// Copyright (C) 1999-2017 // Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright" #include #include "fitsimage.h" #include "framebase.h" #include "context.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "smmap.h" #include "mmapincr.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "allocgz.h" #include "channel.h" #include "share.h" #include "sshare.h" #include "socket.h" #include "socketgz.h" #include "var.h" #include "order.h" #include "iis.h" #include "hist.h" #include "compress.h" #include "analysis.h" #include "photo.h" #include "colorscale.h" // this is kluge to speed up doug minks wcssubs 'ksearch' routine extern "C" { FitsHead* wcshead = NULL; FitsHead* wcsprim = NULL; char* ksearchh(char*, char*); char* findit(char* cards, char* key) { char* rr = NULL; if (wcshead) { if ((rr = wcshead->find(key))) return rr; if (wcsprim) if ((rr = wcsprim->find(key))) return rr; return NULL; } else return ksearchh(cards, key); } }; WCSx::WCSx() { for (int ii=0; iifitsFile(), hdr, data, sz); process(NULL,id); rootBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->rootBaseFileName); fullBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); iisFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); } // Fits Next FitsImageFitsNextAlloc::FitsImageFitsNextAlloc(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextAlloc(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextAllocGZ::FitsImageFitsNextAllocGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextAllocGZ(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextChannel::FitsImageFitsNextChannel(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextChannel(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextMMap::FitsImageFitsNextMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextMMap(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextSMMap::FitsImageFitsNextSMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextSMMap(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextMMapIncr::FitsImageFitsNextMMapIncr(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextMMapIncr(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextShare::FitsImageFitsNextShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextShare(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextSShare::FitsImageFitsNextSShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextSShare(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextSocket::FitsImageFitsNextSocket(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextSocket(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextSocketGZ::FitsImageFitsNextSocketGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextSocketGZ(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextVar::FitsImageFitsNextVar(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsFitsNextVar(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageFitsNextHist::FitsImageFitsNextHist(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, FitsImage* fi, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsHistNext(prev); process(NULL,id); fits_->setpFilter(fi->getHistFilter()); fits_->setpBinX(fi->getHistX()); fits_->setpBinY(fi->getHistY()); fits_->setpBinZ(fi->getHistZ()); rootBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->rootBaseFileName); fullBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); iisFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); } FitsImageFitsNextPost::FitsImageFitsNextPost(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, FitsImage* fi, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsPostNext(prev); process(NULL,id); rootBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->rootBaseFileName); fullBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); iisFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); } FitsImageFitsNextOrder::FitsImageFitsNextOrder(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, FitsImage* fi, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsOrderNext(prev); process(NULL,id); rootBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->rootBaseFileName); fullBaseFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); iisFileName = dupstr(fi->fullBaseFileName); } // Array FitsImageArrAlloc::FitsImageArrAlloc(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrAlloc(ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrAllocGZ::FitsImageArrAllocGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrAllocGZ(ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrChannel::FitsImageArrChannel(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrChannel(pp, ch, fn, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrMMap::FitsImageArrMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrMMap(fn); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrMMapIncr::FitsImageArrMMapIncr(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrMMapIncr(fn); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrShare::FitsImageArrShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, Base::ShmType type, int sid, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { switch (type) { case Base::SHMID: fits_ = new FitsArrShareID(sid, fn); break; case Base::KEY: fits_ = new FitsArrShareKey(sid, fn); break; } process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrSocket::FitsImageArrSocket(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int s, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrSocket(s, fn, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrSocketGZ::FitsImageArrSocketGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int s, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrSocketGZ(s, fn, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageArrVar::FitsImageArrVar(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* var, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsArrVar(pp, var, fn); process(fn,id); } // ENVI FitsImageENVISMMap::FitsImageENVISMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* hdr, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsENVISMMap(hdr,fn); process(fn,id); } // NRRD FitsImageNRRDAlloc::FitsImageNRRDAlloc(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsNRRDAlloc(ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageNRRDChannel::FitsImageNRRDChannel(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsNRRDChannel(pp, ch, fn, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageNRRDMMap::FitsImageNRRDMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsNRRDMMap(fn); process(fn,id); } FitsImageNRRDShare::FitsImageNRRDShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, Base::ShmType type, int sid, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { switch (type) { case Base::SHMID: fits_ = new FitsNRRDShareID(sid, fn); break; case Base::KEY: fits_ = new FitsNRRDShareKey(sid, fn); break; } process(fn,id); } FitsImageNRRDSocket::FitsImageNRRDSocket(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int s, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsNRRDSocket(s, fn, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageNRRDVar::FitsImageNRRDVar(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* var, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsNRRDVar(pp, var, fn); process(fn,id); } // Photo FitsImagePhoto::FitsImagePhoto(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ph, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsPhoto(pp, ph); process(fn,id); } FitsImagePhotoCube::FitsImagePhotoCube(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ph, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsPhotoCube(pp, ph); process(fn,id); } FitsImagePhotoCubeNext::FitsImagePhotoCubeNext(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsPhotoCubeNext(prev); process(fn,id); } // Mosaic FitsImageMosaicAlloc::FitsImageMosaicAlloc(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicAlloc(ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicAllocGZ::FitsImageMosaicAllocGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicAllocGZ(ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicChannel::FitsImageMosaicChannel(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* ch, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicChannel(pp, ch, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicMMap::FitsImageMosaicMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicMMap(fn); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicMMapIncr::FitsImageMosaicMMapIncr(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicMMapIncr(fn); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicShare::FitsImageMosaicShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, Base::ShmType type, int sid, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { switch (type) { case Base::SHMID: fits_ = new