// Copyright (C) 1999-2017 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" %pure-parser %parse-param {SAOColorMap* cm} %lex-param {liFlexLexer* ll} %parse-param {liFlexLexer* ll} %{ #define YYDEBUG 1 #define DISCARD_(x) {yyclearin; liDiscard(x);} #include #include #include "sao.h" #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer liFlexLexer #include extern int lilex(void*, liFlexLexer*); extern void lierror(SAOColorMap*, liFlexLexer*, const char*); extern void liDiscard(int); %} %union { #define SAOBUFSIZE 4096 char str[SAOBUFSIZE]; int integer; float real; } %type numeric %token REAL %token INT %token STRING %token EOF_ %token BLUE_ %token DEBUG_ %token GAMMA_ %token GREEN_ %token FALSE_ %token NO_ %token OFF_ %token ON_ %token PSEUDOCOLOR_ %token RED_ %token TRUE_ %token YES_ %% commands: commands command terminator | command terminator ; command : DEBUG_ debug | color | PSEUDOCOLOR_ | '#' {DISCARD_(1)} STRING | lis ; color : RED_ ':' gamma {cm->setChannel(SAOColorMap::RED);} | GREEN_ ':' gamma {cm->setChannel(SAOColorMap::GREEN);} | BLUE_ ':' gamma {cm->setChannel(SAOColorMap::BLUE);} ; gamma : /* empty */ | GAMMA_ numeric ; lis : lis li | li ; li : '(' numeric ',' numeric ')' {cm->newLIColor($2,$4);} ; terminator: '\n' | ';' | EOF_ {YYACCEPT;} ; numeric : REAL {$$=$1;} | INT {$$=$1;} ; debug : ON_ {yydebug=1;} | OFF_ {yydebug=0;} ; %%