/* STARTHEADER * * File : dted.c * * Author : Paul Obermeier (paul@poSoft.de) * * Date : Tue Nov 20 21:24:26 CET 2001 * * Copyright : (C) 2001-2003 Paul Obermeier * * Description : * * A photo image handler for DTED elevation data interpreted as image files. * * The following image types are supported: * * Grayscale image: Load DTED data as grayscale image. * * List of currently supported features: * * Type | Read | Write | * | -file | -data | -file | -data | * ---------------------------------------- * Gray | Yes | Yes | No | No | * * The following format options are available: * * Read DTED image: "dted -verbose <bool> -nchan <int> -nomap <bool> * -gamma <float> -min <float> -max <float>" * * -verbose <bool>: If set to true, additional information about the file * format is printed to stdout. Default is false. * -nchan <int>: Specify the number of channels of the generated image. * Default is 1, i.e. generated a grayscale image. * -gamma <float>: Specify a gamma correction to be applied when mapping * the input data to 8-bit image values. * Default is 1.0. * -nomap <bool>: If set to true, no mapping of input values is done. * Use this option, if your image already contains RGB * values in the range of 0 ..255. * Default is false. * -min <short>: Specify the minimum pixel value to be used for mapping * the input data to 8-bit image values. * Default is the minimum value found in the image data. * -max <short>: Specify the maximum pixel value to be used for mapping * the input data to 8-bit image values. * Default is the maximum value found in the image data. * * Notes: * Currently only reading DTED files as grayscale images * is implemented. Color mapped images and writing will be * implemented when needed. * Syntax checking of DTED files is rudimentary, too. * Only file reading tested right now. * * ENDHEADER * * $Id$ * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> /* * Generic initialization code, parameterized via CPACKAGE and PACKAGE. */ #include "init.c" /* #define DEBUG_LOCAL */ #define strIntel "Intel" #define strMotorola "Motorola" #define MAXCHANS 4 /* Some general defines and typedefs. */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)? (a): (b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)? (a): (b)) typedef unsigned char Boln; /* Boolean value: TRUE or FALSE */ typedef unsigned char UByte; /* Unsigned 8 bit integer */ typedef char Byte; /* Signed 8 bit integer */ typedef unsigned short UShort; /* Unsigned 16 bit integer */ typedef short Short; /* Signed 16 bit integer */ typedef int UInt; /* Unsigned 32 bit integer */ typedef int Int; /* Signed 32 bit integer */ typedef float Float; /* IEEE 32 bit floating point */ typedef double Double; /* IEEE 64 bit floating point */ #define MAX_SHORT 32767 #define MIN_SHORT -32768 #define ELEV_UNDEFINED -32000 /* All elevations smaller than this value are considered undefined, and are set to the minimum value. */ /* DTED file header structures */ typedef struct { Byte uhl_tag[3]; /* 'UHL' sentinel tag */ Byte reserved1[1]; Byte origin_long[8]; /* Longitude of origin */ Byte origin_lat[8]; /* Latitude of origin */ Byte ew_interval[4]; /* East-west data interval (tenths second) */ Byte ns_interval[4]; /* North-south data interval (tenths second) */ Byte accuracy[4]; /* Absolute vertical accuracy (meters) */ Byte security[3]; Byte reserved2[45]; } UHL_STRUCT; typedef struct { Byte dsi_tag[3]; /* 'DSI' sentinel tag */ Byte security_class[1]; /* Security classification */ Byte security_mark[2]; /* Security control & release mark */ Byte security_desc[27]; /* Security handling description */ Byte reserved1[26]; Byte level[5]; /* DMA series designator for level */ Byte ref_num[15]; /* Reference number */ Byte reserved2[8]; Byte edition[2]; /* Data edition */ Byte merge_version[1]; /* Match/merge version */ Byte maintenance_date[4]; /* Maintenance date (YYMM) */ Byte merge_date[4]; /* Match/Merge date (YYMM) */ Byte maintenance_desc[4]; /* Maintenance description */ Byte producer[8]; /* Producer */ Byte reserved3[16]; Byte product_num[9]; /* Product specification stock number */ Byte product_change[2]; /* Product specification change number */ Byte product_date[4]; /* Product specification date (YYMM) */ Byte vertical_datum[3]; /* Vertical datum */ Byte horizontal_datum[5]; /* Horizontal datum */ Byte collection_sys[10]; /* Digitizing collection system */ Byte compilation_date[4]; /* Compilation date (YYMM) */ Byte reserved4[22]; Byte origin_lat[9]; /* Latitude of data origin */ Byte origin_long[10]; /* Longitude of data origin */ Byte sw_corner_lat[7]; /* Latitude of SW corner */ Byte sw_corner_long[8]; /* Longitude of SW corner */ Byte nw_corner_lat[7]; /* Latitude of NW corner */ Byte nw_corner_long[8]; /* Longitude of NW corner */ Byte ne_corner_lat[7]; /* Latitude of NE corner */ Byte ne_corner_long[8]; /* Longitude of NE corner */ Byte se_corner_lat[7]; /* Latitude of SE corner */ Byte se_corner_long[8]; /* Longitude of SE corner */ Byte orientation[9]; /* Orientation angle */ Byte ns_spacing[4]; /* North-south data spacing (tenths sec) */ Byte ew_spacing[4]; /* East-west data spacing (tenths sec) */ Byte rows[4]; /* Number of data rows */ Byte cols[4]; /* Number of data cols */ Byte cell_coverage[2]; /* Partial cell indicator */ Byte reserved5[357]; } DSI_STRUCT; typedef struct { Byte abs_horiz_acc[4]; /* Absolute horizontal accuracy (meters) */ Byte abs_vert_acc[4]; /* Absolute vertical accuracy (meters) */ Byte rel_horiz_acc[4]; /* Relative horizontal accuracy (meters) */ Byte rel_vert_acc[4]; /* Relative vertical accuracy (meters) */ } ACCURACY_STRUCT; typedef struct { Byte latitude[9]; /* Latitude */ Byte longitude[10]; /* Longitude */ } COORD_STRUCT; typedef struct { ACCURACY_STRUCT acc; /* Accuracy of subregion */ Byte no_coords[2]; /* Number of coordinates (03-14) */ COORD_STRUCT coords[14]; /* Outline of subregion */ } SUBREGION_STRUCT; typedef struct { Byte acc_tag[3]; /* 'ACC' sentinel tag */ ACCURACY_STRUCT global_acc; /* Accuracy of product */ Byte reserved1[36]; Byte no_acc_subregions[2]; /* Number of accuracy subregions (00 = no, 02-09) */ SUBREGION_STRUCT subregions[9]; /* Accuracy subregions */ Byte reserved2[87]; } ACC_STRUCT; typedef struct { UHL_STRUCT uhl; DSI_STRUCT dsi; ACC_STRUCT acc; } DTEDHEADER; /* DTED file format options structure for use with ParseFormatOpts */ typedef struct { Int nchan; Short minVal; Short maxVal; Float gamma; Boln nomap; Boln verbose; } FMTOPT; /* Structure to hold information about the DTED file being processed. */ typedef struct { DTEDHEADER th; UByte *pixbuf; Short *rawbuf; } DTEDFILE; #define MINGAMMA 0.01 #define MAXGAMMA 100.0 #define GTABSIZE 257 /* Given a pixel value in Float format, "fin", and a gamma-correction lookup table, "ftab", macro "gcorrectFloat" returns the gamma-corrected pixel value in "fout". */ #define gcorrectFloat(fin,ftab,fout) \ { \ Int gc_i; \ Float gc_t; \ gc_t = (fin) * (GTABSIZE - 2); \ gc_i = gc_t; \ gc_t -= gc_i; \ (fout) = (ftab)[gc_i] * (1.0-gc_t) + (ftab)[gc_i+1] * gc_t; \ } static Boln gtableFloat (Float gamma, Float table[]) { Int i; if (gamma < MINGAMMA || gamma > MAXGAMMA) { printf ("Invalid gamma value %f\n", gamma); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < GTABSIZE - 1; ++i) { table[i] = pow ((Float) i / (Float) (GTABSIZE - 2), 1.0 / gamma); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("gammatable[%d] = %f\n", i, table[i]); #endif } table[GTABSIZE - 1] = 1.0; #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("gammatable[%d] = %f\n", GTABSIZE-1, table[GTABSIZE-1]); #endif return TRUE; } static void gammaShortUByte (Int n, const Short s_in[], const Float gtable[], UByte ub_out[]) { const Short *ssrc, *sstop; Float ftmp; Int itmp; UByte *ubdest; ssrc = s_in; sstop = s_in + n; ubdest = ub_out; /* Handle a gamma value of 1.0 (gtable == NULL) as a special case. Quite nice speed improvement for the maybe most used case. */ if (gtable) { while (ssrc < sstop) { /* Map short values from the range [MIN_SHORT .. MAX_SHORT] to the range [0.0 .. 1.0], do gamma correction and then map into the displayable range [0 .. 255]. */ ftmp = (Float)(*ssrc * 1.0 / 65535.0 + 0.5); gcorrectFloat (ftmp, gtable, ftmp); itmp = (Int)(ftmp * 255.0 + 0.5); *ubdest = MAX (0, MIN (itmp, 255)); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("Gamma %d --> %f --> %d --> %d\n", *ssrc, ftmp, itmp, *ubdest); #endif ++ubdest; ++ssrc; } } else { while (ssrc < sstop) { /* Map short values from the range [MIN_SHORT .. MAX_SHORT] to the displayable range [0 .. 255]. */ itmp = (Int)(*ssrc * 255.0 / 65535.0 + 128); *ubdest = MAX (0, MIN (itmp, 255)); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("NoGamma %d --> %d --> %d\n", *ssrc, itmp, *ubdest); #endif ++ubdest; ++ssrc; } } return; } /* This function determines at runtime, whether we are on an Intel system. */ static int isIntel (void) { unsigned long val = 513; /* On Intel (little-endian) systems this value is equal to "\01\02\00\00". On big-endian systems this value equals "\00\00\02\01" */ return memcmp(&val, "\01\02", 2) == 0; } static void dtedClose (DTEDFILE *tf) { if (tf->pixbuf) ckfree ((char *)tf->pixbuf); if (tf->rawbuf) ckfree ((char *)tf->rawbuf); return; } /* Read 1 byte, representing an unsigned integer number. */ #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln readUByte (tkimg_MFile *handle, UByte *b) { char buf[1]; if (1 != tkimg_Read (handle, buf, 1)) return FALSE; *b = buf[0]; return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ /* Read 2 bytes, representing a signed 16 bit integer in the form <LowByte, HighByte>, from a file and convert them into the current machine's format. */ static Boln readShort (tkimg_MFile *handle, Short *s) { char buf[2]; if (2 != tkimg_Read (handle, buf, 2)) return FALSE; *s = (buf[0] & 0xFF) | (buf[1] << 8); return TRUE; } /* Read 4 bytes, representing a signed 32 bit integer in the form <LowByte, HighByte>, from a file and convert them into the current machine's format. */ static Boln readInt (tkimg_MFile *handle, Int *i) { char buf[4]; if (4 != tkimg_Read (handle, buf, 4)) return FALSE; *i = ((((Int)buf[0] & 0x000000FFU) << 24) | \ (((Int)buf[1] & 0x0000FF00U) << 8) | \ (((Int)buf[2] & 0x00FF0000U) >> 8) | \ (((Int)buf[3] & 0x0000FF00U) >> 24)); return TRUE; } /* Write a byte, representing an unsigned integer to a file. */ #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln writeUByte (tkimg_MFile *handle, UByte b) { UByte buf[1]; buf[0] = b; if (1 != tkimg_Write (handle, (const char *)buf, 1)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ /* Write a byte, representing a signed integer to a file. */ #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln writeByte (tkimg_MFile *handle, Byte b) { Byte buf[1]; buf[0] = b; if (1 != tkimg_Write (handle, buf, 