FitsMosaicShareID(sid); break; case Base::KEY: fits_ = new FitsMosaicShareKey(sid); break; } process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicSocket::FitsImageMosaicSocket(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int s, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicSocket(s, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicSocketGZ::FitsImageMosaicSocketGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int s, const char* fn, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicSocketGZ(s, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicVar::FitsImageMosaicVar(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* var, const char* fn, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicVar(pp, var, fn); process(fn,id); } // Mosaic Next FitsImageMosaicNextAlloc::FitsImageMosaicNextAlloc(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextAlloc(prev, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextAllocGZ::FitsImageMosaicNextAllocGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextAllocGZ(prev, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextChannel::FitsImageMosaicNextChannel(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextChannel(prev, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextMMap::FitsImageMosaicNextMMap(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextMMap(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextMMapIncr::FitsImageMosaicNextMMapIncr(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextMMapIncr(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextShare::FitsImageMosaicNextShare(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextShare(prev); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextSocket::FitsImageMosaicNextSocket(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextSocket(prev, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextSocketGZ::FitsImageMosaicNextSocketGZ(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, FitsFile::FlushMode flush, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextSocketGZ(prev, flush); process(fn,id); } FitsImageMosaicNextVar::FitsImageMosaicNextVar(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, const char* fn, FitsFile* prev, int id) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsMosaicNextVar(prev); process(fn,id); } // IIS FitsImageIIS::FitsImageIIS(Context* cx, Tcl_Interp* pp, int w, int h) : FitsImage(cx, pp) { fits_ = new FitsIIS(w, h); process("",1); iisMode_ = 1; } void FitsImageIIS::iisErase() { ((FitsIIS*)fits_)->erase(); } char* FitsImageIIS::iisGet(int xx, int yy, int dx, int dy) { return ((FitsIIS*)fits_)->get(xx, yy, dx, dy); } void FitsImageIIS::iisSet(const char* src, int xx, int yy, int dx, int dy) { ((FitsIIS*)fits_)->set(src, xx, yy, dx, dy); } void FitsImageIIS::iisWCS(const Matrix& mm, const Vector& z, int zt) { Matrix& mx = (Matrix&)mm; double sx = mx[0][0]; double sy = mx[1][1]; double tx = mx[2][0]; double ty = mx[2][1]; imageToPhysical = Translate(0,-height()/2.) * FlipY() * Translate(0,height()/2.) * Translate(-1,0) * Scale(sx,sy) * Translate(tx,ty); physicalToImage = imageToPhysical.invert(); iisz_ = z; iiszt_ = zt; } // FitsImage void FitsImage::altWCS(istream& str) { FitsHead* hh = parseWCS(str); // Process OBJECT keyword if (objectKeyword_) delete [] objectKeyword_; objectKeyword_ = hh->getString("OBJECT"); // Process WCS keywords if (altHeader_) delete altHeader_; altHeader_ = hh; initWCS(); } void FitsImage::appendWCS(istream& str) { FitsHead* hh = parseWCS(str); // process OBJECT keyword char* obj = hh->getString("OBJECT"); if (obj) { if (objectKeyword_) delete [] objectKeyword_; objectKeyword_ = obj; } // Process WCS keywords FitsHead* hd = image_->head(); // append wcs keywords to the end of the header int ll = hd->headbytes()+hh->headbytes(); char* cards = new char[ll]; // copy default wcs memcpy(cards, hd->cards(), hd->headbytes()); // find first END and zero out for (int i=0; iheadbytes(); i+=80) if (!strncmp(cards+i,"END",3)) { memcpy(cards+i, " ",3); break; } // copy appended wcs memcpy(cards+hd->headbytes(), hh->cards(), hh->headbytes()); delete hh; if (wcsHeader_) delete wcsHeader_; wcsHeader_ = new FitsHead(cards,ll,FitsHead::ALLOC); initWCS(); } char* FitsImage::display(FitsHead* hd) { int size = hd->ncard() * (FTY_CARDLEN+1); char* lbuf = new char[size+1]; char* lptr = lbuf; char* cptr = hd->cards(); for (int i=0; incard(); i++,cptr+=FTY_CARDLEN) { memcpy(lptr, cptr, FTY_CARDLEN); lptr+=FTY_CARDLEN; *(lptr++) = '\n'; } lbuf[size] = '\0'; return lbuf; } char* FitsImage::displayHeader() { Vector blockFactor = context_->blockFactor(); if (blockFactor[0] != 1 && blockFactor[1] != 1) return display(image_->head()); if (DebugBin || DebugCompress) return display(image_->head()); else return display(fits_->head()); } char* FitsImage::displayPrimary() { return display(fits_->primary()); } char* FitsImage::displayWCS() { if (wcsHeader_) return display(wcsHeader_); else if (altHeader_) return display(altHeader_); else return display(image_->head()); } int FitsImage::findKeyword(const char* key) { return fits_->find(key); } FitsBound* FitsImage::getDataParams(FrScale::SecMode which) { switch (which) { case FrScale::IMGSEC: return &iparams; case FrScale::DATASEC: return &dparams; case FrScale::CROPSEC: return &cparams; } // just to satisfy the compiler return &iparams; } const char* FitsImage::getValue(const Vector& v) { if (!isIIS()) return data_->getValue(v); else { double val = data_->getValueDouble(v); ostringstream str; if (val == 0) str << ends; else if (val == IISMIN) str << '<' << iisz_[0] << ends; else if (val == IISMAX) str << '>' << iisz_[1] << ends; else if (val > IISMAX) str << ends; else // W_LINEAR =1 if (iiszt_ == 1) str << ((val-IISMIN) * (iisz_[1]-iisz_[0]))/(IISMAX-IISMIN) + iisz_[0] << ends; else str << val << ends; memcpy(buf,str.str().c_str(), str.str().length()); return buf; } } void FitsImage::iisSetFileName(const char* fn) { if (iisFileName) delete [] iisFileName; iisFileName = dupstr(fn); } void FitsImage::initWCS() { // free up wcs and ast arrays if (wcs_) { for (int ii=0; iishareWCS()) { FitsImage* ptr = context_->fits; while (ptr) { if (ptr == this) break; FitsImage* sptr = ptr->nextSlice(); while (sptr) { if (sptr == this) { for (int ii=0; iiwcs_[ii]; for (int ii=0; iiwcsx_[ii]; for (int ii=0; iiast_[ii]; #ifndef NEWWCS initWCSPhysical(); #endif manageWCS_ =0; return; } sptr = sptr->nextSlice(); } ptr = ptr->nextMosaic(); } } // WCSx FitsHead* hd =NULL; FitsHead* prim =NULL; if (wcsHeader_) hd = wcsHeader_; else if (altHeader_) hd = altHeader_; else { hd = image_->head(); prim = image_->primary() && image_->inherit() ? image_->primary() : NULL; } // wcsinit is sloooowwww! so try to figure it out first // look first for default WCS. Let wcsinit figure it out since there can // be many different non-standard wcs's present wcshead = hd; wcsprim = prim; wcs_[0] = wcsinit(hd->cards()); wcshead = NULL; wcsprim = NULL; // now look for WCSA - WCSZ // we can take a short cut here, since only valid FITS wcs's are available for (int ii=1; iifind(str)) { wcshead = hd; wcsprim = prim; wcs_[ii] = wcsinitc(hd->cards(),str+6); wcshead = NULL; wcsprim = NULL; } } // finally, look for AST def if (!wcs_[0]) { char str[] = "BEGAST_A"; if (hd->find(str)) { wcs_[0] = wcskinit(100, 100, (char*)"AST--WCS", (char*)"AST--WCS", 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 2000, 0); wcs_[0]->longpole = 999; wcs_[0]->latpole = 999; } } // AST for (int ii=0; iifind("WCSDEP")) { char* str = hd->getString("WCSDEP"); if (str) { for (int ii=1; iiwcsname) { if (!strncmp(str,wcs_[ii]->wcsname,strlen(wcs_[ii]->wcsname))) { if (ast_[0] && ast_[ii]) { AstFrameSet* dep = (AstFrameSet*)astCopy(ast_[ii]); astInvert(ast_[0]); astAddFrame(dep,2,astUnitMap(2,""),ast_[0]); astSetI(dep,"current",4); astAnnul(ast_[0]); ast_[0] = dep; } } } } } delete [] str; } } #endif // WCSx char scrpix[] = "CRPIX "; char scrval[] = "CRVAL "; char scd[] = "CD _ "; char spc[] = "PC _ "; char scdelt[] = "CDELT "; for (int ii=0; iifind(scrpix) && hd->find(scrval)) { if (!wcsx_[ii]) wcsx_[ii] = new WCSx(); wcsx_[ii]->crpix[jj] = hd->getReal(scrpix,0); wcsx_[ii]->crval[jj] = hd->getReal(scrval,0); float cd = hd->getReal(scd,0); float pc = hd->getReal(spc,0); float cdelt = hd->getReal(scdelt,0); if (cd) wcsx_[ii]->cd[jj] = cd; else if (pc && cdelt) wcsx_[ii]->cd[jj] = pc * cdelt; else if (cdelt) wcsx_[ii]->cd[jj] = cdelt; else wcsx_[ii]->cd[jj] = 1; } } } #ifndef NEWWCS initWCSPhysical(); #endif if (DebugWCS) { for (int ii=0; iicd[jj]) { cerr << "wcsx" << (char)(!ii ? ' ' : '@'+ii) << "[" << ii << "]->crpix[" << jj << "]=" << wcsx_[ii]->crpix[jj] << endl; cerr << "wcsx" << (char)(!ii ? ' ' : '@'+ii) << "[" << ii << "]->crval[" << jj << "]=" << wcsx_[ii]->crval[jj] << endl; cerr << "wcsx" << (char)(!ii ? ' ' : '@'+ii) << "[" << ii << "]->cd[" << jj << "]=" << wcsx_[ii]->cd[jj] << endl; } } } } } } #ifndef NEWWCS void FitsImage::initWCSPhysical() { // now see if we have a 'physical' wcs, if so, set LTMV keywords keyLTMV =0; for (int ii=1; iiwcsname && !strncmp(wcs_[ii]->wcsname, "PHYSICAL", 8)) { keyLTMV = 1; double ltm11 = wcs_[ii]->cd[0] != 0 ? 