packages this packages does [emph not] extend [package Tk]'s [cmd photo] image type, but rather provides a completely new image type, on the same level as [cmd photo] and [cmd bitmap]. [section {CREATING PIXMAPS}] Like all images, pixmaps are created using the [cmd {image create}] command. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd image] [method {create pixmap}] [opt [arg name]] [opt [arg options]]] Pixmaps support the following options: [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[option -data] [arg string]"] Specifies the contents of the source pixmap as a string. The string must adhere to X11 pixmap format (e.g., as generated by the pixmap program). If both the [option -data] and [option -file] options are specified, the [option -data] option takes precedence. [lst_item "[option -file] [arg name]"] [arg name] gives the name of a file whose contents define the source pixmap. The file must adhere to X11 pixmap format (e.g., as generated by the pixmap program). [list_end] [list_end] [section {IMAGE COMMAND}] When a pixmap image is created, Tk also creates a new com­ mand whose name is the same as the image. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the image. It has the following general form: [list_begin definitions] [call [arg imageName] [method option] [opt [arg {arg arg ...}]]] [list_end] [method Option] and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for pixmap images: [list_begin definitions] [call [arg imageName] [method cget] [arg option]] Returns the current value of the configuration option given by [arg option]. [arg Option] may have any of the values accepted by the [cmd {image create pixmap}] command. [call [arg imageName] [method configure] [opt [option option]] [opt [arg {value option value ...}]]] Query or modify the configuration options for the image. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for [arg imageName] (see [cmd Tk_ConfigureInfo] for information on the format of this list). If [arg option] is specified with no [arg value], then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identi­ cal to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more [arg option-value] pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. [option Option] may have any of the values accepted by the [cmd {image create pixmap}] command. [include format-footer.inc]