// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "rice.h" extern "C" { int fits_rdecomp (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned int array[], int nx, int nblock); int fits_rdecomp_short (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned short array[], int nx, int nblock); int fits_rdecomp_byte (unsigned char *c, int clen, unsigned char array[], int nx, int nblock); } template FitsRicem::FitsRicem(FitsFile* fits) : FitsCompressm(fits) { // rice parameters block_ = 32; bytepix_ = 4; noisebit_ = 4; char name[] = "ZNAME "; char val[] = "ZVAL "; for (int ii=0; ii<9; ii++) { name[5] = '0'+ii; val[4] = '0'+ii; if (fits->find(name)) { char* which = fits->getString(name); if (!strncmp(which,"BLOCK",4)) block_ = fits->getInteger(val,32); else if (!strncmp(which,"BYTEPIX",4)) bytepix_ = fits->getInteger(val,4); else if (!strncmp(which,"NOISEBIT",4)) noisebit_ = fits->getInteger(val,4); delete [] which; } } FitsCompressm::uncompress(fits); } template int FitsRicem::compressed(T* dest, char* sptr, char* heap, int kkstart, int kkstop, int jjstart, int jjstop, int iistart, int iistop) { double zs = FitsCompressm::bscale_; if (FitsCompressm::zscale_) zs = FitsCompressm::zscale_->value(sptr,0); double zz = FitsCompressm::bzero_; if (FitsCompressm::zzero_) zz = FitsCompressm::zzero_->value(sptr,0); int blank = FitsCompressm::blank_; if (FitsCompressm::zblank_) blank = (int)FitsCompressm::zblank_->value(sptr,0); int icnt=0; unsigned char* ibuf = (unsigned char*)((FitsBinColumnArray*)FitsCompressm::compress_)->get(heap, sptr, &icnt); // ibuf can be NULL if (!ibuf || !icnt) return 0; int ocnt = FitsCompressm::tilesize_; int ll=0; switch (bytepix_) { case 1: { char* obuf = new char[ocnt]; if (fits_rdecomp_byte(ibuf, icnt, (unsigned char*)obuf, ocnt, block_)) { internalError("Fitsy++ rice bad inflate result"); return 0; } for (int kk=kkstart; kk::width_*FitsCompressm::height_ + jj*FitsCompressm::width_ + ii; T val = FitsCompressm::getValue(obuf+ll,zs,zz,blank); dest[id] = val; } if (obuf) delete [] obuf; } break; case 2: { short* obuf = new short[ocnt]; if (fits_rdecomp_short(ibuf, icnt, (unsigned short*)obuf, ocnt, block_)) { internalError("Fitsy++ rice bad inflate result"); return 0; } for (int kk=kkstart; kk::width_*FitsCompressm::height_ + jj*FitsCompressm::width_ + ii; T val = FitsCompressm::getValue(obuf+ll,zs,zz,blank); dest[id] = val; } if (obuf) delete [] obuf; } break; case 4: { int* obuf = new int[ocnt]; if (fits_rdecomp(ibuf, icnt, (unsigned int*)obuf, ocnt, block_)) { internalError("Fitsy++ rice bad inflate result"); return 0; } for (int kk=kkstart; kk::width_*FitsCompressm::height_ + jj*FitsCompressm::width_ + ii; T val = FitsCompressm::getValue(obuf+ll,zs,zz,blank); dest[id] = val; } if (obuf) delete [] obuf; } break; } return 1; } template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem; template class FitsRicem;