// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include "colorbar.h" #include "util.h" #include "ps.h" #include "lut.h" #include "sao.h" #include "default.h" Colorbar::Colorbar(Tcl_Interp* i, Tk_Canvas c, Tk_Item* item) : ColorbarBase(i,c,item) { bias = .5; contrast = 1.0; tag =NULL; tagaction =NONE; taginit =0; } Colorbar::~Colorbar() { } int Colorbar::calcContrastBias(int i) { // if default (contrast = 1.0 && bias = .5) return if (fabs(bias - 0.5) < 0.0001 && fabs(contrast - 1.0) < 0.0001) return i; // map i to range of 0 to 1.0 // shift by bias (if invert, bias = 1-bias) // multiply by contrast // shift to center of region // expand back to number of dynamic colors float b = invert ? 1-bias : bias; int r = (int)(((((float)i / colorCount) - b) * contrast + .5 ) * colorCount); // clip to bounds if out of range if (r < 0) return 0; else if (r >= colorCount) return colorCount-1; else return r; } void Colorbar::loadDefaultCMaps() { cmaps.append(new GreyColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new RedColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new GreenColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new BlueColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new AColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new BColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new BBColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new HEColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new I8ColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new AIPSColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new SLSColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new HSVColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new HeatColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new CoolColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new RainbowColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new StandardColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new StaircaseColorMap(this)); cmaps.append(new ColorColorMap(this)); cmaps.head(); } ColorMapInfo* Colorbar::newColorMap(const char* fn, const char* type) { // determine colormap type char* tmp = dupstr(fn); // tmp memory, we will mangle it char* ptr = tmp; while (*ptr++); // walk forward till end of string ptr--; // backup one while (ptr != tmp && *ptr != '.') // march backward looking for '.' ptr--; if (ptr != tmp) { // are we at '.' or start of string *ptr = '\0'; // mark end of string at '.' ptr++; } // Create ColorMap ColorMapInfo* map = NULL; // if type specified, use it, otherwise, use file extension if (type) ptr = (char*)type; if (strncmp(ptr, "lut", 3) == 0) map = new LUTColorMap(this); else map = new SAOColorMap(this); // Bail out if we don't have a new ColorMap if (!map) return NULL; // Extract a name from the file name. Any extension has already been removed. ptr = tmp; while (*ptr++); // walk forward till end of string while (ptr != tmp && *ptr != '/') // march backward looking for '/' ptr--; if (ptr != tmp) // see if we found '/' or at begining of string ptr++; map->setName(ptr); map->setFileName(fn); delete [] tmp; // clean up return map; } void Colorbar::psHorz(ostream& str, Filter& filter, int width, int height) { for (int jj=0; jjcolors); if (clrs != colorCount) { colorCount = clrs; if (colorCells) delete [] colorCells; colorCells = new unsigned char[colorCount*3]; } // fill rgb table // note: its filled bgr to match XImage if (cmaps.current()) for(int i=0, j=colorCount-1; igetBlueChar(index, colorCount); colorCells[i*3+1] = cmaps.current()->getGreenChar(index, colorCount); colorCells[i*3+2] = cmaps.current()->getRedChar(index, colorCount); } ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { for (int ii=ctags.current()->start(); iistop(); ii++) { colorCells[ii*3] = ctags.current()->colorBlue(); colorCells[ii*3+1] = ctags.current()->colorGreen(); colorCells[ii*3+2] = ctags.current()->colorRed(); } ctags.next(); } } // Commands void Colorbar::adjustCmd(float c, float b) { contrast = c; bias = b; updateColors(); } void Colorbar::getBiasCmd() { ostringstream str; str << bias << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Colorbar::getColorbarCmd() { if (cmaps.current()) { ostringstream str; str << cmaps.current()->getID() << ' ' << bias << ' ' << contrast << ' ' << invert << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getColormapCmd() { if (cmaps.current()) { ostringstream str; str << cmaps.current()->getID() << ' ' << bias << ' ' << contrast << ' ' << invert << ' ' << (unsigned short*)colorCells << ' ' << colorCount << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getColormapNameCmd(int id) { ColorMapInfo* ptr = cmaps.begin(); while (ptr) { if (ptr->getID() == id) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (char*)ptr->getName(), NULL); return; } ptr = ptr->next(); } // if we got this far, we did not find it, bail out Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " colormap not found.", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getColormapFileNameCmd(int id) { ColorMapInfo* ptr = cmaps.begin(); while (ptr) { if (ptr->getID() == id) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (char*)ptr->getFileName(), NULL); return; } ptr = ptr->next(); } // if we got this far, we did not find it, bail out Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " colormap not found.", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getContrastCmd() { ostringstream str; str << contrast << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Colorbar::getCurrentIDCmd() { if (cmaps.current()) { ostringstream str; str << cmaps.current()->getID() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getCurrentNameCmd() { if (cmaps.current()) Tcl_AppendElement(interp, (char*)cmaps.current()->getName()); else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getCurrentFileNameCmd() { if (cmaps.current()) Tcl_AppendElement(interp, (char*)cmaps.current()->getFileName()); else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::getTagCmd() { ostringstream str; ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { str << ctags.current()->start() << ' ' << ctags.current()->stop() << ' ' << ctags.current()->colorname() << ' '; ctags.next(); } str << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Colorbar::getTagCmd(int xx, int yy) { ColorbarBaseOptions* opts = (ColorbarBaseOptions*)options; int rr,ss; if (!opts->orientation) { rr = xx; ss = float(rr)/opts->width * colorCount; } else { rr = yy; ss = (1-float(rr)/opts->height) * colorCount; } ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { if (ss>ctags.current()->start() && ssstop()) { int startid = float(ctags.current()->start())/colorCount * cnt; int stopid = float(ctags.current()->stop())/colorCount * cnt; if (startid<0) startid = 0; if (startid>=cnt) startid = cnt-1; if (stopid<0) stopid = 0; if (stopid>=cnt) stopid = cnt-1; ostringstream str; str << ctags.current()->id() << ' ' << lut[startid] << ' ' << lut[stopid] << ' ' << ctags.current()->colorname() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); return; } ctags.next(); } } void Colorbar::getRGBChannelCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "red", NULL); } void Colorbar::listIDCmd() { ColorMapInfo* ptr = cmaps.begin(); while (ptr) { ostringstream str; str << ptr->getID() << ends; Tcl_AppendElement(interp, str.str().c_str()); ptr = ptr->next(); } } void Colorbar::listNameCmd() { ColorMapInfo* ptr = cmaps.begin(); while (ptr) { Tcl_AppendElement(interp, (char*)ptr->getName()); ptr = ptr->next(); } } void Colorbar::loadCmd(const char* fn, const char* type) { ColorMapInfo* map = newColorMap(fn, type); if (map && map->load()) { // add new colormap to end of the list cmaps.append(map); reset(); } else { // something has gone wrong, clean up, and bail out delete map; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to load colormap: ", fn, NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; } } void Colorbar::loadCmd(const char* fn, const char* type, const char* var) { ColorMapInfo* map = newColorMap(fn, type); if (map && map->load(var)) { // add new colormap to end of the list cmaps.append(map); reset(); } else { // something has gone wrong, clean up, and bail out delete map; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to load colormap: ", fn, NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; } } void Colorbar::mapCmd(char* which) { char* a = toLower(which); cmaps.head(); do { char* b = toLower(cmaps.current()->getName()); if (!strcmp(a,b)) { reset(); delete [] a; delete [] b; return; } delete [] b; } while (cmaps.next()); // if we got this far, we did not find it, bail out cmaps.head(); delete [] a; result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::mapCmd(int id) { cmaps.head(); do { if (cmaps.current()->getID() == id) { reset(); return; } } while (cmaps.next()); // if