// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" %pure-parser %parse-param {Base* fr} %lex-param {ctFlexLexer* ll} %parse-param {ctFlexLexer* ll} %{ #define YYDEBUG 1 #define FITSPTR (fr->findFits()) #define DISCARD_(x) {yyclearin; ctDiscard(x);} #include #include #include #include "base.h" #include "fitsimage.h" #include "contour.h" #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer ctFlexLexer #include extern int ctlex(void*, ctFlexLexer*); extern void cterror(Base*, ctFlexLexer*, const char*); extern void ctDiscard(int); static Coord::CoordSystem globalWCS; static Coord::CoordSystem globalSystem; static Coord::SkyFrame globalSky; static ContourLevel* cl; static Contour* cc; static double localLevel; static char globalColor[16]; static char localColor[16]; static int globalWidth; static int localWidth; static int globalDash; static int localDash; static int globalDashList[2]; static int localDashList[2]; static Coord::CoordSystem checkWCSSystem(); static Coord::SkyFrame checkWCSSky(); %} %union { #define CTBUFSIZE 2048 double real; int integer; char str[CTBUFSIZE]; double vector[3]; } %type numeric %type yesno %type sexagesimal %type hms %type dms %type coord %type coordSystem %type wcsSystem %type skyFrame %token INT %token REAL %token STRING %token ANGDEGREE %token PHYCOORD %token IMGCOORD %token SEXSTR %token HMSSTR %token DMSSTR %token EOF_ %token AMPLIFIER_ %token B1950_ %token COLOR_ %token DASH_ %token DASHLIST_ %token DEBUG_ %token DETECTOR_ %token ECLIPTIC_ %token FALSE_ %token FK4_ %token FK4_NO_E_ %token FK5_ %token GALACTIC_ %token GLOBAL_ %token HELIOECLIPTIC_ %token ICRS_ %token IMAGE_ %token J2000_ %token LEVEL_ %token LEVELS_ %token LINEAR_ %token N_ %token NO_ %token OFF_ %token ON_ %token PHYSICAL_ %token SUPERGALACTIC_ %token TRUE_ %token VERSION_ %token WCS_ %token WCSA_ %token WCSB_ %token WCSC_ %token WCSD_ %token WCSE_ %token WCSF_ %token WCSG_ %token WCSH_ %token WCSI_ %token WCSJ_ %token WCSK_ %token WCSL_ %token WCSM_ %token WCSN_ %token WCSO_ %token WCSP_ %token WCSQ_ %token WCSR_ %token WCSS_ %token WCST_ %token WCSU_ %token WCSV_ %token WCSW_ %token WCSX_ %token WCSY_ %token WCSZ_ %token WIDTH_ %token Y_ %token YES_ %% start : initGlobal commands ; commands: commands command terminator | command terminator ; command : /* empty */ | DEBUG_ debug | VERSION_ {cerr << "DS9 Contour File 7.5" << endl;} | GLOBAL_ global comment | coordSystem comment { globalSystem=(Coord::CoordSystem)$1; } | skyFrame comment { globalSystem=globalWCS; globalSky=(Coord::SkyFrame)$1; } | LINEAR_ comment { globalSystem=globalWCS; globalSky=Coord::FK5; } | LEVELS_ '=' '(' levels ')' | LEVEL_ '=' numeric {localLevel = $3} initLocal comment newcl | LEVEL_ '=' numeric {localLevel = $3} initLocal local comment newcl | '(' comment { if (cl) cc = new Contour(cl); } | nodes | ')' comment { if (cc && cl) cl->lcontour().append(cc); } | '#' {DISCARD_(1);} STRING ; levels : levels sp numeric | numeric ; newcl : { if (cl) fr->contourAppendCmd(cl); cl = new ContourLevel(fr, localLevel, localColor, localWidth, localDash, localDashList); } ; nodes : nodes sp node | node ; node : coord comment { if (cc) cc->lvertex().append(new Vertex($1)); } ; comment : /* empty */ | '#' {DISCARD_(1);} STRING ; terminator: '\n' | ';' | EOF_ { if (cl) fr->contourAppendCmd(cl); YYACCEPT; } ; numeric : REAL {$$=$1;} | INT {$$=$1;} ; debug : ON_ {yydebug=1;} | OFF_ {yydebug=0;} ; yesno : INT {$$=($1 ? 