[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}]
[vset FORMATNAME ps]
[vset FORMATFULLNAME {Adobe PostScript Format}]

[include format-header.inc]

This handler provides new additional configuration options. See
section [sectref {PostScript OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations.


Note that this package provides a [const pdf] handler too, i.e. a
handler for the Adobe Portable Document Format. That handler accepts
the same options as the [const [vset FORMATNAME]] handler.


The package delegates the actual conversion of data in PostScript and
PDF format into a raster image to the [syscmd ghostscript]
application. It therefore depends upon the presence of said
application and is non-functional is [syscmd ghostscript] is not


All of the above means that in a call like

[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd image] [method {create photo}] [opt [arg name]] [opt [arg options]]]

[list_begin enum]
Image data in [vset FORMATNAME] and PDF format (options [option -data]
and [option -file]) is detected automatically.


The format names [const [vset FORMATNAME]] and [const pdf] are
recognized by the option [option -format].

In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may
contain any of the special options listed in section

[sectref {PostScript OPTIONS}].


[section {PostScript OPTIONS}]

The handler provides two options, both influencing the reading of
PostScript or PDF images. The handler is [emph not] able to write
images in PostScript or PDF.

[list_begin definitions]

[lst_item "[option -index] [arg n]"]

This option is for reading from PostScript/PDF data containing more
than one page. When specified it will read the [arg n]'th page in the
data. The first page is at index [const 0] and will be read by
default, i.e. when the option is not specified.


[emph Note:] This option is not yet implemented.

[lst_item "[option -zoom] [arg X] [arg Y]"]

Multiply image size by the given scale factors. If [arg Y] is missing,
the default is the same as [arg X]. [arg X] and [arg Y] are allowed to
be in floating point format, but they are rounded to the nearest
practically possible value. For postscript this means the zoom factors
should be multiples of 1/72.



The code provided by Img does not perform the interpretation and
rasterizing of the input by itself but delegates this to the
[syscmd gs] application. This is the GhostScript implementation
of PostScript (and PDF).


If [syscmd gs] is not installed this format handler cannot be used.

[see_also img-intro img-bmp img-gif img-ico img-jpeg img-pcx img-pixmap img-png img-ppm img-ps img-sgi img-sun img-tga img-tiff img-window img-xbm img-xpm]
[keywords {image handling} tk [vset FORMATNAME] pdf postscript gs ghostscript]