1)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ /* Convert a signed 16 bit integer number into the format <LowByte, HighByte> (an array of 2 bytes) and write the array to a file. */ #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln writeShort (tkimg_MFile *handle, Short s) { Byte buf[2]; buf[0] = s; buf[1] = s >> 8; if (2 != tkimg_Write (handle, buf, 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ /* Convert a unsigned 16 bit integer number into the format <LowByte, HighByte> (an array of 2 bytes) and write the array to a file. */ #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln writeUShort (tkimg_MFile *handle, UShort s) { Byte buf[2]; buf[0] = s; buf[1] = s >> 8; if (2 != tkimg_Write (handle, buf, 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ #define OUT Tcl_WriteChars (outChan, str, -1) static void printImgInfo (DTEDHEADER *th, FMTOPT *opts, const char *filename, const char *msg) { Tcl_Channel outChan; char str[256]; outChan = Tcl_GetStdChannel (TCL_STDOUT); if (!outChan) { return; } sprintf (str, "%s\n", msg); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tLongitude of origin : %.8s\n", th->uhl.origin_long); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tLatitude of origin : %.8s\n", th->uhl.origin_lat); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tEast-West interval : %.4s\n", th->uhl.ew_interval); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tNorth-South interval : %.4s\n", th->uhl.ns_interval); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tVertical accuracy : %.4s\n", th->uhl.accuracy); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tSecurity Code : %.3s\n", th->uhl.security); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tDTED level : %.5s\n", th->dsi.level); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tNumber of rows : %.4s\n", th->dsi.rows); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tNumber of columns : %.4s\n", th->dsi.cols); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tCell coverage : %.2s\n", th->dsi.cell_coverage); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tNo. of channels : %d\n", opts->nchan); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tGamma correction : %f\n", opts->gamma); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tMinimum map value : %d\n", opts->minVal); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tMaximum map value : %d\n", opts->maxVal); OUT; sprintf (str, "\tHost byte order : %s\n", isIntel ()? strIntel: strMotorola); OUT; Tcl_Flush (outChan); } #undef OUT static Boln readHeader (tkimg_MFile *handle, DTEDHEADER *th) { if (sizeof (DTEDHEADER) != tkimg_Read (handle, (char *)th, sizeof(DTEDHEADER))) { return FALSE; } if (strncmp ((char *)th->uhl.uhl_tag, "UHL", 3) != 0) { return FALSE; } /* OPA: More tests to follow. */ return TRUE; } #if 0 /* unused */ static Boln writeHeader (tkimg_MFile *handle, DTEDHEADER *th) { return TRUE; } #endif /* unused */ #if 0 /* unused */ static void initHeader (DTEDHEADER *th) { th->uhl.uhl_tag[0] = 'U'; th->uhl.uhl_tag[1] = 'H'; th->uhl.uhl_tag[2] = 'L'; /* OPA: More to follow for DTED writing */ return; } #endif /* unused */ static Boln readDtedColumn (tkimg_MFile *handle, Short *pixels, Int nRows, Int nCols, Int curCol, char *buf, Boln hostIsIntel) { Int i, nBytes; Short *mPtr; char *bufPtr = buf; Short meridian, parallel; Int block_count; UByte *cp; Int checksum, checksum1 = 0; /* Read data column header. */ if (!readInt (handle, &block_count) || !readShort (handle, &meridian) || !readShort (handle, ¶llel)) { printf ("Error reading column header\n"); return FALSE; } /* Calculate