1 : 0);} | YES_ {$$=1;} | Y_ {$$=1;} | ON_ {$$=1;} | TRUE_ {$$=1;} | NO_ {$$=0;} | N_ {$$=0;} | OFF_ {$$=0;} | FALSE_ {$$=0;} ; sp : /* empty */ | ',' ; sexagesimal: SEXSTR {$$ = parseSEXStr($1);} ; hms : HMSSTR {$$ = parseHMSStr($1);} ; dms : DMSSTR {$$ = parseDMSStr($1);} ; initGlobal: { cl = NULL; cc = NULL; globalSystem = Coord::WCS; globalWCS = fr->wcsSystem(); globalSky = fr->wcsSky(); strcpy(globalColor,"green"); globalDash = 0; globalDashList[0] = 8; globalDashList[1] = 3; globalWidth = 1; } ; initLocal: { strcpy(localColor,globalColor); localDash = globalDash; localDashList[0] = globalDashList[0]; localDashList[1] = globalDashList[1]; localWidth = globalWidth; } ; coordSystem :IMAGE_ {$$ = Coord::IMAGE;} | PHYSICAL_ {$$ = Coord::PHYSICAL;} | DETECTOR_ {$$ = Coord::DETECTOR;} | AMPLIFIER_ {$$ = Coord::AMPLIFIER;} | wcsSystem {$$ = $1; globalWCS = (Coord::CoordSystem)$1;} ; wcsSystem : WCS_ {$$ = Coord::WCS;} | WCSA_ {$$ = Coord::WCSA;} | WCSB_ {$$ = Coord::WCSB;} | WCSC_ {$$ = Coord::WCSC;} | WCSD_ {$$ = Coord::WCSD;} | WCSE_ {$$ = Coord::WCSE;} | WCSF_ {$$ = Coord::WCSF;} | WCSG_ {$$ = Coord::WCSG;} | WCSH_ {$$ = Coord::WCSH;} | WCSI_ {$$ = Coord::WCSI;} | WCSJ_ {$$ = Coord::WCSJ;} | WCSK_ {$$ = Coord::WCSK;} | WCSL_ {$$ = Coord::WCSL;} | WCSM_ {$$ = Coord::WCSM;} | WCSN_ {$$ = Coord::WCSN;} | WCSO_ {$$ = Coord::WCSO;} | WCSP_ {$$ = Coord::WCSP;} | WCSQ_ {$$ = Coord::WCSQ;} | WCSR_ {$$ = Coord::WCSR;} | WCSS_ {$$ = Coord::WCSS;} | WCST_ {$$ = Coord::WCST;} | WCSU_ {$$ = Coord::WCSU;} | WCSV_ {$$ = Coord::WCSV;} | WCSW_ {$$ = Coord::WCSW;} | WCSX_ {$$ = Coord::WCSX;} | WCSY_ {$$ = Coord::WCSY;} | WCSZ_ {$$ = Coord::WCSZ;} ; skyFrame : FK4_ {$$ = Coord::FK4;} | B1950_ {$$ = Coord::FK4;} | FK4_NO_E_ {$$ = Coord::FK4_NO_E;} | FK5_ {$$ = Coord::FK5;} | J2000_ {$$ = Coord::FK5;} | ICRS_ {$$ = Coord::ICRS;} | GALACTIC_ {$$ = Coord::GALACTIC;} | SUPERGALACTIC_ {$$ = Coord::SUPERGALACTIC;} | ECLIPTIC_ {$$ = Coord::ECLIPTIC;} | HELIOECLIPTIC_ {$$ = Coord::HELIOECLIPTIC;} ; global : global sp globalProperty | globalProperty ; globalProperty : COLOR_ '=' STRING {strncpy(globalColor,$3,16);} | DASH_ '=' yesno {globalDash = $3;} | DASHLIST_ '=' INT INT {globalDashList[0] =$3; globalDashList[1] =$4;} | WCS_ '=' wcsSystem {globalWCS = (Coord::CoordSystem)$3;} | WIDTH_ '=' INT {globalWidth = $3;} ; local : local sp localProperty | localProperty ; localProperty : COLOR_ '=' STRING {strncpy(localColor,$3,16);} | DASH_ '=' yesno {localDash = $3;} | DASHLIST_ '=' INT INT {localDashList[0] =$3; localDashList[1] =$4;} | WIDTH_ '=' INT {localWidth = $3;} ; coord : sexagesimal sp sexagesimal { Vector r; Coord::CoordSystem sys = checkWCSSystem(); Coord::SkyFrame sky = checkWCSSky(); if (sky == Coord::GALACTIC || sky == Coord::ECLIPTIC) r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), sys, sky); else r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1*360./24.,$3), sys, sky); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | hms sp dms { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky()); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | dms sp dms { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky()); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | numeric sp numeric { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), globalSystem, globalSky); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | ANGDEGREE sp ANGDEGREE { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), checkWCSSystem(), checkWCSSky()); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | IMGCOORD sp IMGCOORD { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), Coord::IMAGE); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; $$[2] = r[2]; } | PHYCOORD sp PHYCOORD { Vector r = FITSPTR->mapToRef(Vector($1,$3), Coord::PHYSICAL); $$[0] = r[0]; $$[1] = r[1]; } ; %% static Coord::CoordSystem checkWCSSystem() { switch (globalSystem) { case Coord::IMAGE: case Coord::PHYSICAL: return Coord::WCS; default: return globalSystem; } } static Coord::SkyFrame checkWCSSky() { switch (globalSystem) { case Coord::IMAGE: case Coord::PHYSICAL: return Coord::FK5; default: return globalSky; } }