/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */ /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public License without this special exception. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 2.2 of Bison. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { REAL = 258, INT = 259, STRING = 260, POINTER = 261, ANGDEGREE = 262, ANGRADIAN = 263, SEXSTR = 264, HMSSTR = 265, DMSSTR = 266, ABOUT_ = 267, AIP_ = 268, ALLOC_ = 269, ALLOCGZ_ = 270, ALIGN_ = 271, ALL_ = 272, ALT_ = 273, AMPLIFIER_ = 274, ANALYSIS_ = 275, ANGLE_ = 276, ANNULUS_ = 277, APPEND_ = 278, ARCMIN_ = 279, ARCSEC_ = 280, ARRAY_ = 281, ARROW_ = 282, ASINH_ = 283, AST_ = 284, AUTO_ = 285, AUX_ = 286, AVERAGE_ = 287, AXES_ = 288, AZIMUTH_ = 289, B1950_ = 290, BACK_ = 291, BACKGROUND_ = 292, BASE_ = 293, BBOX_ = 294, BEGIN_ = 295, BG_ = 296, BIG_ = 297, BIGENDIAN_ = 298, BIN_ = 299, BITPIX_ = 300, BLOCK_ = 301, BORDER_ = 302, BOX_ = 303, BOXANNULUS_ = 304, BOXCAR_ = 305, BOXCIRCLE_ = 306, BPANDA_ = 307, BUFFER_ = 308, BW_ = 309, CALLBACK_ = 310, CANVAS_ = 311, CATALOG_ = 312, CELESTRIAL_ = 313, CENTER_ = 314, CENTROID_ = 315, CHANNEL_ = 316, CIRCLE_ = 317, CIAO_ = 318, CLEAR_ = 319, CLIP_ = 320, COLOR_ = 321, COLORBAR_ = 322, COLORMAP_ = 323, COLORSCALE_ = 324, COLORSPACE_ = 325, COLS_ = 326, COLUMN_ = 327, COMMAND_ = 328, COMPASS_ = 329, COMPOSITE_ = 330, COMPRESS_ = 331, CONTOUR_ = 332, CONTRAST_ = 333, COORDINATES_ = 334, COPY_ = 335, COUNT_ = 336, CPANDA_ = 337, CREATE_ = 338, CROP_ = 339, CROSS_ = 340, CROSSHAIR_ = 341, CUBE_ = 342, CURSOR_ = 343, CUT_ = 344, CMYK_ = 345, DASH_ = 346, DASHLIST_ = 347, DATA_ = 348, DATAMIN_ = 349, DATASEC_ = 350, DEBUG_ = 351, DEGREES_ = 352, DEFAULT_ = 353, DELETE_ = 354, DEPTH_ = 355, DETECTOR_ = 356, DIAMOND_ = 357, DIM_ = 358, DS9_ = 359, EDIT_ = 360, ECLIPTIC_ = 361, ELEVATION_ = 362, ELLIPTIC_ = 363, ELLIPSE_ = 364, ELLIPSEANNULUS_ = 365, END_ = 366, ENVI_ = 367, EPANDA_ = 368, EPSILON_ = 369, EQUATORIAL_ = 370, ERASE_ = 371, EXT_ = 372, FACTOR_ = 373, FALSE_ = 374, FILE_ = 375, FILL_ = 376, FILTER_ = 377, FIT_ = 378, FITS_ = 379, FITSY_ = 380, FIXED_ = 381, FK4_ = 382, FK4_NO_E_ = 383, FK5_ = 384, FONT_ = 385, FORMAT_ = 386, FRONT_ = 387, FULL_ = 388, FUNCTION_ = 389, GALACTIC_ = 390, GAUSSIAN_ = 391, GET_ = 392, GLOBAL_ = 393, GRAPHICS_ = 394, GRAY_ = 395, GRID_ = 396, GZ_ = 397, HANDLE_ = 398, HAS_ = 399, HEAD_ = 400, HEADER_ = 401, HEIGHT_ = 402, HELIOECLIPTIC_ = 403, HIDE_ = 404, HIGHLITE_ = 405, HISTEQU_ = 406, HISTOGRAM_ = 407, HORIZONTAL_ = 408, ICRS_ = 409, ID_ = 410, IIS_ = 411, IMAGE_ = 412, INCLUDE_ = 413, INCR_ = 414, INFO_ = 415, ITERATION_ = 416, IRAF_ = 417, IRAFMIN_ = 418, J2000_ = 419, KEY_ = 420, KEYWORD_ = 421, LABEL_ = 422, LENGTH_ = 423, LEVEL_ = 424, LITTLE_ = 425, LITTLEENDIAN_ = 426, LINE_ = 427, LINEAR_ = 428, LIST_ = 429, LOAD_ = 430, LOCAL_ = 431, LOG_ = 432, MACOSX_ = 433, MAGNIFIER_ = 434, MATCH_ = 435, MAP_ = 436, MARK_ = 437, MARKER_ = 438, MASK_ = 439, MESSAGE_ = 440, METHOD_ = 441, MINMAX_ = 442, MINOR_ = 443, MIP_ = 444, MMAP_ = 445, MMAPINCR_ = 446, MOSAIC_ = 447, MODE_ = 448, MOTION_ = 449, MOVE_ = 450, NAME_ = 451, NAN_ = 452, NATIVE_ = 453, NAXES_ = 454, NEW_ = 455, NEXT_ = 456, NO_ = 457, NONE_ = 458, NOW_ = 459, NRRD_ = 460, NUMBER_ = 461, OBJECT_ = 462, OFF_ = 463, ON_ = 464, ONLY_ = 465, OPTION_ = 466, ORIENT_ = 467, PAN_ = 468, PANNER_ = 469, PARSER_ = 470, PASTE_ = 471, PERF_ = 472, PHOTO_ = 473, PHYSICAL_ = 474, PIXEL_ = 475, PLOT2D_ = 476, PLOT3D_ = 477, POINT_ = 478, POINTER_ = 479, POLYGON_ = 480, POSTSCRIPT_ = 481, POW_ = 482, PRINT_ = 483, PRESERVE_ = 484, PROJECTION_ = 485, PROPERTY_ = 486, PUBLICATION_ = 487, PROS_ = 488, QUERY_ = 489, RADIAL_ = 490, RADIUS_ = 491, REGION_ = 492, REPLACE_ = 493, RESAMPLE_ = 494, RESET_ = 495, RESOLUTION_ = 496, RGB_ = 497, ROOT_ = 498, ROTATE_ = 499, RULER_ = 500, SAMPLE_ = 501, SAOIMAGE_ = 502, SAOTNG_ = 503, SAVE_ = 504, SCALE_ = 505, SCAN_ = 506, SCIENTIFIC_ = 507, SCOPE_ = 508, SEGMENT_ = 509, SELECT_ = 510, SET_ = 511, SEXAGESIMAL_ = 512, SHAPE_ = 513, SHARED_ = 514, SHIFT_ = 515, SHMID_ = 516, SHOW_ = 517, SIGMA_ = 518, SINH_ = 519, SIZE_ = 520, SLICE_ = 521, SMMAP_ = 522, SMOOTH_ = 523, SOCKET_ = 524, SOCKETGZ_ = 525, SOURCE_ = 526, SQRT_ = 527, SQUARED_ = 528, SSHARED_ = 529, STATS_ = 530, STATUS_ = 531, SUPERGALACTIC_ = 532, SUM_ = 533, SYSTEM_ = 534, TABLE_ = 535, TAG_ = 536, TEMPLATE_ = 537, TEXT_ = 538, THREADS_ = 539, THREED_ = 540, THRESHOLD_ = 541, THICK_ = 542, TRANSPARENCY_ = 543, TO_ = 544, TOGGLE_ = 545, TOPHAT_ = 546, TRUE_ = 547, TYPE_ = 548, UNDO_ = 549, UNHIGHLITE_ = 550, UNLOAD_ = 551, UNSELECT_ = 552, UPDATE_ = 553, USER_ = 554, VALUE_ = 555, VAR_ = 556, VIEW_ = 557, VECTOR_ = 558, VERSION_ = 559, VERTEX_ = 560, VERTICAL_ = 561, WARP_ = 562, WCS_ = 563, WCSA_ = 564, WCSB_ = 565, WCSC_ = 566, WCSD_ = 567, WCSE_ = 568, WCSF_ = 569, WCSG_ = 570, WCSH_ = 571, WCSI_ = 572, WCSJ_ = 573, WCSK_ = 