1/wcs_[ii]->cd[0] : 0; double ltm12 = wcs_[ii]->cd[1] != 0 ? 1/wcs_[ii]->cd[1] : 0; double ltm21 = wcs_[ii]->cd[2] != 0 ? 1/wcs_[ii]->cd[2] : 0; double ltm22 = wcs_[ii]->cd[3] != 0 ? 1/wcs_[ii]->cd[3] : 0; double ltv1 = wcs_[ii]->crpix[0] - wcs_[ii]->crval[0]*ltm11 - wcs_[ii]->crval[1]*ltm21; double ltv2 = wcs_[ii]->crpix[1] - wcs_[ii]->crval[0]*ltm12 - wcs_[ii]->crval[1]*ltm22; physicalToImage = Matrix(ltm11, ltm12, ltm21, ltm22, ltv1, ltv2); imageToPhysical = physicalToImage.invert(); } } } #endif void FitsImage::initWCS0(const Vector& pix) { FitsHead* hd =NULL; FitsHead* prim =NULL; if (wcsHeader_) hd = wcsHeader_; else if (altHeader_) hd = altHeader_; else { hd = image_->head(); prim = image_->primary() && image_->inherit() ? image_->primary() : NULL; } int ii = Coord::WCS0-Coord::WCS; if (wcs_[ii]) wcsfree(wcs_[ii]); wcs_[ii] = NULL; if (wcs_[0]) { Vector cc = mapFromRef(pix, Coord::IMAGE, Coord::FK5); WorldCoor* ww = wcs_[0]; wcs_[ii] = wcskinit(ww->nxpix, ww->nypix, (char*)"RA---TAN", (char*)"DEC--TAN", cc[0], cc[1], 0, 0, ww->cd, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 2000); wcs_[ii]->longpole = 999; wcs_[ii]->latpole = 999; if (ast_[ii]) astAnnul(ast_[ii]); ast_[ii] = NULL; astinit0(ii, hd, prim); } } void FitsImage::load() { if (post_) base_ = post_; else if (hpx_) base_ = hpx_; else if (hist_) base_ = hist_; else base_ = fits_; if (basedata_) delete basedata_; switch (base_->head()->bitpix()) { case 8: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case 16: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case -16: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case 32: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case 64: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case -32: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; case -64: basedata_ = new FitsDatam(base_, interp_); break; } // block block_ = base_; blockdata_ = basedata_; // analysis analysis_ = block_; analysisdata_ = blockdata_; // image image_ = analysis_; data_ = analysisdata_; } #ifndef NEWWCS void FitsImage::match(const char* xxname1, const char* yyname1, Coord::CoordSystem sys1, Coord::SkyFrame sky1, const char* xxname2, const char* yyname2, Coord::CoordSystem sys2, Coord::SkyFrame sky2, double rad, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::DistFormat dist, const char* rrname) { astClearStatus; // get lists Tcl_Obj* listxx1 = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp_, xxname1, NULL, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); Tcl_Obj* listyy1 = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp_, yyname1, NULL, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); Tcl_Obj* listxx2 = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp_, xxname2, NULL, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); Tcl_Obj* listyy2 = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp_, yyname2, NULL, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); // get objects int nxx1; Tcl_Obj **objxx1; Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp_, listxx1, &nxx1, &objxx1); int nyy1; Tcl_Obj **objyy1; Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp_, listyy1, &nyy1, &objyy1); int nxx2; Tcl_Obj **objxx2; Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp_, listxx2, &nxx2, &objxx2); int nyy2; Tcl_Obj **objyy2; Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp_, listyy2, &nyy2, &objyy2); // sanity check if (nxx1 != nyy1 || nxx2 != nyy2) return; // get doubles double* ixx1 = new double[nxx1]; for (int ii=0 ; ii=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[0], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ss],sky1); for (int ii=0; ii=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ss],sky2); for (int ii=0; iihead(); FitsHead* rr = new FitsHead(hd->naxis(0), hd->naxis(1), hd->naxis(2), hd->bitpix()); // this works for both terminated (\n) and non-terminated (fits) headers while (!str.eof()) { char buf[256]; str.get(buf,80,'\n'); if (strlen(buf) > 0) { // check for blank lines if (*buf == ' ') break; string x(buf); istringstream sstr(x); char keyword[32]; sstr >> keyword; if (strchr(buf,'=')) { char dummy; sstr >> dummy; } if (strchr(buf,'\'')) { char val[64]; char* ss = strchr(buf,'\'')+1; char* ee = strrchr(buf,'\''); int ll = ee-ss; if (ll<0 || ll>63) ll =0; strncpy(val,ss,ll); val[ll] = '\0'; rr->appendString(keyword, val, ""); } else { double val; sstr >> val; rr->appendReal(keyword, val, 15, ""); } if (strlen(buf) <= 80) { // eat the \n char b; str.get(b); } } else break; } return rr; } void FitsImage::process(const char* fn, int id) { if (!fits_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } if (fits_->isImage()) { switch (fits_->pEncoding()) { case FitsFile::RAW: case FitsFile::BSQ: break; case FitsFile::GZIP: initNRRD(); if (!post_ || !post_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } break; case FitsFile::BIL: case FitsFile::BIP: initENVI(); if (!post_ || !post_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } break; default: reset(); return; } load(); } else if (fits_->isBinTable()) { // Compress if (fits_->find("ZIMAGE")) { initCompress(); if (!post_ || !post_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } load(); } // HEALPIX else if ((fits_->find("PIXTYPE") && (!strncmp(fits_->getString("PIXTYPE"),"HEALPIX",4))) || fits_->find("NSIDE")) { initHPX(); if (!hpx_ || !hpx_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } load(); } else { // Bintable initBin(); if (!hist_ || !hist_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } } } else if (fits_->isAsciiTable()) { // HEALPIX if (fits_->find("NSIDE")) { initHPX(); if (!hpx_ || !hpx_->isValid()) { reset(); return; } load(); } } // set slice address for (int ii=1; iifind("LTM1_1") || image_->find("LTM1_2") || image_->find("LTM2_1") || image_->find("LTM2_2") || image_->find("LTV1") || image_->find("LTV2")) keyLTMV = 1; double ltm11 = image_->getReal("LTM1_1", 1); double ltm12 = image_->getReal("LTM1_2", 0); double ltm21 = image_->getReal("LTM2_1", 0); double ltm22 = image_->getReal("LTM2_2", 1); double ltv1 = image_->getReal("LTV1", 0); double ltv2 = image_->getReal("LTV2", 0); physicalToImage = Matrix(ltm11, ltm12, ltm21, ltm22, ltv1, ltv2); imageToPhysical = physicalToImage.invert(); } // CDD to Detector (DTM/DTV keywords) keyDTMV =0; if (image_->find("DTM1_1") || image_->find("DTM1_2") || image_->find("DTM2_1") || image_->find("DTM2_2") || image_->find("DTV1") || image_->find("DTV2")) keyDTMV = 1; double dtm11 = image_->getReal("DTM1_1", 1); double dtm12 = image_->getReal("DTM1_2", 0); double dtm21 = image_->getReal("DTM2_1", 0); double dtm22 = image_->getReal("DTM2_2", 1); double dtv1 = image_->getReal("DTV1", 0); double dtv2 = image_->getReal("DTV2", 0); physicalToDetector = Matrix(dtm11, dtm12, dtm21, dtm22, dtv1, dtv2); detectorToPhysical = physicalToDetector.invert(); // Physical to Amplifier (ATM/ATV keywords) keyATMV =0; if (image_->find("ATM1_1") || image_->find("ATM1_2") || image_->find("ATM2_1") || image_->find("ATM2_2") || image_->find("ATV1") || image_->find("ATV2")) keyATMV = 1; double atm11 = image_->getReal("ATM1_1", 1); double atm12 = image_->getReal("ATM1_2", 0); double atm21 = image_->getReal("ATM2_1", 0); double atm22 = image_->getReal("ATM2_2", 1); double atv1 = image_->getReal("ATV1", 0); double atv2 = image_->getReal("ATV2", 0); physicalToAmplifier = Matrix(atm11, atm12, atm21, atm22, atv1, atv2); amplifierToPhysical = physicalToAmplifier.invert(); if (DebugMosaic) { cerr << endl; cerr << "ATM/V: " << physicalToAmplifier << endl; cerr << "ATM/V-1: " << amplifierToPhysical << endl; cerr << "DTM/V: " << physicalToDetector << endl; cerr << "DTM/V-1: " << detectorToPhysical << endl; cerr << "LTM/V: " << physicalToImage << endl; cerr << "LTM/V-1: " << imageToPhysical << endl; } /* // Radio data? char* bunit = image_->getString("BUNIT"); double cdelt1 = fabs(image_->getReal("CDELT1",0)); char* cunit1 = image_->getString("CUNIT1"); double cdelt2 = fabs(image_->getReal("CDELT2",0)); char* cunit2 = image_->getString("CUNIT2"); double bmaj = image_->getReal("BMAJ",0); double bmin = image_->getReal("BMIN",0); // ok we have a radio map #define GFACTOR (2.0*sqrt(2.0*log(2.0))) if (!strncmp(bunit,"JY/BEAM",7) && cdelt1 && cdelt2 && bmaj && bmin) { // convert from deg to arcsec? cdelt1 *= 3600; cdelt2 *= 3600; bmaj *= 3600; bmin *= 3600; jyBeam_ = (2*M_PI*bmaj*bmin)/(GFACTOR*GFACTOR*cdelt1*cdelt2); } if (bunit) delete [] bunit; if (cunit1) delete [] cunit1; if (cunit2) delete [] cunit2; */ } void