Wrapping the jpeg support library for tcl is a bit more complicated than libz, or libpng. (1) libjpeg comes with its own configure command, and there is no configure.in. This means that it is not possible to lift the relevant sections out of it for the configure of the binding. Instead the binding run the configure of libjpeg (AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS) from its own configure and uses the resulting header file (jconfig.h) as usual. A quirk is that the tcl binding is a subdirectory of libjpeg, but to be able to perform the previous operation its has to be the other way around (AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS is unable to handle '..' correctly). To facility this I placed a symbolic link into the directory of the binding, refering to the parent under the name libjpeg. (2) A second trouble spot is described in the file 'DANGER'.