[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools}] [vset FORMATNAME tiff] [vset FORMATFULLNAME {Tagged Image File Format}] [include format-header.inc] This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section [sectref {TIFF OPTIONS}] for more detailed explanations. [include format-middle.inc] In addition the value for the option is treated as list and may contain any of the special options listed in section [sectref {TIFF OPTIONS}]. [list_end] [section {TIFF OPTIONS}] The handler provides three options, one for reading from a TIFF image, the other two influencing the writing of such. [list_begin definitions] [lst_item "[option -index] [arg n]"] This option is for reading from TIFF files containing more than one image ([term {multi-page TIFF}]. When specified it will read the [arg n]'th image in the data. The first image is at index [const 0] and will be read by default, i.e. when the option is not specified. [lst_item "[option -compression] [arg type]"] This option specifies the type of compression to use when writing TIFF data. It has to be one of [const none], [const jpeg], [const packbits], or [const deflate]. The default is [const none]. [lst_item "[option -byteorder] [arg type]"] This option specifies the byteorder to use when writing TIFF data. It has to be one of [const bigendian], [const littleendian], [const network], [const smallendian], or the empty string. The default is the empty string. [nl] The values [const bigendian] and [const network] are aliases of each other, as are [const littleendian] and [const smallendian]. [include format-footer.inc]