FitsImage::processKeywordsParams() { // iparams is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n iparams.set(0, 0, width(), height()); { char* datstr = image_->getString("DATASEC"); // default Vector v1(1,1); Vector v2(size()); keyDATASEC =0; if (datstr && *datstr && parseSection(datstr,&v1,&v2)) { // additional check if (v1[0]<1 || v1[1]<1 || v1[1]>width() || v2[1]>height() || v1[0]>v2[0] || v1[1]>v2[1]) { // default v1 = Vector(1,1); v2 = Vector(size()); keyDATASEC = 0; } else keyDATASEC = 1; } // dparams is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n datasec = BBox(v1,v2); v1 -= Vector(1,1); dparams.set(v1[0],v1[1],v2[0],v2[1]); if (datstr) delete [] datstr; } // DEBUG if (DebugCrop) { cerr << "iparams " << iparams << endl; cerr << "dparams " << dparams << endl; } } void FitsImage::processKeywordsFitsSection() { Vector ll(dparams.xmin,dparams.ymin); Vector ur(dparams.xmax,dparams.ymax); if (fits_->pcoord() && fits_->pxvalid() && fits_->pyvalid()) { ll[0] = fits_->pxmin(); ur[0] = fits_->pxmax(); ll[1] = fits_->pymin(); ur[1] = fits_->pymax(); ll = ll*physicalToImage*Translate(-1,-1); ur = ur*physicalToImage; context_->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); } if (!fits_->pcoord() && fits_->pxvalid()) { ll[0] = fits_->pxmin()-1; ur[0] = fits_->pxmax(); context_->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); } if (!fits_->pcoord() && fits_->pyvalid()) { ll[1] = fits_->pymin()-1; ur[1] = fits_->pymax(); context_->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); } // params is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n setCropParams(ll,ur,0); // DEBUG if (DebugCrop) cerr << "cparams " << cparams << endl; if (fits_->pzvalid()) { int zmin = fits_->pzmin()-1; int zmax = fits_->pzmax(); context_->setSecMode(FrScale::CROPSEC); context_->setCrop3dParams(zmin,zmax); } } int FitsImage::processKeywordsIRAF(FitsImage* fits) { // DETSEC Coord::Orientation orientation = Coord::NORMAL; char* detstr = image_->getString("DETSEC"); Vector dv1,dv2; if (!(detstr && *detstr && parseSection(detstr,&dv1,&dv2))) { if (detstr) delete [] detstr; return 0; } delete [] detstr; BBox detsec = BBox(dv1,dv2); int xx = (dv1[0] < dv2[0]); int yy = (dv1[1] < dv2[1]); if (xx && yy) orientation = Coord::NORMAL; else if (!xx && yy) orientation = Coord::XX; else if (!xx && !yy) orientation = Coord::XY; else if (xx && !yy) orientation = Coord::YY; // DETSIZE char* sizestr = image_->getString("DETSIZE"); Vector sv1(1,1); Vector sv2(10000,10000); if (sizestr && *sizestr) { if (!(parseSection(sizestr,&sv1,&sv2))) { delete [] sizestr; return 0; } } if (sizestr) delete [] sizestr; BBox detsize = BBox(sv1,sv2); // CCDSUM Vector ccdsum(1,1); char* ccdstr = image_->getString("CCDSUM"); if (ccdstr && *ccdstr) { double Ns, Np, Ns1, Np1; string x(ccdstr); istringstream str(x); str >> Ns >> Np >> Ns1 >> Np1; ccdsum = Vector(1/Ns, 1/Np); } if (ccdstr) delete [] ccdstr; // origin Vector origin = detsec.ll * Scale(ccdsum) * Translate(-datasec.ll); // matrix // if the segment is flipped, we can have a discontinuity at // the edges, due to round off errors, so we 'nudge' it Matrix flip; switch (orientation) { case Coord::NORMAL: break; case Coord::XX: flip = FlipX(); break; case Coord::YY: flip = FlipY(); break; case Coord::XY: flip = FlipXY(); break; } // internal flip Matrix mflip; switch (context_->IRAFOrientation(orientation)) { case Coord::NORMAL: break; case Coord::XX: mflip = FlipX(); break; case Coord::YY: mflip = FlipY(); break; case Coord::XY: mflip = FlipXY(); break; } Vector center = datasec.center() * imageToData; Vector mcenter = detsize.center() * imageToData * Scale(ccdsum); wcsToRef_ = Translate(-center) * flip * Translate(center) * Translate(origin) * Translate(-mcenter) * mflip * Translate(mcenter); // we do this to shift the origin to the middle of the image to match // the wcs case. Needed by imageBBox() // first? reset wcsToRef if (fits == this) { irafToRef = wcsToRef_.invert(); wcsToRef_ = Matrix(); } else wcsToRef_ *= fits->irafToRef; if (DebugMosaic) { cerr << "ProcessKeywordsIRAF" << endl << " datasec: " << datasec << endl << " ccdsum : " << ccdsum << endl << " detsize: " << detsize << endl << " detsec : " << detsec << endl << " matrix : " << wcsToRef_ << endl; } return 1; } void FitsImage::replaceWCS(istream& str) { FitsHead* hh = parseWCS(str); // Process OBJECT keyword if (objectKeyword_) delete [] objectKeyword_; objectKeyword_ = hh->getString("OBJECT"); // Process WCS keywords if (wcsHeader_) delete wcsHeader_; wcsHeader_ = hh; initWCS(); } void FitsImage::reset() { if (fits_) delete fits_; fits_ =NULL; if (post_) delete post_; post_ =NULL; if (hpx_) delete hpx_; hpx_ =NULL; if (hist_) delete hist_; hist_ =NULL; base_ =NULL; if (basedata_) delete basedata_; basedata_ =NULL; if (manageBlock_) { if (block_) delete block_; if (blockdata_) delete blockdata_; } manageBlock_ =0; block_ =NULL; blockdata_ =NULL; if (manageAnalysis_) { if (analysis_) delete analysis_; if (analysisdata_) delete analysisdata_; } manageAnalysis_ =0; analysis_ =NULL; analysisdata_ =NULL; image_ =NULL; data_ =NULL; } void FitsImage::resetWCS() { // Process OBJECT keyword if (objectKeyword_) delete [] objectKeyword_; objectKeyword_ = image_->getString("OBJECT"); // Process WCS keywords if (wcsHeader_) delete wcsHeader_; wcsHeader_ = NULL; initWCS(); } void FitsImage::resetWCS0() { int ii = Coord::WCS0-Coord::WCS; if (wcs_[ii]) wcsfree(wcs_[ii]); wcs_[ii] = NULL; if (ast_[ii]) astAnnul(ast_[ii]); ast_[ii] = NULL; } char* FitsImage::root(const char* fn) { if (fn) { const char* ptr = fn; // init the ptr while(*ptr++); // walk it forward to end of string ptr--; // backup one while(*ptr != '/' && ptr != fn) // walk it backward til last / or beginning ptr--; if (*ptr == '/') // step it over the last '/' ptr++; return dupstr(ptr); // got it! } else return NULL; } void FitsImage::setCropParams(int datasec) { if (!datasec) cparams = iparams; else cparams = dparams; } void FitsImage::setCropParams(const Vector& ss, const Vector& tt, int datasec) { // Coord are in DATA Vector ll = ss; Vector ur = tt; int xmin = ll[0]; int xmax = ur[0]; int ymin = ll[1]; int ymax = ur[1]; if (xmin>xmax) { xmin = ur[0]; xmax = ll[0]; } if (ymin>ymax) { ymin = ur[1]; ymax = ll[1]; } setCropParams(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,datasec); } void FitsImage::setCropParams(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int datasec) { FitsBound* params; if (!datasec) params = &iparams; else params = &dparams; // Coords are in DATA if (x0xmin) x0=params->xmin; if (x0>params->xmax) x0=params->xmax; if (x1xmin) x1=params->xmin; if (x1>params->xmax) x1=params->xmax; if (y0ymin) y0=params->ymin; if (y0>params->ymax) y0=params->ymax; if (y1ymin) y1=params->ymin; if (y1>params->ymax) y1=params->ymax; cparams.set(x0,y0,x1,y1); } void FitsImage::setFileName(const char* fn) { if (fileName) delete [] fileName; fileName = NULL; if (rootBaseFileName) delete [] rootBaseFileName; rootBaseFileName = NULL; if (fullBaseFileName) delete [] fullBaseFileName; fullBaseFileName = NULL; if (iisFileName) delete [] iisFileName; iisFileName = NULL; // no filename to set if (!fn) return; // strip any '[]' char* ffn = strip(fn); FitsFile* ptr = post_ ? post_ : fits_; if (!ptr) return; const char* ext = ptr->extname(); if (ext) { { ostringstream str; str << ffn << '[' << ext << ']' << ends; fullBaseFileName = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } { char* m = root(ffn); ostringstream str; str << m << '[' << ext << ']' << ends; rootBaseFileName = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); delete [] m; } } else if (ptr->ext()) { { ostringstream str; str << ffn << '[' << ptr->ext() << ']' << ends; fullBaseFileName = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } { char* m = root(ffn); ostringstream str; str << m << '[' << ptr->ext() << ']' << ends; rootBaseFileName = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); delete [] m; } } else { fullBaseFileName = dupstr(ffn); rootBaseFileName = root(ffn); } // by default, iisFileName is fullBaseFileName if (fullBaseFileName) iisFileName = dupstr(fullBaseFileName); delete [] ffn; } void FitsImage::setObjectKeyword(const char* obj) { if (objectKeyword_) delete [] objectKeyword_; objectKeyword_ = dupstr(obj); } char* FitsImage::strip(const char* fn) { if (fn) { char* r = dupstr(fn); // dup the string char* ptr = r; // init the ptr while(*ptr != '[' && *ptr) // walk it forward til '[' or end ptr++; *ptr = '\0'; // zero out rest return r; // got it! } else return NULL; } int FitsImage::nhdu() { int dd =1; for (int ii=2; iiupdateClip(fr,getDataParams(fr->secMode())); } void* clipproc(void* tt) { t_clip_arg* targ = (t_clip_arg*)tt; FitsData* data = targ->data; FrScale* fr = targ->fr; FitsBound* bb = targ->bb; data->updateClip(fr,bb); return NULL; } void