// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include "util.h" #include "fitsimage.h" #include "context.h" Matrix FitsImage::bin(const Vector& vv) { // v is in bin (physical) coords return hist_ ? nextBin(vv) : Matrix(); } Matrix FitsImage::binCenter() { return hist_ ? nextBin(getHistCenter()) : Matrix(); } Matrix FitsImage::binCursor() { return hist_ ? nextBin(histCursor) : Matrix(); } void FitsImage::initBin() { // make sure we have rows and cols { FitsHead* head = fits_->head(); if (head) { FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)(head->hdu()); if (!hdu->width() || !hdu->rows()) return; } } // make sure we have cols to bin on if (!fits_->pBinX() || !fits_->pBinY()) { FitsHead* head = fits_->head(); if (head) { FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)head->hdu(); // try for X and Y FitsColumn* x = hdu->find("X"); FitsColumn* y = hdu->find("Y"); // next, try for ra and dec if (!x) x = hdu->find("RA"); if (!y) y = hdu->find("DEC"); // last chance, try first and second column if (!x) x = hdu->find(0); if (!y) y = hdu->find(1); if (x) { char* str = trim(x->ttype()); fits_->setpBinX(str); delete [] str; } else return; if (y) { char* str = trim(y->ttype()); fits_->setpBinY(str); delete [] str; } else return; } } if (!fits_->pBinZ()) { FitsHead* head = fits_->head(); if (head) { FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)head->hdu(); // try for TIME FitsColumn* z = hdu->find("TIME"); // last chance, try third column if (!z) z = hdu->find(2); if (z) { char* str = trim(z->ttype()); fits_->setpBinZ(str); delete [] str; } } } nextBin(getHistCenter()); } int FitsImage::hasBinCol(const char* str) { if (fits_) { FitsHead* head = fits_->head(); if (head) { FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)head->hdu(); return hdu->find(str) ? 1 : 0; } } return 0; } void FitsImage::setBinCursor(const Vector& v) { histCursor = v * refToPhysical; } Matrix FitsImage::nextBin(const Vector& c) { if (hist_) delete hist_; hist_ = NULL; if (manageBlock_) { if (block_) delete block_; if (blockdata_) delete blockdata_; } manageBlock_ =0; block_ = base_; blockdata_ = basedata_; if (manageAnalysis_) { if (analysis_) delete analysis_; if (analysisdata_) delete analysisdata_; } manageAnalysis_ =0; // cursor, c is in bin (physical) coords // remember where we are pointing histCursor = c; // Vector s = getHistDim()/binFactor_; Vector d = getHistDim(); Vector s; Vector binFactor = context_->binFactor(); s[0] = d[0]/binFactor[0]; s[1] = d[1]/binFactor[1]; // make sure that we have a width/height of at least 1 if (s[0]<1) s[0]=1; if (s[1]<1) s[1]=1; int bufferSize = context_->binBufferSize(); int width = (int)(s[0]binDepth(); Vector center = Vector(width, height)/2; if (DebugBin) { cerr << "width height: " << width << ' ' << height << endl; cerr << "center: " << center << endl; cerr << "center.ceil(): " << center.ceil() << endl; } if (binFactor[0]<1 || binFactor[1]<1) { actualHistCursor = histCursor; if (DebugBin) cerr << "histCursor: " << histCursor << endl; } else { // force to a bin boundary, then translate to center of bin cell // actualHistCursor = ((histCursor/binFactor_).floor() * binFactor_) + // Vector(.5,.5); actualHistCursor[0] = (floor(histCursor[0]/binFactor[0]) * binFactor[0]) + .5; actualHistCursor[1] = (floor(histCursor[1]/binFactor[1]) * binFactor[1]) + .5; // now, figure out any offset due to mod(lowerleft,binFactor_) FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)(fits_->head())->hdu(); Vector xd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinX()); Vector yd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinY()); Vector ll(xd[0],yd[0]); // Vector a = ((ll/binFactor_).floor() * binFactor_) + Vector(.5,.5); Vector a; a[0] = (floor(ll[0]/binFactor[0]) * binFactor[0]) + .5; a[1] = (floor(ll[1]/binFactor[1]) * binFactor[1]) + .5; Vector offset = a-ll; actualHistCursor -= offset; if (DebugBin) { cerr << "histCursor: " << histCursor << endl; cerr << "actualHistCursor: " << actualHistCursor << endl; cerr << "ll: " << ll << endl; cerr << "offset: " << offset << endl; } } // new physicalToData Matrix mm = Translate(-actualHistCursor) * Scale(1./binFactor[0],1./binFactor[1]) * Translate(center.ceil()); if (DebugBin) cerr << "mm: " << mm << endl << endl; FitsHist::Function binFunction = context_->binFunction(); hist_ = new FitsHist(fits_, width, height, depth, mm, binFunction, binFactor); if (!hist_->isValid()) { reset(); return Matrix(); } load(); return refToPhysical * mm * dataToRef; } Vector FitsImage::getHistColMinMax(const char* col) { return fits_ ? fits_->getColMinMax(col) : Vector(); } Vector FitsImage::getHistColDim(const char* col) { return fits_ ? fits_->getColDim(col) : Vector(); } Vector FitsImage::getHistDim() { if (!isBinTable()) return Vector(); // assumes we aready have our columns FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)(fits_->head())->hdu(); Vector xd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinX()); Vector yd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinY()); // if DBL_MAX, we will get nan Vector r(xd[1]-xd[0],yd[1]-yd[0]); if (isfinite(r[0]) && isfinite(r[1])) return r; else return Vector(DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX); } Vector FitsImage::getHistCenter() { // return bin (physical) coords if (!isBinTable()) return Vector(); // assumes we aready have our columns FitsTableHDU* hdu = (FitsTableHDU*)(fits_->head())->hdu(); Vector xd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinX()); Vector yd = hdu->dimension(fits_->pBinY()); // if DBL_MAX, we will get nan Vector r = Vector(xd[1]-xd[0],yd[1]-yd[0])/2 + Vector(xd[0],yd[0]); if (isfinite(r[0]) && isfinite(r[1])) return r; else return Vector(); } const char* FitsImage::getHistFilter() { return fits_ ? fits_->pFilter() : NULL; } const char* FitsImage::getHistX() { return fits_ ? fits_->pBinX() : NULL; } const char* FitsImage::getHistY() { return fits_ ? fits_->pBinY() : NULL; } const char* FitsImage::getHistZ() { return fits_ ? fits_->pBinZ() : NULL; } char* FitsImage::getHistList() { if (!isHist()) return NULL; FitsHead* head = fits_->head(); return ((FitsTableHDU*)head->hdu())->list(); }