// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "hdu.h" #include "head.h" FitsHDU::FitsHDU(FitsHead* head) { extname_ = head->getString("EXTNAME"); // trim any spaces at end if (extname_) { for (int ii=strlen(extname_)-1; ii>=0; ii--) { if (extname_[ii] == ' ') extname_[ii] = '\0'; else break; } } extver_ = head->getInteger("EXTVER", 0); bitpix_ = head->getInteger("BITPIX", 0); naxes_ = head->getInteger("NAXIS", 0); if (naxes_>FTY_MAXAXES) naxes_ = FTY_MAXAXES; // init naxis_ for(int i=0; igetInteger(keycat("NAXIS",(i+1)), 0); // special case: 1D image if (naxis_[0]>0 && naxis_[1]==0) naxis_[1] = 1; realbytes_ = 0; heapbytes_ = head->getInteger("PCOUNT",0); allbytes_ = 0; padbytes_ = 0; databytes_ = 0; datablocks_ = 0; } FitsHDU::~FitsHDU() { if (extname_) delete [] extname_; } char* FitsHDU::keycat(const char* name, int i) { ostringstream str; str << name << i << ends; memcpy(keybuf,str.str().c_str(),str.str().length()); return keybuf; } void FitsHDU::updateCards(FitsHead* head) { head->setInteger("BITPIX", bitpix_, NULL); head->setInteger("NAXIS", naxes_, NULL); for (int i=1; i<=naxes_; i++) head->setInteger(keycat("NAXIS", i), naxis_[i-1], NULL); } // FitsImageHDU FitsImageHDU::FitsImageHDU(FitsHead* head) : FitsHDU(head) { size_t imgpixels = (size_t)naxis_[0]*naxis_[1]; imgbytes_ = imgpixels * (abs(bitpix_)/8); size_t realpixels; if (naxes_>0) { realpixels = 1; for (int i=0; igetReal("BZERO", 0.0); bscale_ = head->getReal("BSCALE", 1.0); hasblank_ = head->find("BLANK") ? 1:0; blank_ = head->getInteger("BLANK", 0); } void FitsImageHDU::updateCards(FitsHead* head) { FitsHDU::updateCards(head); if (blank_) if (bitpix_ > 0) head->setInteger("BLANK", blank_, NULL); if (bzero_) head->setReal("BZERO", bzero_ , 7, NULL); if (bscale_ != 1) head->setReal("BSCALE", bscale_, 7, NULL); } // FitsTableHDU FitsTableHDU::FitsTableHDU(FitsHead* head) : FitsHDU(head) { tfields_ = head->getInteger("TFIELDS", 0); cols_ = NULL; // number of rows * width of row in bytes realbytes_ = (size_t)naxis_[0]*naxis_[1]; allbytes_ = realbytes_ + heapbytes_; datablocks_ = (allbytes_ + (FTY_BLOCK-1))/FTY_BLOCK; databytes_ = datablocks_ * FTY_BLOCK; padbytes_ = databytes_ - allbytes_; } FitsTableHDU::~FitsTableHDU() { if (cols_) { for (int i=0; ittype() << ' '; str << ends; return dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } FitsColumn* FitsTableHDU::find(const char* name) { char* n = toUpper(name); // trim any spaces char* nn = n; while (*nn) nn++; nn--; while (*nn == ' ') *nn-- = '\0'; for (int i=0; ittype()); // trim any spaces char* tt=t; while (*tt) tt++; tt--; while (*tt == ' ') *tt-- = '\0'; if (!strncmp(n,t,strlen(n)) && strlen(n)==strlen(t)) { delete [] n; delete [] t; return cols_[i]; } delete [] t; } } delete [] n; return NULL; } FitsColumn* FitsTableHDU::find(int i) { if (i>=0 && idimension() : Vector(); } FitsAsciiTableHDU::FitsAsciiTableHDU(FitsHead* head) : FitsTableHDU(head) { cols_ = new FitsColumn*[tfields_]; size_t offset = 0; for (int i=0; igetString(keycat("TFORM",i+1)); char type = 'F'; if (tform) { string x(tform); istringstream str(x); str >> type; } switch (type) { case 'A': cols_[i] = new FitsAsciiColumnStr(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'I': cols_[i] = new FitsAsciiColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'F': cols_[i] = new FitsAsciiColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'E': cols_[i] = new FitsAsciiColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'D': cols_[i] = new FitsAsciiColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; } delete [] tform; if (cols_[i]) offset += cols_[i]->width(); } } FitsBinTableHDU::FitsBinTableHDU(FitsHead* head) : FitsTableHDU(head) { cols_ = new FitsColumn*[tfields_]; int offset =0; for (int i=0; igetString(keycat("TFORM",i+1)); int repeat; char type = 'J'; if (tform) { string x(tform); istringstream str(x); if (isalpha(tform[0])) str >> type; else str >> repeat >> type; } switch (type) { case 'L': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnLogical(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'X': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnBit(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'B': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'I': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'U': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'J': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'V': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'K': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'A': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnStr(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'E': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'D': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnT(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'C': cols_[i] = NULL; internalError("Fitsy++ hdu single precision complex column type not supported"); break; case 'M': cols_[i] = NULL; internalError("Fitsy++ hdu double precision complex column type not supported"); break; case 'P': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnArrayP(head, i+1, offset); break; case 'Q': cols_[i] = new FitsBinColumnArrayQ(head, i+1, offset); break; default: cols_[i] = NULL; internalError("Fitsy++ hdu unknown table column type"); break; } delete [] tform; if (cols_[i]) offset += cols_[i]->width(); } }