FitsImage::updateClip(FrScale* fr, pthread_t* thread, t_clip_arg* targ) { targ->data = data_; targ->fr = fr; targ->bb = getDataParams(fr->secMode()); int result = pthread_create(thread, NULL, clipproc, targ); if (result) internalError("Unable to Create Thread"); } const char* FitsImage::getFileName(Base::FileNameType type) { switch (type) { case Base::ROOTBASE: return rootBaseFileName; case Base::FULLBASE: return fullBaseFileName; case Base::ROOT: case Base::FULL: // clear the buffer if (fileName) delete [] fileName; fileName =NULL; // generate filename // if FITS bin table cube, be sure to check the first slice if (context_->fits->isHist()) return updateFileNameBin(type); else return updateFileNameImage(type); } // just to satisfy the compiler return rootBaseFileName; } const char* FitsImage::updateFileNameImage(Base::FileNameType type) { // 2d/3d section char* sec =NULL; switch (context_->secMode()) { case FrScale::IMGSEC: case FrScale::DATASEC: { Vector blockFactor = context_->blockFactor(); if (blockFactor[0] != 1) { ostringstream str; str << "*," << blockFactor[0] << ends; sec = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } } break; case FrScale::CROPSEC: { FitsBound* params =getDataParams(FrScale::CROPSEC); // params is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n // xlate to 1-n Vector ll= Vector(params->xmin,params->ymin) * Translate(1,1); Vector ur(params->xmax,params->ymax); Vector blockFactor = context_->blockFactor(); if (blockFactor[0] != 1) { ostringstream str; str << ll[0] << ':' << ur[0] << ',' << ll[1] << ':' << ur[1] << ',' << blockFactor[0] << ends; sec = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } else { ostringstream str; str << ll[0] << ':' << ur[0] << ',' << ll[1] << ':' << ur[1] << ends; sec = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } } break; } // address char* add =NULL; { int doAdd =0; ostringstream str; int jj; for (jj=FTY_MAXAXES-1; jj>=2; jj--) { if (address[jj]!=1) break; } jj++; for (int ii=2; ii=" << ll[0] << ',' << fits_->pBinX() << "<=" << ur[0] << ',' << fits_->pBinY() << ">=" << ll[1] << ',' << fits_->pBinY() << "<=" << ur[1] << ends; sec = dupstr(str.str().c_str()); } break; } } // z filter char* slice =NULL; { char* zcol = (char*)fits_->pBinZ(); int bd = context_->binDepth(); if (bd>1 && zcol) { // only the first slice will have this FitsImage* first = context_->fits; if (first) { Vector zlim = first->fits_->getColMinMax(zcol); double zlen = zlim[1]-zlim[0]; double zdelta = zlen/bd; double zptr = zlim[0] + (address[2]-1)*zdelta; ostringstream str; str << zcol << ">=" << zptr << '&' << zcol << '<' << zptr+zdelta <coorflip) return Vector(wcs_[ii]->cdelt[0], wcs_[ii]->cdelt[1]); else return Vector(wcs_[ii]->cdelt[1], wcs_[ii]->cdelt[0]); } else return Vector(); } #else double FitsImage::getWCSPixelSize(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { int ss = sys-Coord::WCS; if (!(ss>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return 0; astClearStatus; // just to make sure Vector cc = center(); double xx[2], wxx[2]; xx[0] = cc[0]; xx[1] = cc[0]; double yy[2], wyy[2]; yy[0] = cc[1]; yy[1] = cc[1]+1; astTran2(ast_[ss],2,xx,yy,1,wxx,wyy); double pt0[2]; pt0[0] = wxx[0]; pt0[1] = wyy[0]; double pt1[2]; pt1[0] = wxx[1]; pt1[1] = wyy[1]; double out = astDistance(ast_[ss],pt0,pt1); if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) return radToDeg(out); else return out; } double FitsImage::getWCSPixelArea(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { int ss = sys-Coord::WCS; if (!(ss>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return 0; astClearStatus; // just to make sure Vector cc = center(); double xx[3], wxx[3]; xx[0] = cc[0]; xx[1] = cc[0]; xx[2] = cc[0]; double yy[3], wyy[3]; yy[0] = cc[1]; yy[1] = cc[1]+1; yy[2] = cc[1]+1; astTran2(ast_[ss],3,xx,yy,1,wxx,wyy); double pt0[2]; pt0[0] = wxx[0]; pt0[1] = wyy[0]; double pt1[2]; pt1[0] = wxx[1]; pt1[1] = wyy[1]; double pt2[2]; pt2[0] = wxx[2]; pt2[1] = wyy[2]; double ll = astDistance(ast_[ss],pt0,pt1); double mm = astDistance(ast_[ss],pt0,pt2); if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) return radToDeg(ll)*radToDeg(mm); else return ll*mm; } #endif #ifndef NEWWCS Coord::Orientation FitsImage::getWCSOrientation(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { if (hasWCS(sys)) { Vector orpix = center(); Vector orval = pix2wcs(orpix, sys, sky); Vector delta = getWCScdelt(sys).abs(); Vector npix = wcs2pix(Vector(orval[0],orval[1]+delta[1]), sys, sky); Vector north = (npix-orpix).normalize(); Vector epix = wcs2pix(Vector(orval[0]+delta[0],orval[1]), sys, sky); Vector east = (epix-orpix).normalize(); // sanity check Vector diff = (north-east).abs(); if ((north[0]==0 && north[1]==0) || (east[0]==0 && east[1]==0) || (diff[0]<.01 && diff[1]<.01)) return Coord::NORMAL; // take the cross product and see which way the 3rd axis is pointing double w = east[0]*north[1]-east[1]*north[0]; if (!hasWCSCel(sys)) return w>0 ? Coord::NORMAL : Coord::XX; else return w<0 ? Coord::NORMAL : Coord::XX; } return Coord::NORMAL; } #else Coord::Orientation FitsImage::getWCSOrientation(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { int ss = sys-Coord::WCS; if (!(ss>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return Coord::NORMAL; astClearStatus; // just to make sure if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ss],sky); Vector pp = center(); double xx[3], yy[3], wx[3], wy[32]; xx[0] = pp[0]; xx[1] = pp[0]; xx[2] = pp[0]+1; yy[0] = pp[1]; yy[1] = pp[1]+1; yy[2] = pp[1]; astTran2(ast_[ss],3,xx,yy,1,wx,wy); double aa[2], bb[2], cc[2]; aa[0]= wx[0]; aa[1]= wy[0]; bb[0]= wx[1]; bb[1]= wy[1]; cc[0]= wx[2]; cc[1]= wy[2]; double ang = astAngle(ast_[ss],aa,bb,cc); Coord::Orientation rr = Coord::NORMAL; if (!(isnan(ang)||isinf(ang)||(ang == -DBL_MAX)||(ang == DBL_MAX))) { if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) rr = ang>=0 ? Coord::NORMAL : Coord::XX; else rr = ang<=0 ? Coord::NORMAL : Coord::XX; } return rr; } #endif #ifndef NEWWCS double FitsImage::getWCSRotation(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { if (hasWCS(sys)) { Vector orpix = center(); Vector orval = pix2wcs(orpix, sys, sky); Vector delta = getWCScdelt(sys).abs(); Vector npix = wcs2pix(Vector(orval[0],orval[1]+delta[1]), sys, sky); Vector north = (npix-orpix).normalize(); Vector epix = wcs2pix(Vector(orval[0]+delta[0],orval[1]), sys, sky); Vector east = (epix-orpix).normalize(); // sanity check Vector diff = (north-east).abs(); if ((north[0]==0 && north[1]==0) || (east[0]==0 && east[1]==0) || (diff[0]<.01 && diff[1]<.01)) return 0; return -(north.angle()-M_PI_2); } return 0; } #else double FitsImage::getWCSRotation(Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { int ss = sys-Coord::WCS; if (!(ss>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return 0; astClearStatus; // just to make sure if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ss],sky); Vector pp = center(); double xx[2], yy[2], wx[2], wy[2]; xx[0] = pp[0]; xx[1] = pp[0]; yy[0] = pp[1]; yy[1] = pp[1]+1; astTran2(ast_[ss],2,xx,yy,1,wx,wy); double aa[2], bb[2]; aa[0]= wx[0]; aa[1]= wy[0]; bb[0]= wx[1]; bb[1]= wy[1]; double ang = astAxAngle(ast_[ss],aa,bb,2); if (!(isnan(ang)||isinf(ang)||(ang == -DBL_MAX)||(ang == DBL_MAX))) return getWCSOrientation(sys,sky) == Coord::NORMAL ? ang : -ang; return 0; } #endif // AST Vector FitsImage::pix2wcs(Vector in, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { astClearStatus; int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; if (ii>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) { double xx =0; double yy =0; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],sky); astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, in.v, in.v+1, 1, &xx, &yy); if (astOK) if (checkAst(xx,yy)) return Vector(radToDeg(xx),yy*180./M_PI); } else { astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, in.v, in.v+1, 1, &xx, &yy); if (astOK) if (checkAst(xx,yy)) return Vector(xx,yy); } } maperr =1; return Vector(); } Vector* FitsImage::pix2wcs(Vector* in, int num, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { astClearStatus; double xin[num]; double yin[num]; double xout[num]; double yout[num]; Vector* out = new Vector[num]; for (int ii=0; ii=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) { if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],sky); astTran2(ast_[ii], num, xin, yin, 1, xout, yout); if (astOK) { for (int ii=0; ii=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) { double xx =0; double yy =0; ostringstream str; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],sky); astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, in.v, in.v+1, 1, &xx, &yy); if (!astOK || !checkAst(xx,yy)) { maperr =1; lbuf[0] = '\0'; return lbuf; } switch (format) { case Coord::DEGREES: xx =radToDeg(xx); // 0 to 360 yy *=180./M_PI; str << setprecision(8) << xx << ' ' << yy << ' ' << coord.skyFrameStr(sky) << ends; break; case Coord::SEXAGESIMAL: switch (sky) { case Coord::FK4: case Coord::FK4_NO_E: case Coord::FK5: case Coord::ICRS: xx = zeroTWOPI(xx); setAstFormat(ast_[ii],1,"hms.3"); setAstFormat(ast_[ii],2,"+dms.3"); break; case Coord::GALACTIC: case Coord::SUPERGALACTIC: case Coord::ECLIPTIC: case Coord::HELIOECLIPTIC: xx = zeroTWOPI(xx); setAstFormat(ast_[ii],1,"+dms.3"); setAstFormat(ast_[ii],2,"+dms.3"); break; } str << astFormat(ast_[ii], 1, xx) << ' ' << astFormat(ast_[ii], 2, yy) << ' ' << coord.skyFrameStr(sky) << ends; break; } } else { astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, in.v, in.v+1, 1, &xx, &yy); if (!astOK || !checkAst(xx,yy)) { maperr =1; return lbuf; } str << setprecision(8) << xx << ' ' << yy << ends; } strncpy(lbuf, str.str().c_str(), str.str().length()); } return lbuf; } Vector FitsImage::wcs2pix(Vector in, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { astClearStatus; int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; if (ii>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) { double xx =0; double yy =0; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],sky); Vector rr = in*M_PI/180.; astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, rr.v, &(rr[1]), 0, &xx, &yy); if (astOK) if (checkAst(xx,yy)) return Vector(xx,yy); } else { astTran2(ast_[ii], 1, in.v, in.v+1, 0, &xx, &yy); if (astOK) if (checkAst(xx,yy)) return Vector(xx,yy); } } maperr =1; return Vector(); } Vector* FitsImage::wcs2pix(Vector* in, int num, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky) { astClearStatus; double xin[num]; double yin[num]; double xout[num]; double yout[num]; Vector* out = new Vector[num]; for (int ii=0; ii=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) { if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],sky); for (int kk=0; kk=0 && ast_ && ast_[ss])) return 0; astClearStatus; // just to make sure double rr=0; if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ss], AST__CURRENT))) { Vector aa = a*M_PI/180.; Vector bb = b*M_PI/180.; rr = astDistance(ast_[ss], aa.v, bb.v) *180./M_PI; } else rr = astDistance(ast_[ss], a.v, b.v); return rr; } int FitsImage::hasWCS(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; return (sys>=Coord::WCS && ast_ && ast_[ii]) ? 1 : 0; } #ifndef NEWWCS int FitsImage::hasWCSEqu(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { astClearStatus; int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; if (ii>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { // special case of xLON/xLAT char* bb = &(wcs_[ii]->c1type[1]); if (!strncmp(bb,"LON",3) || !strncmp(bb,"LAT",3)) { switch (wcs_[ii]->c1type[0]) { case 'G': case 'H': case 'E': case 'S': return 1; default: return 0; } } // special case of xyLN/xyLT char* cc = &(wcs_[ii]->c1type[2]); if (!strncmp(cc,"LN",2) || !strncmp(cc,"LT",2)) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } #else int FitsImage::hasWCSEqu(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { astClearStatus; int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; if (ii>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { // check for xLON/xLAT and xxLN/xxLT // but GLON/GLAT is ok const char* str = astGetC(ast_[ii], "System"); if (!strncmp(str,"Unknown",7)) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } #endif int FitsImage::hasWCSCel(Coord::CoordSystem sys) { astClearStatus; int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; if (ii>=0 && ast_ && ast_[ii]) if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) return 1; return 0; } // WCSX int FitsImage::hasWCSx(Coord::CoordSystem sys, int ss) { int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; return (ss>=2&&ss=Coord::WCS && wcsx_[ii]) ? 1 : 0; } double FitsImage::pix2wcsx(double in, Coord::CoordSystem sys, int ss) { if (hasWCSx(sys,ss)) { int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; return (in-wcsx_[ii]->crpix[ss])*wcsx_[ii]->cd[ss] + wcsx_[ii]->crval[ss]; } else return in; } double FitsImage::wcs2pixx(double in, Coord::CoordSystem sys, int ss) { if (hasWCSx(sys,ss)) { int ii = sys-Coord::WCS; return (in-wcsx_[ii]->crval[ss])/wcsx_[ii]->cd[ss] + wcsx_[ii]->crpix[ss]; } else return in; } // WCS/AST support void FitsImage::wcsShow(WorldCoor* ww) { if (!ww) return; int n = ww->naxes; int nn = n*n; cerr << "wcs->wcsname=" << (ww->wcsname ? ww->wcsname : "") << endl; cerr << "wcs->naxes=" << ww->naxes << endl; cerr << "wcs->naxis=" << ww->naxis << endl; cerr << "wcs->radecsys=" << ww->radecsys << endl; cerr << "wcs->equinox=" << ww->equinox << endl; cerr << "wcs->epoch=" << ww->epoch << endl; cerr << "wcs->ctype[0]=" << ww->ctype[0] << endl; cerr << "wcs->ctype[1]=" << ww->ctype[1] << endl; cerr << "wcs->c1type=" << ww->c1type << endl; cerr << "wcs->c2type=" << ww->c2type << endl; cerr << "wcs->ptype=" << ww->ptype << endl; for (int jj=0; jjcrpix[" << jj << "]=" << ww->crpix[jj] << endl; for (int jj=0; jjcrval[" << jj << "]=" << ww->crval[jj] << endl; for (int jj=0; jjcdelt[" << jj << "]=" << ww->cdelt[jj] << endl; for (int jj=0; jj<4; jj++) cerr << "wcs->cd[" << jj << "]=" << ww->cd[jj] << endl; for (int jj=0; jjpc[" << jj << "]=" << ww->pc[jj] << endl; cerr << "wcs->longpole=" << ww->longpole << endl; cerr << "wcs->latpole=" << ww->latpole << endl; cerr << "wcs->prjcode=" << ww->prjcode << endl; cerr << "wcs->rot=" << ww->rot << endl; cerr << "wcs->coorflip=" << ww->coorflip << endl; cerr << "wcs->distcode=" << ww->distcode << endl; } void FitsImage::astinit(int ii, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim) { if (!wcs_[ii]) { ast_[ii] = NULL; return; } // just in case if (!hd) return; // DSS,PLT,LIN goes straight to AST // we can't send 3D directly to AST #ifndef NEWWCS if (wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_DSS || wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_PLT || (wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_LIN && !strncmp(wcs_[ii]->ptype,"HPX",3)) || (wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_LIN && !strncmp(wcs_[ii]->ptype,"XPH",3)) || (wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_LIN && !strncmp(wcs_[ii]->ptype,"TAB",3)) || (wcs_[ii]->prjcode==WCS_LIN && !strncmp(wcs_[ii]->c1type,"AST",3))) ast_[ii] = fits2ast(hd); else ast_[ii] = buildast(ii, hd, prim); if (!ast_[ii]) return; #else // astClearStatus; // just to make sure // astBegin; // start memory management ast_[ii] = fits2ast(hd); if (!ast_[ii]) return; setAstSystem(ast_[ii], (Coord::CoordSystem)(ii+Coord::WCS)); int naxes = astGetI(ast_[ii],"Naxes"); switch (naxes) { case 1: break; case 2: break; default: { // const int pick[] = {1,2}; // AstMapping* map; // AstFrame* fm = (AstFrame*)astPickAxes(ast_[ii], 2, pick, &map); // astShow(fm); } break; } if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) { if (astGetI(ast_[ii],"LatAxis") == 1) { int orr[] = {2,1}; astPermAxes(ast_[ii],orr); } } // astEnd; // now, clean up memory #endif // set default skyframe if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],Coord::FK5); } void FitsImage::astinit0(int ii, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim) { if (!wcs_[ii]) { ast_[ii] = NULL; return; } ast_[ii] = buildast0(ii, hd, prim); if (!ast_[ii]) return; // set default skyframe if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(ast_[ii], AST__CURRENT))) setAstSkyFrame(ast_[ii],Coord::FK5); } int FitsImage::checkAst(double x, double y) { // check for reasonable values return (fabs(x) < FLT_MAX && fabs(y) < FLT_MAX) ? 