574, WCSL_ = 575, WCSM_ = 576, WCSN_ = 577, WCSO_ = 578, WCSP_ = 579, WCSQ_ = 580, WCSR_ = 581, WCSS_ = 582, WCST_ = 583, WCSU_ = 584, WCSV_ = 585, WCSW_ = 586, WCSX_ = 587, WCSY_ = 588, WCSZ_ = 589, WCS0_ = 590, WFPC2_ = 591, WIDTH_ = 592, WIN32_ = 593, XML_ = 594, XY_ = 595, YES_ = 596, ZMAX_ = 597, ZSCALE_ = 598, ZOOM_ = 599 }; #endif /* Tokens. */ #define REAL 258 #define INT 259 #define STRING 260 #define POINTER 261 #define ANGDEGREE 262 #define ANGRADIAN 263 #define SEXSTR 264 #define HMSSTR 265 #define DMSSTR 266 #define ABOUT_ 267 #define AIP_ 268 #define ALLOC_ 269 #define ALLOCGZ_ 270 #define ALIGN_ 271 #define ALL_ 272 #define ALT_ 273 #define AMPLIFIER_ 274 #define ANALYSIS_ 275 #define ANGLE_ 276 #define ANNULUS_ 277 #define APPEND_ 278 #define ARCMIN_ 279 #define ARCSEC_ 280 #define ARRAY_ 281 #define ARROW_ 282 #define ASINH_ 283 #define AST_ 284 #define AUTO_ 285 #define AUX_ 286 #define AVERAGE_ 287 #define AXES_ 288 #define AZIMUTH_ 289 #define B1950_ 290 #define BACK_ 291 #define BACKGROUND_ 292 #define BASE_ 293 #define BBOX_ 294 #define BEGIN_ 295 #define BG_ 296 #define BIG_ 297 #define BIGENDIAN_ 298 #define BIN_ 299 #define BITPIX_ 300 #define BLOCK_ 301 #define BORDER_ 302 #define BOX_ 303 #define BOXANNULUS_ 304 #define BOXCAR_ 305 #define BOXCIRCLE_ 306 #define BPANDA_ 307 #define BUFFER_ 308 #define BW_ 309 #define CALLBACK_ 310 #define CANVAS_ 311 #define CATALOG_ 312 #define CELESTRIAL_ 313 #define CENTER_ 314 #define CENTROID_ 315 #define CHANNEL_ 316 #define CIRCLE_ 317 #define CIAO_ 318 #define CLEAR_ 319 #define CLIP_ 320 #define COLOR_ 321 #define COLORBAR_ 322 #define COLORMAP_ 323 #define COLORSCALE_ 324 #define COLORSPACE_ 325 #define COLS_ 326 #define COLUMN_ 327 #define COMMAND_ 328 #define COMPASS_ 329 #define COMPOSITE_ 330 #define COMPRESS_ 331 #define CONTOUR_ 332 #define CONTRAST_ 333 #define COORDINATES_ 334 #define COPY_ 335 #define COUNT_ 336 #define CPANDA_ 337 #define CREATE_ 338 #define CROP_ 339 #define CROSS_ 340 #define CROSSHAIR_ 341 #define CUBE_ 342 #define CURSOR_ 343 #define CUT_ 344 #define CMYK_ 345 #define DASH_ 346 #define DASHLIST_ 347 #define DATA_ 348 #define DATAMIN_ 349 #define DATASEC_ 350 #define DEBUG_ 351 #define DEGREES_ 352 #define DEFAULT_ 353 #define DELETE_ 354 #define DEPTH_ 355 #define DETECTOR_ 356 #define DIAMOND_ 357 #define DIM_ 358 #define DS9_ 359 #define EDIT_ 360 #define ECLIPTIC_ 361 #define ELEVATION_ 362 #define ELLIPTIC_ 363 #define ELLIPSE_ 364 #define ELLIPSEANNULUS_ 365 #define END_ 366 #define ENVI_ 367 #define EPANDA_ 368 #define EPSILON_ 369 #define EQUATORIAL_ 370 #define ERASE_ 371 #define EXT_ 372 #define FACTOR_ 373 #define FALSE_ 374 #define FILE_ 375 #define FILL_ 376 #define FILTER_ 377 #define FIT_ 378 #define FITS_ 379 #define FITSY_ 380 #define FIXED_ 381 #define FK4_ 382 #define FK4_NO_E_ 383 #define FK5_ 384 #define FONT_ 385 #define FORMAT_ 386 #define FRONT_ 387 #define FULL_ 388 #define FUNCTION_ 389 #define GALACTIC_ 390 #define GAUSSIAN_ 391 #define GET_ 392 #define GLOBAL_ 393 #define GRAPHICS_ 394 #define GRAY_ 395 #define GRID_ 396 #define GZ_ 397 #define HANDLE_ 398 #define HAS_ 399 #define HEAD_ 400 #define HEADER_ 401 #define HEIGHT_ 402 #define HELIOECLIPTIC_ 403 #define HIDE_ 404 #define HIGHLITE_ 405 #define HISTEQU_ 406 #define HISTOGRAM_ 407 #define HORIZONTAL_ 408 #define ICRS_ 409 #define ID_ 410 #define IIS_ 411 #define IMAGE_ 412 #define INCLUDE_ 413 #define INCR_ 414 #define INFO_ 415 #define ITERATION_ 416 #define IRAF_ 417 #define IRAFMIN_ 418 #define J2000_ 419 #define KEY_ 420 #define KEYWORD_ 421 #define LABEL_ 422 #define LENGTH_ 423 #define LEVEL_ 424 #define LITTLE_ 425 #define LITTLEENDIAN_ 426 #define LINE_ 427 #define LINEAR_ 428 #define LIST_ 429 #define LOAD_ 430 #define LOCAL_ 431 #define LOG_ 432 #define MACOSX_ 433 #define MAGNIFIER_ 434 #define MATCH_ 435 #define MAP_ 436 #define MARK_ 437 #define MARKER_ 438 #define MASK_ 439 #define MESSAGE_ 440 #define METHOD_ 441 #define MINMAX_ 442 #define MINOR_ 443 #define MIP_ 444 #define MMAP_ 445 #define MMAPINCR_ 446 #define MOSAIC_ 447 #define MODE_ 448 #define MOTION_ 449 #define MOVE_ 450 #define NAME_ 451 #define NAN_ 452 #define NATIVE_ 453 #define NAXES_ 454 #define NEW_ 455 #define NEXT_ 456 #define NO_ 457 #define NONE_ 458 #define NOW_ 459 #define NRRD_ 460 #define NUMBER_ 461 #define OBJECT_ 462 #define OFF_ 463 #define ON_ 464 #define ONLY_ 465 #define OPTION_ 466 #define ORIENT_ 467 #define PAN_ 468 #define PANNER_ 469 #define PARSER_ 470 #define PASTE_ 471 #define PERF_ 472 #define PHOTO_ 473 #define PHYSICAL_ 474 #define PIXEL_ 475 #define PLOT2D_ 476 #define PLOT3D_ 477 #define POINT_ 478 #define POINTER_ 479 #define POLYGON_ 480 #define POSTSCRIPT_ 481 #define POW_ 482 #define PRINT_ 483 #define PRESERVE_ 484 #define PROJECTION_ 485 #define PROPERTY_ 486 #define PUBLICATION_ 487 #define PROS_ 488 #define QUERY_ 489 #define