checksum, part 1 */ cp = (UByte *) &block_count; checksum1 += cp[0] + cp[1] + cp[2] + cp[3]; cp = (UByte *) &meridian; checksum1 += cp[0] + cp[1]; cp = (UByte *) ∥ checksum1 += cp[0] + cp[1]; if (hostIsIntel) { block_count = block_count & 0x00ffffff; } else { block_count = (block_count & 0xffffff00) >> 8; } /* Read the elevation data into the supplied column buffer "buf". */ nBytes = sizeof (Short) * nRows; if (nBytes != tkimg_Read (handle, buf, nBytes)) { printf ("Error reading elevation data\n"); return FALSE; } /* Copy (and swap bytes, if needed) from the column buffer into the pixel array (shorts) . */ if (hostIsIntel) { for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) { mPtr = pixels + (i * nCols) + curCol; ((char *)mPtr)[0] = bufPtr[1]; ((char *)mPtr)[1] = bufPtr[0]; bufPtr += sizeof (Short); } } else { for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) { mPtr = pixels + (i * nCols) + curCol; ((char *)mPtr)[0] = bufPtr[0]; ((char *)mPtr)[1] = bufPtr[1]; bufPtr += sizeof (Short); } } /* Read the checksum */ if (!readInt (handle, &checksum)) { printf ("Error reading checksum\n"); return FALSE; } /* Calculate checksum, part 2. OPA TODO Incorrect */ cp = (UByte *) pixels; for (i=0; i<nRows*2; i++, cp++) { checksum1 += *cp; } if (checksum != checksum1) { /* printf ("DTED Checksum Error (%d vs. %d).\n", checksum, checksum1); */ /* return FALSE; */ } return TRUE; } static Boln readDtedFile (tkimg_MFile *handle, Short *buf, Int width, Int height, Int nchan, Boln hostIsIntel, Boln verbose, Short minVals[], Short maxVals[]) { Int x, y, c; Short *bufPtr = buf; char *colBuf; #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("readDtedFile: Width=%d Height=%d nchan=%d hostIsIntel=%s\n", width, height, nchan, hostIsIntel? "yes": "no"); #endif for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { minVals[c] = MAX_SHORT; maxVals[c] = MIN_SHORT; } colBuf = ckalloc (sizeof (Short) * nchan * height); /* Read the elevation data column by column. */ for (x=0; x<width; x++) { if (!readDtedColumn (handle, buf, height, width, x, colBuf, hostIsIntel)) { return FALSE; } } /* Loop through the elevation data and find minimum and maximum values. Ignore elevation values equal to -32767, because these indicate, no elevation data available. See also function remapShortValues. Note: We extend the range of undefined elevations to all values smaller than ELEV_UNDEFINED, because of DTED files not fully compliant to the specification. */ bufPtr = buf; for (x=0; x<width; x++) { for (y=0; y<height; y++) { for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { if ( *bufPtr >= ELEV_UNDEFINED ) { if (*bufPtr > maxVals[c]) maxVals[c] = *bufPtr; if (*bufPtr < minVals[c]) minVals[c] = *bufPtr; } bufPtr++; } } } if (verbose) { printf ("\tMinimum pixel values :"); for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { printf (" %d", minVals[c]); } printf ("\n"); printf ("\tMaximum pixel values :"); for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { printf (" %d", maxVals[c]); } printf ("\n"); fflush (stdout); } ckfree (colBuf); return TRUE; } /* Map the original short values into the range [MIN_SHORT .. MAX_SHORT]. We must take care of values equal to -32767, which indicate that no elevation data is available. So we map this value to the minimum value. See also function readDtedFile. */ static Boln remapShortValues (Short *buf, Int width, Int height, Int nchan, Short minVals[], Short maxVals[]) { Int x, y, c; Int tmpInt; Short tmpShort; Short *bufPtr = buf; Float m[MAXCHANS], t[MAXCHANS]; for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { m[c] = (Float)(MAX_SHORT - MIN_SHORT) / (Float)(maxVals[c] - minVals[c]); t[c] = MIN_SHORT - m[c] * minVals[c]; } for (y=0; y<height; y++) { for (x=0; x<width; x++) { for (c=0; c<nchan; c++) { tmpShort = (*bufPtr >= ELEV_UNDEFINED? *bufPtr: minVals[c]); tmpInt = (Int)(tmpShort * m[c] + t[c] + 0.5); #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("Remap %d --> %d --> %d --> ", *bufPtr, tmpShort, tmpInt); #endif if (tmpInt < MIN_SHORT) { *bufPtr = MIN_SHORT; } else if (tmpInt > MAX_SHORT) { *bufPtr = MAX_SHORT; } else { *bufPtr = tmpInt; } #ifdef DEBUG_LOCAL printf ("%d (%f %f)\n", *bufPtr, m[c], t[c]); #endif bufPtr++; } } } return TRUE; } /* * Here is the start of the standard functions needed for every image format. */ /* * Prototypes for local procedures defined in this file: */ static int ParseFormatOpts(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *format, FMTOPT *opts); static int CommonMatch(Tcl_Interp *interp, tkimg_MFile *handle, Tcl_Obj *format, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, DTEDHEADER *dtedHeaderPtr); static int CommonRead(Tcl_Interp *interp, tkimg_MFile *handle, const char *filename, Tcl_Obj *format, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int srcX, int srcY); static int CommonWrite(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *filename, Tcl_Obj *format, tkimg_MFile *handle, Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr); static int ParseFormatOpts (interp, format, opts) Tcl_Interp *interp; Tcl_Obj *format; FMTOPT *opts; { static const char *const dtedOptions[] = { "-verbose", "-nchan", "-min", "-max", "-gamma", "-nomap", NULL }; int objc, length, i, index; Tcl_Obj **objv; const char *nchanStr, *verboseStr, *minStr, *maxStr, *gammaStr, *nomapStr; /* Initialize format options with default values. */ verboseStr = "0"; nchanStr = "1"; minStr = "0.0"; maxStr = "0.0"; gammaStr = "1.0"; nomapStr = "0"; if (tkimg_ListObjGetElements (interp, format, &objc, &objv) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objc) { for (i=1; i<objc; i++) { if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, objv[i], (CONST84 char *CONST86 *)dtedOptions, "format option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (++i >= objc) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "No value for option \"", Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[--i], (int *) NULL), "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } switch(index) { case 0: verboseStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; case 1: nchanStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; case 2: minStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; case 3: maxStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; case 4: gammaStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; case 5: nomapStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i], (int *) NULL); break; } } } /* OPA TODO: Check for valid integer and float strings. */ opts->nchan = atoi (nchanStr); opts->minVal = atoi (minStr); opts->maxVal = atoi (maxStr); opts->gamma = atof (gammaStr); length = strlen (verboseStr); if (!strncmp (verboseStr, "1", length) || \ !strncmp (verboseStr, "true", length) || \ !strncmp (verboseStr, "on", length)) { opts->verbose = 1; } else if (!strncmp (verboseStr, "0", length) || \ !strncmp (verboseStr, "false", length) || \ !strncmp (verboseStr, "off", length)) { opts->verbose = 0; } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "invalid verbose mode \"", verboseStr, "\": should be 1 or 0, on or off, true or false", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } length = strlen (nomapStr); if (!strncmp (nomapStr, "1", length) || \ !strncmp (nomapStr, "true", length) || \ !strncmp (nomapStr, "on", length)) { opts->nomap = 1; } else if (!strncmp (nomapStr, "0", length) || \ !strncmp (nomapStr, "false", length) || \ !strncmp (nomapStr, "off", length)) { opts->nomap = 0; } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "invalid nomap mode \"", nomapStr, "\": should be 1 or 0, on or off, true or false", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } static int ChnMatch( Tcl_Channel chan, const char *filename, Tcl_Obj *format, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp ) { tkimg_MFile handle; handle.data = (char *) chan; handle.state = IMG_CHAN; return CommonMatch(interp, &handle, format, widthPtr, heightPtr, NULL); } static int ObjMatch( Tcl_Obj *data, Tcl_Obj *format, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp ) { tkimg_MFile handle; tkimg_ReadInit(data, 'U', &handle); return CommonMatch (interp, &handle, format, widthPtr, heightPtr, NULL); } static int CommonMatch (interp, handle, format, widthPtr, heightPtr, dtedHeaderPtr) Tcl_Interp *interp; tkimg_MFile *handle; Tcl_Obj *format; int *widthPtr; int *heightPtr; DTEDHEADER *dtedHeaderPtr; { DTEDHEADER th; FMTOPT opts; Int nRows, nCols; if (ParseFormatOpts (interp, format, &opts) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (!readHeader (handle, &th)) { return 0; } sscanf (th.dsi.rows, "%4d", &nRows); sscanf (th.dsi.cols, "%4d", &nCols); *widthPtr = nCols; *heightPtr = nRows; if (dtedHeaderPtr) *dtedHeaderPtr = th; return 1; } static int ChnRead (interp, chan, filename, format, imageHandle, destX, destY, width, height, srcX, srcY) Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter to use for reporting errors. */ Tcl_Channel chan; /* The image channel, open for reading. */ const char *filename; /* The name of the image file. */ Tcl_Obj *format; /* User-specified format object, or NULL. */ Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle; /* The photo image to write into. */ int destX, destY; /* Coordinates of top-left pixel in * photo image to be written to. */ int width, height; /* Dimensions of block of photo image to * be written to. */ int srcX, srcY; /* Coordinates of top-left pixel to be used * in image being read. */ { tkimg_MFile handle; handle.data = (char *) chan; handle.state = IMG_CHAN; return CommonRead (interp, &handle, filename, format, imageHandle, destX, destY, width, height, srcX, srcY); } static int ObjRead (interp, data, format, imageHandle, destX, destY, width, height, srcX, srcY) Tcl_Interp *interp; Tcl_Obj *data; Tcl_Obj *format; Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle; int destX, destY; int width, height; int srcX, srcY; { tkimg_MFile handle; tkimg_ReadInit (data, 'U', &handle); return CommonRead (interp, &handle, "InlineData", format, imageHandle, destX, destY, width, height, srcX, srcY); } static int CommonRead (interp, handle, filename, format, imageHandle, destX, destY, width, height, srcX, srcY) Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter to use for reporting errors. */ tkimg_MFile *handle; /* The image file, open for reading. */ const char *filename; /* The name of the image file. */ Tcl_Obj *format; /* User-specified format object, or NULL. */ Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle; /* The photo image to write into. */ int destX, destY; /* Coordinates of top-left pixel in * photo image to be written to. */ int width, height; /* Dimensions of block of photo image to * be written to. */ int srcX, srcY; /* Coordinates of top-left pixel to be used * in image being read. */ { Tk_PhotoImageBlock block; Int y, c; Int fileWidth, fileHeight; Short minVals[MAXCHANS], maxVals[MAXCHANS]; int stopY, outY, outWidth, outHeight; DTEDFILE tf; FMTOPT opts; Boln hostIsIntel; Int matte = 0; UByte *pixbufPtr; Short *rawbufPtr; Float gtable[GTABSIZE]; memset (&tf, 0, sizeof (DTEDFILE)); CommonMatch (interp, handle, format, &fileWidth, &fileHeight, &tf.th); if (ParseFormatOpts (interp, format, &opts) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } gtableFloat (opts.gamma, gtable); if (opts.verbose) printImgInfo (&tf.th, &opts, filename, "Reading image:"); if ((srcX + width) > fileWidth) { outWidth = fileWidth - srcX; } else { outWidth = width; } if ((srcY + height) > fileHeight) { outHeight = fileHeight - srcY; } else { outHeight = height; } if ((outWidth <= 0) || (outHeight <= 0) || (srcX >= fileWidth) || (srcY >= fileHeight)) { return TCL_OK; } hostIsIntel = isIntel (); tf.rawbuf = (Short *)ckalloc (fileWidth * fileHeight * opts.nchan * sizeof (Short)); readDtedFile (handle, tf.rawbuf, fileWidth, fileHeight, opts.nchan, hostIsIntel, opts.verbose, minVals, maxVals); if (opts.nomap) { for (c=0; c<opts.nchan; c++) { minVals[c] = 0; maxVals[c] = 255; } } else if (opts.minVal != 0 || opts.maxVal != 0) { for (c=0; c<opts.nchan; c++) { minVals[c] = opts.minVal; maxVals[c] = opts.maxVal; } } remapShortValues (tf.rawbuf, fileWidth, fileHeight, opts.nchan, minVals, maxVals); if (tkimg_PhotoExpand(interp, imageHandle, destX + outWidth, destY + outHeight) == TCL_ERROR) { dtedClose(&tf); return TCL_ERROR; } tf.pixbuf = (UByte *) ckalloc (fileWidth * opts.nchan); block.pixelSize = opts.nchan; block.pitch = fileWidth * opts.nchan; block.width = outWidth; block.height = 1; block.offset[0] = 0; block.offset[1] = (opts.nchan > 1? 1: 0); block.offset[2] = (opts.nchan > 1? 2: 0); block.offset[3] = (opts.nchan == 4 && matte? 3: 0); block.pixelPtr = tf.pixbuf + srcX * opts.nchan; stopY = srcY + outHeight; outY = destY; for (y=0; y<stopY; y++) { pixbufPtr = tf.pixbuf; rawbufPtr = tf.rawbuf + (fileHeight - 1 - y) * fileWidth * opts.nchan; gammaShortUByte (fileWidth * opts.nchan, rawbufPtr, opts.gamma != 1.0? gtable: NULL, pixbufPtr); rawbufPtr += fileWidth * opts.nchan; if (y >= srcY) { if (tkimg_PhotoPutBlock(interp, imageHandle, &block, destX, outY, width, 1, TK_PHOTO_COMPOSITE_OVERLAY) == TCL_ERROR) { dtedClose(&tf); return TCL_ERROR; } outY++; } } dtedClose(&tf); return TCL_OK; } static int ChnWrite (interp, filename, format, blockPtr) Tcl_Interp *interp; const char *filename; Tcl_Obj *format; Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr; { Tcl_Channel chan; tkimg_MFile handle; int result; chan = tkimg_OpenFileChannel (interp, filename, 0644); if (!chan) { return TCL_ERROR; } handle.data = (char *) chan; handle.state = IMG_CHAN; result = CommonWrite (interp, filename, format, &handle, blockPtr); if (Tcl_Close(interp, chan) == TCL_ERROR) { return TCL_ERROR; } return result; } static int StringWrite( Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *format, Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr ) { tkimg_MFile handle; int result; Tcl_DString data; Tcl_DStringInit(&data); tkimg_WriteInit (&data, &handle); result = CommonWrite (interp, "InlineData", format, &handle, blockPtr); tkimg_Putc(IMG_DONE, &handle); if (result == TCL_OK) { Tcl_DStringResult(interp, &data); } else { Tcl_DStringFree(&data); } return result; } static int CommonWrite (interp, filename, format, handle, blockPtr) Tcl_Interp *interp; const char *filename; Tcl_Obj *format; tkimg_MFile *handle; Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr; { return TCL_OK; }