[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME raw] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Raw Data Format}] [include format-header.inc] This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section [sectref {RAW OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations. [include format-middle.inc] In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section [sectref {RAW OPTIONS}]. [list_end] [section {NOTE}] This format handler must be loaded explicitly with [cmd "package require img::[vset FORMATNAME]"]. [section {SUPPORTED RAW TYPES}] [example_begin] Grayscale image: 1 channel of 32-bit floating point values. 1 channel of 16-bit unsigned integer values. 1 channel of 8-bit unsigned integer values. True-color image: 3 channels of 32-bit floating point values. 3 channels of 16-bit unsigned integer values. 3 channels of 8-bit unsigned integer values. List of currently supported features: Type | Read | Write | | -file | -data | -file | -data | ---------------------------------------- Gray | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | RGB | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | There are 2 supported file formats: One with the pure raw data only, the other with a 7 line ASCII header of the following form: Magic=RAW\n File format identifier. Fixed value. Width=128\n Image width in pixels. Height=128\n Image height in pixels. NumChan=1\n Possible values: 1 or 3. ByteOrder=Intel\n Possible values: "Intel" or "Motorola". ScanOrder=TopDown\n Possible values: "TopDown" or "BottomUp". PixelType=byte\n Possible values: "float", "short" or "byte". [example_end] [section {RAW OPTIONS}] The handler provides the following options: [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[option -verbose] [arg bool]"] This option is supported for reading and writing. [nl] If set to [const true], additional information about the loaded/stored image is printed to stdout. Default is [const false]. [lst_item "[option -useheader] [arg bool]"] This option is supported for reading and writing. [nl] If set to [const true], use the file header information for reading and writing. Default is [const true]. [lst_item "[option -nchan] [arg int]"] This option is supported for reading and writing image data without header. [nl] Specify the number of channels of the input image. Default is [const 1]. [lst_item "[option -width] [arg int]"] This option is supported for reading image data without header only. [nl] Specify the width of the input image. Default is [const 128]. [lst_item "[option -height] [arg int]"] This option is supported for reading image data without header only. [nl] Specify the height of the input image. Default is [const 128]. [lst_item "[option -byteorder] [arg string]"] This option is supported for reading image data without header only. [nl] Specify the byteorder of the input image data. Possible values: [const Intel] or [const Motorola]. Default is assuming the same byteorder as that of the host computer. [lst_item "[option -uuencode] [arg bool]"] This option is supported for reading image data without header only. [nl] If set to [const false], do not assume, that the image data stored in a Tcl variable is uuencoded. Default is [const true], i.e. the image data in a Tcl variable is assumed to be uuencoded. [lst_item "[option -scanorder] [arg string]"] This option is supported for reading and writing image data without header. [nl] Specify the scanline order of the input image. Possible values: [const TopDown] or [const BottomUp]. Default is assuming the same byteorder as that of the host computer. [lst_item "[option -pixeltype] [arg string]"] This option is supported for reading image data without header only. [nl] Specify the type of the pixel values. Possible values: [const float] or [const short] or [const byte]. Default is [const byte]. [nl] RAW files are always written in [const byte] pixel format. [lst_item "[option -gamma] [arg float]"] This option is supported for reading only. [nl] Specify a gamma correction to be applied when mapping the input data to 8-bit image values. Default is [const 1.0]. [lst_item "[option -nomap] [arg bool]"] This option is supported for reading only. [nl] If set to [const true], no mapping of input values is done. Use this option, if your image already contains RGB values in the range of [const 0] .. [const 255]. When using the nomap mode, no information about the minimum and maximum pixel values is gathered during reading and therefore no verbose output is printed. On the other hand reading the image is faster. Default is [const false]. [lst_item "[option -min] [arg float]"] This option is supported for reading only. [nl] Specify the minimum pixel value to be used for mapping the input data to 8-bit image values. Default is the minimum value found in the image data. [lst_item "[option -max] [arg float]"] This option is supported for reading only. [nl] Specify the maximum pixel value to be used for mapping the input data to 8-bit image values. Default is the maximum value found in the image data. [list_end] [list_begin definitions] [include format-footer.inc]