RADIAL_ 490 #define RADIUS_ 491 #define REGION_ 492 #define REPLACE_ 493 #define RESAMPLE_ 494 #define RESET_ 495 #define RESOLUTION_ 496 #define RGB_ 497 #define ROOT_ 498 #define ROTATE_ 499 #define RULER_ 500 #define SAMPLE_ 501 #define SAOIMAGE_ 502 #define SAOTNG_ 503 #define SAVE_ 504 #define SCALE_ 505 #define SCAN_ 506 #define SCIENTIFIC_ 507 #define SCOPE_ 508 #define SEGMENT_ 509 #define SELECT_ 510 #define SET_ 511 #define SEXAGESIMAL_ 512 #define SHAPE_ 513 #define SHARED_ 514 #define SHIFT_ 515 #define SHMID_ 516 #define SHOW_ 517 #define SIGMA_ 518 #define SINH_ 519 #define SIZE_ 520 #define SLICE_ 521 #define SMMAP_ 522 #define SMOOTH_ 523 #define SOCKET_ 524 #define SOCKETGZ_ 525 #define SOURCE_ 526 #define SQRT_ 527 #define SQUARED_ 528 #define SSHARED_ 529 #define STATS_ 530 #define STATUS_ 531 #define SUPERGALACTIC_ 532 #define SUM_ 533 #define SYSTEM_ 534 #define TABLE_ 535 #define TAG_ 536 #define TEMPLATE_ 537 #define TEXT_ 538 #define THREADS_ 539 #define THREED_ 540 #define THRESHOLD_ 541 #define THICK_ 542 #define TRANSPARENCY_ 543 #define TO_ 544 #define TOGGLE_ 545 #define TOPHAT_ 546 #define TRUE_ 547 #define TYPE_ 548 #define UNDO_ 549 #define UNHIGHLITE_ 550 #define UNLOAD_ 551 #define UNSELECT_ 552 #define UPDATE_ 553 #define USER_ 554 #define VALUE_ 555 #define VAR_ 556 #define VIEW_ 557 #define VECTOR_ 558 #define VERSION_ 559 #define VERTEX_ 560 #define VERTICAL_ 561 #define WARP_ 562 #define WCS_ 563 #define WCSA_ 564 #define WCSB_ 565 #define WCSC_ 566 #define WCSD_ 567 #define WCSE_ 568 #define WCSF_ 569 #define WCSG_ 570 #define WCSH_ 571 #define WCSI_ 572 #define WCSJ_ 573 #define WCSK_ 574 #define WCSL_ 575 #define WCSM_ 576 #define WCSN_ 577 #define WCSO_ 578 #define WCSP_ 579 #define WCSQ_ 580 #define WCSR_ 581 #define WCSS_ 582 #define WCST_ 583 #define WCSU_ 584 #define WCSV_ 585 #define WCSW_ 586 #define WCSX_ 587 #define WCSY_ 588 #define WCSZ_ 589 #define WCS0_ 590 #define WFPC2_ 591 #define WIDTH_ 592 #define WIN32_ 593 #define XML_ 594 #define XY_ 595 #define YES_ 596 #define ZMAX_ 597 #define ZSCALE_ 598 #define ZOOM_ 599 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED typedef union YYSTYPE #line 51 "frame/parser.Y" { #define FRBUFSIZE 4096 char chr; char str[FRBUFSIZE]; void* ptr; int integer; double real; double vector[3]; int dash[2]; } /* Line 1529 of yacc.c. */ #line 748 "frame/parser.H" YYSTYPE; # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif