// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include "fdstream.hpp" #include #include "base.h" #include "context.h" #include "fitsimage.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "outfile.h" #include "outchannel.h" #include "outsocket.h" #include "sigbus.h" void Base::axesOrderCmd(int order) { currentContext->setAxesOrder(order); if (currentContext->fits) { if (!preserveMarkers) { // delete markers userMarkers.deleteAll(); undoUserMarkers.deleteAll(); pasteUserMarkers.deleteAll(); } catalogMarkers.deleteAll(); undoCatalogMarkers.deleteAll(); pasteCatalogMarkers.deleteAll(); currentContext->contourDeleteFV(); currentContext->contourDeleteAux(); // don't clear the grid, we can reconstruct a new grid // if (grid) // delete grid; // grid = NULL; loadDone(1); } } void Base::bgColorCmd(const char* color) { if (bgColorName) delete [] bgColorName; bgColorName = dupstr(color); bgColor = getXColor(bgColorName); update(BASE); } void Base::binCmd(const Vector& b, const Vector& vv, const char* x, const char* y, const char* filter) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(b); currentContext->setBinDepth(1); if (currentContext->fits) { currentContext->fits->setBinX(x); currentContext->fits->setBinY(y); currentContext->fits->setBinFilter(filter); } if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->bin(vv); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binCmd(const Vector& b, const char* x, const char* y, const char* filter) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(b); currentContext->setBinDepth(1); if (currentContext->fits) { currentContext->fits->setBinX(x); currentContext->fits->setBinY(y); currentContext->fits->setBinFilter(filter); } if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCenter(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binCmd(const Vector& b, int d, const Vector& lim, const Vector& vv, const char* x, const char* y, const char* z, const char* filter) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(b); currentContext->setBinDepth(d); if (currentContext->fits) { currentContext->fits->setBinX(x); currentContext->fits->setBinY(y); currentContext->fits->setBinZ(z); currentContext->fits->setBinFilter(filter); currentContext->fits->setBinColMinMax(z,lim); } if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->bin(vv); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binCmd(const Vector& b, int d, const Vector& lim, const char* x, const char* y, const char* z, const char* filter) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(b); currentContext->setBinDepth(d); if (currentContext->fits) { currentContext->fits->setBinX(x); currentContext->fits->setBinY(y); currentContext->fits->setBinZ(z); currentContext->fits->setBinFilter(filter); currentContext->fits->setBinColMinMax(z,lim); } if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCenter(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binAboutCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCenter(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binAboutCmd(const Vector& vv) { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->bin(vv); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binBufferSizeCmd(int size) { currentContext->setBinBufferSize(size); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binColsCmd(const char* x, const char* y, const char* z) { if (currentContext->fits) { currentContext->fits->setBinX(x); currentContext->fits->setBinY(y); currentContext->fits->setBinZ(z); } if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binDepthCmd(int d) { currentContext->setBinDepth(d); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFactorCmd(const Vector& bb) { currentContext->setBinFactor(bb); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFactorAboutCmd(const Vector& bb, const Vector& vv) { currentContext->setBinFactor(bb); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->bin(vv); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFactorToCmd(const Vector& bb) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(bb); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFactorToAboutCmd(const Vector& bb, const Vector& vv) { currentContext->setBinToFactor(bb); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->bin(vv); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFunctionCmd(FitsHist::Function func) { currentContext->setBinFunction(func); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::binFilterCmd(const char* filter) { if (currentContext->fits) currentContext->fits->setBinFilter(filter); if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { Matrix mm = currentContext->binCursor(); updateBin(mm); } } void Base::blockCmd(const Vector& bb) { Vector vv = currentContext->setBlockFactor(bb); currentContext->block(); currentContext->analysis(); updateBlock(vv); } void Base::blockToCmd(const Vector& bb) { Vector vv = currentContext->setBlockToFactor(bb); currentContext->block(); currentContext->analysis(); updateBlock(vv); } void Base::centerCmd() { centerImage(); update(MATRIX); } void Base::clearCmd() { unloadAllFits(); reset(); } void Base::clipScopeCmd(FrScale::ClipScope ss) { if (currentContext->updateClipScope(ss)) { currentContext->clearHist(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::clipModeCmd(FrScale::ClipMode mm) { if (currentContext->updateClipMode(mm)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::clipModeCmd(float per) { if (currentContext->updateClipMode(per)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::clipUserCmd(double ll, double hh) { if (currentContext->updateUser(ll,hh)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::clipMinMaxCmd(FrScale::MinMaxMode mm, int ss) { if (currentContext->updateMinMax(mm,ss)) { currentContext->clearHist(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } // backward compatibility backup void Base::clipMinMaxModeCmd(FrScale::MinMaxMode mm) { if (currentContext->updateMinMaxMode(mm)) { currentContext->clearHist(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } // backward compatibility backup void Base::clipMinMaxSampleCmd(int ss) { if (currentContext->updateMinMaxSample(ss)) { currentContext->clearHist(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::clipZScaleCmd(float cc, int ss, int ll) { if (currentContext->updateZscale(cc,ss,ll)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } // backward compatibility backup void Base::clipZScaleContrastCmd(float cc) { if (currentContext->updateZscaleContrast(cc)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } // backward compatibility backup void Base::clipZScaleSampleCmd(int ss) { if (currentContext->updateZscaleSample(ss)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } // backward compatibility backup void Base::clipZScaleLineCmd(int ll) { if (currentContext->updateZscaleLine(ll)) { currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::colorbarTagCmd(const char* str) { if (colorbartag) delete [] colorbartag; colorbartag = dupstr(str); } void Base::cropCmd() { currentContext->resetSecMode(); FitsImage* sptr = currentContext->fits; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } // used for Backup void Base::cropCmd(const Vector& aa, const Vector& bb, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { // params in DATA coords 0-n FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; Vector ss = ptr->mapToRef(aa,sys,sky); Vector tt = ptr->mapToRef(bb,sys,sky); currentContext->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); FitsImage* sptr = ptr; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(ss*sptr->refToData, tt*sptr->refToData, currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } void Base::cropCenterCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, const Vector& wh, Coord::CoordSystem dsys, Coord::DistFormat dist) { // params in DATA coords 0-n FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; Vector cc = ptr->mapToRef(vv,sys,sky)*ptr->refToData; Vector dd = ptr->mapLenToRef(wh,dsys,dist)*ptr->refToData; Vector ll = (cc-dd/2).round(); Vector ur = (cc+dd/2).round(); currentContext->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); FitsImage* sptr = ptr; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(ll,ur,currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } void Base::cropBeginCmd(const Vector& vv) { cropBegin = vv; cropEnd = vv; } void Base::cropMotionCmd(const Vector& vv) { Vector ss = mapToRef(cropBegin, Coord::CANVAS); // erase if (cropBegin[0]!=cropEnd[0] || cropBegin[1]!=cropEnd[1]) { Vector tt = mapToRef(cropEnd, Coord::CANVAS); Vector ll = mapFromRef(ss, Coord::CANVAS); Vector lr = mapFromRef(Vector(tt[0],ss[1]), Coord::CANVAS); Vector ur = mapFromRef(tt, Coord::CANVAS); Vector ul = mapFromRef(Vector(ss[0],tt[1]), Coord::CANVAS); BBox bb(ll); bb.bound(lr); bb.bound(ur); bb.bound(ul); redrawNow(bb.expand(2)); } cropEnd = vv; // and draw to window { Vector tt = mapToRef(cropEnd, Coord::CANVAS); Vector ll = mapFromRef(ss, Coord::WINDOW); Vector lr = mapFromRef(Vector(tt[0],ss[1]), Coord::WINDOW); Vector ur = mapFromRef(tt, Coord::WINDOW); Vector ul = mapFromRef(Vector(ss[0],tt[1]), Coord::WINDOW); XDrawLine(display,Tk_WindowId(tkwin),selectGCXOR,ll[0],ll[1],lr[0],lr[1]); XDrawLine(display,Tk_WindowId(tkwin),selectGCXOR,lr[0],lr[1],ur[0],ur[1]); XDrawLine(display,Tk_WindowId(tkwin),selectGCXOR,ur[0],ur[1],ul[0],ul[1]); XDrawLine(display,Tk_WindowId(tkwin),selectGCXOR,ul[0],ul[1],ll[0],ll[1]); } } void Base::cropEndCmd(const Vector& vv) { Vector ss = mapToRef(cropBegin, Coord::CANVAS); // erase if (cropBegin[0]!=cropEnd[0] || cropBegin[1]!=cropEnd[1]) { Vector tt = mapToRef(cropEnd, Coord::CANVAS); Vector ll = mapFromRef(ss, Coord::CANVAS); Vector lr = mapFromRef(Vector(tt[0],ss[1]), Coord::CANVAS); Vector ur = mapFromRef(tt, Coord::CANVAS); Vector ul = mapFromRef(Vector(ss[0],tt[1]), Coord::CANVAS); BBox bb(ll); bb.bound(lr); bb.bound(ur); bb.bound(ul); redrawNow(bb.expand(2)); } // and crop cropEnd = vv; if (cropBegin[0]!=cropEnd[0] || cropBegin[1]!=cropEnd[1]) { Vector tt = mapToRef(cropEnd, Coord::CANVAS); if (!isMosaic()) { currentContext->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); FitsImage* sptr = currentContext->fits; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(ss*sptr->refToData, tt*sptr->refToData, currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } } else { FitsImage* ptr1 =NULL; FitsImage* ptr2 =NULL; if ((ptr1=isInFits(cropBegin,Coord::CANVAS,NULL)) == (ptr2=isInFits(cropEnd,Coord::CANVAS,NULL))) { currentContext->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); // clear any previous params FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; while (ptr) { FitsImage* sptr = ptr; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } ptr = ptr->nextMosaic(); } } FitsImage* sptr = ptr1; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(ss*sptr->refToData, tt*sptr->refToData, currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } } } else { currentContext->resetSecMode(); currentContext->setCrop3dParams(); FitsImage* sptr = currentContext->fits; while (sptr) { sptr->setCropParams(currentContext->datasec()); sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } } currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } void Base::crop3dCmd() { currentContext->resetSecMode(); currentContext->setCrop3dParams(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } void Base::crop3dCmd(double z0, double z1, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { // params in DATA coords 0-n // use first slice FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; // center in IMAGE Vector3d cc = Vector3d(ptr->center(),1) * Translate3d(-.5,-.5,-.5); Vector3d wcc = ptr->mapFromRef(cc,sys,sky); Vector3d min = ptr->mapToRef(Vector3d(wcc[0],wcc[1],z0),sys,sky); Vector3d max = ptr->mapToRef(Vector3d(wcc[0],wcc[1],z1),sys,sky); // extend to edge from center currentContext->setCrop3dParams(min[2]-.5,max[2]+.5); // set current slice if needed // setSlice() IMAGE (ranges 1-n) // context->slice() IMAGE (ranges 1-n) double sl = currentContext->slice(2)-.5; if (slmax[2]) setSlice(2,max[2]+.5); currentContext->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); updateMarkerCBs(&userMarkers); updateMarkerCBs(&catalogMarkers); } void Base::crosshairCmd(int which) { useCrosshair = which ? 1 : 0; update(PIXMAP); } void Base::crosshairCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem sys) { useCrosshair = 1; crosshair = mapToRef(vv, sys); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::crosshairCmd(const Vector& v, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { useCrosshair = 1; if (currentContext->cfits) crosshair = currentContext->cfits->mapToRef(v, sys, sky); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::crosshairWarpCmd(const Vector& vv) { useCrosshair = 1; // use matrix, not map() for 3d Vector rr = crosshair*refToCanvas; rr += vv; crosshair = rr*canvasToRef; update(PIXMAP); updateMagnifier(); } void Base::colorScaleCmd(FrScale::ColorScaleType s) { if (currentContext->colorScaleType() != s) { currentContext->setColorScaleType(s); updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::colorScaleLogCmd(double exp) { if (currentContext->updateExpo(exp)) { updateColorScale(); update(BASE); } } void Base::contourCreateCmd(const char* color, int width, int dash, FVContour::Method method, int numlevel, int smooth, FrScale::ColorScaleType colorScaleType, float expo, FrScale::ClipMode clipMode, float autocut, FrScale::ClipScope clipScope, double low, double high, const char* level) { if (DebugPerf) cerr << "Base::contourCreate()" << endl; currentContext->contourCreateFV(color, width, dash, method, numlevel, smooth, colorScaleType, expo, clipMode, autocut, clipScope, low, high, level); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourDeleteCmd() { currentContext->contourDeleteFV(); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourDeleteAuxCmd() { currentContext->contourDeleteAux(); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourLoadCmd(const char* fn) { ifstream str(fn); if (str) currentContext->contourLoadAux(str); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourLoadCmd(const char* fn, const char* color, int width, int dash) { ifstream str(fn); if (str) currentContext->contourLoadAux(str, color, width, dash); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourLoadCmd(const char* fn, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, const char* color, int width, int dash) { ifstream str(fn); if (str) currentContext->contourLoadAux(str, sys, sky, color, width, dash); update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourPasteCmd(const char* var) { const char* ccmd = Tcl_GetVar(interp, var, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); if (!ccmd) { result = TCL_ERROR; return; } // only make command string as long as needed // or the rest will be processed as garbage int len = strlen(ccmd)+2; char* buf = new char[len]; memcpy(buf, ccmd, len); // add terminator to make parser happy buf[len-2] = '\n'; buf[len-1] = '\0'; string x(buf); istringstream str(x); if (str) currentContext->contourLoadAux(str); delete [] buf; update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourPasteCmd(const char* var, const char* color, int width, int dash) { const char* ccmd = Tcl_GetVar(interp, var, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); if (!ccmd) { result = TCL_ERROR; return; } // only make command string as long as needed // or the rest will be processed as garbage int len = strlen(ccmd)+2; char* buf = new char[len]; memcpy(buf, ccmd, len); // add terminator to make parser happy buf[len-2] = '\n'; buf[len-1] = '\0'; string x(buf); istringstream str(x); if (str) currentContext->contourLoadAux(str, color, width, dash); delete [] buf; update(PIXMAP); } void Base::contourSaveCmd(const char* fn, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { ofstream str(fn); if (str) currentContext->contourListFV(str, sys, sky); } void Base::contourSaveAuxCmd(const char* fn, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { ofstream str(fn); if (str) currentContext->contourListAux(str, sys, sky); } void Base::DATASECCmd(int which) { if (currentContext->updateDataSec(which)) { currentContext->resetSecMode(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); } } void Base::fitsyHasExtCmd(const char* fn) { // verify that we have an ext specified if (fn && (fn[strlen(fn)-1] != ']')) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); return; } FitsFile* ext = new FitsFitsMMap(fn, FitsFile::EXACT); if (ext->isValid()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); delete ext; return; } void Base::getAxesOrderCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->axesOrder()); } void Base::getBgColorCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bgColorName, NULL); } void Base::getBinCursorCmd() { if (currentContext->fits) { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fits->getHistCursor() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getBinColsCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { if (currentContext->binDepth()>1) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fits->getHistX(), " ", currentContext->fits->getHistY(), " ", currentContext->fits->getHistZ(), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fits->getHistX(), " ", currentContext->fits->getHistY(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getBinColsMinMaxCmd(const char* col) { if (currentContext->fits && col && *col) { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fits->getHistColMinMax(col) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } } void Base::getBinColsDimCmd(const char* col) { if (currentContext->fits && col && *col) { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fits->getHistColDim(col) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getBinDepthCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->binDepth()); } void Base::getBinFactorCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->binFactor() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getBinFunctionCmd() { switch (currentContext->binFunction()) { case FitsHist::AVERAGE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "average", NULL); return; case FitsHist::SUM: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sum", NULL); return; } } void Base::getBinBufferSizeCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->binBufferSize()); } void Base::getBinFilterCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fits->getHistFilter(), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getBinListCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) { char* cols = currentContext->fits->getHistList(); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, cols, NULL); delete [] cols; } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getBitpixCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits) printInteger(currentContext->cfits->bitpix()); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "32", NULL); } void Base::getBlockCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->blockFactor() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipCmd() { if (DebugPerf) cerr << "getClipCmd()" << endl; ostringstream str; str << currentContext->getClip() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipCmd(float per, FrScale::ClipScope sc) { if (DebugPerf) cerr << "getClipCmd(float, FrScale::ClipScope)" << endl; FrScale::ClipMode cm = (per == 100) ? FrScale::MINMAX : FrScale::AUTOCUT; float ac = per; ostringstream str; str << currentContext->getClip(cm, sc, ac) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipCmd(FrScale::ClipMode cm, FrScale::ClipScope sc) { if (DebugPerf) cerr << "getClipCmd(FrScale::ClipMode, FrScale::ClipScope)" << endl; ostringstream str; str << currentContext->getClip(cm, sc, currentContext->autoCutPer()) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipMinMaxModeCmd() { switch (currentContext->minmaxMode()) { case FrScale::SCAN: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "scan", NULL); return; case FrScale::SAMPLE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sample", NULL); return; case FrScale::DATAMIN: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "datamin", NULL); return; case FrScale::IRAFMIN: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "irafmin", NULL); return; } } void Base::getClipMinMaxSampleCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->minmaxSample()); } void Base::getClipModeCmd() { switch (currentContext->clipMode()) { case FrScale::MINMAX: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "minmax", NULL); break; case FrScale::ZSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "zscale", NULL); break; case FrScale::ZMAX: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "zmax", NULL); break; case FrScale::AUTOCUT: printDouble(currentContext->autoCutPer()); break; case FrScale::USERCLIP: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "user", NULL); break; } } void Base::getClipPreserveCmd() { // backward compatibility // used by backup Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getClipScopeCmd() { switch (currentContext->clipScope()) { case FrScale::GLOBAL: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "global", NULL); break; case FrScale::LOCAL: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "local", NULL); break; } } void Base::getClipUserCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->ulow() << ' ' << currentContext->uhigh() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipZScaleContrastCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->zContrast() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipZScaleSampleCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->zSample() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getClipZScaleLineCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->zLine() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getColorbarTagCmd() { if (colorbartag) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, colorbartag, NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getColorMapLevelCmd(int count) { if (currentContext->cfits) { getColorMapLevelCmd(count, currentContext->cfits->low(), currentContext->cfits->high(), currentContext->colorScaleType(), currentContext->expo()); } else getColorMapLevelCmd(count, currentContext->low(), currentContext->high(), currentContext->colorScaleType(), currentContext->expo()); } void Base::getColorMapLevelCmd(int count, const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref) { if (currentContext->cfits) { if (FitsImage* ptr=isInCFits(vv,ref,NULL)) { getColorMapLevelCmd(count, ptr->low(), ptr->high(), currentContext->colorScaleType(), currentContext->expo()); return; } } getColorMapLevelCmd(count, currentContext->low(), currentContext->high(), currentContext->colorScaleType(), currentContext->expo()); } void Base::getColorMapLevelCmd(int count, double ll, double hh, FrScale::ColorScaleType scaleType, float expo) { if (inverseScale) delete inverseScale; inverseScale = NULL; switch (scaleType) { case FrScale::LINEARSCALE: inverseScale = new LinearInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::LOGSCALE: inverseScale = new LogInverseScale(count, ll, hh, expo); break; case FrScale::POWSCALE: inverseScale = new PowInverseScale(count, ll, hh, expo); break; case FrScale::SQRTSCALE: inverseScale = new SqrtInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE: inverseScale = new SquaredInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::ASINHSCALE: inverseScale = new AsinhInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::SINHSCALE: inverseScale = new SinhInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE: inverseScale = new HistEquInverseScale(count, ll, hh, currentContext->histequ(), HISTEQUSIZE); break; case FrScale::IISSCALE: inverseScale = new IISInverseScale(count, ll, hh, currentContext->fits->iisz()); break; } if (inverseScale) { ostringstream str; str << inverseScale->size() << ' ' << inverseScale->level() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } } void Base::getColorScaleCmd() { switch (currentContext->colorScaleType()) { case FrScale::LINEARSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "linear", NULL); break; case FrScale::LOGSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "log", NULL); break; case FrScale::POWSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "pow", NULL); break; case FrScale::SQRTSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sqrt", NULL); break; case FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "squared", NULL); break; case FrScale::ASINHSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "asinh", NULL); break; case FrScale::SINHSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sinh", NULL); break; case FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "histequ", NULL); break; case FrScale::IISSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "linear", NULL); break; } } void Base::getColorScaleLevelCmd(int count, double ll, double hh, FrScale::ColorScaleType scaleType, float expo) { InverseScale* scale; switch (scaleType) { case FrScale::LINEARSCALE: scale = new LinearInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::LOGSCALE: scale = new LogInverseScale(count, ll, hh, expo); break; case FrScale::POWSCALE: scale = new PowInverseScale(count, ll, hh, expo); break; case FrScale::SQRTSCALE: scale = new SqrtInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE: scale = new SquaredInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::ASINHSCALE: scale = new AsinhInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::SINHSCALE: scale = new SinhInverseScale(count, ll, hh); break; case FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE: scale = new HistEquInverseScale(count, ll, hh, currentContext->histequ(), HISTEQUSIZE); break; case FrScale::IISSCALE: scale = new IISInverseScale(count, ll, hh, currentContext->fits->iisz()); break; } ostringstream str; str << *scale << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); delete scale; } void Base::getColorScaleLogCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->expo() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { ostringstream str; currentContext->contourListFV(str, sys, sky); str << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourMethodCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fvcontour().methodName(), NULL); } void Base::getContourClipCmd() { FrScale* fr = currentContext->fvcontour().frScale(); ostringstream str; str << fr->low() << ' ' << fr->high() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourClipModeCmd() { FrScale* fr = currentContext->fvcontour().frScale(); switch (fr->clipMode()) { case FrScale::MINMAX: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "minmax", NULL); break; case FrScale::ZSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "zscale", NULL); break; case FrScale::ZMAX: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "zmax", NULL); break; case FrScale::AUTOCUT: printDouble(fr->autoCutPer()); break; case FrScale::USERCLIP: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "user", NULL); break; } } void Base::getContourClipScopeCmd() { FrScale* fr = currentContext->fvcontour().frScale(); switch (fr->clipScope()) { case FrScale::GLOBAL: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "global", NULL); break; case FrScale::LOCAL: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "local", NULL); break; } } void Base::getContourColorNameCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fvcontour().colorName(), NULL); } void Base::getContourDashCmd() { if (currentContext->fvcontour().dash()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getContourLevelCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->fvcontour().level(), NULL); } void Base::getContourLineWidthCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fvcontour().lineWidth() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourNumLevelCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fvcontour().numLevel() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourSmoothCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->fvcontour().smooth() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getContourScaleCmd() { FrScale* fr = currentContext->fvcontour().frScale(); switch (fr->colorScaleType()) { case FrScale::LINEARSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "linear", NULL); break; case FrScale::LOGSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "log", NULL); break; case FrScale::POWSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "pow", NULL); break; case FrScale::SQRTSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sqrt", NULL); break; case FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "squared", NULL); break; case FrScale::ASINHSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "asinh", NULL); break; case FrScale::SINHSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "sinh", NULL); break; case FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "histequ", NULL); break; case FrScale::IISSCALE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "linear", NULL); break; } } void Base::getContourScaleLogCmd() { FrScale* fr = currentContext->fvcontour().frScale(); ostringstream str; str << fr->expo() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getCoordCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::CoordSystem out, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { if (FitsImage* ptr=isInCFits(vv,Coord::CANVAS,NULL)) printFromRef(ptr, mapToRef(vv,Coord::CANVAS), out, sky, format); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } // used for Backup void Base::getCropCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; // params in DATA coords 0-n FitsBound* params =ptr->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); Vector ll = Vector(params->xmin,params->ymin); Vector ur = Vector(params->xmax,params->ymax); printFromRef(ptr, ll*ptr->dataToRef, sys, sky, format); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " ", NULL); printFromRef(ptr, ur*ptr->dataToRef, sys, sky, format); } void Base::getCropCenterCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format, Coord::CoordSystem dcoord, Coord::DistFormat dist) { FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; // params in DATA coords 0-n FitsBound* params = ptr->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); Vector ll = Vector(params->xmin,params->ymin); Vector ur = Vector(params->xmax,params->ymax); Vector cc = (ur-ll)/2.+ll; Vector dd = ur-ll; printFromRef(ptr, cc*ptr->dataToRef, sys, sky, format); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " ", NULL); printLenFromRef(ptr, dd*ptr->dataToRef, dcoord, dist); } void Base::getCrop3dCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { // use first slice FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (!ptr) return; // params in DATA coords 0-n FitsZBound* zparams = currentContext->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); // need to move from edge to center of pixel Vector3d rmin = Vector3d(ptr->center(),zparams->zmin) * Translate3d(.5,.5,.5); // need to move from edge to center of pixel Vector3d rmax = Vector3d(ptr->center(),zparams->zmax) * Translate3d(-.5,-.5,-.5); Vector3d min = ptr->mapFromRef(rmin,sys,sky); Vector3d max = ptr->mapFromRef(rmax,sys,sky); ostringstream str; str << min[2] << ' ' << max[2] << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getCrosshairCmd(Coord::InternalSystem sys) { ostringstream str; str << mapFromRef(crosshair, sys) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getCrosshairCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { if (currentContext->cfits) printFromRef(currentContext->cfits, crosshair, sys, sky, format); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getCrosshairStatusCmd() { if (useCrosshair) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getDATASECCmd() { if (currentContext->datasec()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getDataValuesCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref, const Vector& ss) { Vector rr; FitsImage* ptr = isInCFits(vv, ref, &rr); if (!ptr) return; Vector ll = rr - Vector((((Vector&)ss)[0]-1)/2,(((Vector&)ss)[1]-1)/2); SETSIGBUS for (int jj=0; jj<((Vector&)ss)[1]; jj++) { for (int ii=0; ii<((Vector&)ss)[0]; ii++) { Vector dd = (ll+Vector(ii,jj)) * ptr->refToData; FitsBound* params = ptr->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); if (dd[0]>=params->xmin && dd[0]xmax && dd[1]>=params->ymin && dd[1]ymax) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (char*)ptr->getValue(dd), " ", NULL); } } CLEARSIGBUS } void Base::getDataValuesCmd(int which, const Vector& vv, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, const Vector& dd, char* var) { // clear an previous values Tcl_UnsetVar(interp,var,0); // find anchor point FitsImage* base = currentContext->cfits; for (int ii=1; iinextMosaic(); if (!base) { Tcl_SetVar(interp,var,"",0); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } Vector ll = base->mapLenToRef(dd,sys,Coord::DEGREE); Vector bb = base->mapToRef(vv,sys,sky); SETSIGBUS for (int ii=0; iilistFromRef(str,rr,sys,sky,Coord::DEGREES); int found = 0; FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; while (ptr) { Vector ss = rr * ptr->refToData; FitsBound* params = ptr->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); if (ss[0]>=params->xmin && ss[0]xmax && ss[1]>=params->ymin && ss[1]ymax) { Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),(char*)ptr->getValue(ss),0); found = 1; break; } ptr = ptr->nextMosaic(); } if (!found) Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } } CLEARSIGBUS } void Base::getFitsNAxesCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->naxes()); } void Base::getFitsCenterCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { if (keyContext && keyContext->fits) printFromRef(keyContext->fits, imageCenter(keyContext->secMode())* keyContext->fits->imageToRef, sys, sky, format); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getFitsCountCmd() { printInteger(fitsCount()); } void Base::getFitsDepthCmd(int ii) { printInteger(currentContext->naxis(ii)); } void Base::getFitsExtCmd(int which) { which = abs(which); FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { ostringstream str; str << rr->ext() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsExtCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref) { if (FitsImage* ptr=isInCFits(vv,ref,NULL)) { ostringstream str; str << ptr->ext() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsHeaderCmd(int which) { int prim = which < 0 ? 1:0; which = abs(which); // modified for medatacube FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { char* hh = !prim ? rr->displayHeader() : rr->displayPrimary(); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, hh, NULL); delete [] hh; } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::getFitsHeaderKeywordCmd(int which, const char* key) { which = abs(which); FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { char* value = rr->getKeyword(key); if (value) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, value, NULL); delete [] value; return; } } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsHeaderWCSCmd(int which) { // no primary FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { char* hh = rr->displayWCS(); Tcl_AppendResult(interp, hh, NULL); delete [] hh; } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsHeightCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits) printInteger(currentContext->cfits->height()); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getFitsFileNameCmd(FileNameType type) { if (currentContext->cfits) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->cfits->getFileName(type), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsFileNameCmd(int which, FileNameType type) { FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, rr->getFileName(type), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsFileNameCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref, FileNameType type) { if (FitsImage* ptr=isInCFits(vv,ref,NULL)) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, ptr->getFileName(type), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsObjectNameCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, currentContext->cfits->objectKeyword(), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getFitsSizeCmd() { ostringstream str; if (keyContext->fits) str << keyContext->fits->size() << ends; else str << Vector() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getFitsSizeCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::DistFormat dist) { if (keyContext->fits) { if (!keyContext->fits->hasWCSCel(sys)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); return; } BBox bb = imageBBox(keyContext->secMode()); Matrix mm = keyContext->fits->imageToRef; Vector ll = bb.ll * mm; Vector lr = bb.lr() * mm; Vector ur = bb.ur * mm; Vector ul = bb.ul() * mm; Vector ww[4]; ww[0] = keyContext->fits->mapFromRef(ll,sys,sky); ww[1] = keyContext->fits->mapFromRef(lr,sys,sky); ww[2] = keyContext->fits->mapFromRef(ur,sys,sky); ww[3] = keyContext->fits->mapFromRef(ul,sys,sky); // we need to check for the case of crossing 0 in ra // since ra is returned as 0 > ra > 360 { float min = 360; float max = 0; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { if (ww[ii][0]max) max=ww[ii][0]; } // ok, we have a problem if (max-min > 180) for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) if (ww[ii][0] > 180) ww[ii][0] -= 360; } BBox wbb(ww[0],ww[0]); for (int ii=1; ii<4; ii++) wbb.bound(ww[ii]); Vector ss(keyContext->fits->getWCSDist(wbb.ll,wbb.lr(),sys), keyContext->fits->getWCSDist(wbb.ll,wbb.ul(),sys)); ostringstream str; switch (dist) { case Coord::DEGREE: str << setprecision(precLenDeg_); break; case Coord::ARCMIN: str << setprecision(precArcmin_) << fixed; ss *= 60; break; case Coord::ARCSEC: str << setprecision(precArcsec_) << fixed; ss *= 60*60; break; } str << ss << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getFitsSliceCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->slice(2)); } void Base::getFitsSliceFromImageCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { getFitsSliceFromImageCmd(currentContext->slice(2), sys, sky); } void Base::getFitsSliceFromImageCmd(int ss, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { if (currentContext->cfits) { FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; Vector3d dd = Vector3d(ptr->center(),ss) * Translate3d(-.5,-.5,-.5); Vector3d out = ptr->mapFromRef(dd,sys,sky); printDouble(out[2]); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); } void Base::getFitsSliceToImageCmd(double dd, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { if (currentContext->cfits) { FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; Vector3d cc = Vector3d(ptr->center(),1) * Translate3d(-.5, -.5, -.5); Vector3d wcc = ptr->mapFromRef(cc,sys,sky); Vector3d oo = ptr->mapToRef(Vector3d(wcc[0],wcc[1],dd),sys,sky); Vector3d out = oo * Translate3d(.5, .5, .5); printInteger(out[2]); } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getFitsWidthCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits) printInteger(currentContext->cfits->width()); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getGridCmd() { if (grid) { Tcl_AppendElement(interp, coord.coordSystemStr((grid->system()))); Tcl_AppendElement(interp, coord.skyFrameStr((grid->sky()))); Tcl_AppendElement(interp, coord.skyFormatStr(grid->skyFormat())); switch (grid->type()) { case Grid::ANALYSIS: Tcl_AppendElement(interp, "analysis"); break; case Grid::PUBLICATION: Tcl_AppendElement(interp, "publication"); break; } } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getGridOptionCmd() { if (grid) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, grid->option(), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getGridVarsCmd() { if (grid) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, grid->vars(), NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getHistogramCmd(char* xName, char* yName, int num) { currentContext->bltHist(xName, yName, num); } void Base::getHorzCutCmd(char* xx, char* yy, const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref, int thick, Base::CutMethod method) { bltCut(xx, yy, Coord::XX, mapToRef(vv,ref), thick, method); } void Base::getInfoCmd(char* var) { if (currentContext->cfits) { Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"filename",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getFileName(ROOTBASE),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"object", (char*)currentContext->cfits->objectKeyword(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"min",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMin(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"min,x",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMinX(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"min,y",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMinY(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"max",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMax(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"max,x",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMaxX(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"max,y",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getMaxY(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"low",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getLow(),0); Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,"high",(char*)currentContext->cfits->getHigh(),0); } else getInfoClearName(var); getInfoClearValue(var); getInfoClearWCS(var); } void Base::getInfoClipCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits) { Tcl_AppendElement(interp, (char*)currentContext->cfits->getLow()); Tcl_AppendElement(interp, (char*)currentContext->cfits->getHigh()); } else { Tcl_AppendElement(interp, "0"); Tcl_AppendElement(interp, "0"); } } void Base::getIRAFAlignCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (irafAlign_ ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::getMaskColorCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "red", NULL); } void Base::getMaskMarkCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "nonzero", NULL); } void Base::getMaskRangeCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 0", NULL); } void Base::getMaskTransparencyCmd() { printDouble(0); } void Base::getMaskSystemCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "physical", NULL); } void Base::getMinMaxCmd() { ostringstream str; str << currentContext->getMinMax() << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getNANColorCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, nanColorName, NULL); } void Base::getOrientCmd() { switch (orientation) { case Coord::NORMAL: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "none", NULL); return; case Coord::XX: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "x", NULL); return; case Coord::YY: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "y", NULL); return; case Coord::XY: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "xy", NULL); return; } } void Base::getPanPreserveCmd() { if (preservePan) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::getPixelTableCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref, int ww, int hh, char* var) { Vector rr; FitsImage* ptr = isInCFits(vv, ref, &rr); if (!ptr) { // else return blank for (int jj=0; jj<=hh; jj++) { for (int ii=0; ii<=ww; ii++) { ostringstream str; str << ii << ',' << jj << ends; Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } } return; } Vector half((ww-1)/2,(hh-1)/2); Vector ur = rr+half; Vector ll = rr-half; int ii,jj; FitsBound* params = ptr->getDataParams(currentContext->secMode()); // x (columns) for (ii=0,jj=0; ii=params->xmin && ll[0]xmax && ur[1]>=params->ymin && ll[1]ymax) { Vector pt = ((ll+Vector(ii,jj)) * Translate(.5, .5)).round(); if (pt[0]>params->xmin && pt[0]<=params->xmax) { ostringstream lstr; lstr << pt[0] << ends; Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),lstr.str().c_str(),0); } else Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } else Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } // y (rows) for (ii=0,jj=0; jj=params->xmin && ll[0]xmax && ur[1]>=params->ymin && ll[1]ymax) { Vector pt = ((ll+Vector(ii,jj)) * Translate(.5, .5)).round(); if (pt[1]>params->ymin && pt[1]<=params->ymax) { ostringstream lstr; lstr << pt[1] << ends; Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),lstr.str().c_str(),0); } else Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } else Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } // body SETSIGBUS for (jj=0; jj=params->xmin && pt[0]xmax && pt[1]>=params->ymin && pt[1]ymax) Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),(char*)ptr->getValue(pt),0); else Tcl_SetVar2(interp,var,str.str().c_str(),"",0); } } CLEARSIGBUS } void Base::getRotateCmd() { ostringstream str; str << setprecision(precAngle_) << radToDeg(rotation) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getSmoothFunctionCmd() { switch (currentContext->smoothFunction()) { case Context::BOXCAR: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "boxcar", NULL); return; case Context::TOPHAT: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "tophat", NULL); return; case Context::GAUSSIAN: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "gaussian", NULL); return; case Context::ELLIPTIC: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "elliptic", NULL); return; } } void Base::getSmoothRadiusCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->smoothRadius()); } void Base::getSmoothRadiusMinorCmd() { printInteger(currentContext->smoothRadiusMinor()); } void Base::getSmoothSigmaCmd() { printDouble(currentContext->smoothSigma()); } void Base::getSmoothSigmaMinorCmd() { printDouble(currentContext->smoothSigmaMinor()); } void Base::getSmoothAngleCmd() { ostringstream str; str << setprecision(precAngle_) << radToDeg(currentContext->smoothAngle()) << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getThreadsCmd() { ostringstream str; str << nthreads_ << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::getValueCmd(const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem sys) { Vector rr; SETSIGBUS if (FitsImage* ptr=isInCFits(vv,sys,&rr)) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, ptr->getValue(rr), NULL); CLEARSIGBUS } void Base::getVertCutCmd(char* xx, char* yy, const Vector& vv, Coord::InternalSystem ref, int thick, Base::CutMethod method) { bltCut(xx, yy, Coord::YY, mapToRef(vv,ref), thick, method); } void Base::getWCSCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, coord.coordSystemStr(wcsSystem_), " ", coord.skyFrameStr(wcsSkyFrame_), " ", coord.skyFormatStr(wcsSkyFormat_), NULL); } void Base::getWCSAlignCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (wcsAlign_ ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::getWCSAlignPointerCmd() { ostringstream str; if (keyContext->fits) str << (unsigned short*)keyContext->fits << ends; else str << (unsigned short*)NULL << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (wcsAlign_ ? "1" : "0"), " ", str.str().c_str(), " ", coord.coordSystemStr(wcsSystem_), " ", coord.skyFrameStr(wcsSkyFrame_), NULL); } void Base::getWCSNameCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { if (currentContext->cfits && currentContext->cfits->hasWCS(sys)) { char* name = (char*)currentContext->cfits->getWCSDomain(sys); if (name) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, name, NULL); return; } } else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "", NULL); } void Base::getZoomCmd() { ostringstream str; str << zoom_ << ends; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, str.str().c_str(), NULL); } void Base::gridDeleteCmd() { if (grid) delete grid; grid = NULL; update(PIXMAP); } void Base::hasAmplifierCmd() { if (hasATMV()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasBinColCmd(const char* str) { if (currentContext->fits) { if (currentContext->fits->hasBinCol(str)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); return; } } Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasContourCmd() { if (hasContour()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasContourAuxCmd() { if (hasContourAux()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasCropCmd() { switch (currentContext->secMode()) { case FrScale::IMGSEC: case FrScale::DATASEC: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); break; case FrScale::CROPSEC: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); break; } } void Base::hasDATAMINCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits && currentContext->cfits->hasDATAMIN()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasDATASECCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits && currentContext->cfits->hasDATASEC()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasDetectorCmd() { if (hasDTMV()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasFitsCmd() { if (currentContext->fits) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasFitsHPXCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHPX()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasFitsBinCmd() { if (currentContext->fits && currentContext->fits->isHist()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasFitsCubeCmd() { if (isCube()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasFitsMosaicCmd() { if (isMosaic()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasGridCmd() { if (grid) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasIISCmd() { if (isIIS()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasIRAFMINCmd() { if (currentContext->cfits && currentContext->cfits->hasIRAFMIN()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasPhysicalCmd() { if (hasLTMV()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasImageCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); } void Base::hasSmoothCmd() { if (currentContext->hasSmooth()) Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); else Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0", NULL); } void Base::hasSystemCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { switch (sys) { case Coord::IMAGE: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "1", NULL); return; case Coord::PHYSICAL: hasPhysicalCmd(); return; case Coord::AMPLIFIER: hasAmplifierCmd(); return; case Coord::DETECTOR: hasDetectorCmd(); return; default: hasWCSCmd(sys); return; } } void Base::hasWCSCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (hasWCS(sys) ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::hasWCSAltCmd() { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (currentContext->cfits && currentContext->cfits->wcsAltHeader() ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::hasWCSCelCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (hasWCSCel(sys) ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::hasWCSEquCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (hasWCSEqu(sys) ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::hasWCSLinearCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (hasWCSLinear(sys) ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::hasWCS3DCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (hasWCS3D(sys) ? "1" : "0"), NULL); } void Base::irafAlignCmd(int which) { irafAlign_ = which; alignIRAF(); update(MATRIX); } // loadIncr is only used by LICK OBS and MMT // maintained for backward compatibility void Base::loadIncrDataCmd(int which, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { } void Base::loadIncrMinMaxCmd(int which, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { } void Base::loadIncrEndCmd() { currentContext->resetSecMode(); currentContext->updateClip(); updateColorScale(); update(MATRIX); } void Base::highliteCmd(int which) { useHighlite = which ? 1 : 0; update(PIXMAP); } void Base::magnifierCmd(int s) { useMagnifier = s; updateMagnifier(); } void Base::magnifierCmd(char* n, int w, int h) { strcpy(magnifierName,n); magnifierWidth = w; magnifierHeight = h; if (magnifierPixmap) Tk_FreePixmap(display, magnifierPixmap); magnifierPixmap = 0; if (magnifierXImage) XDestroyImage(magnifierXImage); magnifierXImage = NULL; if (magnifierWidth > 0 && magnifierHeight > 0) { magnifierPixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), magnifierWidth, magnifierHeight, depth); if (!magnifierPixmap) { internalError("Unable to Create Magnifier Pixmap"); return; } if (!magnifierXImage) { if (!(magnifierXImage = XGetImage(display, magnifierPixmap, 0, 0, magnifierWidth, magnifierHeight, AllPlanes, ZPixmap))){ internalError("Unable to Create Magnifier XImage"); return; } } } } void Base::magnifierCursorCmd(int which) { useMagnifierCursor = which; updateMagnifier(); } void Base::magnifierColorCmd(const char* color) { if (magnifierColorName) delete [] magnifierColorName; magnifierColorName = dupstr(color); updateMagnifier(); } void Base::magnifierGraphicsCmd(int which) { useMagnifierGraphics = which; updateMagnifier(); } void Base::magnifierZoomCmd(double z) { magnifierZoom_ = fabs(z); updateMagnifier(); } void Base::matchCmd(const char* xxname1, const char* yyname1, Coord::CoordSystem sys1, Coord::SkyFrame sky1, const char* xxname2, const char* yyname2, Coord::CoordSystem sys2, Coord::SkyFrame sky2, double rad, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::DistFormat dist, const char* rrname) { if (keyContext && keyContext->fits) keyContext->fits->match(xxname1, yyname1, sys1, sky1, xxname2, yyname2, sys2, sky2, rad, sys, dist, rrname); } void Base::nanColorCmd(const char* color) { if (nanColorName) delete [] nanColorName; nanColorName = dupstr(color); nanColor = getXColor(nanColorName); update(BASE); } void Base::orientCmd(Coord::Orientation which) { orientation = which; switch (orientation) { case Coord::NORMAL: orientationMatrix.identity(); break; case Coord::XX: orientationMatrix = FlipX(); break; case Coord::YY: orientationMatrix = FlipY(); break; case Coord::XY: orientationMatrix = FlipXY(); break; } update(MATRIX); } void Base::panBeginCmd(const Vector& vv) { // vv and panCursor are in CANVAS coords panCursor = vv; // copy tmp pixmap panPM = Tk_GetPixmap(display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), options->width, options->height, depth); if (!panPM) { internalError("Unable to Create Pan Motion Pixmap"); return; } XCopyArea(display, pixmap, panPM, widgetGC, 0, 0, options->width, options->height, 0,0); } void Base::panMotionCmd(const Vector& vv) { // vv and panCursor are in CANVAS coords // Clear Vector diff = (vv*canvasToWidget) - (panCursor*canvasToWidget); BBox hh,ww; if (diff[0]>0 && diff[1]>0) { hh = BBox(Vector(0,0), Vector(options->width, diff[1])); ww = BBox(Vector(0,0), Vector(diff[0], options->height)); } else if (diff[0]>0 && diff[1]<0) { hh = BBox(Vector(options->width,options->height), Vector(0,options->height+diff[1])); ww = BBox(Vector(0,0), Vector(diff[0], options->height)); } else if (diff[0]<0 && diff[1]>0) { hh = BBox(Vector(0,0), Vector(options->width, diff[1])); ww = BBox(Vector(options->width,options->height), Vector(options->width+diff[0], 0)); } else if (diff[0]<0 && diff[1]<0) { hh = BBox(Vector(options->width,options->height), Vector(0,options->height+diff[1])); ww = BBox(Vector(options->width,options->height), Vector(options->width+diff[0], 0)); } hh = hh * widgetToWindow; ww = ww * widgetToWindow; XSetForeground(display, widgetGC, getColor(bgColorName)); Vector hs = hh.size(); XFillRectangle(display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), widgetGC, (int)hh.ll[0], (int)hh.ll[1], (int)hs[0], (int)hs[1]); Vector ws = ww.size(); XFillRectangle(display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), widgetGC, (int)ww.ll[0], (int)ww.ll[1], (int)ws[0], (int)ws[1]); // display tmp pixmap at new location Vector dd = ((vv * canvasToWidget) - (panCursor * canvasToWidget)) * widgetToWindow; XCopyArea(display, panPM, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), panGCXOR, 0, 0, options->width, options->height, dd[0], dd[1]); } void Base::pannerCmd(int s) { usePanner = s; updatePanner(); } void Base::pannerCmd(char* n, int w, int h) { strcpy(pannerName,n); pannerWidth = w; pannerHeight = h; if (pannerPixmap) Tk_FreePixmap(display, pannerPixmap); pannerPixmap = 0; if (pannerXImage) XDestroyImage(pannerXImage); pannerXImage = NULL; if (pannerWidth > 0 && pannerHeight > 0) { if (!(pannerPixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), pannerWidth, pannerHeight, depth))) { internalError("Unable to Create Panner Pixmap"); return; } if (!