# This file is a Tcl script to test out GIF reading and writing. # It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests. # if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} { source defs } set gifdata \ {R0lGODlhEAAMAJEAANnZ2QAAAPD/gP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQAAwAAAIghINhyycvVFsB QtmS3rjaH1Hg141WaT5ouprt2HHcUgAAOw==} test gif-1.1 {} { catch {image delete i} image create photo i -file folder.gif } i test gif-1.2 {} { catch {image delete i} image create photo i -data $gifdata i data -format gif } $gifdata test gif-1.3 {} { catch {image delete i} image create photo i i put $gifdata i data -format gif } $gifdata test gif-1.4 {} { i blank i put $gifdata -format gif i data -format gif } $gifdata test gif-2.0 {Binary I/O with GIF images} { i blank set f [open folder.gif r] fconfigure $f -translation binary set return [catch {i put [read $f]} msg] close $f lappend return $msg } {0 {}}