we got this far, we did not find it, bail out cmaps.head(); result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::saveCmd(const char* fn) { cmaps.current()->save(fn); } void Colorbar::saveCmd(int id, const char* fn) { ColorMapInfo* ptr = cmaps.begin(); while (ptr) { if (ptr->getID() == id) { ptr->save(fn); return; } ptr = ptr->next(); } result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::setColorbarCmd(int id, float b, float c, int i) { cmaps.head(); while (cmaps.current()) { if (cmaps.current()->getID() == id) { bias = b; contrast = c; invert = i; updateColors(); return; } cmaps.next(); } // if we got this far, we did not find it, bail out cmaps.head(); result = TCL_ERROR; } void Colorbar::tagCmd(const char* txt) { ctags.deleteAll(); istringstream str(txt); while (!str.eof()) { int aa =0; int bb =0; char color[32]; *color ='\0'; str >> aa >> bb >> color; if (aa && bb && *color) ctags.append(new ColorTag(this,aa,bb,color)); } updateColors(); } void Colorbar::tagCmd(int id, const Vector& v, const char* color) { Vector vv = v; int mm=0; int nn=0; ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { if (ctags.current()->id() == id) { // special case if (vv[0]>lut[cnt-1] && vv[1]>lut[cnt-1]) return; else if (vv[0]=0; ii--) if (vv[1]>lut[ii]) { nn=ii; break; } Vector rr = Vector(mm,nn)/cnt*colorCount; ctags.current()->set(rr[0],rr[1],color); updateColors(); return; } ctags.next(); } } void Colorbar::tagDeleteCmd() { ctags.deleteAll(); updateColors(); } void Colorbar::tagDeleteCmd(int xx, int yy) { ColorbarBaseOptions* opts = (ColorbarBaseOptions*)options; int rr,ss; if (!opts->orientation) { rr = xx; ss = float(rr)/opts->width * colorCount; } else { rr = yy; ss = (1-float(rr)/opts->height) * colorCount; } ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { if (ss>ctags.current()->start() && ssstop()) { ColorTag* ct = ctags.extract(); if (ct) delete ct; updateColors(); return; } ctags.next(); } } void Colorbar::tagEditBeginCmd(int xx, int yy, const char* color) { ColorbarBaseOptions* opts = (ColorbarBaseOptions*)options; tag= NULL; tagaction =NONE; taginit =0; int rr,ss; if (!opts->orientation) { rr = xx; ss = float(rr)/opts->width * colorCount; } else { rr = yy; ss = (1-float(rr)/opts->height) * colorCount; } ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { int start = ctags.current()->start(); int stop = ctags.current()->stop(); if (ss>start && ssstop-10 && ssstart && ssorientation) { rr = xx; ss = float(rr)/opts->width * colorCount; tt = float(taginit)/opts->width *colorCount; } else { rr = yy; ss = (1-float(rr)/opts->height) * colorCount; tt = (1-float(taginit)/opts->height) *colorCount; } switch (tagaction) { case NONE: break; case CREATE: tagaction =STOP; tag->move(0,ss-tt); break; case START: tag->move(ss-tt,0); break; case STOP: tag->move(0,ss-tt); break; case MOVE: tag->move(ss-tt,ss-tt); break; } taginit = rr; updateColors(); } } void Colorbar::tagEditEndCmd(int xx, int yy) { if (tag) { switch (tagaction) { case NONE: break; case CREATE: tag->width(100); break; case START: break; case STOP: break; case MOVE: break; } updateColors(); } } void Colorbar::tagLoadCmd(const char* fn) { ifstream str(fn); if (str) { ctags.deleteAll(); while (!str.eof()) { int mm=0; int nn=0; double aa =0; double bb =0; char color[32]; *color ='\0'; str >> aa >> bb >> color; if (aa && bb && *color) { // special case if (aa>lut[cnt-1] && bb>lut[cnt-1]) continue; else if (aa=0; ii--) if (bb>lut[ii]) { nn=ii; break; } Vector rr = Vector(mm,nn)/cnt*colorCount; ctags.append(new ColorTag(this,rr[0],rr[1],color)); } } updateColors(); } } void Colorbar::tagSaveCmd(const char* fn) { ofstream str(fn); if (str) { ctags.head(); while (ctags.current()) { int startid = float(ctags.current()->start())/colorCount * cnt; int stopid = float(ctags.current()->stop())/colorCount * cnt; if (startid<0) startid = 0; if (startid>=cnt) startid = cnt-1; if (stopid<0) stopid = 0; if (stopid>=cnt) stopid = cnt-1; str << lut[startid] << ' ' << lut[stopid] << ' ' << ctags.current()->colorname() << endl; ctags.next(); } } } #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK void Colorbar::macosx(float scale, int width, int height, const Vector& v, const Vector& s) { if (!colorCells) return; // destination unsigned char* dst = new unsigned char[width*height*4]; unsigned char* dptr = dst; if (!((ColorbarBaseOptions*)options)->orientation) { for (int jj=0; jjorientation) { for (int jj=0; jj