(pannerXImage = XGetImage(display, pannerPixmap, 0, 0, pannerWidth, pannerHeight, AllPlanes, ZPixmap))){ internalError("Unable to Create Panner XImage"); return; } } // update panner matrices update(MATRIX); } void Base::precCmd(int linear, int deg, int hms, int dms, int lenlinear, int lendeg, int arcmin, int arcsec, int angle) { precLinear_ = linear; precDeg_ = deg; precHMS_ = hms; precDMS_ = dms; precLenLinear_ = lenlinear; precLenDeg_ = lendeg; precArcmin_ = arcmin; precArcsec_ = arcsec; precAngle_ = angle; } // backward compatibility void Base::precCmd(int linear, int deg, int hms, int dms, int arcmin, int arcsec) { precLinear_ = linear; precDeg_ = deg; precHMS_ = hms; precDMS_ = dms; precArcmin_ = arcmin; precArcsec_ = arcsec; } void Base::rotateCmd(double r) { rotation += r; update(MATRIX); } void Base::rotateToCmd(double r) { rotation = r; update(MATRIX); } void Base::saveFitsFileCmd(const char* fn) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFits(str); } void Base::saveFitsChannelCmd(const char* ch) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFits(str); } void Base::saveFitsSocketCmd(int ss) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFits(str); } void Base::saveFitsTableFileCmd(const char* fn) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFitsTable(str); } void Base::saveFitsTableChannelCmd(const char* ch) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFitsTable(str); } void Base::saveFitsTableSocketCmd(int ss) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFitsTable(str); } void Base::saveFitsSliceFileCmd(const char* fn) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFitsSlice(str); } void Base::saveFitsSliceChannelCmd(const char* ch) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFitsSlice(str); } void Base::saveFitsSliceSocketCmd(int ss) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFitsSlice(str); } void Base::saveFitsExtCubeFileCmd(const char* fn) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFitsExtCube(str); } void Base::saveFitsExtCubeChannelCmd(const char* ch) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFitsExtCube(str); } void Base::saveFitsExtCubeSocketCmd(int ss) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFitsExtCube(str); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicFileCmd(const char* fn, int which) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaic(str, which); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicChannelCmd(const char* ch, int which) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaic(str, which); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicSocketCmd(int ss, int which) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaic(str, which); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicImageFileCmd(const char* fn) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaicImage(str); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicImageChannelCmd(const char* ch) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaicImage(str); } void Base::saveFitsMosaicImageSocketCmd(int ss) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveFitsMosaicImage(str); } void Base::saveArrayFileCmd(const char* fn, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveArray(str, endian); } void Base::saveArrayChannelCmd(const char* ch, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveArray(str, endian); } void Base::saveArraySocketCmd(int ss, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveArray(str, endian); } void Base::saveNRRDFileCmd(const char* fn, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { OutFitsFile str(fn); if (str.valid()) saveNRRD(str, endian); } void Base::saveNRRDChannelCmd(const char* ch, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { OutFitsChannel str(interp, ch); if (str.valid()) saveNRRD(str, endian); } void Base::saveNRRDSocketCmd(int ss, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { OutFitsSocket str(ss); if (str.valid()) saveNRRD(str, endian); } void Base::saveENVIFileCmd(const char* hdr, const char* fn, FitsFile::ArchType endian) { ofstream str(hdr); OutFitsFile str2(fn); if (str2.valid()) saveENVI(str, str2, endian); } void Base::sliceCmd(int ss) { // IMAGE (ranges 1-n) setSlice(2,ss); updateMagnifier(); } void Base::sliceCmd(double dd, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { if (!currentContext->fits) return; FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; Vector3d cc = Vector3d(ptr->center(),1) * Translate3d(-.5, -.5, -.5); Vector3d wcc = ptr->mapFromRef(cc,sys,sky); Vector3d oo = ptr->mapToRef(Vector3d(wcc[0],wcc[1],dd),sys,sky); Vector3d out = oo * Translate3d(.5, .5, .5); // IMAGE (ranges 1-n) // be sure to round properly setSlice(2,int(out[2]+.5)); updateMagnifier(); } void Base::smoothCmd(int ff, int rr, int rm, double ss, double sm, double aa) { currentContext->setSmooth(1, (Context::SmoothFunction)ff, rr, rm, ss, sm, aa); currentContext->analysis(); updateColorScale(); // for 3d, rebuffer update(MATRIX); } // backward compatibility backup void Base::smoothCmd(int ff, int rr) { currentContext->setSmooth(1, (Context::SmoothFunction)ff, rr); currentContext->analysis(); updateColorScale(); // for 3d, rebuffer update(MATRIX); } void Base::smoothDeleteCmd() { currentContext->setSmooth(0); currentContext->analysis(); updateColorScale(); // for 3d, rebuffer update(MATRIX); } void Base::threadsCmd(int th) { if (th>=1) nthreads_ = th; } // not used // don't know if this is used by anyone else void Base::unloadFitsCmd() { unloadAllFits(); update(MATRIX); } void Base::updateFitsCmd(int now) { // for 3d, rebuffer if (now) { syncUpdate =1; updateNow(MATRIX); syncUpdate =0; } else update(MATRIX); } void Base::updateFitsCmd(int which, BBox bb, int now) { // Note: bb is in IMAGE coords FitsImage* ptr = currentContext->fits; if (which > 0) { for (int ii=0; ii<(which-1); ii++) { if (ptr) ptr = ptr->nextMosaic(); } } if (ptr) { BBox bbb = bb*ptr->imageToRef; Vector ll = mapFromRef(bbb.ll,Coord::CANVAS); Vector lr = mapFromRef(bbb.lr(),Coord::CANVAS); Vector ur = mapFromRef(bbb.ur,Coord::CANVAS); Vector ul = mapFromRef(bbb.ul(),Coord::CANVAS); BBox rr(ll); rr.bound(lr); rr.bound(ur); rr.bound(ul); if (now) { syncUpdate =1; updateNow(BASE, rr); syncUpdate =0; } else update(BASE, rr); } } void Base::updateMagnifierCmd(const Vector& v) { updateMagnifier(v); } void Base::updatePannerCmd() { updatePanner(); } void Base::warpCmd(const Vector& vv) { warp((Vector&)vv); } void Base::warpToCmd(const Vector& vv) { Vector rr = vv*canvasToWindow; warpTo(rr); } void Base::wcsCmd(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky, Coord::SkyFormat format) { wcsSystem_ = sys; wcsSkyFrame_ = sky; wcsSkyFormat_ = format; } void Base::wcsAlignCmd(int which) { wcsAlign_ = which; alignWCS(); update(MATRIX); } // used by backup void Base::wcsAlignCmd(int which, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { wcsAlign_ = which; alignWCS(sys, sky); update(MATRIX); } void Base::wcsAlignCmd(int which, FitsImage* ptr, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { wcsAlign_ = which; wcsSkyFrame_ = sky; alignWCS(ptr, sys); update(MATRIX); } void Base::wcsAppendCmd(int which, int fd) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; boost::fdistream str(fd); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to read wcs infomation", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->appendWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsAppendCmd(int which, const char* fn) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; ifstream str(fn); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to load wcs file ", fn, NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->appendWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsAppendTxtCmd(int which, const char* txt) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; istringstream str(txt); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to process text", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->appendWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsResetCmd(int which) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) while (rr) { rr->resetWCS(); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsReplaceCmd(int which, int fd) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; boost::fdistream str(fd); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to read wcs infomation", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->replaceWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsReplaceCmd(int which, const char* fn) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; ifstream str(fn); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to load wcs file ", fn, NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->replaceWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::wcsReplaceTxtCmd(int which, const char* txt) { if (!currentContext->cfits) return; istringstream str(txt); if (!str) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " unable to process text", NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; return; } FitsImage* rr = findAllFits(which); if (rr) { while (rr) { rr->replaceWCS(str); rr=rr->nextSlice(); } } else result = TCL_ERROR; } void Base::zoomCmd(const Vector& z) { Vector az = ((Vector&)z).abs(); zoom_[0] *= az[0]; zoom_[1] *= az[1]; update(MATRIX); } void Base::zoomToCmd(const Vector& z) { zoom_ = ((Vector&)z).abs(); update(MATRIX); }