1 : 0; } void FitsImage::setAstFormat(AstFrameSet* aa, int id, const char* format) { // is it already set? // ast is very slow when changing params { ostringstream str; str << "Format(" << id << ")" << ends; const char* out = astGetC(aa, str.str().c_str()); if (!strcmp(out,format)) return; } ostringstream str; str << "Format(" << id << ")=" << format << ends; astSet(aa, str.str().c_str()); } #ifdef NEWWCS void FitsImage::setAstSystem(AstFrameSet* fs, Coord::CoordSystem sys) { int nn = astGetI(fs,"nframe"); char cc = ' '; int ww = sys-Coord::WCS; switch (sys) { case Coord::DATA: case Coord::IMAGE: case Coord::PHYSICAL: case Coord::AMPLIFIER: case Coord::DETECTOR: // this should not happen return; default: if (ww) cc = ww+'@'; } for (int ii=0; iicards(); ncards = hd->ncard(); } if (cards == NULL || ncards == 0) return NULL; for (int i=0; ifind(ctype1) && hd->find(ctype2)) { wcs2ast(ii,hd,prim,chan); fromwcs =1; } else header2ast(ii,hd,chan); // rewind chan astClear(chan, "Card"); // parse header AstFrameSet* frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)astRead(chan); // do we have anything? if (!astOK || frameSet == AST__NULL || strncmp(astGetC(frameSet,"Class"), "FrameSet", 8)) return NULL; if (fromwcs && wcs_[ii]->coorflip) { int orr[] = {2,1}; astPermAxes(frameSet,orr); } // cleanup astAnnul(chan); return frameSet; } AstFrameSet* FitsImage::buildast0(int ii, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim) { // read wcs struct into astChannel // we may have an error, just reset astClearStatus; // new fitschan AstFitsChan* chan = astFitsChan(NULL, NULL, ""); if (!astOK || chan == AST__NULL) return NULL; // no warning messages astClear(chan,"Warnings"); // basics (needed by fitschan.c) putFitsCard(chan, "NAXIS1", (int)naxis(0)); putFitsCard(chan, "NAXIS2", (int)naxis(1)); wcs2ast0(ii,hd,prim,chan); // rewind chan astClear(chan, "Card"); // parse header AstFrameSet* frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)astRead(chan); // do we have anything? if (!astOK || frameSet == AST__NULL || strncmp(astGetC(frameSet,"Class"), "FrameSet", 8)) return NULL; if (wcs_[ii]->coorflip) { int orr[] = {2,1}; astPermAxes(frameSet,orr); } // cleanup astAnnul(chan); return frameSet; } void FitsImage::header2ast(int ii, FitsHead* hd, void* chan) { if (DebugAST) cerr << endl << "header2ast(" << ii << ")" << endl; char alt = (ii==0) ? ' ' : (char)('@'+ii); char key1[8]; char key2[8]; // CTYPE // We can't have RA/DEC without DEC/RA or GLON/GLAT without GLAT/GLON const char* linear = "LINEAR"; strcpy(key1, "CTYPE1 "); strcpy(key2, "CTYPE2 "); key1[6] = key2[6] = alt; // do we have WCSa? if (!hd->find(key1) && !hd->find(key2)) return; char* ctype1 = hd->getString(key1); char* ctype2 = hd->getString(key2); if (ctype1 && !strncmp(ctype1,"GLON",4)) { if (!ctype2 || strncmp(ctype2,"GLAT",4)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype2 && !strncmp(ctype2,"GLON",4)) { if (!ctype1 || strncmp(ctype1,"GLAT",4)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype1 && !strncmp(ctype1,"GLAT",4)) { if (!ctype2 || strncmp(ctype2,"GLON",4)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype2 && !strncmp(ctype2,"GLAT",4)) { if (!ctype1 || strncmp(ctype1,"GLON",4)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype1 && !strncmp(ctype1,"RA",2)) { if (!ctype2 || strncmp(ctype2,"DEC",3)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype2 && !strncmp(ctype2,"RA",2)) { if (!ctype1 || strncmp(ctype1,"DEC",3)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype1 && !strncmp(ctype1,"DEC",3)) { if (!ctype2 || strncmp(ctype2,"RA",2)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else if (ctype2 && !strncmp(ctype2,"DEC",3)) { if (!ctype1 || strncmp(ctype1,"RA",2)) { ctype1 = (char*)linear; ctype2 = (char*)linear; } } else { if (!ctype1) ctype1 =(char*)linear; if (!ctype2) ctype2 =(char*)linear; } putFitsCard(chan, key1, ctype1); putFitsCard(chan, key2, ctype2); // CRPIX strcpy(key1, "CRPIX1 "); strcpy(key2, "CRPIX2 "); key1[6] = key2[6] = alt; putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,0)); putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,0)); // CRVAL strcpy(key1, "CRVAL1 "); strcpy(key2, "CRVAL2 "); key1[6] = key2[6] = alt; putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,0)); putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,0)); // CDELT/CD/PC strcpy(key1, "CDELT1 "); strcpy(key2, "CDELT2 "); key1[6] = key2[6] = alt; char pkey1[8]; char pkey2[8]; char pkey3[8]; char pkey4[8]; strcpy(pkey1, "PC1_1 "); strcpy(pkey2, "PC1_2 "); strcpy(pkey3, "PC2_1 "); strcpy(pkey4, "PC2_2 "); pkey1[5] = pkey2[5] = pkey3[5] = pkey4[5] = alt; char ckey1[8]; char ckey2[8]; char ckey3[8]; char ckey4[8]; strcpy(ckey1, "CD1_1 "); strcpy(ckey2, "CD1_2 "); strcpy(ckey3, "CD2_1 "); strcpy(ckey4, "CD2_2 "); ckey1[5] = ckey2[5] = ckey3[5] = ckey4[5] = alt; // Give CD priority over CDELT if (hd->find(ckey1) || hd->find(ckey2) || hd->find(ckey3) || hd->find(ckey4)) { putFitsCard(chan, ckey1, hd->getReal(ckey1,1)); putFitsCard(chan, ckey2, hd->getReal(ckey2,0)); putFitsCard(chan, ckey3, hd->getReal(ckey3,0)); putFitsCard(chan, ckey4, hd->getReal(ckey4,1)); } else if (hd->find(key1) || hd->find(key2)) { putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,1)); putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,1)); if (hd->find(pkey1) || hd->find(pkey2) || hd->find(pkey3) || hd->find(pkey4)) { putFitsCard(chan, pkey1, hd->getReal(pkey1,1)); putFitsCard(chan, pkey2, hd->getReal(pkey2,1)); putFitsCard(chan, pkey3, hd->getReal(pkey3,1)); putFitsCard(chan, pkey4, hd->getReal(pkey4,1)); } } } void FitsImage::wcs2ast(int ww, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim, void* chan) { if (DebugAST) cerr << endl << "wcs2ast(" << ww << ")" << endl; // Alt WCS char alt = (ww==0) ? ' ' : (char)('@'+ww); // CTYPE if ( // special case (reorder 3D cube) (!strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"GLON",4) && strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"GLAT",4)) || (strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"GLON",4) && !strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"GLAT",4)) || (!strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"GLAT",4) && strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"GLON",4)) || (strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"GLAT",4) && !strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"GLON",4)) || (!strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"RA",2) && strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"DEC",3)) || (strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"RA",2) && !strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"DEC",3)) || (!strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"DEC",3) && strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"RA",2)) || (strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],"DEC",3) && !strncmp(wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],"RA",2))) { putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE1", "LINEAR"); putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE2", "LINEAR"); } else if (wcs_[ww]->prjcode == WCS_TAN && wcs_[ww]->distcode) { // SIP { ostringstream str; str << wcs_[ww]->ctype[0] << "-SIP" << ends; putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE1", str.str().c_str()); } { ostringstream str; str << wcs_[ww]->ctype[1] << "-SIP" << ends; putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE2", str.str().c_str()); } } else { putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE1", wcs_[ww]->ctype[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE2", wcs_[ww]->ctype[1]); } // CRPIX/CRVAL putFitsCard(chan, "CRPIX1", wcs_[ww]->crpix[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRPIX2", wcs_[ww]->crpix[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRVAL1", wcs_[ww]->crval[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRVAL2", wcs_[ww]->crval[1]); // CD/CDELT/PC // This is very complicated. AST is very, very, very picky as to which // keywords it use... { ostringstream cd; cd << "CD1_1" << alt << ends; ostringstream cdelt; cdelt << "CDELT1" << alt << ends; ostringstream pc; pc << "PC1_1" << alt << ends; if (hd->find(cd.str().c_str()) || (prim && prim->find(cd.str().c_str()))) { // simple case CD // no rotation, no poles, no LIN, no inner cd values if (!wcs_[ww]->cd[1] && !wcs_[ww]->cd[2] && !wcs_[ww]->rot && !wcs_[ww]->coorflip && wcs_[ww]->latpole == 999 && wcs_[ww]->longpole == 999 && wcs_[ww]->prjcode != WCS_PIX && wcs_[ww]->prjcode != WCS_LIN) { putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT1", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT2", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[1]); } else { putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[3]); } } // CDELT else if (hd->find(cdelt.str().c_str()) || (prim && prim->find(cdelt.str().c_str()))) { putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT1", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT2", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[1]); if (hd->find(pc.str().c_str()) || (prim && prim->find(pc.str().c_str()))) { putFitsCard(chan, "PC1_1", wcs_[ww]->pc[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC1_2", wcs_[ww]->pc[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC2_1", wcs_[ww]->pc[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC2_2", wcs_[ww]->pc[3]); } else if (!ww && (hd->find("PC001001") || (prim && prim->find("PC001001")))) { putFitsCard(chan, "PC001001", wcs_[ww]->pc[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC001002", wcs_[ww]->pc[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC002001", wcs_[ww]->pc[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC002002", wcs_[ww]->pc[3]); } else { if (!ww && (hd->find("CROTA1") || (prim && prim->find("CROTA1")))) putFitsCard(chan, "CROTA1", wcs_[ww]->rot); if (!ww && (hd->find("CROTA2") || (prim && prim->find("CROTA2")))) putFitsCard(chan, "CROTA2", wcs_[ww]->rot); } } // sanity check else if (!wcs_[ww]->cd[0] && !wcs_[ww]->cd[1] && !wcs_[ww]->cd[2] && !wcs_[ww]->cd[3]) { putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT1", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CDELT2", wcs_[ww]->cdelt[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC1_1", wcs_[ww]->pc[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC1_2", wcs_[ww]->pc[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC2_1", wcs_[ww]->pc[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "PC2_2", wcs_[ww]->pc[3]); } // fall back else { putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[3]); } } // equatorial keywords if (wcs_[ww]->prjcode>0 && wcs_[ww]->prjcode<34) { // equiniox putFitsCard(chan, "EQUINOX", wcs_[ww]->equinox); // from wcssub/wcsinit.c line 800 // wcs[ww]->epoch = 1900.0 + (mjd - 15019.81352) / 365.242198781; // only set if MJD-OBS or DATE-OBS is present if (hd->find("MJD-OBS") || hd->find("DATE-OBS") || (prim && prim->find("MJD-OBS")) || (prim && prim->find("DATE-OBS"))) putFitsCard(chan, "MJD-OBS", (wcs_[ww]->epoch-1900)*365.242198781+15019.81352); ostringstream radesys; radesys << "RADESYS" << alt << ends; if (hd->find(radesys.str().c_str())) { // if RADESYS present, use it putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", hd->getString(radesys.str().c_str())); } else if (prim && prim->find(radesys.str().c_str())) { // if RADESYS present, use it putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", prim->getString(radesys.str().c_str())); } else if (hd->find("RADECSYS")) { // look for old RADECSYS putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", hd->getString("RADECSYS")); } else if (prim && prim->find("RADECSYS")) { // look for old RADECSYS putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", prim->getString("RADECSYS")); } else { // fall back on wcssubs if (!strncmp("RA",wcs_[ww]->ctype[0],2) || !strncmp("RA",wcs_[ww]->ctype[1],2)) { if (!strncmp("FK4",wcs_[ww]->radecsys,3) || !strncmp("FK4-NO-E",wcs_[ww]->radecsys,8) || !strncmp("FK5",wcs_[ww]->radecsys,3) || !strncmp("ICRS",wcs_[ww]->radecsys,4)) putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", wcs_[ww]->radecsys); } } } // ast is picky about latpole/longpole if ((wcs_[ww]->latpole == 999 && wcs_[ww]->longpole == 999) || (wcs_[ww]->latpole == 0 && wcs_[ww]->longpole == 0)) ; else { if (wcs_[ww]->latpole != 999) putFitsCard(chan, "LATPOLE", wcs_[ww]->latpole); if (wcs_[ww]->longpole != 999) putFitsCard(chan, "LONPOLE", wcs_[ww]->longpole); } // Projection parameters- PV, QV, WAT // TAN+PV (old SCAMP-backward compatibility) // TPV+PV (new SCAMP) // xxx+PV (ZPN generic) // xxx+QV (TAN AUTOASTROM) // TNX/ZPX+WAT (IRAF) // TAN/LIN-SIP (SIP) // PVx_y (old SCAMP, SCAMP, generic) // MAXPV defined in wcs.h for (int ii=1; ii<=2; ii++) { for (int mm=0; mm<=MAXPV; mm++) { ostringstream str,str2; str << "PV" << ii << '_' << mm << alt << ends; str2 << "PV" << ii << '_' << mm << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str2.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str2.str().c_str(), val); } } } // QVx_y (Autoastrom) for (int ii=1; ii<=2; ii++) { for (int mm=0; mm<=MAXPV; mm++) { ostringstream str,str2; str << "QV" << ii << '_' << mm << alt << ends; str2 << "QV" << ii << '_' << mm << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str2.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str2.str().c_str(), val); } } } // WATx_ (IRAF) (primary only) if ((wcs_[ww]->prjcode == WCS_TNX || wcs_[ww]->prjcode == WCS_ZPX) && !ww) { for (int jj=0; jj<=2; jj++) { for (int ii=1; ii<=9; ii++) { ostringstream str; str << "WAT" << jj << "_00" << ii << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { char* val = hd->getString(str.str().c_str()); if (val) { putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); delete [] val; } } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { char* val = prim->getString(str.str().c_str()); if (val) { putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); delete [] val; } } } } } // SIP (TAN-SIP/LIN-SIP) (primary only) if ((wcs_[ww]->prjcode == WCS_TAN || wcs_[ww]->prjcode == WCS_LIN) && !ww && wcs_[ww]->distcode) { if (hd->find("A_ORDER")) { int val = hd->getInteger("A_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "A_ORDER", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("A_ORDER")) { int val = prim->getInteger("A_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "A_ORDER", val); } if (hd->find("AP_ORDER")) { int val = hd->getInteger("AP_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "AP_ORDER", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("AP_ORDER")) { int val = prim->getInteger("AP_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "AP_ORDER", val); } if (hd->find("A_DMAX")) { double val = hd->getReal("A_DMAX",0); putFitsCard(chan, "A_DMAX", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("A_DMAX")) { double val = prim->getReal("A_DMAX",0); putFitsCard(chan, "A_DMAX", val); } if (hd->find("B_ORDER")) { int val = hd->getInteger("B_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "B_ORDER", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("B_ORDER")) { int val = prim->getInteger("B_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "B_ORDER", val); } if (hd->find("BP_ORDER")) { int val = hd->getInteger("BP_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "BP_ORDER", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("BP_ORDER")) { int val = prim->getInteger("BP_ORDER",0); putFitsCard(chan, "BP_ORDER", val); } if (hd->find("B_DMAX")) { double val = hd->getReal("B_DMAX",0); putFitsCard(chan, "B_DMAX", val); } else if (prim && prim->find("B_DMAX")) { double val = prim->getReal("B_DMAX",0); putFitsCard(chan, "B_DMAX", val); } for (int jj=0; jj<=9; jj++) { for (int ii=0; ii<=9; ii++) { { ostringstream str; str << "A_" << jj << "_" << ii << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } } { ostringstream str; str << "AP_" << jj << "_" << ii << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } } { ostringstream str; str << "B_" << jj << "_" << ii << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } } { ostringstream str; str << "BP_" << jj << "_" << ii << ends; if (hd->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = hd->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } else if (prim && prim->find(str.str().c_str())) { double val = prim->getReal(str.str().c_str(),0); putFitsCard(chan, str.str().c_str(), val); } } } } } } void FitsImage::wcs2ast0(int ww, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim, void* chan) { putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE1", wcs_[ww]->ctype[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CTYPE2", wcs_[ww]->ctype[1]); // CRPIX/CRVAL putFitsCard(chan, "CRPIX1", wcs_[ww]->crpix[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRPIX2", wcs_[ww]->crpix[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRVAL1", wcs_[ww]->crval[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CRVAL2", wcs_[ww]->crval[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[0]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD1_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[1]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_1", wcs_[ww]->cd[2]); putFitsCard(chan, "CD2_2", wcs_[ww]->cd[3]); putFitsCard(chan, "EQUINOX", wcs_[ww]->equinox); // from wcssub/wcsinit.c line 800 // wcs[ww]->epoch = 1900.0 + (mjd - 15019.81352) / 365.242198781; // only set if MJD-OBS or DATE-OBS is present if (hd->find("MJD-OBS") || hd->find("DATE-OBS") || (prim && prim->find("MJD-OBS")) || (prim && prim->find("DATE-OBS"))) putFitsCard(chan, "MJD-OBS", (wcs_[ww]->epoch-1900)*365.242198781+15019.81352); putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", wcs_[ww]->radecsys); } void FitsImage::putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, const char* value) { char buf[80]; memset(buf,'\0', 80); ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield); str.width(8); str << key << "= '" << value << "'"; memcpy(buf,str.str().c_str(),str.str().length()); astPutFits(chan, buf, 0); astClearStatus; if (DebugAST) cerr << str.str().c_str() << endl; } void FitsImage::putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, int value) { char buf[80]; memset(buf,'\0', 80); ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield); str.width(8); str << key << "= " << value; memcpy(buf,str.str().c_str(),str.str().length()); astPutFits(chan, buf, 0); astClearStatus; if (DebugAST) cerr << str.str().c_str() << endl; } void FitsImage::putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, double value) { char buf[80]; memset(buf,'\0', 80); ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield); str.setf(ios::scientific,ios::floatfield); str.width(8); str.precision(16); str << key << "= " << value; memcpy(buf,str.str().c_str(),str.str().length()); astPutFits(chan, buf, 0); astClearStatus; if (DebugAST) cerr << str.str().c_str() << endl; }